
How many strippers did you ask before you were given the OK for OTC?

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 6:38 PM
It's all in the title? I'm still asking but I think I've hit up 20 strippers so far.


  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    are we talking anything like a private party or something else in particular outside the club? if so I asked one girl who said no, next girl talked a little then said ok. I didn't know she wanted money or I would have never met up with her. I was club newbie.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I meant for your first OTC experience but you describe your general consensus as well if you wish.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    The first one I asked said yes. I posted the story in an article. But in fairness, everybody knows that I overpay strippers for sex, so that gave me an unfair advantage.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    That was my first OTC experience but I know some guys equate OTC as sex, I don't define it that way. I just define it as away from or outside the club.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    OTC without sex is like peanut butter and jelly without bread. You could do it but why would you?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    If I develop a rapport with a stripper - say I've visited her several times and done ITC, almost all have done or have been willing to do OTC. Now when I'm in town for one or two nights, and ask a stripper for OTC on the first night, I get turned down more than half of the time. Probably almost 75% of the time. The number 1 excuse I get is "I have to get home to releave my babysitter." Number 2 excuse is "I have a boyfriend/husband and he is expecting me to immediately come home after work." It amazes me sometimes, JS69 says he overpays and I'm not sure what he's offering but I've offered sizable amounts as well, thrown out crazy numbers just to see if a stripper will bite. It's seems like $5,000 won't convince a stripper to come back to my hotel, then the next night I find one just as hot that will do it for $125.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    With the first one. Just lucky I guess.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Hmmm....I've never had OTC with any dancer I've asked! Which is like 2 actually as my clubbing is not based on finding sex. My 3 OTC's was always their idea. Guess I need a "system" since I want to bed my CF but so far she's politely declined LOL On the bright side she doesn't do OTC with anyone, which I know for a fact.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    My first OTC with a stripper happened because she offered the opportunity. It did not take me long to agree to have her come to my room.
  • dtek
    8 years ago
    My first OTC, the girl asked me. I had been fucking her ITC and taking her out for meals for a while and I think she was tired of the club taking 40% of the half hour dance fee. I readily agreed when she suggested we do dances at her house. It had not previously occurred to me to ask for OTC because everyone knows (thinks?) extras aren't available in Portland. It was early in my clubbing career and I thought I'd lucked onto the one extras girl in the area. I know better now. I still don't suggest it unless I'm pretty sure the girl will at least consider it. I've seen guys get clocked for making indiscreet suggestions about OTC.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I got turned down on my first try. The first time I succeeded, she actually asked me. Since then I have been averaging about 40%.
  • saroya
    8 years ago
    First time I hooked up with a dancer, she asked me out and we ended up dating for quite a while. Also went out with one her stripper friends years later. Lost count of the number of dancers I went out over the years. Never paid any of them except once. I was doing dances with this girl and the place was closing up and I just couldn't go home empty handed. Offered $100 and she spent the night at my place. Next morning I didn't have any cash so she took a check. Then she said she'd accompany me for free any time I traveled for work because she didn't get to travel much. Last one I dated for any length of time was a few years ago--a European hottie who wanted the whole deal. Wanted to have my kids, move in with me, etc. I didn't fall. Even in my older age I get offers all the time but lately they sound suspiciously like p4p so I don't bite. All these guys begging dancers to take their money for an hour of sexy time is ruining the game for the rest of us.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    The first one that I hinted at it with took the bait. I learned a lot of what to do (and more importantly what NOT to do) and have been cruising ever since. Once you've got a couple under your belt (so to speak!) you realize that it ain't rocket science in making it happen. I think a lot of people psych themselves out and screw it up...kinda like freaking out before a big test and then flunking it because you mind fucked yourself.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    The 2nd stripper I asked said yes, but it would have been just a blow job and some dancing back at my hotel room. I say "would have"because I thought we were going to have sex and she said no and I was like fuck doing anything else then.
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    I only asked one and the next time I was in the area we went. Come on guy it's not that hard to fuck a stripper OTC !
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    All day every day
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I honestly don't think I've ever had a stripper say no when I asked her to meet me outside the club. However, I only ask those who I know will say yes. I had one no show. I've had one meet me for lunch and lunch only, because she doesn't do extras - at all. I've had probably a dozen or so meet me at a hotel for sex.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    Incredibly enough it was the first girl that gave me a dance on my first visit to Rhino in Vegas. Mostly down to a tactful approach and my English accent .
