
Comments by s88 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Different club practices
    I've heard of SCs that use lady drink quotas to waive the house fee (a dancer told me to not buy her any more drinks no matter how much the waitress hounds me because she gets nothing above 10 drinks and I bought 9 and 10 over 20 mins). Others, sliding scale house fee on entry time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to write a review of the dirtiest SC in USA?
    If it wasn't obvious, it is an underground place. No licenses or permits. You wouldnt know it exists looking at it from the street. @sflguy123 A first time for me and her stripper (used to work at another SC) said she was afraid the place will be raided and she would loose her day job due to criminal background check. Me and her had alot of fun on the bed tho. How did I discover it? Hard work, it wasnt word of mouth (i wish other PLs let me know this kind of info) or an invite from an existing PL or stripper. @gammanu95 If it was a serious business it would need to be on Jon Taffer's "Strip Club Rescue" because the staff are too high to do their jobs. But I think the PLs know not to spoil a good thing so the PLs are well behaved (except fedora PL) and the SC runs itself without needing staff. "liquor inventory management" was very easy at this club. Whatever is in the busboy tubs at the start of the night, is all that there will be. I think the staff and strippers take home whatever bottles werent finished each night. But all that is left at closing time is half full plastic bottle vodka anyway because all the top shelf stuff is long gone, so is that bottom shelf vodka worth taking home or just trashcan it with the McD bags? lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Going in for the kiss
    It used to seem impossible to make out. Basically if the stripper keeps her forehead pressed or almost pressed against yours, or nose bumps with you, just go for a lip to lip press, she her reaction (shock/pulls away or smiles and doesn't pull away). Then keep close lip kissing. After a couple closed lip smacks go for tongue. Some strippers will close lip kiss, but refuse to open their mouth. You could also ask "do you want to make out with me?" as a condition before starting a LD/VIP session. If you ask outright, remember any answer but a yes/okay/sure is a no. A small percent of strippers will say yes, then face dodge/neck park you during the LDs (ROB/thinks you will forget). Hence a $20/song VIP club, instead of a ~$100-$200 for 15 min club is better. If a stripper said yes to making out, then refuses during LDs, I'll make the experience for her as miserable as possible until time expires, including going for the pussy repeatedly and block her from moving around and try to force her to make out. It will teach her a lesson to say no next time even though she said no to $. Always pick strippers that are atleast 3 inches shorter than you (they have heels you dont). If standing with the stripper your eyes looking straight should align with the top of her head. You need her real height to be atleast 5 inches shorter than you, otherwise you will never be able to reach her lips when she sits on you because you are just staring at her tits or belly button. Percent wise, making out without asking before starting a dance, poledancing places, close to 5%, or like 1 out of 20. Tradition says not to do it. At NYC's lapdance parties (stageless strip clubs), it is about 25% to 30% make out if you just go for it. About 20% say yes at a lapdance party if you ask. At AMPs/brothels/house parties with hookers/fuck in main room infront of everyone extras clubs 40%-50% say yes if you ask. I am within civie dating range of all strippers, and I go GFE style talking with them for a while before getting dances, so my percentages might be higher than the average PL. At the AMP/brothel/house parties/extras clubs, I really recommend asking and it being unconditional. The wilder the place, the more the "but I just blew a guy" attitude circulates in the club so the girl wont do it unless you agree to it in advance. If the girl says no, say "it was nice talking to you , goodnight" and move on. If you sit by yourself in the club/house party all night and go home with a full wallet, all the better. Another tip, if you EVER see a stripper putting ON lipstick in the SC, she is your golden goose. She either DFKed or BJs a customer. One of my ex-favs always did that when walking out of VIP but she was a strictly ITC anything goes but I never OTC girl.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I can't believe that it's not Floriduh.
    This is how you deal with the club after they throw you out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0lmGgbWJcs
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Woman Claims High-Priced Strip Club Fired Her Because She’s White
    Retarded, there is no affirmative action at a SC. If you arent hot (you dont define hot) you cant work there. I wanna see a PL sue a strip club for gender discrimination because he wasn't hired to strip on stage. One of my clubs is 60% black, 30% latina/mixed/dominican (cuz "mixed" is a racist word), 10% or less white. Another is 30% black, 10% latina, 60% white. Another club is 90% white, 10% latina, with exactly 1 token black dancer, and if she doesn't show, zero black girls. Goto a trap house hood SC with hookah, 420 and Henny flowing from the soda gun, you are lucky to see more than 1 white girl in the whole club (and she probably is a passing yellowbone with a white mommy and black daddy).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How soon do you DATY?
    @jestrite50 same thing I have no problems with DFK and FIV/mutual masturbation/HJ no completion on 1st visit. Visit 2 is DATY/BJ/69//FS with completion. I dont fuck on the first date, only the 2nd ;)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    ignore dancers at brand new SC, if u kno they will also work at your extras SC?
