I don't want to ask for a "what's your favorite movie?" thread because, let's be real, it's hard to choose just one. So I'm asking for 10 movies you love. Maybe you include your favorite on the list, maybe not. Whatever. Just list 10 films you love.
I'll start, in no particular order.
The Usual Suspects Jackie Brown The Little Mermaid The Princess Bride How to Marry A Millionaire Beauty and the Beast Breakfast at Tiffany's Rosemary's Baby Inception Legally Blonde
Godfather 1&2 best movies ever On the Waterfront Brando & Karl Malden with Eve Marie Ste Meet the Parents Meet the Fockers There’s Something About Mary American Gangster Casablanca has to rank up there with the best ever Anything with Abbot and Costello From Here to Eternity Rebel Without a Cause Deans finest and Natalie wood There’s so many it’s impossible to not miss one Cinema is one of the things that makes this country great.
Blazing Saddles Repo Man Full Metal Jacket Breakfast at Tiffany's Gran Torino Young Frankenstein I Remember Mamma We Were Soldiers. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Catch 22
Christmas Vacation Clueless Road Trip Blame it on Rio Varsity Blues Risky Business Old School Revenge of the Nerds Something about Mary We're the Millers
Iron man Iron man 2 Thor Incredible hulk(norton, other hulk was trash) Captain america Avengers Iron man 3 Captain america winter soldier Avengers age of ultron Guardians of the galaxy Ant man Doctor strange Captain america civil war Guardians of the galaxy 2 Spider man homecoming Thor ragnarok Black panther Avengers infinity war Ant man and the wasp X-men days of future past Logan Deadpool Deadpool 2 Batman begins(bale) Dark knight Dark knight rises Batman(keaton) Godzilla(the last one) Kong skull island
Something Wild Godfather 1 and 2 Meet the Parents Airplane Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs There's Something About Mary Die Hard Almost any of the John Hughes movies
Goodfellas The Matrix Braveheart Forrest Gump Blazing Saddles Tommy Boy Animal House The Dark Knight Trilogy Star Wars original trilogy Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc)
Scarface (1983) Naked Lunch South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Fishing with Gandhi Beavis and Butt-head Do America Clerks 2 Strange Days Night on Earth Cheech & Chong's Next Movie Clerks
I'd put Clueless on my list as well (it was between that and Legally Blonde) as well as the ending, as well as Godfather I and III. Haven't scene part III and I'm not interested.
Just gotta have some Disney Classics on there.
And yes, Casablanca is fabulous. I own that as well.
There are a few Hitchcock films that could make the list as well.
And wayyy more Tarantino films than just Jackie Brown. But I find the characters relatable.
Mean Girls G.B.F. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy Cloud Atlas All the Monty Python To Kill a Mockingbird The Butterfly Effect Kill Bill 1 &2 March of the Penguins World’s Greatest Dad
^best part of American Gangster is near the end where Russell Crowe and Denzel are in the room discussing his sentencing and testimony where Denzel says “ My man, My man” two great actors bouncing great lines off of one another just fantastic movie making.
OMG nicespice yes Meangirls. Of course. Another one I love. It's just SO FETCH.
I love Kill Bill 1 & 2 as well (there's no Tarantino film I don't like), but I honestly like volume 1 better.
I'd add Fast Times at Ridgemont High too... I've grown to love Jackson Browne since he did the song "Somebody's Baby" for that film. There's a vid of me dancing to that song at a concert he did here in metro Detroit. I'd share it but there's too many trolls and I'm not wearing makeup lol. I look good without makeup so if I meet anyone of you guys I'd be happy to show you the vid. You can see Jackson in it, we had like front row side seats
So many others are coming to mind. Can't stop at 10.
Chinatown Taxi Driver Kramer vs. Kramer Dog Day Afternoon The French Connection Go Hell or High Water Run Lola Run Entrapment and Zorro (Just because Catherine Zeta Jones was just so gorgeous)
Twentyfive - there are so many scenes of American Gangster I love, including that you mentioned. There is also a great soundtrack (Bobby Womack, Anthony Hamilton!) But Denzel's acting (as well as the script) seals the deal.
Apollo 13 National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Raiders of the Lost Ark March of the Penguins To Kill a Mockingbird Ben Hur Das Boot The Enemy Below Gettysburg (the miniseries) Moby Dick (Gregory Peck version)
Very honorable mention to the Mask of Zorro with Catherine Zeta-Jones, a very fine looking woman. My wife, noting my tongue hanging out, asked why I was so smitten. My reply, "Oh yeah. She's got got it!" earned me several days in the marital doghouse. Totally worth it, lol.
The Godfather (I and II) Magnolia Sideways 12 Angry Men Finding Nemo Inception There's Something about Mary Meet the Parents Princess Mononoke Terminator 2
In no particular order, and oftimes for widely different reasons.