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    The first time I did OTC, I did the asking. But I asked several girls before I struck gold. I guess what emboldened me to keep trying were the facts that (1) I had previously been solicited by another dancer, which I turned down; (2) I had enough road club experiences to know that ITC services were not uncommon in some places; and (3) I was starting to get a handle on what they were making, so I knew that my offer was good. But in the early days my attemts were much more hamfisted. Today I target girls who are more likely to say yes, though from time to time I cannot help but engage in a little pursuit. :)
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    It depends on the club your in...look if your in a clean club your going to get a very high percent of No"s If your in a club that is basically a brothel your going to experience a massive amounts of Yes"s Just keep that in mind the next time you go clubbing In clean clubs my first time around it took me asking every damn bitch on staff before i found that one girl and then she priced it at $1,000 My first go around at a Nasty club i got offers from it felt like every cunt in the house lol...prices ranged from $50 car bj to $200 hotel fuck
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    londonguy: "Mostly down to a tactful approach and my English accent ." I need to start speaking with an English accent.
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    And yes their is clubs that are right in the middle..i call them grey area clubs...at them you basically got to figure witch girl is fuckin and who is not...usually but not always the girl's that fuck play with your dick at the table as a selling point. And obviously at a club like this if you was to ask everybody for OTC you should have a 50/50 shot....but if you asked only the dick hand shakers out you would have a much higher yeild
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    @jestrite50 apparently it IS that hard when the man has asked over 20 women and still got turned down. Seems like there's more of a science than I would have imagined. Glad I don't bother with it. Sounds like more work and money than I want to give.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    never tried yet! Yes, I lead a boring life.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    @dominic it's alright. The world needs boring people. How else would women make the decision to date eccentric old cogs and buff young assholes like me? Someone's gotta fill up that turtle neck lol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    As Nuts pointed out, overall club mileage will affect your results greatly. For better odds, you may need to go to dirtier clubs. Also, if you're new to the club and/or the dancers, then the chances for success decrease. Attempting a "speed dating" approach can work, but it's more challenging and may require more cash. Keep in mind that OTC with a *complete* stranger puts the dancer at greater risk. We swap cautionary tales of PLs getting ripped off, blackmailed, beat up, or waking up in the tub minus a kidney. Strippers swap cautionary tales about beatings, rape, and getting strangled in bed. I had to ask three dancers before I got OTC. I wasn't very familiar with the first two. The third was a dancer who I'd had ITC FS (twice) with in a club where the private rooms were on the small side. After the second time, I tactfully told her that I was losing interest in awkward sex in a glorified closet. She took the hint and offered OTC.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Now it may be true that the odds are better with the girls at the dirtiest clubs, but who wants to be number x of YY served in a given day? Not me, which is why I stopped sourcing OTC p4p from girls who were fucking and sucking ITC a long time ago. Though to be honest, in my experience, girls working in the dirty clubs aren't as easy as one would assume to take OTC. After all, why would you leave the club to collect one p4p payment when you can rack up multiple right in the relative safety of your own club? This is especially true for girls with transportation issues, SOs., etc.
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    Rick i agree. The key issue to getting any kind of girl OTC is the amount of time and money invested ITC getting to know each other so she will feel SAFE going OTC with you
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    Thank you Ishmael
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    That was long enough ago that I've forgotten. But, @JS69: "OTC without sex is like peanut butter and jelly without bread. You could do it but why would you?" I think it would be more accurate to say that "OTC without sex is like peanut butter and jelly without the peanut butter, jelly and bread."
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    When I did my research - before becoming a club hound - I read an article/discussion (possibly on the pink sw site). The article basically said - if the dancer wants to hookup OTC - she will be obvious (as she will tell you straight up). The article also mentioned that if you get turned down for sex - she won't be interested in an offer of pay for play OTC. I'm not sure this was great advice - as I didn't proposition any dancers for a long time. Being that I was developing as a regular at an extras club - I was getting a significant amount of action itc. The first OTC I experienced was due to the dancer offering - which was a nice surprise. The dancer was riding me - and she came hard on my pants. She calmed a bit - pulled out her phone - and asked for my number. Turned out to be a good OTC girl. Much more relaxing fucking her on a bed.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    It looks like more than a few of us here started our OTC play when a dancer offered the opportunity to us. I know that is how it worked for me. Damn, are these girls the cause of the downfall of society! Lol. Love them one and all, those sexy vixens.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I haven't asked about it yet. I have gotten some dances from some girls that I know would be down for OTC.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lots of girls advertise OTC. When they are trying to line it up for that night, they aren't shy. Sometimes they violate local club rules and aggressively initiate DFKing. This is fine with me. But for myself, I treat all women as civilians. So all talk about outside contact is done in a completely civilian manner. I have found that most girls, if you approach them like civilians, they are quite available and willing. SJG Essential Teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Rudolph Steiner [view link]
  • Lil_Baller100
    3 years ago
    Ima throw a couple thousand
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    A large portion of the women who dance in strip clubs have always been very open and receptive to me. But it is because I never treat them as prostitutes. I treat them as I would any other woman. SJG Plus Size [view link]
  • Player11
    3 years ago
    Early on - she told me she needed $170 get her her car out of impound after shoplifting arrest. We met at motel and that my first otc fuk. Then took her get her car out of impound. Did her over a period of 3 years almost 200 sessions. Also had 2 bonus girls (non dancers) from her her best friend and best friends room mate (who stole my cell phone number from roommate). Fuked them a lot too.
