
Comments by s88 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PL Case Study
    If it is Jacksonville, the Dancer's mom will standing in the room watching her daughter give a PL a BJ and then say "I raised you better than that, let me do it". The mom is an ex-stripper.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Did you know about extras before you first got extras?
    I knew from TUSCL extras existed before I started to SC, but they were just really rare. Each bucket list task in SC land takes me 3-4 months of SC visits to accomplish. The more extras and mileage I get, the most stringy and asshole I get with my wallet. BBFSCIP 2 pops 1 hour in VIP for $250 with a lost IG model (actually a SA/TER/BP escort/nightclub gold digger who has no idea what she was doing in a strip club but I took advantage of her on her first and last night being a stripper). My last bucket list task I completed was a stripper sleep overnight in my house. I've known 1 1/2 years before I let her do that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Couples friendly strip club in PA and NYC
    Goto a swingers club instead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Getting charged for extra dances
    At one SC, because dancers love to overcount, once in LD area, I always say "lets wait till the next song", if they get cocky, I walk away with zero LDs and they are blacklisted in my head. I also go song by song asking the count. One time I waited till 2-3 mark (2 songs), she said it is now song 6, we fought and I bartered it down to 3 from 5, and blacklisted her. I've never given the ultimatum "if you dont tell me when the song changes, you wont be paid" since the dancer will probably walk right away. Most dancers at this SC overcount songs and just double or quadruple the real song count and empty the drunk PLs wallet. The ROB dancers ask "what are you drinking?" if it isn't alcohol they walk right away because they dont talk with sober PLs because they cant overcount then. My reputation of being the song police ruined my reputation at this club since all the dancers talk to each other and I get the most "dont talk to him" gossip about me. Another dancer I did 5 songs time 3. She came back with 30 songs at end of night. I told her every time I stopped her was exactly 5 songs, not because of fake reason I told her at the time that I "was tired" or "sweaty" or "i need to rest". Another dancer, I asked for DFK as a condition of doing LDs, she said she wont unless I do atleast 2 songs. I did, then told her inside song 2 she is avoiding making out and avoiding my face. She said she DFKed in song 1, but wont all the time. I ended it at 2 songs. I kept my bargin, she didnt. No more negotiations with dancers in the future. You like me or dont like me. Anything but a yes is a no. At a cheaper more ghetto prepay club, for a 1 song dance, the girl starts on a partial song, goes through a full song, then ends slightly into the 3rd song, so 4-5 mins always.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What was your very first 'extras' experience ITC like?
    What is an extra? a pre-priced service beyond grinding? or anything but grinding even if its "free" with the basic price?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PL Case Study
    You should know how much the SC gives the girl for VIP, then say "lets go to VIP so you make your tip out". She has to earn it and work for it, green $ is never a gift. Also you should have traded #s with a call to her phone with your number coming up on her phone before agreeing to OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    no extra girls comes back after I do an extras girl and offers extras, what to d
    @gammanu95 She shouldve just said yes the first time and taken the risk in going to LD area with me, not change her mind after I took her ugly (didnt know at the time) friend to LD area. I didnt really want to take her ugly friend to LD area but I thinking I was going to go home with zero songs done from this SC if it wasnt for ugly girl. So ugly girl ate half my budget, then the girl I wanted to LD with comes back and suddenly wants the $ ugly girl got, too late, I spent it on ugly girl already, you shouldve said yes before and you wouldve had that $100 and not ugly girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    AA strippers am i lost in translation ?
    @rockstar666 IME all AA girls have a unique BO smell to them. On their arms, their neck, their tits and chest. It rubs off on my clothes. I think it is something genetic with the oil their skin makes. IDK what this smell is. Indians and curry coming out in sweat/skin oil are a similar story, but the curry is a situational thing, if an indian or indo-caribian or indian american never eats curry, it doesn't come out in their skin oil. If I drink too much coffee, if I take a piss in a urinal I get a wiff of a coffee pot along with urine smell.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    stripper showed real name to me accidentally???