Spaceballs Star Wars Episodes IV - VI Black Panther Spy Game Memento Lord of the Rings trilogy Silverado Saving Private Ryan Pacific Rim Twelve Angry Men (original)
WALL-E Howl's Moving Castle Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls Casino Atlantis: The Lost Empire Interview With A Vampire Sweeney Todd Mean Girls Bring It On: All or Nothing Willy Wonka
So it's a mix/match of kidsy anime shit and some classic shit.
Godfather 1 Godfather 2 Casino Goodfellas Scent of a Woman Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scarface Die Hard The Empire Strikes Back Dazed and Confused
Pulp Fiction Deer Hunter Rocky 1 Miracle LOTR trilogy Unforgiven Sherlock Holmes : A game of Shadows Anything Matrix The Big Chill A River Runs Through It The Natural
Fletch with Chevy Chase (actually didn't like it that much the first time I saw it but really liked it on subsequent viewings - Chevy Chase is one of the great ones IMO)
The Breakfast Club (thought it was boring the first time I saw it but it def grew on me)
Sixteen Candles (coming of age movie - I could identify with the nerd)
Naked Gun (b/f it came out it'd been a while since I really laughed watching a movie)
Space Balls (hard not to like a movie with John Candy in it)
Stripes (f'ing hillarious - I was 11 when it came out and I saw it in the theater - I think that was the first time I saw bare boobs and the shower-scene it's edged in my mind to this day)
The Last American Virgin (who can't identify if they were a teen when they saw the movie)
Fast Times At Richmond High (a classic)
Rocky III (Mr T caught your eye + I loved the song "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor)
Smoky And The Bandit (the TransAm was my fave car growing up)
Duel (1971) - I saw this movie on TV in the late-70s when I was about 7 or 8 while I lived in Cuba - saw it with my brother and cousin whom are 3 years older than me - we saw it late at night and we were scared-shitless
There are way too many favorites for me to just name 10 but I'll throw out a few..
The first 2 Godfathers Raging Bull Goodfellas Apocalypse Now Bladerunner Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid The Missouri Breaks Snatch Ruthless People Road to Perdition Gladiator Kingdom of Heaven Saving Private Ryan Blackhawk Down The whole Ridley Scott Alien series The Departed Patton Used Cars The Man Who Would Be King Apocalypto Thief American Beauty Boogie Nights Catch 22
ACTION/DRAMA: The Untouchables, Patton, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Dirty Harry, Body Heat, The Dirty Dozen, The Right Stuff, Das Boot (German with English sub titles version), The Shootist, The Natural.
These are the movies I'll watch any time they are on.
Coming to America Deadpool Spaceballs Trading Places Harlem Nights Blazing Saddles Pulp Fiction Any MCU movie except Iron Man 3 (terrible movie. if you us promise the Mandarin, give us the Mandarin) Malcolm X Beverly Hills Cop (all 3)
Honorable Mention Star Trek: First Contact The usual suspects 48 hours Naked gun I'm gonna git you Sucka Hollywood Shuffle Wonder Woman Fletch Lean on me A soldiers story Do the Right Thing
Brazil Dr Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb Princess bride 4 brothers Casablanca Blazing Saddles Unforgiven True Grit (2010) Miracle on 34th street (1947) Airplane
Citizen Kane Casablanca Godfather I & 2 Star Wars original trilogy Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy Schindler's List A Clockwork Orange Forrest Gump Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Silence of the Lambs
Yes I know it was cheating to combine sequels but it was the only way I could do it.
Nina is "How to Marry A Millionaire" some kind of stripper training video or an actual movie?
I guess along with Chessmaster, i'm wondering why no one else has said Matrix (the first one; the other two not as much). I think there were some later votes. I guess no likes prison movies (this being a SC discussion site might just play a part and for the most part i don't; just too much testosterone and the wrong kind of nudity/sex) but there were some good ones: Shawshank Redemption, Cool Hand Luke and Green Mile.
Not a single vote for Braveheart or Tombstone and only one for Gladiator? Liked Last Samurai more than i thought i would.
Saw some people voting for numerous Marvel and DCEU movies (okay maybe just Marvel). As much as i really liked the Dark Knight trilogy, i'm probably the only one that also liked Batman V Superman or Man of Steel. Didn't like Justice League all that much though. Remember really liking the first two Superman movies a long time ago. The special effects probably don't hold up if i were to watch them again though.
Don't repeat viewings of movies much (wish i had more time) so my list could change if i were to watch these movies over and over again, especially a lot of the 80s cult movies. Remember really enjoying Ferris Bueller's Day Off and to a lesser degree Weird Science when i watched them the one time. I did watch Napoleon Dynamite more than a few times. Did like the first two Rocky's. Even the next two. Not quite the fifth one and never saw the sixth one or Creed. Liked the first two Karate Kids and even the most recent one. I kinda blocked out the third and especially the fourth one, the one with Hilary Swank. RIP Mr. Miyagi.
