
Is there signs or signals a dancer will do, to let you know she is willing to to

Monday, July 30, 2018 9:13 PM
This question is for dancers or veteran clients


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Just ask, seems easy enough, it’s not rocket science. Signals are a waste of time, and very misleading.
  • 501traveler
    6 years ago
    She gives you the COI handshake
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Just ask ricky boy for a copy of The System
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    When approaching me at the bar a recent dancer immediately attached her hand to mr. Johnson. As we settled into the padded booth she said “You can touch me ANYWHERE”, took my hands and demonstrated just what she meant. I like those signs. I asked if I could kiss the kitty, she said sure, but she’d expect some tipping.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    When approaching me at the bar a recent dancer immediately attached her hand to mr. Johnson. As we settled into the padded booth she said “You can touch me ANYWHERE”, took my hands and demonstrated just what she meant. I like those signs. I asked if I could kiss the kitty, she said sure, but she’d expect some tipping.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    When you ask "Do you do extras?", she says "Yes." And then you talk about what that means. Many strippers try to imply in a variety of non-committal ways that extras are available when they really aren't. You don't find out that there are limits until you're in the private room. And then you have to decide if you're going to make a stink about it (a whole other thread). A good way to get around a lot of that is to just ask. You won't get in trouble. She's a sex worker, and unless it's her first night stripping, she has been asked the question before.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    The complicated part is many strippers will give vague promises before you go into VIP then not deliver once you’re back there.
  • chattguy123
    6 years ago
    Vagueness and when they say you'll have a better time back in VIP are sure signs they wont do anything. I love it when a dancer looks into my eyes and asks me to.....trust her. Always makes me laugh.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Look newbies it’s not rocket science, it’s a business transaction if you boil it down, what is she selling ? Is that what you want, ca-ching , if not, then no sale.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    shailynn said "The complicated part is many strippers will give vague promises before you go into VIP then not deliver once you’re back there." Very true, which is why I try to be specific. Even with that, if my Spidey sense continues to tingle, I'll insist on paying at the end of the session, and not before. That's a deal-breaker for some dancers, but I don't like to waste my money. Then again, you can just take the gamble and hope for the best. That has worked out for me before on my "fuck it" nights, but I've also been disappointed.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Back when I did extras clubs often: Respectful but direct conversation only, do not go by signs, signals, vague promises, interpretive dance, etc. "Just fucking ask, pussy" should be a tuscl motto
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    I used to be a regular at a club where vip cost $40 to the club up front and the rest is negotiated with the dancer. That’s a great system, so if the performance is poor, the tip can be too and the club is happy anyhow.
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    If she takes my hand and puts in in her gstring I know at least FIV is appropriate. If she reaches in my pants, things get more interesting. I once had a girl at the old OG in Vegas give me a stripper slide in the main room when the booths were still there. BBFS was on the menu in VIP but I wasn’t going there.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    100% agree with everyone else on here. If you want extras, look her dead in the eye and ask for specific things. Be nice about it, but do it. Back when I cared to close VIP, some customers were more than happy to just spend the time and money on me because I was likable. Others were not happy about it. On the ones not happy, I decided how much of an an “extra” to throw at them to try to make it mutually agreeable enough. Though judging from the mileage scale I read the other day, I might have been doing more “ultra high mileage” instead of true extras as this site defines it. There’s no way of getting around the haggling, so you may as well get it out of the way from the start.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Though judging from the mileage scale I read the other day, I might have been doing more “ultra high mileage” instead of true extras as this site defines it. " I've seen the SW girls define "extra" as anything that's extra from the usual dance... so in a low-touch club, the customer playing with your nipples is an extra. That's practically an unrecognizable concept to us, but I can see how strippers would think of it that way. For us, I think most of us think extras are: HJ, BJ, FS, footjob, Russian -- basically, dick out, orgasming through direct dick-to-you contact (as opposed to LDK, where there's fabric in between = not an extra)
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If I am wearing clothing when I blow a load its not extras.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I agree with others. Talk enough so she knows you’re not a cop or a creep and then just ask. She’s been asked before. And be specific. The kiss of dick death is anything vague in response to your specific question. “It gets better back there” or “it’s more private and we can have some fun” translate into “there’s no fucking way I’m going to give you what you want but I have no conscience and will gladly string your wallet along as far as I can until you are broke or figure out I’m not willing to be honest”
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Recently a dancer told me she wanted to feel my cock in her throat (see my Subis review). That was a pretty good signal.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    From what I gather the biggest sign is when she says “yes”.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Actually, to answer the OP, there are signs of what a dancer will do in VIP but they change them every shift and you have to learn to steal the signs. So look at the bartender. She gives the strippers the signs when they’ve engaged a customer, even before reaching first base in SJG’s case. If the bartender goes to her sleeve, that’s the steal sign and the stripper will spew any amount of shit necessary to get your money. If the bartender goes to belt, that’s the bunt sign and the stripper will hold out her hand and bump your cock to get you to go to VIP without promising more. If the bartender touches her tit, that’s the take sign which means the stripper will let you talk and hope you throw a bad pitch and the stripper will walk. But all these signs are all deceptions unless the bartender first gives an indicator by touching an unknown location first. You have to figure that out so you then know which signs are really in play regarding what might happen in VIP.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Select the girl you want to be waking up with in the mornings. Approach her yourself and show generosity. Get a front room makeout session going. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. They take her home with you to continue. Buying dances is a gimmick invented for separating chumps from their money. SJG
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It’s simple. I recommend you do your research here first. The truth is always YMMV. However, you should first find a club known as one that offers extras. Make sure the dancers know you aren’t a creep and that you aren’t LE. Then remember the girl is a stripper. She won’t be shocked by your asking for extras. Just look her in the eye and ask for it. Extras might cost more - but they are extras - get it? If the dancer quotes a crazy ass price - move on - she’s not going to deliver and she’s just saying no without saying no. You’re welcome...
