How strippers feel about sober patrons

avatar for Tiburon
I am wondering do these exotic dancers prefer a drinking man or even as going as far as a drunkard over the sober patron? I notice whenever I go to "Gentlemen's" clubs I get less attention or sometimes women will ditch me after realizing I don't drink. There was one such time where I had a bottle of water, didn't open it because I had no real intention of buying any drink but its mandatory just to participate in the club. One girl came over and didn't immediately ask for a dance. Instead she made small talk and eventually it got to the point of what I like to drink. I told her I don't drink and she asked me why and I told her I just don't. It wasn't an awkward silence but she "applauded" me for being such a straight laced and excused herself for a "minute". Turned into an hour beforeI seen her waltzing around the club again but she didn't come to me.

That is just one example of course of many and like I said, I get less attention with a bottle of water in my hand than the guy with the budweiser. I even ordered one and got more attention then than with the water.

This doesn't seem to be the case in a "strip club" as women are more concerned with just getting paper and fuck appearances. Especially the latinas it seems.

Am I being paranoid or is this a legitimate concern?


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avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Easy. They just figure you're harder to hustle when stone cold sober.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Your paranoid.
Not my experience at all. I haven't had a drink in almost 9 years and half of my clubbing buddies don't drink either.
I'm going to be more insulting here than I really mean to be: my feeling here is that you're confusing what's substantive and what's fluff. Fluff is: whether you're drinking or not. Substantive is: whether you are incredibly boring, creepy, or cheap -- by the perception of the dancers. The guy with the budweiser in his hand, who is getting more attention than you, is probably spending more generously and/or not giving off super boring or creepy vibes.

I almost always drink at the club these days, but when I first abandoned the non-alcohol clubs and started going to alcohol clubs, I was used to not drinking, so almost never drank at the club. I could notice absolutely no difference between drinking & non-drinking days .... other than, if you're drinking and run across a party girl stripper, she might spend more time with you for the same $, all other things being equal
Subraman +100

I "used to think" that I had to be drinking: liquor / mised drink / water , etc in order to be noticed by the dancers, thinking that beer was the kiss of death. It's not the case at all. Tiburon, you are over-thinking it. The dancers watch your mannerisms and your actions.
@subraman I guess the boring attrribute was suppose to insult me but it really didn't because I know I'm not boring. In any case, why is it that I have a different experience in the strip club than I would at a "gentleman's" club? Of course this isn't to say I don't ever get a lap dance at a gentleman's club just not as often as I would a regular ol' non descript possibly "lower economic" strip club.
Could be subras explanation or it could be they think you will be more liberal with your money under the influence. I wouldn't know because I usually drink and when I don't I still don't notice a difference.
When I am in Detroit clubs I order what ever bottled beer is on special and only a sip it a little, tip the waitress to not bug me all the time for refills because beer half the price of water. The clubs have figured out that there are many patrons that drink water to not risk the cops so they charge more for it. Anywhere from $6 to $10 depending on the club for an item that costs them less than $.17 per bottle at Sam's or Lowe's plus overhead (transporting, cooling, serving, and disposal) so a grand total cost of $50/bottle.
Pretty good mark up!
To the point, I agree that many younger dancers think a drinker will be an easy mark, they may also think that if you are drinking you will buy them a drink and many clubs the number of drinks a girl has purchased for her goes towards her stage fee.
I was leaving (past midnight after Thursday night football) 'Platinum Showgirls in Toledo(the old one before it burned) looked left and right saw cops with cars pulled over, went up to the intersection and looked west and saw lights several blocks away and as I went east towards I-75 I passed another laying in wait. I was very glad I had not drank any of the shots given away when your team scored(I gave them to the dancer I was with). The cops knew there would be lots of DUI citations pulling out of that parking lot.
They don't care what I'm drinking. They care what I paying them.
Tib -- really wasn't meant to insult you, I have no idea if you're boring or cheap or neither or both. My main point is, I think you're attributing to the drink, what is explained much more easily by something that is truly important to the dancers. Maybe it's not being cheap or boring or creepy, maybe without knowing it you're giving off a "I'm just here to watch" vibe, or some other vibe that tells the girls you're not spending. I can't explain why you're having different experiences at different types of places, my experience has been that there's no difference at all whether I'm drinking or not, at least as far as initial attention (again, the more partygirl dancers, IMO, appreciate and stay longer at tables where they're having fun drinking)

If you really think there's a difference in initial attention, instead of buying that bottle of water and leaving it on the table, why not get a mixed drink and leave it there? Or hell, ask the bartender to pour you a coke into a highball glass, and tell the girls you're drinking rum and coke? Now you look like you're drinking, and can actually sip here and there, and if that helps you get more attention from the girls, win-win
Maybe I'm paranoid too. Cuz I'm gonna agree with Tib.