The Silence of the Lambs The Usual Suspects Kill Bill Vol. 1&2 The Departed Split Marathon Man The Disaster Artist Deadpool The Three Extremes
I can watch the first 4 listed all day everyday for ever. I’d list several animated Disney movies in my all time favorite list but I don’t watch them often because they make me cry. I started bawling during Moana and was consoled by a 2 year old.
After looking at other folks lists -- 10 is not enough
School Daze Hollywood Shuffle China Town Brazil To Kill A Mocking Bird Man in the Gray Flannel Suit Das Boot (German) 12 Angry Men Unforgiven The Best Years of Our Lives Bang the Drum Slowly
Ok here's a second list for me, because yes it's impossible to just pick 10:
American Gangster America Beauty Pulp Fiction The Seven Year Itch Fast Times at Ridgemont High The Godfather Meangirls Rear Window Clueless Practical Magic (lol, I loved it as a kid and still do now)
Bbybunny - glad to see someone else mention The Usual Suspects. Such a great film.
I surprised that there’s no mention of any of the Neil Simon movies for comedy, or anything by Walter Matthau, Jack Lemon, or even Tony Curtis. How about The Sunshine Boys Some like it Hot The Odd Couple Also surprised that no one here mentioned Jaws the greatest thriller ever it kept everyone on the beach the summer it came out Like I said earlier there are so many great American movies it is just impossible to stick to ten, and I’d have to say that 90% of the greatest movies have yet to be made.
I meant American* Beauty. Kevin Spacey fucked his life up but it didn't fuck up my love for his films. He really is great. American Beauty was one of those films that owned the Oscars. So did Silence of the Lambs.
these are movies that if they are on TV I watch even in the middle of them. Or are on my que and wont leave until they are taken away by Netflix.
No particular order:
Dumb and Dumber Goon Dazed and Confused God Father 1 & 2 Pulp Fiction Step Brothers Resivor Dogs Caddy Shack Animal House Blue Brothers Blazing Saddles Top Gun South Park Bigger Badder.... The Usual Suspects Dead Pool
And I love Silence of the Lambs so much. Anthony Hopkins was so scary but compelling. It is one of two movies that have ever given me such bad anxiety that I had to take a Xanax half during the film.
FUN FACT: Hopkins won the Oscar for best actor, and only appeared on screen for 16 minutes of the film!
Very tough list to create and keep it to 10; created with the mindset of if I see it on the cable guide I will stop and watch; no order:
Animal House Hunt for Red October Dumb and Dumber The Outlaw Josey Wales Crimson Tide Officer and a Gentleman Magnificent Seven (original) Paul (trust me, watch it) Predator The Right Stuff
Beetlejuice Purple Rain another vote for mean girls obvi Even Cowgirls Get The Blues Dogma Heathers Labyrinth Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion Dazed and confused Clerks
1. Full Metal Jacket 2. Friday 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Forrest Gump 5. Goon 6. No Country For Old Men 7. Saurday Night Fever 8. Kill Bill 9. A Christmas Story 10. Get the Gringo
Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut) Heist The Good Shepherd Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Heat Boiler Room The Spanish Prisoner Equilibrium Better Luck Tomorrow Kung Fu Hustle
2001: A Space Odyssey Dr. Strangelove Paths of Glory Casablanca Forbidden Planet Taxi Driver Pulp Fiction Saving Private Ryan The Graduate Seven Samurai
I never tire of watching any of these. For the millennials, the last 20 minutes of 2001 is IMO the most mind blowing sequence ever filmed, although the whole movie is pretty mind blowing, and all filmed without the help of CGI.
In order to not create a list that's dominated by a couple of directors, I will limit my selections to one film per director or series:
- The Shining (Kubrick, my favorite director) - Stalker (Tarkovsky) - The Happening (Shyamalan) - Kagemusha (Kurosawa) - Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon) - The Wolf of Wall Street (Scorsese) - Pain & Gain (Michael Bay) - Ghost World (Zwigoff) - The Living Daylights (James Bond film featuring the best Bond) - Apocalypse Now (Coppola) - Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone) - Blade Runner (Ridley Scott) - Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom (Indiana Jones series) - Rocky IV (Rocky series) - A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan) - The Tree of Life (Terence Malick) - Mulholland Drive (Lynch) - American Psycho (Mary Harron) - The Big Lebowski (Coen Brothers) - There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson) - Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Paul Schrader) - Seconds (Frankenheimer) - The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974, Joseph Sargent) - Orgy Masters 3 (Alexander DeVoe) - The Day of the Jackal (Zinnemann) - Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (Werner Herzog) - Con Air (Simon West) - Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Gremlins series) - Tremors (Tremors series) - Koyaanisqatsi (Qatsi trilogy) - The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo) - Terminator II (Terminator series) - The Room (Tommy Wiseau) - The African Queen (John Huston) - Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders) - Belle de Jour (Luis Buñuel) - Macbeth (Polanski) - The Lover (Jean-Jacques Annaud) - The Bridge on the River Kwai (David Lean) - Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Nagisa Oshima) - Network (Sidney Lumet)
I'm sorry, I tried to stick with 10 but I couldn't do it. I tried though, I really tried.
