avatar for rickthelion


Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
joined Mar 2015last seen Feb 2025
I am an actual lion that lives in Ngorongoro crater ("tha NC"). I codeveloped "the system" with rickdugan and have successfully deployed it on many lionesses and many a prey item.

rickdugan isn't quite as successful as me, but what can you expect? He may be a good guy but he is still a damn dirty ape.

My likes: wearing a suit, fucking sexy lionesses, and giving any prey items the wildebeest treatment. You damn dirty apes have a problem with that? I have one word for you: wildebeest.

Discussions started by rickthelion

Comments made by rickthelion

8 hours ago
Joking aside, I’m shocked more people haven’t muted Skifredo and Gamma. My issue with those guys is that they constantly post about politics in the front room. Sometimes is a new thread. Often it is bringing politics into an existing thread. But they’re always frickin’ doin’ that.

I mean really, we’re asked to do only one frickin’ thing when we post here: post shit in the right frickin’ room. There’s a front room, a politics room, and a Tijuana room. How frickin’ hard is that?

I would still find Skifredo and Gamma a bit absurd because I don’t get their frickin’ obsession with sharing politics on a web site for demented perverts. But if they kept it in the frickin’ politics room they wouldn’t be assholes in my lion-y book.

And hey…I get that some people find a frickin’ lion obsessed with posting on the interwebz kinda silly. Whatev… ROAR!!!
9 hours ago

“Skifredo told me about the whole baseball bat in the butthole thing so I told him he did it wrong and then I did it too because I’m so smart I can successfully insert a baseball bat in my butthole sans lube and now my butthole hurts too wah wah wah”
9 hours ago
MateApe is mostly right. Those who post the most get muted the most.

But this rick occasionally goes to the list to find gems like this weirdo with the handle desertblizzard: https://tuscl.net/member/826169

Two discussions and 12 comments and the demented perverts of TUSCL were all “nope…” But this lion thinks the guy is a frickin’ laugh riot. Okay…I can’t see him sustaining the character that long, but it is still some twisted hilarity.

Skifredo is actually an outlier in the opposite direction. I mean really, the guy is constantly rage posting but he only has 1 more mute than desertblizzardape. I think TUSCL posters keep tuned in because it’s like rubbernecking at a car crash. They’re all “what is this weirdo going to post next?”

And Skifredo obliges by posting “wah wah librulz are mean wah wah a librul told me to put a baseball bat up my butthole without any lube and then I did it and now my butthole hurts wah wah”. ROAR!!!
2 days ago
Rightfield ape actually has a good point. Avoiding the politics room would be a viable option if certain assholes - mostly Skifredo and Gamma - kept politics out of the front room.

But those assholes can’t do that. Both of them are constantly all “wah wah wah my butthole hurts because a librul suggested I shove a baseball bat up there without any lube wah wah wah librulz are all mean wah wah wah”

If Skifredo and Gamma were dumbasses who regularly put frickin’ baseball bats up their butthole this board would be way more entertaining. Well…actually, it’s kinda fun to comment on their bullshit for shits and giggles. But it would still be better if they kept their bullshit on the politics board. ROAR!!!
2 days ago
MateApe, the problem with Skifredo is that he wants to find shit to hate. I mean really, the rick isn’t entertained by the Kendrick or whatever the fuck but I am smart enough to turn the TV off and play a delightful Princess Tay-Tay tune. As my Princess says:

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)

Wiser words have never been said. Well, actually, my pappy, the great Mufasa, always told me this growing up:

“If you’re walking around the veldt and you meet one creature that’s an asshole, you’ve just met an asshole. But if you’re walking around the veldt and every creature you meet is an asshole, you’re being an asshole. Son, don’t be an asshole. ROAR!!!”

Skifredo is the way he is because he walks down the street and EVERYBODY he meets is an asshole. ROAR!!!