    @san_jose_guy she said it was an accident by DM, not intentional. End of story. Lots of hot pics to jerk off to tho now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    Money numbers are stupid to discuss. Don't believe their numbers. Dont say exactly how much you spend, just is it under $1k, over $1K but less than $10K or more than $10K. The only question is, will your stripper spend time with you for free chilling iTC, or run for her regular, or "wanna dance" you in 30 seconds. Strippers "like" customers for various reasons. You dont try to rape them or pull johnny out instantly in VIP. You are better to talk to than backstabbing coworkers (competition). They hate their BF, but he has all the drugs for free that they need, so you are a replacement BF ITC with them having some but not too much feelings for you.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Mexico
    Scam or Bam?
    I carry EC and condoms on me. If you buy the right generic brand, EC is $30 a pill. I'd make sure she takes it infront of me to prove it isnt BS.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club bouncers throw customer head first into wall and repeatedly kick anot
    Some SCs around me require Benjamins in bouncer handshakes for mileage in VIP. A paid off bouncer then radios it is a no cameras dance to the camera guy. I avoid such clubs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying drinks
    If I drink alcohol at all at a SC, I smuggle it in. I always use bag flasks, never whole bottles (heavy and hard, and some SCs pat down) . I'll mix the alcohol with soda drinks from the SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Black-light testing Minneapolis sex businesses
    Every SC should have a basket of flavored and unflavored condoms, astroglide, and wet wipes in every VIP room.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Birth control
    I once made a stripper take a Plan B pill infront of me before a BBFSCIP even tho she claimed she was on BC. She didnt protest since she broke it out of the blister pack herself. II made sure so it doesnt look like a roofie, she opens it, not a loose pill.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Etiquette with Feature Dancers
    I've had mixed results. If the pornstar retired, then tried to unretire some years later, she will be amazing in VIP (possible OTC leads remember). If the pornstar is currently famous, they are a mini-paris hilton or kardashian. If your pornstar seems to have never been at AVN or Exxxotica and did only a couple shoots then retired, that is just a regular stripper who dabed in porn.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Viagra before going to a stripclub?
    @azdd Yes, prescription is needed. It comes from a pharmacy with a counter with a DEA license, not by mail. It is off label usage since the ED blue pill is 25/50/100mg, the "lung disease" revatio pill is 20 mg. Same chemical, different mg and different indicated usage. The ED pill is still patented for its ED usage, but the old "lung disease" usage went generic a few years ago. CVS/Walgreens/Rite Aid/local supermarket all wanted $30-$50 per pill for 20 mg Revatio because they know it is used off-label for ED, and the blue pill is $60-$70 each. But you get more mg for the the blue pill at 100 mg than the 20 mg Revatios when its $40 or $70 a pill. At $3 a pill for Revatio at walmart, 5pills x $3=$15 is the same 100mg as in 1 blue pill which is $60 each so you come out on top at $15 vs $60 for same mg of drug. If you plan to buy the blue pills legit, I suggest only getting a script for 100 mg, then breaking the pill in half. There is no cost difference between 25/50/100mg AFAIK. Convincing your doc to give you an off-label script for revatio instead of viagra is the biggest challenge because he will say revatio isnt indicated for ED on its label to be a dick to you. Your doc probably laughs at making you pay for the blue pill instead of the white revatio pill thinking what a looser you are and how desperate you are. Just find another doc who will write a script for revatio. My Ins doesnt cover ED drugs, so I have to pay cash at a chain pharmacy, and revatio is the best choice if you refuse to use an online pharmacy from overseas.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Buying drinks
    Nightclub rules dont apply to strip clubs. At a nightclub you buy girls drinks to make them wanna fuck you. This doesnt work in SCs. Strip clubs will serve shot glasses of water to strippers to fool you and bill you for liquor. If she is already drunk ITC, 1/2 the time she will call me a looser and Im disgusting, the other 1/2 she will be amazing in VIP. Alcohol tends to make strippers say their true feeling to me about me, which are negative. I never pay for alcohol for my strippers. Either they like me or they dont. If I spent $ on alcohol for strippers at a SC, I'd have no money left over for dances. At my BYOB clubs, girls can always take shots from my bottle, since the bottle costs for me at the Liquor store no more than 2 lapdances or no more than the cover fee for the SC anyway. I still take my bottle home half full from the BYOB SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club bouncers throw customer head first into wall and repeatedly kick anot
    The video looked like it took place in USA but it is Aus. Surprising to see that level of a brawl in a 1st world country. Now a 3rd world strip club, the bouncers will take you for a ride in an SUV to the ATM with a gun to your head.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Viagra before going to a stripclub?