GoodFellas Bronx Tale LOTR Triology Naked Gun Trilogy Blade Runner Rocky IV Coming to America Braveheart Die Hard 3 Monty Python Holy Grail Monty Python Life of Brian Scarface Serpico
The Happytime Murders The Martyrs Rob Zombies Halloween Walk On Water Blood In Blood Out American Me Scary Movie Orphan Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle Blair Witch Project 2
The Godfather Goodfellas Boyz N The Hood A Christmas Story Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Ben La Bamba Crimson Gold Goodbye Lenin Blade Children Of The Corn
Another mafia type movie that no one ever mentions probably because of its length but is really well done and spans the 20th century is Once Upon A Time in America, with Robert DeNiro, James Woods, and I think Sharon Stone, I also liked The Irishman on Netflix How about the original The Hustler with Paul Newman Nd Jackie Gleason So many great movies it’s impossible to just pick out a few
Sharon Stone was Casino. But the Hustler reminds me, I loved the Color of Money though. Great great movie. The Verdict was good too. Newman was awesome.
The Social Network Training Day Kill Bill vol 1 and 2 Inception There Will Be Blood No Country for Old Men Deadpool Finding Nemo Sideways Scott Pilgrim vs the World
The Dark Knight Inception Star Wars: Rogue One Clear and Present Danger Predator Avengers: Infinity War Midway Man of Steel Remember the Titans Scarface
Fight Club Goodfellas Casino Blade Runner Blade Runner 2049 Godfather Godfather II Apocalypse Now Patton Wizard of Oz (Not because of her big tits but it doesn't hurt)
Seriously chess-playing-ape, you need to calm down. Maybe take a few muscle relaxers and drink a rickarita and a gin rickey. And then another gin rickey.
Good movies....
Well, I quite like Madagascar because the animals are portrayed realistically.
And Silence of the Lambs. I went in expecting a documentary about lambs but I really liked the hero. Too bad he didn’t get to eat the villain played by Jodie Foster in the end.
Finally, there is “When Harry Met Sally”. Gotta love 💕 that one! Squawk!!!
Kudos to Dr Evil and Longball with producing a tight 10 after the rubber band snapped so quickly on the "10" requirement.
Ski: You are the originator of the "Tight" list - it must be because you are on vacation! Which Robin Hood movie? (2018 - Egerton, 2010 - Crowe, 1991 - Costner, 1976 - Connery, Errol Flynn, yadda, yadda, ...) I truly couldn't guess!
My List of Non Conformity (in no particular order): The Bourne Supremacy (2004), Mister Roberts (1955), Goldfinger (1964), Mission Impossible (1996), The Great Escape (1963), Casino Royale (2006), Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), Ford v Ferrari (2019), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Untouchables (1987), The Natural (1984), The Wild Bunch (1969) The Italian Job (2003), The Magnificent Seven (1960), Layer Cake (2004), Twilight (1998 - Newman, Sarandon, Hackman, Garner, ...), The Rock (1996), Enemy Of The State (1998), National Treasure.
Marathon Man Silence of the Lambs Caddyshack Jaws North by Northwest Lawrence of Arabia The Empire Strikes Back The Godfather Michael Collins The Usual Suspects
Saving Private Ryan The Patriot The Cowboys The Karate Kid Jaws Tora Tora Tora Quigley Down Under The Great Escape Stand By Me The Towering Inferno Stalag 17 The Guns of Navarone The Bridge On The River Kwai The Postman The Untouchables Twelve O’clock High Twelve Angry Men
Movies I like Princess Bride Wall to wall quotable, “There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, it would be a pity to damage yours.” Shakespeare in Love Comedy, drama, occasional nudity, what’s not to like Spaceballs Rick Moranis is great as Dark Helmet Stardust Robert DeNiro great as a gay ship captain. Star Trek IV: the Voyage Home The one Lenard Nemoy directed, where they save the whales Animal House Filmed at U of O campus and general area. I knew several people who were extras. Barbarella I know, but she looks great floating around near naked. Almost Famous Woodstock Rocky Horror Picture Show
Bull Durham Back to the Future Anything directed by Almodovar Anything directed by Kieslowski Lincoln Bridge of Spies A beautiful day in the neighborhood The fifth element lots more
last commentOn the Waterfront Brando & Karl Malden with Eve Marie Ste
Meet the Parents
Meet the Fockers
There’s Something About Mary
American Gangster
Casablanca has to rank up there with the best ever
Anything with Abbot and Costello
From Here to Eternity
Rebel Without a Cause Deans finest and Natalie wood
There’s so many it’s impossible to not miss one
Cinema is one of the things that makes this country great.
Repo Man
Full Metal Jacket
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Gran Torino
Young Frankenstein
I Remember Mamma
We Were Soldiers.