    This whole thread was pointless. I over thought this based on experiences at my extras SC. I only interacted with one stripper at the new-to-me SC then went home. This isn't a replacement for my extras SC although half the girls here work at the extras SC. Okay, new club is zero mileage. A stripper from the friday extras place I've gotten LDs from before told me to not waste my $ and go home and come back to the extras club on friday. I did 2 songs then left. On my way out, the club owner/doorman confronted me about my experience and why I am leaving so soon. I said his club was close minded, he said its not, I didn't say specifically I was looking for extras, but he quickly stopped trying to convince me to come back in once I said mentioned DFK and he stood there silent staring at me, after awkward silence , he said he is getting my coat and I walked out. I forgot to tell him his website says all LDs are done in private, and there are private rooms, and both were false. LDs are done in shared LD room with a bouncer. Private rooms have all glass doors. Every couple that walks to shared LD room goes past the VIP rooms with glass doors. One PL was dumb enough to buy one ($260/hr, 1 hr of songs + $20). *sigh*. Maybe there are extras. Probably not. Maybe he wanted sound privacy with his dancer. Those glass doors and the bouncer on stool make it seem impossible for extras. I can't possibly imagine spending $ here vs my extras SC. Funny thing is, my stripper from another club went upto the bouncer on a stool in the LD area (zero privacy SC, panopticon) and asked about DFK, and he said its fine but I cant touch her tits or her ass.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    ignore dancers at brand new SC, if u kno they will also work at your extras SC?
    My extras SC has high turn over. 25% never come back next week, but somehow they are replaced with fresh meat. I dont mind at all. I love the "first night being a stripper" girls that have no idea what they are doing there and have no walls in their head yet. Its the ultimate "hookup" not "hooker" SC. Do I approach new-to-me dancers at the new SC and ask for extras if I know they will be at my reg extras SC a few days later? If a new-to-you stripper says no once to you because of club rules, if she goes to another club, will she still say no, not because the club allows it, but because she carried over the rules from the stricter club to the extras club? While if I ignored her at the stricter club, and introduced myself to her at the extras club, she would do extras? My plan is to avoid every stripper at the new place, that I know will be at the old place on friday. But IDK if that is smart. The new girls will have a heart attack seeing me at the old club on friday and know Im a well traveled PL. @Papi_Chulo says it doesnt affect anything, always ask again at the new club, even if she said no at the old club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Private lap dance clubs in Manhattan
    Liveplaylove had their last event in Oct or Nov 2016 I think, their IG https://www.instagram.com/liveplaylove/ says they will have one in Feb 2017, who knows, I've yet to goto LPL. I havent gotten any emails from LPL beyond the first welcome email. Yaketty Sax's email list got me viagra spam on a virgin email address so they are long dead, no emails either beyond the automated click to confirm subscribe message. Masked Nights dropped their cover from $40 to $20 until Feb. I'll try to get a visit to MN in again before cover goes up again. IMO Masked Night is conundrum. It is setup in a way that you would think it has has the most mileage of the 4 LD parties, but in my multiple trips there, it was zero mileage just like SVT, but for different reasons than SVT. I should try MN again and see if anything changed. After trying Fetish Affairs (see https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=46637 ), I realized the "foot party" and "fetish party" scene might be alternatives to LD parties if I feel Lido is burning out on me. I've also have http://footfetishnyc.com/ on my todo list. There is also http://www.fetishfantasyparty.com/ but its membership form makes me think they aren't open minded like Fetish Affairs and wont allow "vanilla" customers. I also need to try http://www.fixeparties.com . IDK WTF is this. A goth SC? burlesque performance? ITC available? free hookup place (reg nightclub)? OTC only? In this video about Fixe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci-CEijz3vw I recognize 2 zero mileage dancers from Lido and Fetish Affairs I got a LD from. WTF is Fixe Party? Any PLs been to it before? Finally, if you are gay, there is a tranny lapdance party http://www.trannystrip.com/tuesdays
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper gave me a business card.
    Alot of hood strippers put in their IGs, "For bookings [email protected]". Im pretty sure that means OTC anything. Not 1 of my favs, when I find out their IGs, has ever put that on her IG :-/
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    outside smoking area
    Never turn down a "lets go smoke" even if you dont smoke. Dancers are more likely to be themselves/suggest OTC (free or paid) when they are smoking vs main floor. "lets smoke" in 21st century america is a euphemism for "I like your company" or "I want more" since you can't say you like the person in PC america.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What's the most you've gotten at a non-extra strip club?
