Do you want to change the game with your fave?

avatar for steeldog65
I have a CF that I will see soon for the first time in awhile. While I find her hot and her VIP time is awesome. we haven't had sex. I haven't pushed for sex and she told me right off the bat that she doesn't do ITC/OTC but our time together is really good for me. Thing is, I don't know that I want to change things. We have really hot make out sessions with oral and FIV, ITC/OTC has never really been a goal for me, I like it, but it, doesn't make or break the experience. Do you guys find yourselves with CF's in this sort of place or am I an anomaly


last comment
avatar for Been_There_Already
6 years ago
No all girls do everything. If you like the experience and you like the girl, then keep seeing her.

My CF doesn't do everything, but she does a lot nonetheless. I love hanging out with her and I'm completely content the way things are. I've found that the prettier and sweeter the girl, the less she does, so it's a trade off. I prefer pretty and sweet over dirty and whorish. But that's just me.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
It doesn't matter if you're an anomaly. If you're having fun and can afford to keep having the fun you like, then don't sweat what's happening in the VIP room next to yours.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
No. I was perfectly happy with partying, drinking, convo, and getting dances with an ex-fave. SHE was the one the tried to move it to sex. Sorry, babe. No.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
To each his own. As for me, I don't consider a dancer a CF unless she is having sex with me OTC.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for Ch3ll
6 years ago
If you don't want to change things and enjoy them as they are, then nothing is wrong with that. If you do want to bring up the subject to her and she doesn't change her stance, chances are your current experience isn't going to change. I had one, granted I never considered her a CF or fav, just a cool chit-chat with stripper, when I asked her about OTC she gave me SS without saying no. Well, subsequent visits afterwards and all is still status quo.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I think I just entered the Twilight Zone.☺

After almost puking in my own mouth after reading a few of these comments, I'll echo jacklash by saying to each his own, but not my gig. But it's your dime and your time, so do what works for you.
avatar for mal_hodgson
6 years ago
Steeldog - I’m in a similar situation with my atf, we have a great time in the club but have not had sex ITC or OTC. We have talked about OTC but it has not happened so far.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I cant wait to go strip club soon and see hpw strippers turn men on lolol ok

Queen troll out
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ You'd give me a dance though, right?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Wtf I meant to use my Pooshe account and comment cuz I like that one better but I'm so used to this one

And do u really want a dance from an inexperienced virgin girl who cant dance and hates it lolol
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I actually sort of agree with rickdugan.

If you want something but never ask for it you are being a pussy. If you ask and she says no it's fine to decide to keep seeing because what you are getting is worth it. But but you should at least ask.
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago

wow you really are turning into Juice... even sounds like him with a name like Pooshe. But just like him, how many accounts do you have?? I know of THREE; Pooshe, Nicole, and the original... Nina ;)
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
As far as the OP's question, if you enjoy it keep doing it.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
You agree with RD in that you also agree with JackSlash? Or do you mean you also nearly regurgitated a bit? I think he stated that his CF said right away that she didn't do ITC/OTC (i'm guessing ITC mean FS). And he's not the type to push it, and for the most part it seems she's still that way. Now the RD types might actually try working this girl for months to persuade her, but i'm guessing the OP is fine with the way things are for the most part and seemed to be searching for some validation from this site of all places.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
I think others have said it, and CMI probably said it the best. Just do you. If FS is not a deal breaker than you don't need to stress yourself with OTC. As you probably know, OTC with your preferred stripper is more work and not as easy or as seamless as the TUSCL crowd would have you believe. Maybe other areas might be easier (and/or cheaper), but i'm guessing probably not in your parts.

Some people might say that OTC is actually cheaper in the long run and a better experience than ITC. But there are no guarantees and you could just as easily turn off your CF. Everyone has different goals. And for some it might even be more about the journey rather than the destination. Or as i like to say, the moments that life is made of.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
If you want more than what she's doing, find someone who does that. There's no reason you cant see her for what you like with her and someone else for something different.

However, if she's been hinting at OTC a while and never delivered, I'd see that as a warning sign that she's trying to play with your hopes and emotions. A good strategy for her, but not for you.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Playboy is right this isn’t rocket science you can’t socially engineer a girl to fuck for money who won’t or doesn’t want to when she’s already making lots of money.

Move on to a girl who is your speed.

avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
Interesting question, what’s the value in paying a sex worker and not having sex? I think the answer is obvious that there is value in that. If you’re a guy who’s lacking in physical affection and you just want to feel the contact with another person, a non-extras stripper seems like a pretty good option. Just don’t talk to her. OP’s situation seems perfectly normal.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A stripper isn't a hoe. They're not "sex workers" in that respect.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
If you feel you're getting good-value for your $$$ and feel content when you leave the club vs dissatisfied, then it's all good.

But if you feel like you're notgetting true satisfaction then you may need to change course.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
In many a club it's not automatic one can have sex with the dancers especially the better looking ones - in many clubs ITC extras are just not too prevalent so putting out is not the club's M.O. and is kinda out of sight out of mind w.r.t. the dancers considering having sex especially if.they're making good dance $$$ - and in other clubs one is offered sex w/o even asking.
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