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
Catch 22
No particular order
Road Trip
Blame it on Rio
Varsity Blues
Risky Business
Old School
Revenge of the Nerds
Something about Mary
We're the Millers
Iron man 2
Incredible hulk(norton, other hulk was trash)
Captain america
Iron man 3
Captain america winter soldier
Avengers age of ultron
Guardians of the galaxy
Ant man
Doctor strange
Captain america civil war
Guardians of the galaxy 2
Spider man homecoming
Thor ragnarok
Black panther
Avengers infinity war
Ant man and the wasp
X-men days of future past
Deadpool 2
Batman begins(bale)
Dark knight
Dark knight rises
Godzilla(the last one)
Kong skull island
Godfather 1 and 2
Meet the Parents
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
There's Something About Mary
Die Hard
Almost any of the John Hughes movies
The Matrix
Forrest Gump
Blazing Saddles
Tommy Boy
Animal House
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Star Wars original trilogy
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc)
Raging Bull
Batman (1989)
The Silence of The Lambs
The Last Dragon
Do The Right Thing
The Prestige
Requiem for a Dream
Naked Lunch
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Fishing with Gandhi
Beavis and Butt-head Do America
Clerks 2
Strange Days
Night on Earth
Cheech & Chong's Next Movie
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049
Doctor Zhivago
Boogie Nights
The Matrix
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The Godfather I
The Godfather II
Buffalo '66
Just gotta have some Disney Classics on there.
And yes, Casablanca is fabulous. I own that as well.
There are a few Hitchcock films that could make the list as well.
And wayyy more Tarantino films than just Jackie Brown. But I find the characters relatable.
And FYI, Godfathet I and II are two separate films, you can't list them together as the same film to save space lol.
I couldn't help thinking that when I first thought @ppwh wrote "Fisting with Gandhi"
Godfather 2
Probably the greatest films ever made.
Eyeofodin, my dad bought me Blazing Saddles and I haven't watched it yet.
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
Cloud Atlas
All the Monty Python
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Butterfly Effect
Kill Bill 1 &2
March of the Penguins
World’s Greatest Dad
And I meant the ending* of Scarface.
I'm a little drunk right now.
I love Kill Bill 1 & 2 as well (there's no Tarantino film I don't like), but I honestly like volume 1 better.
I'd add Fast Times at Ridgemont High too... I've grown to love Jackson Browne since he did the song "Somebody's Baby" for that film. There's a vid of me dancing to that song at a concert he did here in metro Detroit. I'd share it but there's too many trolls and I'm not wearing makeup lol. I look good without makeup so if I meet anyone of you guys I'd be happy to show you the vid. You can see Jackson in it, we had like front row side seats
Taxi Driver
Kramer vs. Kramer
Dog Day Afternoon
The French Connection
Hell or High Water
Run Lola Run
Entrapment and Zorro (Just because Catherine Zeta Jones was just so gorgeous)
If you like Meangirls I also recommend GBF. It’s also ridiculously quotable and hilarious.
And I agree, stopping at 10 is tough. There’s a ton of stuff I missed.
Apollo 13
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Raiders of the Lost Ark
March of the Penguins
To Kill a Mockingbird
Ben Hur
Das Boot
The Enemy Below
Gettysburg (the miniseries)
Moby Dick (Gregory Peck version)
Very honorable mention to the Mask of Zorro with Catherine Zeta-Jones, a very fine looking woman. My wife, noting my tongue hanging out, asked why I was so smitten. My reply, "Oh yeah. She's got got it!" earned me several days in the marital doghouse. Totally worth it, lol.
Godfather part II
Michael Clayton
Back 2 The Future
Hunt For Red October
The Warriors
The Godfather (I and II)
12 Angry Men
Finding Nemo
There's Something about Mary
Meet the Parents
Princess Mononoke
Terminator 2
Due date
Pineapple Express
21 jumpstreet
Horrible bosses
Star Wars Episodes IV - VI
Black Panther
Spy Game
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Saving Private Ryan
Pacific Rim
Twelve Angry Men (original)
Howl's Moving Castle
Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Interview With A Vampire
Sweeney Todd
Mean Girls
Bring It On: All or Nothing
Willy Wonka
So it's a mix/match of kidsy anime shit and some classic shit.
Music and Lyrics
Captain America First Avenger
Iron Man
Saving Private Ryan
Dodge Ball
Bourne Identity
Godfather 2
Scent of a Woman
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Die Hard
The Empire Strikes Back
Dazed and Confused
Fast and furious(original)
Fast five
Taladega nights ricky bobby
Deer Hunter
Rocky 1
LOTR trilogy
Sherlock Holmes : A game of Shadows
Anything Matrix
The Big Chill
A River Runs Through It
The Natural
GF 1 & 2
Man on Fire
Back 2 the Future
Indiana Jones
Reservoir Dogs
True Romance
Big Lebowski
Something About Mary
Silence of the Lambs
And Nina, you said ten movies but fuck rules. I’m not good at following them.
Remember the Titans
Training Day
End of Watch
Cant believe i forgot that one, still funny every time.