  • Player11
    3 years ago
    Hardly any once I got rid of this one ROB as a newbie who did not fuk. Extras girls would proposition me or simply go to work on me in vip saying “did u bring condom.” Always negotiate price upfront.
  • MikeP2
    3 years ago
    Go to Vegas often and have been hit up for OTC many times, however, most of the girls have GPS and ask for $1K+. With that said, have had several come back to my room after their shift. One in particular worked at SR and was easily a 9. Actually met up with her a few times but she’s no longer dancing and has moved away. Did have one bad experience where I should have been more upfront in regards to expectations.
  • samiel
    3 years ago
    I want to say the first CF I ever had was down for it, but in general it's been a bit random. It used to be fairly easy to find someone to OTC with in general, but then I got more picky. I'd say most have to be comfortable with you.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    I’ve asked maybe 1/2 dozen over the years if they would see me out of the club, but we never discussed detail re what would happen. I got 3 phone numbers, but never followed through. Maybe it’s too much hassle to book a hotel room in my own town, also I’m a bit uncomfortable with fs and it seems like that’s pretty likely to end up happening otc.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Maybe it’s too much hassle to book a hotel room in my own town, also I’m a bit uncomfortable with fs and it seems like that’s pretty likely to end up happening otc." Ummm, yes Drew, fucking the girl is usually the point of it. Only on this board is there ever any confusion about that. IME 19 times out of 20 when I ask a girl to meet me outside she doesn't even ask what I want to do with her - it's a given. Of the remaining 5% who do ask, they really understand too, but usually fall into one of the following camps: (1) want to hear some confirmation, which an amused "What do ya think I want to do?" usually satisfies; (2) wish to discuss the "date" because they want to go for food/drinks first so that it doesn't feel like a pay-for-pussy event; or (3) aren't really interested in OTC but are fishing for information. After doing this dance so many times over so many years it has become pretty easy to figure out which is which.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I failed on the first try but succeeded on the second. I was driving from Ca to Ga in 1990 moving my parents to GA. I was driving my Dad's car and towing a 9X5 trailer. I stopped for the night in Memphis. I asked the desk clerk, a female, if there was someplace within walking distance where I could get a drink. She said Denny's restaurant or the dirty girls club down the the street. I opted for the dirty girls club with was named Danny's. I was shocked about the openness of the lap dances. It was my first experience with being able to touch strippers. Since I had a hotel room and about 12 bottle of liquor in the trailer, I asked one dancer if she would come to my room. Her reply was "I don't know you well enough". 3 years later I managed to get back to Memphis to look up Danny's again but found it closed permanently. I had noticed a bill board advertising a Gentlemen's Club called Platinum Plus. So I went there. I was not there long before I was approached by a great looking girls who asked "do you like red heads with big tits". I replied that I did and she sat down. We talked for awhile and without even getting any dances, I was bold enough to ask if she wanted to come to my hotel room. She said yes, we agreed on price ($150) and she asked for $30 up front to pay her club tip out. Back then I was pretty naive and gave her the money. I the went back to my hotel room to wait for her. She showed up 30 minutes later. Her hair still wet from a shower. Platinum Plus then became my favorite club. :)
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    @rick, lol ok fair enough. What do you typically offer? And also, what line do you use to ask them for otc?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I agree that 99% of the dancers that are asked for OTC know that they're being asked for FS. Basically, any but the newest dancers know this. But it's sometimes worthwhile to say it explicitly to prevent the dancer from being surprised (or "surprised"...) when you're both in the hotel room. This prevents any renegotiation of the price ("Well, if I'd known you wanted *that*..."). Not an issue for me. I get to know my dancers a little before asking for OTC. For the traveling PL, though, it's more of a risk.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    @drew... I say "Would you consider seeing me outside the club? We could have more fun in a larger space." It doesn't need to be complex, but it shouldn't sound like you want to date them. Pricing is going to depend on dancer and the region. Look at what local escorts are getting and offer somewhat less, partly because you're the one paying for the room and partly because she's probably going to ask for more. The end price should wind up being fair(ish) for everyone.
