avatar for serrano


joined Mar 2015last seen Jul 2021

Discussions started by serrano

Comments made by serrano

8 years ago
Yes, the liquid lapdance is worth use!! I LDK every time I visit club and experience is very intense. Tip is using high quality silicone lubricant like Pjur or Penchant Premium (not the stock gel). That way lube last and do not cause wet spot on your slacks as otherwise would with water-base lub. The newer LL pouch size is more reasonable unlike prior larger design, and I do not have to reposition now as with older design.

I find if I waiting a week or even two without ejaculations (it is natural due to my business schedules), the sensitivity of experience is very magnified with LL. I sometime supplementing with 1.5 to 3 g L-citrulline dissolve in 250mL water 1 hour before start dances. Make me feel like teenager again, the dances experience is so intense feeling with grind or stick shift over pant. Additional benefit is grind does not leave you raw feeling...I remember without wearing LL sometime aggressive dancer actually cause thin layer of skin peel off my genital taking about a week to heal.

As my work require travel me to many place with business associate. Often we are visit club with so many beautiful women but notorious for low ITC mileage (like Vegas alas). So I use the LL for make most of my business club visit to enjoy, maximize pleasure gift from these young beautiful girl, as I cannot indulge the VIP extra due to my needs for maintain certain level of business conduct at SC around business associate.

Perhap my situation is unique for my need to use LL. Ironic, as many girl after I LDK in LL they ask me to take their number and then I having much success for OTC.

It worth trying, as cost is only 15 US$, less than cost of single dance at most club.
8 years ago
Follies. $10 for each 3 min song and you groped pretty much entire time. Best talent dancers using simultaneously her ass wiggle over middle of Mr Happy, her right hand all over and around top of Mr Happy, while her left hand down below playing your family jewels. Had to ask her to take hands off and slow her ass down during song 4 because almost LDK at the high chairs...and it was within 15 minute of walking into the Follies and the Follies patdown.

Alas...wishing Mons Venus type girls worked at Follies.
8 years ago
ah, yes, my mistake as I had the alcohol when I writing....I do remember meeting handful of Cubana at Follies dayshift Sat and Sun early March. One have her hair dye blonde, very nice body, natural C cup, slender waist and face is like MILF though. Her dance is among best there, very good rhythms, nice use of ass and hand play at the high chair. High LDK potential with no need for VIP supposing. Would repeat with her.

Agree that severe lack of "cute white chick" at Follies daytime. Maybe 2-3 only and they are usually occupy. Rest are bad shape. On other hand, I lost count of number of Afro dancer at Follies who have fantastic body with natural curve. They are majority now in the weekend dayshift, but unfortunately not really my type.
8 years ago
I visit Follies and Cheetah both twice on weekend early March, so I may comment:

Follies daytime Sat & Sun line-up have lot of nice Afro girl, no Latina and no oriental, and only a handful of American girl. Most attractive American girl is 7, and even then still have a "trailer trash" je ne sais quoi to them. No 8 9 or 10 American girl at present time, and top attractiveness of Afro girl for dayshift is better than American girl. Most floor dance generous and handsy, except noticing most attractive American girls are peculiarly low-mileage in main area (include one who 50% air dance). Follies currently lacking any sort of American girl who is stunner or knockout. So overall disappointing and not living up to Follies reputation. DJ did good job, music mix is very trap/thug. They are play Future "Percocet Molly Percocet" every 5th song it seem...very nice song for grind and get hand shift. However, given bad dancer line-up, I will not revisit for a long time.

Cheetah...is overall disaster for us experience club goer. Fri and Sat night full of group of ugly fat female customer who is first time at strip club gawking at dancers, many married couples with enslaved husband sitting behind angry wife glaring at dancers, drunk college kid groups crowding bar. Yes, several dancer are very pretty, but policy is air dance only in main floor. I did not even bothering with getting a floor air dance. You can just watch other customer stupid pay for one. Ok, usually there are 10 dancer on the 3 floor stage doing the uninspire "Cheetah Step" with boring look on their face, so tip the pretty one you like and ask her see you afterward. Well, I try VIP for hell of it, just to see what how bad it would be. I was shock it VIP dance ($54 house, $150 dancer, 30 minute) actually two way contact for touch. However, Cheetah dancer are so used to air dance as norm they cannot provide good grind...you paying for privilege of experience her bad technique, weak quad muscle, poor rhythm, underdeveloped lapdance repertoire. I am not wasting the time for visit Cheetah again.

8 years ago
thanking all, very nice and helpful advices!