
Comments by Ch3ll (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Initiating kissing
    If she's getting close, her forehead on mine I usually go in for a kiss to see if she's down. Otherwise, if I'm feeling her and she kisses me then it's all good.
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    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Common stripper question
    I immediately think it's her attempt to be a ROB. I typically respond yeah I've been here a few times. Then the convo usually turns to another topic. The question itself has me put up my guard, but as some have mentioned it's probably an ice breaker of hers. I might have to play the newbie card and see if one tries to be a ROB.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    "How much did you bring?"
    I've never been asked that question, but I'd respond with you trying to get out of here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What can you say to ruin your date with a stripper?
    After the outing is over, asking what does this make us
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is there a good way to get a dancer to allow you to touch her pussy?
    Have you took her to VIP and try? In my experience with the ones that would allow, they'd prefer it not happen on the main floor, but were okay with it in VIP. Some just won't let you touch irregardless of main floor or VIP.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    @Nidan Do you specifically say "OTC" when you ask? I had one I asked in Vegas if she did private dances (meaning outside the club) and she said yes. During our negotiating (I never got her OTC) she said full service. I immediately thought about tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    @Steeldog65 Have you ever said the hotel line, but didn't have the hotel at that moment? I just ask because early SCing I found myself getting a room with hopes I'd get OTC. My success rate was maybe 1 out of 7. However, despite not getting what I wanted at least I wouldn't have to drive 90 minutes back home in the wee early morning hours. Nowadays, we arrange and i won't get the room until we're both in the lobby, visiting her at the club before she gets off, or she's one who isn't flaky all the time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    Found it... regular in love.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    I asked on another thread but haven't easily recalled to go back to it. Does RIL mean really in love?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best way to ask about OTC
    I used to ask after several visits, with VIP dances. By then I've spent anywhere from $450 + . This proved worthwhile for some success, but not all strippers can be down to otc or at least with me. Fast forward to present day, rebuilding finances, I've asked as early as the first visit with just a few floor dances. This is of course depending on the vibe I feel. I haven't pulled one this way yet, but their replies indicating interest leads me to believe it can happen. If this works, now I'm spending $30 to $150. Only time will tell.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Funding
    @CJKent You must like to gamble!? Great tips indeed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Funding
    No she wasn't ghetto. She was in her mid 30s, level headed in my opinion. I did ask her why would she ask me that and she mentioned her and a friend would do massages, or escorts something to that effect and they had to be careful.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC Funding
    I believe I was way more paranoid with this one that asked to see prior us leaving the club. We got to the room and she wanted to give me a massage and I was so stuck on she's going to do something to me while my face is down. Paranoia aside, our first encounter was good. Subsequent encounters, she never asked to see the money first. Another question...have any of you guys been out otc and she asks you are you law enforcement? This same one I mentioned above did and it just surprised me because I couldn't understand how if she was with a law enforcement guy, that he'd be thruthful in his response.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Do you care that the dancer is married?
    Does RIL mean Really in Love?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Do you care that the dancer is married?
    For just a dance or in the club activities I wouldn't care. I think if it involved some otc I'd probably be concerned to an extent as to him discovering or his actions. One I otc with a few times would always be texting or talking to someone right before we'd go to the room and this would be in the wee hours of the morning. Assuming the worst I always thought it was a dude, but nothing ever came of it. Prior one otc an us leaving the club she went to talk to some dude then left for the dressing room and we left. Once again nothing came of it. And the one otc at supposedly someone she was house sitting for were a bunch of baseball caps, but once again nothing came of it. And oh how she conveniently had all her needed toiletries at this house sitting location.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    There is no need for 3 different discussion rooms .
    I was surprised to see the new changes...separate message boards. I don't browse or post on here much anymore because as Subraman mentioned there has been a lot of trolls. So I don't know the full extent of the changes, but I like it so far.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phoenix for a few days... what's STILL a good club here?
    I don't SC in PHX frequently, but from a one day trip I had there recently, I'd recommend Christie's Cabaret Tempe. My visit was on a Saturday night and there were 15 + girls there, good variety, mix. All 7s and up in my opinion. The only downside in my opinion was touching of the tits on the main floor was little to none.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Las Vegas Options
    It turned out to be Sapphire and although I'm not too fond of the $50 cover, the experience was worth it. Pricey in all aspects compared to my norm, but such a variety of women. And if that "full service" (her exact words) offer was legit, I definitely need to have my money right next time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    As much as it comes off as an uncomfortable act, my only intention is to see what I'm dealing with. I don't just silently go to the strip club, dish out money, keep asking for OTC then all of a sudden she says yes. Just seems to me everyone who says ask, talk, build rapport, make it seem as if everyone tells the truth when asked a question. Aside from how I got the real name...damn! I didn't know looking at a city public record, which is keyword "public" and free was so offensive.
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    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    I find it somewhat entertaining the ones who come off as social elites, "Where them hoez at" and "Trap Jumpin" are on here for one and quick to call someone out as a stalker or obsessed.
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    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    @Trap so black like me, but naive! Or I could be a fool for assuming your black because you have the Trap in your screen name and tag line or whatever it's called. Anyway, the interactions we engage in are already frowned upon, so yeah I'll be a stalker if that's what you want to call it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    Lol @Phat how do you think I got what she first gave me! Had she never texted from another phone number I probably wouldn't have took the time. However, it is what it is. For a moment if we label strippers as strippers and other women as civilian, I've never took the time to look up a civilian chick I met online dating or in person.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    It isn't. My main concern by having the real name is to make sure she doesn't have a violent past and on the off chance we get pulled over and how we know each other gets questioned, I'm not saying her name is XYZ while she says her name is ZYX.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Discovering Her Real Name
    @TrapBaby It is what it is, but as I said, it's good to know the criminal activity you laying with.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the longest it's taken you to recover from good OTC?
    Recover? I'm usually happy go lucky the next day! But to answer the question, it usually takes me a day to recover. I might have a couple of drinks before or during OTC, but not to the point where I'm drunk. The major contributing factor to my recovery taking so long is because my OTCs are usually beginning near or after midnight. My last OTC this past Sunday, we met at around 1145 PM and parted ways around 245 AM. I didn't get home, settled until 4 AM and had to be at work at 730 AM. So it took me taking a nap during lunch and resting that night to fully recover.