    I suggest Revatio 20 mg (Sildenafil), $3 per pill at Walmart. It is "low dose" generic Viagra. I take 2 of them 30 mins before I enter the club. I might take another 2 pills after 2-3 hours in the club depending on alcohol and 420 levels in me (both hurt Johnny).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper denying ever dancing for me
    Your stripper probably thought "Ive gotten dances from you before" == "your dances suck, no thanks". Ive had strippers walk upto me, hit on me, and dont remember 3 weeks ago they said no to my requests in VIP and said Im depraved degenerate. I've also walked upto strippers before, pretended IDK them, when I do, and repeated with them in VIP, and it was an amazing experience compared to the 1st time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    State/county Exotic Dancer's License
    I've heard a story the license is used to make strippers pay child support to the baby daddy when stripper is denied custody of her kids. I'll guess the license can be extended to parole/probation things, to make the justice system even more punitive. Get arrested? License suspended, now you have no job & you plead guilty, and maybe are homeless after you do you stay in the county jail. The car stop and police knowing your passenger is a stripper from their patrol car's laptop and accusing both of you of prostitution thing mentioned above. Quite interesting thing. Does it protect PLs or harm them? lol
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Question - making requests for girls
    As others said, I'd never let a staff member pick a random girl for me. I dont trust them. I can't get hard without looking at her face first. If for just company, which makes no sense to me ITC, any girl would do, fuck, a guy would do too. As others said, the stripper could be giving a kickback or fucking the bouncer/male SC host and your experience will suffer because the bouncer doesn't have your interests in mind. @Papi_Chulo "a social singles-bar where people are looking to hookup" SCs are better treated as a singles bar but you pay in the end. If you don't walk up first, you don't assert dominance and they will sense it and you will get very little for your $ therefore. Sometimes, the stripper that walks upto me, actually finds me visually hot, and no discussion of what will happen in LD area is needed if I throw the right chemistry and flirting back at her. Last time at the SC, 2 girls walked upto me and said hi. A lil small talk, both leaned in close, I touched their arm, played with their hair a lil, at one point, standing (no free seats ITC) our foreheads were touching and holding hands, a nose bump. I then said to goto LD area. Both allowed DFK and FIV and DATY without asking before we started the dances. Both asked if I wanna fuck them during semi-private LD session but I declined due to looks/undateable/not interested in OTC reasons. I think that was a successful night. Every girl I walked upto (5 of them), i said hi, arm touched, half of them, in 2 minutes they made a reason to flee to bathroom, DR, or another reg, the other half, had some convo, but couldnt get the topic sexual, eventually I had to ask if they want to DFK, they said no. Oh well, I saved my $. But in the past I have had amazing nights, because sometimes the hotest girls in the club, know they dont need to cold call anyone. Or sit next to a guy as an investment not knowing if they will buy a LD when poped the question. A guy who walks up and says hi, is all but guaranteed to buy dances. The walk-up PLs are also "very nice" compared to 5 bros with a bottle who came to the SC to be douchbags. SCs are a numbers game. You need volume and to reject girls who dont meet your standards. There are always more new girls in the future. Never be afraid to go home with a full wallet.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Question - making requests for girls
    At one SC, the female hostess/manager basically told me to tell her what girl I want, by name or looks, because 8s-10s hide in the DR except for hourly stage rotations because there are very few seats ITC all night and front row customers are cheap and worthless to talk to.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The ultimate SS: your dick
    It is too big to go in. The tip reached her belly button when I put it against her front.