Citizen Kane
Gone With the Wind
West Side Story
To Kill a Mockingbird
Forrest Gump
Animal House
Bridge of Spies
The Breakfast Club (thought it was boring the first time I saw it but it def grew on me)
Sixteen Candles (coming of age movie - I could identify with the nerd)
Naked Gun (b/f it came out it'd been a while since I really laughed watching a movie)
Space Balls (hard not to like a movie with John Candy in it)
Stripes (f'ing hillarious - I was 11 when it came out and I saw it in the theater - I think that was the first time I saw bare boobs and the shower-scene it's edged in my mind to this day)
The Last American Virgin (who can't identify if they were a teen when they saw the movie)
Fast Times At Richmond High (a classic)
Rocky III (Mr T caught your eye + I loved the song "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor)
Smoky And The Bandit (the TransAm was my fave car growing up)
The Three Amigos was hillarious IMO with 3 very-good comedians
Cannonball Run - what guy would not like a movie about cars
A Few Good Men
Top Gun
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Monsters Inc
True Romance
Fight Club
Jaws (1975)
Alien (1979)
Unforgiven (1992)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
The first 2 Godfathers
Raging Bull
Apocalypse Now
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
The Missouri Breaks
Ruthless People
Road to Perdition
Kingdom of Heaven
Saving Private Ryan
Blackhawk Down
The whole Ridley Scott Alien series
The Departed
Used Cars
The Man Who Would Be King
American Beauty
Boogie Nights
Catch 22
OK I'll stop now :D
Miller's Crossing
No Country for Old Men
Raising Arizona
True Grit
COMEDIES: Blazing Saddles, Animal House, It's A Mad Mad World, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Airplane, Monty Python-Holy Grail, Good Morning Vietnam, Horrible Bosses, Naked Gun-Final Insult, Caddyshack.
ACTION/DRAMA: The Untouchables, Patton, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Dirty Harry, Body Heat, The Dirty Dozen, The Right Stuff, Das Boot (German with English sub titles version), The Shootist, The Natural.
Coming to America
Trading Places
Harlem Nights
Blazing Saddles
Pulp Fiction
Any MCU movie except Iron Man 3 (terrible movie. if you us promise the Mandarin, give us the Mandarin)
Malcolm X
Beverly Hills Cop (all 3)
Honorable Mention
Star Trek: First Contact
The usual suspects
48 hours
Naked gun
I'm gonna git you Sucka
Hollywood Shuffle
Wonder Woman
Lean on me
A soldiers story
Do the Right Thing
ratatouille. but I'll all Easley watch any of these movies that have been posted so far.
RoboCop II
Pan's Labyrinth
Kung-Fu Hustle
Enter the Dragon
Apocalypse Now
The Truman Show
The Rest:
Shawshank Redemption
Godfather 1&2
Jackie Brown
Lord of the Rings (x3)
25th Hour
The Departed
Dr Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
Princess bride
4 brothers
Blazing Saddles
True Grit (2010)
Miracle on 34th street (1947)
Godfather I & 2
Star Wars original trilogy
Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy
Schindler's List
A Clockwork Orange
Forrest Gump
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Silence of the Lambs
Yes I know it was cheating to combine sequels but it was the only way I could do it.
Nina is "How to Marry A Millionaire" some kind of stripper training video or an actual movie?
Not a single vote for Braveheart or Tombstone and only one for Gladiator? Liked Last Samurai more than i thought i would.
Saw some people voting for numerous Marvel and DCEU movies (okay maybe just Marvel). As much as i really liked the Dark Knight trilogy, i'm probably the only one that also liked Batman V Superman or Man of Steel. Didn't like Justice League all that much though. Remember really liking the first two Superman movies a long time ago. The special effects probably don't hold up if i were to watch them again though.
Don't repeat viewings of movies much (wish i had more time) so my list could change if i were to watch these movies over and over again, especially a lot of the 80s cult movies. Remember really enjoying Ferris Bueller's Day Off and to a lesser degree Weird Science when i watched them the one time. I did watch Napoleon Dynamite more than a few times. Did like the first two Rocky's. Even the next two. Not quite the fifth one and never saw the sixth one or Creed. Liked the first two Karate Kids and even the most recent one. I kinda blocked out the third and especially the fourth one, the one with Hilary Swank. RIP Mr. Miyagi.
The Usual Suspects
Kill Bill Vol. 1&2
The Departed
Marathon Man
The Disaster Artist
The Three Extremes
I can watch the first 4 listed all day everyday for ever. I’d list several animated Disney movies in my all time favorite list but I don’t watch them often because they make me cry. I started bawling during Moana and was consoled by a 2 year old.
