
Comments by Ch3ll (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Reasons Strippers get Fired / Suspended
    I have yet to know of any suspensions or firing of strippers I saw often in the club and never saw there anymore. I don't ask either, don't want to put their business out there or others get suspicious. To all who knew strippers who got fired for extras ITC, was it at a club where extras were known/norm or they really had to be discreet about it? I'd hate to be the one one gets fired over, but at the same time it's us both consenting to it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What if the roles were reversed?
    @shai. Is the $20 retro? I haven't set aside 5 minutes to read this one. Anyway, I'd be a ITC guy for the most part. I'd give whatever extras a woman considers from a male stripper in the club. I'd have constant hustle, because anything about instant/today money gets me going. I know I'd eventually do OTC with a female customer but it would be a select few and I'd probably be the one initiating it. I'd charge for OTC, because I do believe a customer who gets OTC at a decent price will cutback on being in the club. If the sex is great, it would be some free OTC on random as long as she bought the room. Only the ones I could trust that were truly single though would be privileged to OTC. Don't need any husband/boyfriend drama. @SJG. TUSCL needs a new tier for you. Probably call it authorship because you've probably beat any three TUSCLers on words typed alone.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    What do YOU consider "good money" for a stripper to be making?
    I'd love to know what some of the strippers I see frequently make a month. I only say that because as I assume I'm getting to know the real them, the good, bad, and ugly starts to come out (baby daddy issues, rent, needing stripper clothes/shoes, children, state support). I really wonder about their schedule too, because one Tues. I'll see a favorite and next couple of Tuesdays she's not there. To answer though, I think on a weekday (mon-thurs) the strippers I see probably make $100-$300 before club fees. On a weekend probably $200 - $500 before club fees.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How would being rich change how you club?
    I'd probably waste a little trying to see if I could get a clean or low mileage stripper to do more through more dances. I'd also pay for the overpriced dances from waitresses. Its a fine, big booty white waitress I'd love to take to VIP. Lastly, I'd definitely travel to other cities over the weekend and check out other SC and try to accomplish OTC after first encounter. I do aspire to make more. Just maybe while I'm still in my 30s I'll at least enter the 6 figure salary.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    You guys go to bed way too early
    I'm up. TUSCL is my reading material before bed.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Buying a dancers shift
    Fuck that. If she really enjoyed salsa and could make some money too, then I'd guess the price would be a little lower. I'd keep it in mind, but find out what others average so you know if she is shooting high.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What should I do?
    If it's not hurting you then do it if it's understood she'll pay you back or compensates with how truly appreciative she is that you came through for her.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why I love clubs.
    I love the SC because the variety of women and the different experiences had with each in the short and long term.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Does it matter
    It matters to me if I understand she's come to know/recognize me initially. However, if I'm not occupying her time I understand she's working and has to get her hustle on. That may mean not speaking to me as she passes so the next PL she's in route to feels special. I walk past the same people numerous times throughout the day at work. After that initial hello sometimes it's just passing in silence.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The dreaded "work boyfriend"
    Agree with JS69. Seems she considers you good people.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    We all just wanna have fun
    She looks cute, but her attitude would come out eventually. I doubt she'd peak my interest in multiple dances. She seems like the one on her cell phone, not trying to hustle whatever is available.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is it too much to ask of a stripper....
    How did your text to her read? I don't see too much wrong with her response. It was straight to the point. Do y'all joke alot and name call? My ex and I would call each other fool from time to time and not mean it in a mean way. If you really wanted some detailed guidance I'd have recommended getting it from her at her fitness job, next OTC, or calling in that order.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Stripper boyfriends at the club
    @JamesSD That's exactly what the guy at the table next to me did. I don't even recall seeing his girl on stage let alone on the floor. I'll keep a lookout for that nowadays. Not looking for trouble, just pussy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Stripper boyfriends at the club
    When I went out to my vehicle to get more money tonight during a SC visit, the guy that was sitting at the table next to me was walking right behind me as I was unknowingly walking behind his stripper girlfriend to exit the club. On a past visit at another SC a dancer I was doing dances with in VIP told me one of the strippers that had walked in with a customer dated the bouncer over watching VIP.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers as wives.
