I just saw/read the other discussion labeled "Dilemma". In summary, the author had the day off and was planning on going to the strip club but the wife gave him a BJ/FS before leaving for work. Your advice was generally to have him skip the strip club and do something nice for his wife.
The focus of THIS discussion is:
1) Do women have a sixth sense about our desired activities?
2) Do women ordinarily "sex" up their men on days it would be easier for them to cheat? or
3) Do you think her acts were random?
Personally, I feel it is "2)" for my girl. When I have the day off or especially when I'm gone for either a night or even a string of nights, I'll get sex pretty much over 90% of the time before I leave. I doubt she does this consciously but it is interesting that in my case it is correlated.
I think there's a difference between dating and marriage on this one.
Almost every gf I've ever had pulled out all the stops anytime one of us was about to travel and we wouldn't see each other for a week or two. My wife did this too, for the first few years we were together. But these days it's pretty random and associated with her cycle.
Interesting. My initial thought was that she was doing something nice for him, since she knew he worked late and had the day off. I may be a bit naive though.
I think in your situation, where you'll be gone for a night or three, the sex may serve more of a purpose, to tide you over and keep you from cheating.
Now I want him to ask his wife, to see what she says!
I'd say it's #3. Having been married before if I were to go out of town we'd have sex before. When I got back we'd have sex. And vice versa if she traveled. The only thing that would stop this is if she was on her period. I do think they can sense something is going on because more than likely the desire for them won't be its usual
I think James is right. A woman will instinctively take care of your needs for a while when you are going to be apart, but after some years she will cease to give a fuck.
My experience. 29 years ago wife and I had no sex for about 7-10 days. I had a trip to Vegas upcoming, and decided I was going to make my first ever visit to a strip club. But I also decided that if she'd fuck me good before the trip I would remain faithful (she would view going to strippers as unfaithful). Amazingly, she let me take off for Vegas horny as hell with no sex. So I paid a stripper to do my wife's job. That pattern continued until our separation.
Hilarious movie about a guy with 3 flight attendants as GF's, because, "Everyone knows that girlfriends are more friendly than wives." These words influenced my world view at a very tender age greatly in my school age.
Women's bodies know when they are ovulating, but their conscious bodies do not. This is how they are able to cuckold and get away with it.
Most men do get caught in their infidelities. But the penalties for female infidelities are far more severe. So women who engage in infidelities are much more careful and usually they do not get caught.
As their conscious minds do not know, they cannot betray themselves. But as their bodies do know, they wear darker and more dramatic eye makeup. People have done photographic studies without disclosing the purpose of the study.
When I use to travel for work, my ex would not necessarily have sex to keep me from cheating because she knew I wouldn't., but while i was away we might have phone sex to keep things spicy in anticipation of my return. We always had sex when I got back if my trip was more than a couple of days.
I'd think it was 3. I don't think she consciously did it. Maybe buried in her sub conscious - there was something going on - but I doubt it was deliberate.
LMAO - as much as the OP would make it appear that we women are clairvoyant, what I suspect is that it really comes down to us mongers often bllndly leaving enough clues to our activities that when the SO seemingly picks up on our extracurricular activities thru telepathy, it is just our own carelessness that gives us away.
Lowpaw is spot on. I am sure we leave clues that are somewhat obvious when we go clubbing. It might seem (to us) like we are good at concealing our habits - but in reality - we might not be so good.
You've got to understand that everything involving women follows the lunar calendar. Women usually have a difficult time using maps, but they definitely do use calendars. So if you know women, you have to learn to use the calendar just like they do. And also, they usually prefer to keep such things in the unconscious.
And you will never get this impressed upon you more strongly than if you are looking from an inside perspective at P4P business operations, as I have, being involved with people running AAMPs.
The Biblical Sabbath, a weekly daytime and male centered ritual, was in my opinion, invented to pre-empt lunar night time women centered rituals.
Hey SJG- when did you undergo sex reassignment surgery? Or were you born female? Only a female would be entitled to throw around the "facts" that you so arrogantly claim to know about them.
last commentAlmost every gf I've ever had pulled out all the stops anytime one of us was about to travel and we wouldn't see each other for a week or two. My wife did this too, for the first few years we were together. But these days it's pretty random and associated with her cycle.
I think in your situation, where you'll be gone for a night or three, the sex may serve more of a purpose, to tide you over and keep you from cheating.
Now I want him to ask his wife, to see what she says!
My experience. 29 years ago wife and I had no sex for about 7-10 days. I had a trip to Vegas upcoming, and decided I was going to make my first ever visit to a strip club. But I also decided that if she'd fuck me good before the trip I would remain faithful (she would view going to strippers as unfaithful). Amazingly, she let me take off for Vegas horny as hell with no sex. So I paid a stripper to do my wife's job. That pattern continued until our separation.
Hilarious movie about a guy with 3 flight attendants as GF's, because, "Everyone knows that girlfriends are more friendly than wives." These words influenced my world view at a very tender age greatly in my school age.
Women's bodies know when they are ovulating, but their conscious bodies do not. This is how they are able to cuckold and get away with it.
Most men do get caught in their infidelities. But the penalties for female infidelities are far more severe. So women who engage in infidelities are much more careful and usually they do not get caught.
As their conscious minds do not know, they cannot betray themselves. But as their bodies do know, they wear darker and more dramatic eye makeup. People have done photographic studies without disclosing the purpose of the study.
This is also why midwives always know that the first words always have to be, "Oh, he/she looks just like his/her father."
The Philosophy of The Church of Satan
Been there, done that.
And you will never get this impressed upon you more strongly than if you are looking from an inside perspective at P4P business operations, as I have, being involved with people running AAMPs.
The Biblical Sabbath, a weekly daytime and male centered ritual, was in my opinion, invented to pre-empt lunar night time women centered rituals.
Golden Dawn history