    @Dougster, there is no such thing as a clean club, the only question is how dirty. At one no-extras SC an ex-fav worked at, you had to chat and befriend the owner of the SC to be able to do extras in the SC. It was a TUSCL listed bikini bar. Bouncers walk in and stop the session and fine the dancer if she is caught on camera. The camera is watched live by a bouncer right next to the VIP rooms, he also collects the $ for them and has a POS.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dating/Falling for a Stripper
    My ex-fav, one of her baby daddys she met ITC. He is now in federal prison for drugs. She could be looking for a dad figure (you will be called "uncle") for her kid, so her kid can grow up semi-normal. How much $ you spend, and how much free stuff you get out of it, is the question.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is prostitution a natural progression from stripclubs?
    Was watching Cops yesterday. 2 different arrests, $15 for a BJ, $20 for FS. S88 wants to be paid $200 to give that hooker FS (gigolo). Both were 2x my weight and the johns weight. Stomach sticks out more than her tits. Face burned and wrinkled and smoking aging.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How big is the girl too big for you? Whats your limit?
    110 lbs. 90 preferred. 120-130 is not GF material. I'll never buy a LD from above 130. My rule is, she has to be able to ride my back or shoulders, 90 lbs meets this requirement.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    No kissing
    One of SCs, 30% of all girls DFK me in semi-private (no VIP at this SC). There is no less than 4 strippers I've made out with every night there (most/all expired, refused to OTC). I call it the DFK factory.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What's the most you've gotten at a non-extra strip club?
    Your experience describes my best ever semi-private LD experience (FIV/stick shift/DFK). No other PLs or bouncers can really tell what is going on if the lighting is bad and the LD area has curves/divider walls.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best lapdances in dc / Baltimore area?
    AFAIK, DC proper is no contact airdancing. MOCO, strip clubs are illegal. VA is pasties. You have to goto PGC for a proper SC in the DMV. Showcase Theater is the only SC in PGC with white dancers AFAIK, all others are AA SCs. I used MetroRail to Greenbelt and Metrobus 89 (runs M-F only) and walked through the bushes and across the MARC tracks to Old Baltimore Pile. Note the last bus 89 headed south DOES NOT connect with the last green line train. You must used the 2nd to last bus 89 of the night going south or a cab to Greenbelt station (there are tons of them loitering in the bus area, so write down a few numbers before you head north).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Way too much staff in the sc.
    You dont know if there will be a rush of kind during their shift. One no alcohol SC near me gets a line waiting to get in at 2AM when last call happens. Even dancers from alcohol clubs come to dance here at 2AM. At 11 PM friday it looks like 11 PM Tuesday and overstaffed, but it isnt once 2 AM comes. Also you never know when a drug and high "athlete" and his entourage needs to be ejected from the SC, so it is an all hands effort if shit goes down with a 220 lbs, 6'5" PL with fight training, vs 1 or 2 bouncers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Bizarre hackathon event at strip club to distract programmers
    SCs dont have enough power outlets for a hackathon. I'd bring my laptop and chill if there were outlets. (there are exactly 2 in my reg SC, usually both seating clusters have groups of strippers on their phones charging, sometimes I join them and ignore them right next to me). Why goto Starbucks when the SC drinks are the same price and you get kitty on stage?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fair lap dance prices equals more business
    My fav went from a $20/song SC to a $20/10 mins SC and said she doubled her $ per night because PLs dragged her to LD area the moment she left the DR. The whole night. While at the $20/song place, she talks for 30 mins, and half of them refuse to buy dances saying they came just to drink.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "I Have To Stop"...What?
    Bad breath, BO, saw a skin problem (infection or trackmarks) on you. Aunt flow problems. Pooped her pants/needs to take a dump. She redecided that she doesn't wanna be a sex worker anymore.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Your worst hardselling experience?
    When dancers start acting like that, start talking about extras, "do you DFK?" "do you want to suck my dick?" "can I finger you?", "are there cameras?", and finally "I dont have any cash on me". I am starting to be convinced, if I ask for it, and she says no, she wouldn't have done it "in the moment" anyway, and I should save my $.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older dude problems
    I do 2x 20 mg Revatio pills on an empty stomach (no food 12-18 hours/that day) 30 mins before I enter the SC works for me, but I am young. The effect peaks 30-1hr after I take them, ears and face gets hot. Peak hardness is 1-2 hours after I took the pills. The total erection effect (MSOG capable) lasts 24-36 hours for me. Dont drink any caffeine (I suspect my ED is caused by coffee addiction). Dont jerk off for a few days before SCing. Condoms are ice water for me. If you can't get hard watching porn, you wont get hard ITC, so always test johnny but dont cum, before going to the SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Club memberships
    I once saw a $30 a month membership that gave entrance to 3 SCs owned by the same guy in a city for a month. $300/yr also available. Not recurring billing. I also saw a SC, where the $40 cover for one nights cover, if you turn it into CC auto-pay, gives you free cover for the month. Other SCs will have managers or dancers hand out free cover coupons, usually on the opposite type of day it was handed out on (wed customers get a fri/sat coupon, fri/sat customers get a Sun-Thu coupon).