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Civilianize, do not talk to her like you see her as selling sex or sex acts. SJG
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    When she grabs your junk i would say she does extra's
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    :) :) :) But you can still select and approach her and try to get a front room makeout session going. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    As one of our greatest members explained, you don't take her into the backroom to see if she is good. You take her into the back room because she is already good right there in the front room. SJG
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is widely mocked and considered potentially mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Jesus Christ, SJG here’s a $20 bill - go play in traffic!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Shailynn, your mom is calling you. Even though she let you get out of the attic, she is now really bothered by the asswipe you are making of yourself. She is considering sending you back. [view link] SJG
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    If I’m there then there will always be fun!
  • WetWilly
    6 years ago
    After some 25 years of getting extras in clubs, one thing I've learned is the quote " we'll have lots more fun in VIP " usually means we won't. My best indicators are what she does, not what she says. Neither one is foolproof, however.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “I've seen the SW girls define "extra" as anything that's extra from the usual dance... so in a low-touch club, the customer playing with your nipples is an extra. That's practically an unrecognizable concept to us, but I can see how strippers would think of it that way.” Good point. Some of us aren’t trying to rip anyone off, but may not necessarily do what someone will want. Which I guess goes back to what others were saying of look for specifics.
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    It’s different here in Detroit. I tell what I’m will to pay and for what service. I don’t ask. If she agrees she earns her money, if not then it’s on to the next girl/club.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"After some 25 years of getting extras in clubs, one thing I've learned is the quote " we'll have lots more fun in VIP " usually means we won't." It must be "pick on SW" day for me. This type of thing, and "it'll be much more private so I can be more naughty" type answers, are what's coached on SW. And basically, "usually means we won't" applies. Those are lines for the newbs and college guys, extra-hound PLs shouldn't be falling for them
  • Ch3ll
    6 years ago
    I agree with the earlier posts that if she says "we'll have more fun in VIP" that's a sure sign she's not about to do/allow too much more. Also, agree that when they vaguely talk it up. I more or less like to take the gamble based on what happened during a regular floor dance and go to VIP. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and sometimes I'm dissapointed thinking extras would happen. Unless she outright says nothing is off limits like some mentioned or allows you out on the floor and/or in VIP, you never know. I had one whom nobody was getting dances from and she wasn't even approaching customers, so I approached her. Well, a couple of floor dances later and a trip to VIP turned out to be a great catch and for futyre visits.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    If DANCER PROMISES/DOCUMENTED PERFORMANCES > 1 you’re not in a good place.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Don't go by what the girl is promising. If she wants to be good with you, she will be doing it right there sitting with you. Don't have a discussion about it with her, just use words and the sound of your voice to get her softened up, and then kiss her. Proceed gently and easy, but let her understand that you and she are going to be waking up together in the mornings. Maybe it won't work, but maybe it will. Go by what she is doing, not what she is promising. Use some charm and get a front room makeout session going. Let it escalate 'till FIV and 'till she is breathing hard. Then, it being time for your own pants to come down, take her into the back room. Then remember to take her home with you and continue to see her and to pump loads into all three of her openings regularly. What Wet Willy says is correct, "My best indicators are what she does, not what she says." And listen to Trish! SJG My Ignore List DrPhil, DrPhil., IME, Meat72, san_jose_gay, tixtittyfag, JimGassagain, [view link].Ishmael, SirLapdancealot, L1oydSchoene Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do Midnight Special 1975 [view link] Andreas Vollenweider - Caverna Magica (Vinyl rip) [view link] Do you find the above two songs similar? I certainly do.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Then remember to take her home with you and continue to see her and to pump loads into all three of her openings regularly. What about ass to mouth?
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Recently I go to follies.... the way that I tell is they lean in close and say "ohhh baby lets VIP, we suck and we fuck..." then I'm pretty sure they are down for extras.... Now a couple years ago I had a busty blonde strong 7 maybe an 8 lean in and tell me for 200 I could put it wherever I wanted, all holes open.... Im pretty sure she was down for extras too... So that is my secret for how to tell if the girls give extras
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    You’re right San Jose Guy! People should listen to me! I don’t see how the videos are alike though
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The songs sound very much the same, must be in the harmony. And guys should stop buying dances and learn to get front room makeout sessions going. Then when it is time for their own pants to come down, then they invite their girl to the back room. Trish clearly understands this. SJG
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    When she is heavy into stick shifting and then tells me she likes DT and anal then starts putting my finger in her thong, it seems a likely sign extras are on the menu.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Yes, but don't forget that front room DFKing too. SJG
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