Godfather 1
Godfather 2
Leaving Las Vegas
Requiem for a dream
Rocky 1
8 mm
Falling down
Animal house
Training day
School Daze
Hollywood Shuffle
China Town
To Kill A Mocking Bird
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Das Boot (German)
12 Angry Men
The Best Years of Our Lives
Bang the Drum Slowly
Animal House;
The Great Escape;
Robin Hood;
A Bronx tale;
Dirty Harry;
Ben Hur;
American Gangster
America Beauty
Pulp Fiction
The Seven Year Itch
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Godfather
Rear Window
Practical Magic (lol, I loved it as a kid and still do now)
Bbybunny - glad to see someone else mention The Usual Suspects. Such a great film.
Whodey - lol no, it's a 1953 film with Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable, and Marilyn Monroe.
How about
The Sunshine Boys
Some like it Hot
The Odd Couple
Also surprised that no one here mentioned
the greatest thriller ever it kept everyone on the beach the summer it came out
Like I said earlier there are so many great American movies it is just impossible to stick to ten, and I’d have to say that 90% of the greatest movies have yet to be made.
these are movies that if they are on TV I watch even in the middle of them. Or are on my que and wont leave until they are taken away by Netflix.
No particular order:
Dumb and Dumber
Dazed and Confused
God Father 1 & 2
Pulp Fiction
Step Brothers
Resivor Dogs
Caddy Shack
Animal House
Blue Brothers
Blazing Saddles
Top Gun
South Park Bigger Badder....
The Usual Suspects
Dead Pool
FUN FACT: Hopkins won the Oscar for best actor, and only appeared on screen for 16 minutes of the film!
Animal House
Hunt for Red October
Dumb and Dumber
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Crimson Tide
Officer and a Gentleman
Magnificent Seven (original)
Paul (trust me, watch it)
The Right Stuff
You can't leave out O Brother, Where Are Thou!
I don't think anybody has mentioned Ghostbusters either.
Purple Rain
another vote for mean girls obvi
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion
Dazed and confused
cool thread thx nina :D
Dead Calm
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
2. Friday
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Forrest Gump
5. Goon
6. No Country For Old Men
7. Saurday Night Fever
8. Kill Bill
9. A Christmas Story
10. Get the Gringo
The Good Shepherd
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Boiler Room
The Spanish Prisoner
Better Luck Tomorrow
Kung Fu Hustle
The DaVinci Load
Foreskin Gump
Edward Penishands
White Men Can’t Hump
Saving Ryan’s Privates
I'm offended by your #6
Dr. Strangelove
Paths of Glory
Forbidden Planet
Taxi Driver
Pulp Fiction
Saving Private Ryan
The Graduate
Seven Samurai
I never tire of watching any of these. For the millennials, the last 20 minutes of 2001 is IMO the most mind blowing sequence ever filmed, although the whole movie is pretty mind blowing, and all filmed without the help of CGI.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Journey To The Center Of The Earth
(1) Crash
(2) To Kill a Mockingbird
(3) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(4) American Beauty (don't condone Spacey's sexual misconduct, either)
Already mentioned:
(5) Clockwork Orange
(6) The Graduate
(7) Groundhog Day
(8) One flew over the Cuckoo's nest
(9) Annie Hall
(10 Fargo
- The Shining (Kubrick, my favorite director)
- Stalker (Tarkovsky)
- The Happening (Shyamalan)
- Kagemusha (Kurosawa)
- Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon)
- The Wolf of Wall Street (Scorsese)
- Pain & Gain (Michael Bay)
- Ghost World (Zwigoff)
- The Living Daylights (James Bond film featuring the best Bond)
- Apocalypse Now (Coppola)
- Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone)
- Blade Runner (Ridley Scott)
- Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom (Indiana Jones series)
- Rocky IV (Rocky series)
- A Streetcar Named Desire (Elia Kazan)
- The Tree of Life (Terence Malick)
- Mulholland Drive (Lynch)
- American Psycho (Mary Harron)
- The Big Lebowski (Coen Brothers)
- There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson)
- Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Paul Schrader)
- Seconds (Frankenheimer)
- The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974, Joseph Sargent)
- Orgy Masters 3 (Alexander DeVoe)
- The Day of the Jackal (Zinnemann)
- Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (Werner Herzog)
- Con Air (Simon West)
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Gremlins series)
- Tremors (Tremors series)
- Koyaanisqatsi (Qatsi trilogy)
- The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo)
- Terminator II (Terminator series)
- The Room (Tommy Wiseau)
- The African Queen (John Huston)
- Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders)
- Belle de Jour (Luis Buñuel)
- Macbeth (Polanski)
- The Lover (Jean-Jacques Annaud)
- The Bridge on the River Kwai (David Lean)
- Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Nagisa Oshima)
- Network (Sidney Lumet)
I'm sorry, I tried to stick with 10 but I couldn't do it. I tried though, I really tried.
Practical Magic
American Gangster
Taxi Driver
Mean Girls
Pulp Fiction
Inglourious Basterds
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Chariots of Fire - my absolute favorite. I see something new in it every time I watch it.
The Princess Bride - "He's only mostly dead", lol
Spaceballs - "May the Schwartz be with you"
Kingdom of Heaven - great movie making.