    Since the thread kind of took a turn from the OP question, yes I'd marry a stripper. However, unless I truly trusted that she stripped clean, she'd have to be a former stripper before we married. I dont believe they are all the same despite the woes that get associated with the SC life. Ive seen a couple of strippers at their day job who just strip to supplement their income. Also, strippers aren't just blah, some are quite intelligent.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should we be more considerate?
    Last night I went to the SC and had zero dances. A favorite of mine we hung out and in between one of her stage sets I chatted with this other stripper that came by to get away from another customer. I gave her $5 after my favorite was done and went to hang out with her again. Then me and favorite even went to VIP and still just hanging out, no dances. It baffles me still how we just chill in VIP and she off and on dances and only charges me for the dances and the club isn't charging her for the songs she doesn't dance. Anyway I eventually leave and gave her what I thought was appropriate for her time despite no dances. I usually don't just give for time but last night that's all I did. If a stripper spends a while with you before dances that's her choice. Y'all may have good conversation going so she's in no rush to start dancing especially if it's a slow shift. If the dances are good, yeah get more, but despite my last night, compensate her based off the quality dances not time she decided to spend.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Arranging OTC with multiple girls at the same club on the same night
    OTC threads probably get more responses than most topics.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dressing nice
    Oh and the few black strippers I've seen in the club over time don't even approach me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dressing nice
    @larryfisherman What is your primary strip club city? I'm black, 31, and SC in Tucson mostly and from my experiences I have had more mileage/fun/better dances/GFE with the Hispanic/Mexican girls. There have been one or two white ones that made themselves noteworthy too. Both types have approached me, but the Hispanic/Mexicans the most. So, it may slightly matter with race. Do you think you're giving off a thug vibe? I haven't seen that work too highly in favor for anybody unless of course they've come to know who you are. As far as dress, I'd recommend khakis and polo shirt or button down shirt. And go with a light color with the polo shirt. Plus wearing cologne is nice. I find it crazy they dont come by after a $40 stage tip. Are you making it rain or putting $20s in their gstring? Do they see that you put the $20 or $40 there? Be sure they see and as others have mentioned ask them to stop by after their stage set. $40 is alot, but sometimes they still choose otherwise for whatever reason. I've purposely tipped more than the other guy(s) before only for her to go and be with one of them. It happens.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How to make strippers disappear
    I go to a club where LDs are $20 but some girls charge $25 when it's clearly signage saying $20. Some girls charge in the middle between $20 - $25. 2 for 1 dances! Ive only heard 2 for 1 drinks. Instead of 2 for 1 dances a club I go to plays the entire song, or as they call it longer songs and the prices are double whether it's LDs or VIP.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I agree with shadow cat
    One day this site might look like Stripperweb but with blue borders.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    dancer's weight
    First thought I think 130 is fine. But like others have said its how it's distributed. Without a chart I don't know what her ideal weight should be given her height. I think if you search on Google for body mass chart that'll probably put it into perspective. Even then though it's all about how it's distributed. This thread made me think about one of my local clubs I like to visit probably has a standard they hire by as I've never seen one there who I'd consider chubby. At my other favorite club I've once seen one what most might call chubby there and another who is there regularly.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Former World Wide Technology employee pleads guilty to using company funds for o
    Had a guy that worked for them do some work at where I am about 2 years ago. Going to have to check some old emails to see if it just might be him.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What would you do?
    Are there other things you can enjoy in the area near the strip club or where your hotel was? If so, and driving there isn't like 2 or more hours I'd say go a couple of more times and see what's up. IMO it serves some value that she allowed you to take her to her hotel if this was knly you guys 2nd time in thr club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How to Return Her Cell Phone
    I thought about giving it to the waitress who had brought us our drinks during VIP and having her go over, but then I was thinking I didn't want to air her business which I feel I did by taking it to her myself anyway.