  • JimGassagain
    3 years ago
    If she’s hot, $400-$500 per session is enough motivation. If she barely moves the needle but you’re desperate, negotiate lower.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Yeah... around here I'd say a higher-end dancer is going to be in the vicinity of $400. But, of course, that can vary depending on a bunch of things.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Also, I think it's amusing to see Jim Gaffigan give Drew Carey advice on OTC sex. Also, it's not impossible that roughly the same conversation has taken place in a non-parody setting...
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    A quick spin through TNABoard shows most girls in the area going for 250-400 for 1 hour, with a few (allegedly) premium girls in the 500-600 range. I'm skeptical about the higher numbers, because I think there are a lot of overpaid tech workers in Seattle/Bellevue that don't know what is reasonable and probably don't care, so there may be no real extra value at that price point. Based on my experiences in the clubs here, I could see $500 having some purchasing power, but now that I think of it, $250 + dinner might look like a pretty good option on a slow day. It's all a bit hypothetical, since escaping Mrs. Carey's watchful gaze in the greater Seattle area is a tough prospect, and most of my travel involves fishing trips to low hooker-count and club-less eastern wa towns. But the occasional girls weekend away for Mrs C does raise the possibility!
  • Lanechange
    3 years ago
    I never asked, second dancer i got dances from on my first sc visit. After that i turned down offers, but one I did go back and saw a few times because she checked all the boxes.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    I have never asked for on the crapper. If a dancer asked me for on the clapper, I would dump a load in dat clubs basement
  • DrStab
    3 years ago
    I’ve had two OTC friends. With the first one, I generally called or text to see if she was working that day in the club. One time, said she wasn’t working, and suggested OTC. Prior to meeting at the motel, she called me to see if it was OK if she brought a friend. After confirming that the friend was another dancer, I was all-in. First OTC was indeed a three-way! I could barely handle one of them, but I tried my best. My second OTC was a CF that I basically texted to confirm her hours, and we became pretty good stripper/monger OTC friends. I could barely handle her as well.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Never ever asked.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    I asked the total of five times and got shot down over by times. Not exactly a great swap the people for a good response but that's what happened. After a while I realized that I probably would never be interested to know what you see anyway it'll be happier just with private lap dance. If I had a hundred times the worth, I probably even consider those pay to date super hot woman just for the experience. Emphasis on "probably"
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Over 5 times*. Fu speech to text
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Know to see = OTC. WTF SPEECH TO TEXT
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’ve asked many dancers, and I’ve gotten phone numbers, and I’ve also gotten a few girls who say they don’t do that. After getting a phone number and a yes, it’s still far from happening. Part of the fun of clubbing is it can be like a box of chocolates - as you don’t always know what you’ll get. It’s easy for a dancer to agree to do OTC stuff with an old guy who has the money she needs. But actually meeting that old dude in a filthy hotel room by the airport - without a bouncer - and the relative safety of a club - can be a different story.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    To me there's a huge difference in succumbing to a dancer's charms after too many beers watching naked women and setting up a hotel with a hooker. Not for me, but no issue with it for anyone else.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "I asked the total of five times and got shot down over 5 times." Esta, you and the OP suffer from the same malady - you were hunting for OTC in NYC. The problem with NYC, especially Manhattan, is that there are too many thick wallets chasing too few girls. While the list of clubs in Manhattan looks like a lot, on a per capita basis NYC is not a club mecca. And when you can find a potentially willing girl, she wants a lot for it - more than most guys are willing to spend. You may have more a little more luck in the boroughs, but even there you may want to choose nights like Monday or Tuesday. But even those clubs get very busy and stage tipping can get intense, so these girls are often not under a lot of pressure to earn in unconventional ways. Though this is all based upon my pre-COVID experiences. I don't know what the clubs are like at the moment. My Golden Period for OTC in the northeast was definitely the couple of years following the Great Recession. When the market plunged down to below 7,000, club spending in places like NYC dried up dramatically. Oh the memories.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "To me there's a huge difference in succumbing to a dancer's charms after too many beers watching naked women and setting up a hotel with a hooker. Not for me, but no issue with it for anyone else." A statue is being erected in your honor even as we speak. During the unveiling ceremony, we'll be playing "Wind Beneath My Wings" as a testament to the shining and selfless example you set for us all. 😉
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