Lord of the Rings, Return of the King
Bronx Tale
LOTR Triology
Naked Gun Trilogy
Blade Runner
Rocky IV
Coming to America
Die Hard 3
Monty Python Holy Grail
Monty Python Life of Brian
The Happytime Murders
The Martyrs
Rob Zombies Halloween
Walk On Water
Blood In Blood Out
American Me
Scary Movie
Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle
Blair Witch Project 2
The Godfather
Boyz N The Hood
A Christmas Story
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
La Bamba
Crimson Gold
Goodbye Lenin
Children Of The Corn
How about the original The Hustler with Paul Newman Nd Jackie Gleason
So many great movies it’s impossible to just pick out a few
Godfather 1
Godfather 2
Animal house
Training day
Man on fire
Dusk till dawn
Leaving Las Vegas
Taxi driver
Midnight cowboy (no homo)
A few more:
Falling down
8 MM
Fast times at ridgemont high
Swamp thing
Something About Mary
The Big Chill
Godfather 1
Pulp Fiction
Animal House
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Terminator
Batman Begins
A Few Good Men
The Usual Suspects
The Matrix
PS - thanks for the new boobs pic Nina. They look like they are holding up well. 👍🏼
City of Men
IT ....the original
Silent Hill
The Ring
Conan The Barbarian
Police Academy
The Haunting of Helen
Post 2000 w/ a few guilty pleasures
The Social Network
Training Day
Kill Bill vol 1 and 2
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
Finding Nemo
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Star Wars: Rogue One
Clear and Present Danger
Avengers: Infinity War
Man of Steel
Remember the Titans
The Bourne Supremacy
A Few Good Men
Full Metal Jacket
Lord of the Rings
Office Space
The Good the bad and the Ugly
Godfather 1
Godfather 2
Outlaw Josie Wales
The Big Lebowski
Forest Gump
Animal House
Harold and Maude ( kind of a cult film but very funny with Ruth Gordon)
Blazing Saddles (never see it broadcast again but the mocking slapstick comedy was funny)
Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls
Interview With A Vampire
Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
In Too Deep
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Alice In Wonderland
Howl's Moving Castle
Fight Club
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049
Godfather II
Apocalypse Now
Wizard of Oz (Not because of her big tits but it doesn't hurt)
Gangs of New York
A great film!
The Blues Brothers
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Margin Call
The Dark Knight
Marvel's The Avengers
Good movies....
Well, I quite like Madagascar because the animals are portrayed realistically.
And Silence of the Lambs. I went in expecting a documentary about lambs but I really liked the hero. Too bad he didn’t get to eat the villain played by Jodie Foster in the end.
Finally, there is “When Harry Met Sally”. Gotta love 💕 that one! Squawk!!!
Ski: You are the originator of the "Tight" list - it must be because you are on vacation! Which Robin Hood movie? (2018 - Egerton, 2010 - Crowe, 1991 - Costner, 1976 - Connery, Errol Flynn, yadda, yadda, ...) I truly couldn't guess!
My List of Non Conformity (in no particular order): The Bourne Supremacy (2004), Mister Roberts (1955), Goldfinger (1964), Mission Impossible (1996), The Great Escape (1963), Casino Royale (2006), Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), Ford v Ferrari (2019), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Untouchables (1987), The Natural (1984), The Wild Bunch (1969) The Italian Job (2003), The Magnificent Seven (1960), Layer Cake (2004), Twilight (1998 - Newman, Sarandon, Hackman, Garner, ...), The Rock (1996), Enemy Of The State (1998), National Treasure.
up in the air
cherry 2000
young frankenstein
forbidden planet
gypsy rose lee
summer of 42
Blue Velvet
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This is Spinal Tap
Waiting for Guffman
The Big Sleep
Murder By Death
I would have thought Hitchcock's "The Birds" would have been your fav.....😁
Silence of the Lambs
North by Northwest
Lawrence of Arabia
The Empire Strikes Back
The Godfather
Michael Collins
The Usual Suspects
The Patriot
The Cowboys
The Karate Kid
Tora Tora Tora
Quigley Down Under
The Great Escape
Stand By Me
The Towering Inferno
Stalag 17
The Guns of Navarone
The Bridge On The River Kwai
The Postman
The Untouchables
Twelve O’clock High
Twelve Angry Men
Princess Bride
Wall to wall quotable, “There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, it would be a pity to damage yours.”
Shakespeare in Love
Comedy, drama, occasional nudity, what’s not to like
Rick Moranis is great as Dark Helmet
Robert DeNiro great as a gay ship captain.
Star Trek IV: the Voyage Home
The one Lenard Nemoy directed, where they save the whales
Animal House
Filmed at U of O campus and general area. I knew several people who were extras.
I know, but she looks great floating around near naked.
Almost Famous
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Back to the Future
Anything directed by Almodovar
Anything directed by Kieslowski
Bridge of Spies
A beautiful day in the neighborhood
The fifth element
lots more