I typically don't drink alcohol. Where the girls know me, they know I'm a big spender there's no difference if I'm drinking or not. But if I go to an unfamiliar club I almost always get a comment like "have a drink and loosen up" or a bit of a snarky comment about not drinking booze like one HAS to drink alcohol.

I totally get what he's saying.
motorhead: does it effect your experience so much that it might be worth doing something like what I suggested -- putting a coke in a highball glass and pretending it's a drink? Or do the girls just eventually warm up to the fact that you're spending without drinking?
I can't say. I have a beer, one beer every time I go to a club. On occasion to going to a BYOB place, I order a cola. It didn't make any difference, the dancers came over to scare up a dance. I picked the finest one and had a good time.
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
I drink water a lot when I'm at the club and the dancers or bartender will usually ask me about it.

I've found that if you're not self-conscious about it and even joke about it, it's no big deal.

I usually say something like "yeah, boring i know, just drinking water" or "i used to drink a lot when i was younger, but now that i'm an old man i stick to warm milk." Since I'm around 40, they usually laugh.

Keep it lighthearted and they could care less as long as you are spending money on them.
Subraman. Good question. They eventually warm up. Actually not drinking can be a good conversation starter. And once the other dancers notice I'm spending money, alcohol becomes a non-issue.
Now I know that the dancers flock around me because they see I'm drinking beer. I had thought it was due to my looks, charm and savoir faire.

boring= dancer-speak for cheap or non-spending.

the dancers usually stop caring about what I'm drinking once I either tip them for time while at my table, or commit to getting some dances later with them. I usually commit to *something* within 10 minutes or I cut them loose. But that depends on the hustle and the speed at which things are done at any particular club. Some are high hustle / quick turnover. Others are longer hustle.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Lol at a non alcohol club what's your excuse then?
The DS used to love drunk customers. They'd get bills confused. She sometimes got them to give her a Benjamin that they thought was a $1. They'd also sometimes fall asleep in the VIP. She would wake them 1 minute before the time was up.
It's no secret that it's easier to hustle you when you're drunk.
^^^ I didn't even think to ask about that. I personally think it's cheap not to buy the girls drinks. And at the clubs I go to, the unwritten rule is that she'll stay with you until she finishes her drink, so it's one of the best values in the club -- a $7 drink nets me 20-30 minutes of her time.

I know some guys here are almost militantly anti-dancer-drinks, but I think a lot of that is resentment over high pressure tactics (and how awkward saying no makes them feel)
Well, in general if someone has been drinking they feel less comfortable with someone who is sober. In theither civvy world I like to be sober the first time I fuck a girl. I want to give her my all star, best performance. But I quickly learned most women want a drink or two to loosen up before fucking a dude the first time, and don't want to be the only one drinking.

In the club you're most likely to scare away drink hustlers and ROBs if you're sober, so no huge loss
I was in an Ontario club once. Frankly the competition from the other PLs in the club didn't seem all that stuff (no pun intended, really!). The hottest dancer there, an 8.5 on my scale, comment on my choice of beer when her stage dance brought her in my direction. "That's my favorite brand!" she said. "Come see me when you're done, and I'll get you one," I said. I then sought out the waitress to get a beer for her and a Coke for me. She came over and expressed a bit of well, joy, at meeting a customer who knew how to treat a lady. Then she noticed my drink, and said, "What's with the Coke?" I gave her an honest answer, "I have gout and one beer a night is all I can drink without paying for it tomorrow."

I think that she thought I might be a LEO. My answer and my Virginia driver license put an end to that and we went back for one of the hottest sessions I have ever had. All told, I only spent $140 for two hours of fun that by rights should have cost twice that. I even turned down an OTC offer from her, not without some regret. One other really amazing thing happened that night. I basically gave her the contents of my wallet and she wanted to be sure that I had enough left to buy breakfast!

I was supposed to return the following day, but my meetings went well into the night. Since I was facing a hellacious drive the next day, I didn't get back :-(
98% of them have responded positively when they see that I don't drink. These girls see the effects of alcohol on people's lives first hand. So most of them, seeing that I don't drink, place me into an elite category right away.

I can only think of two exceptions, and these girls clearly had their own drinking problems.


Bernstein on Schoenberg…
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
I can't see that it matters either way in my experience. The drinking not drinking is all a benefit of the customer in my opinion. If you need it to loosen up or have fun then there it is. If you don't need it then you are probably saving yourself some slight money and not risking driving or needing someone else to drive.

I doubt this matters any as to what you are asking about, but when I decide not to drink I'll ask for a glass of ice water. So I'm guessing it's possible for a stripper to misperceive it for an alcoholic drink, but as I said before I doubt it matters. The clubs I frequent ice water is free as opposed to having a bottle of water.
It's almost impossible to offer you a good assessment of your situation. If I can make a suggestion - you should do what has been mentioned above. Go to the same gentlemens club and order a beer or other alcoholic drink - and leave it there. That is the only change in the situation - as everything else will be the same. See what happens. I'm curious - to see if there is a difference in how the dancers approach you.

There could be a different perception - on the part of the dancers. The speculation isn't going to confirm anything.
@ATACDawg, actually bro, it sounds like she was trying to low key finess you. Get you to pay for breakfast for both of them, make sure you spend money on her, etc. Sounds like that meeting saved what was left of your wallet.
No! Really! She actually fell in love with me at first sight. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! ;-)

Ontario clubs are pretty interesting. The girls are first of all employees vs. "Self-employed contractors". That means that they are paid minimum wage. Second, a lot of the girls lived upstairs, sharing kitchen and bathrooms. Of course, the girls do a lot of their business (read brothel) in their rooms. I was offered OTC either upstairs or at my hotel. My polite refusal was accepted with good grace and not mentioned again. Despite what you might think, she was a sweet young woman who seemed to enjoy her work.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I do believe some dancers want a drink and if you're not drinking maybe they think you're less inclined to buy them a drink or for some odd reason, they may feel a little guilty drinking while you're not. On the other hand, they sit with a guy who is drinking, then they feel fine tagging along a drink of their own whenever you get another. Not every dancer is like this but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few. I have run into dancers who didn't drink themselves and said thanks, but she was fine with not having a drink. This is unusual though.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
I have never had a problem. As long as you are willing to spend money they don't care. If anything they don't like it when a customer is too drunk. Several of my favorites have mentioned avoiding guys who are obviously very drunk, especially if they with a group of people who are very drunk.

When they ask, I always tell them the truth. I never drink alcohol in a strip club, due to the fact that in there are always cops waiting to pick up drunk drivers. I have even gotten pulled over a few times at a "random" sobriety check shortly after leaving a strip club. Florida and Nevada especially seem to be very fond of this, and the cops can be dicks about it too, so I expect a drunk person who can't keep his cool can get a lot more fines tacked on.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I don't drink. Has it affected dancers coming to me? Maybe. I don't know. There are times when I don't see a lot of dancers come over, other times I do all within the same club. Usually if the dancers see I'm buying dances I get more dancers coming to me.
Make sure they know you have money to spend and they will flock to you.
avatar for s88
New York
9 years ago
I've been asked to leave an alcohol club by a waitress for only buying non-alcohol things like redbull and soda. She called me a jew, then called me a muslim, then called me a cop and asked me to leave. At a different SC, I told the story to a dancer and she told me cops are allowed to drink in this state and will drink at a nightclub, bar, or strip club, and that was just a hustle from the waitress. I agree. If you are drunk, you pick dancers you regret, hell, you will buy LDs and tip even the uglyest bitch who sits down next to you in the club. If you are drunk, you will use the SC ATM after she promises "you wont regret it" in the >$300 VIP room.

I do think having a drink on the table for show matters in an alcohol club, but because I stick to non-alcohol clubs it doesn't matter anymore for me. I'll spend my $ on women, not alcohol which is 1/10th the cost when I drink at home. I'd need $80 to get drunk anyway with bar drinks.
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
If waitresses are insulting you, you are probably going to the wrong strip clubs. Most places charge at least $5 for water and non-alcoholic drinks, so even if you aren't getting drunk, you can be buying drinks and tipping the bartenders and waitresses. As long as you are tipping them, they should be happy.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I don't care for a waitress that is insulting either. However in a drinking club, a nice tip would probably keep her happy if you are sitting at a table where several drinkers could be buying and tipping her a lot more than you might be.
Yes, really, the non-alcohol beverages are still making a good mark-up (in most SC's). Keep the cash flow in their direction is what they should care about.

My experience is of not that different relative approachability whether I'm drinking or not. And since in most cases I'm driving myself around I end up trying to stay on the safe side anyway and nursing a light beer until it reaches room temperature.

I don't think it makes a difference most of the time. In most clubs, all they really care about is whether you spend money on them. I do have to say in some clubs, or maybe it's just certain dancers, they will ask why you aren't drinking. It's annoying to no end and girls who ask that will not be selling me lap dances. To me, it seems like a poor business decision to even ask.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
It makes no difference. It must be you.
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Some times i do a bump of cocaine
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