"I Have To Stop"...What?

avatar for IHearVoices
So I'm at Tootsies last night and I step in the LD area...the girl snuggles up to me a bit while we're waiting for the song and going through the whole 'pointless convo' thing. We're kind of comfortable, but she dang near forgets to start dancing when the next song starts. She does, though; and it's closer to GFE than 95% of dances I've ever gotten at Tootsies. She's on top of me and all, but there's more touching than grinding - enough to the point that I have to initiate grinding more than I'd like to.

It's cool and all, so I have no issue...but then after the second song she says she has to stop. Um, what? She proceeds to tell me she has to stop before she gets wet. No push for VIP, which is what I'd expect in such a situation. She's still nice to me and hugging on me as we leave the area, and I'm trying to figure out what in the world is going on.

Now we all know the girls are there for one reason, which is what makes this so weird. Nothing went wrong during the dance, we got along great, I was certainly willing to spend more, and she stopped. I've had girls tap out before, but that was because they were tired. I've had a girl tell me she was wet before (and put my hand somewhere to serve as proof). Never has a girl just stopped out of nowhere like this.

Not posting to brag on myself or anything like that: just a "WTF" moment.

Bonus: the only reason I even said yes to dances from her was...sigh. I was out there with a friend and his cousin, both of whom are married. Now, my friend has had a lot of issues over the last year and we've never hit a SC together before (he stopped before I started). He'd also never been to Tootsies. I told him the lay of the land and asked him if he had enough cash. Said he was alright. I went to the screen to check for familiar faces and...okay, long story short - he went into the LD room with the one ugly blond chick. If you go fairly often, you know who I'm talking about: the somewhat tall one with the terrible eyeliner job and frown that combine to make her look like a witch. Came back out and she was walking him to the ATM: at that point I knew an intervention was necessary. He got three more dances than he could afford. I paid her and his cousin told her to kick rocks. I then took his card. Of course he was ready to go after that...and the above situation happened because I had to rush and was unable to play my 'passive' game.

So really, last night was full of WTF.

Follies Friday, though. :)


last comment
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Doesn't sound like you got GFE, sounds like WE (wife experience)
avatar for IHearVoices
8 years ago
Good point...
avatar for ellocohombre
8 years ago
Aunt Flo for sure.
avatar for Spirit_of_Alucard
8 years ago
Remember that it's the WOMAN behind the breasts & abs that counts. Respect that!
avatar for sflguy123
8 years ago
I don't recall anyone stopping on me but I've had strippers complain they were getting wet(like it's a negative). It's a big turn on for me. I guess they want to look at it as a business transaction and don't want emotions involved.
avatar for Sleepwalking
8 years ago
I had something similar happen that left me scratching my head once. Met a dancer, got a floor dance, then took her to a private lap dance area for some pay as you go private lapdances. Bought a few dances and we are making out, I'm licking her boobs, and she's letting me finger her a little.

I'm prepared to buy another 5 or more dances from her, but she stops me. She says "I really like you and if you keep spending money on me, I'm going to view you as a good regular customer, and I won't want to lose the income. So, I'm going to stop you now, because I'd like to try dating you." She then gives me her phone number and real name, which are both legit.

We text a little bit the next few days, but she never agrees to a date. She invites me back into the club and I get some more high mileage dances.

I couldn't figure out why she would stop me from spending money on her, if the dating thing was bs. Then, I finally pieced it all together and it made sense.

When we were making out in VIP and she stopped the dances, it was because she had a longtime regular customer who was waiting for her. She didn't want him to wait too long, so it was a good excuse to end the dances with me, keep him happy, and keep me on the hook, still wanting more.

I have to say that some of these girls are clever hustlers. You practically need a PHD in psychology to make sense of their behavior sometimes. And, even then, it doesn't always make sense. It can drive you crazy trying to wade through the stripper shit, so it's probably best to enjoy the moment and assume that most of what they say is just bs.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
On the one hand, you should bask in the afterglow of the possibility that your stripper got so hot and wet that she had to stop dancing for you.

On the other hand, you should at least know in the back of your head the other possibilities: She felt her period coming on and didn't have a tampon in. She ate some bad burritos and felt the inevitable explosive conclusion coming on. She knew her whale had just walked in and needed to ditch you to go to him. Your breath stunk and she didn't want to put up with one more dance. Bottom line: for whatever reason she wanted to leave, as a smart independent businesswoman, she picked a way to leave you that would leave you feeling great and totally intrigued -- smart on her part, since many strippers handle the exact same situation in ways that leave customers hurt, irritated, or furious. If it were a Stripperweb girl, she probably would have just broken your nose and walked out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Never been in that situation but man1y strippers don't like getting wet I assume either b/c it's uncomfortable or they fear a smelly pussy will be an issue with future custies and they may not want to have to go back to the DR to have to clean up or they may not have a backup outfit.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
Anything is plausible but menses is at least 20% probable.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Odd nights happen
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Was the blond you referring to a slim bit tall Caucasian that actually has fake tits - if it's her she's ugly and has an ugly StripperWeb attitude
avatar for IHearVoices
8 years ago
I never thought about Aunt Flo, but that's certainly plausible. Just weird, that's all.

Papi: yup, that's the one.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Happened to me a few times. A couple said they had to use bathroom. Another said a stripper friend needed help on a boyfriend crisis. Can't take this sort of stuff personally.
avatar for IHearVoices
8 years ago
Oh no, never that: I'll be happy to see her again, whenever that happens. Kind-of want to go back, just because my night was incomplete due to the other situation...but I have that trip to Atlanta.
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
She was trying to avoid grinding from the get-go but you forced the issue. I'm guessing that she some problem, like a yeast infection, or a bad period, or [insert some other problem here] and the grinding was uncomfortable or painful. But I'm sure that the whole "getting wet" excuse sounded great. ;)
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
A couple of times I've had dancers thank me and run off before I had the chance to ask them for another dance.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
You should have taken the hint Larry. I'm surprised it doesn't happen to you all the time.
avatar for rickjames101
8 years ago
Well, whatever that was don't fall for strippers or prostitutes. I label those as "damaged goods". Now don't get me wrong! you can fuck and date them all day long,just don't go saying "let's get married? you look like you will make a good wife" Ha!
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
a future maybe.
avatar for reignfire
8 years ago
Happened to me once with a favorite of mine. We were in the couch room and she grinded on me while I sucked on her nipples like crazy because I hadn't seen her in weeks. She stopped after two songs despite the fact that I was ready to spend more money on her. She said that she would masturbate before she starts a shift so that it would take her a long time to nut but she didn't have time tonight so came in anyway to avoid paying a higher house fee. Then she said she was going to the dressing room and finish what I started. I offered to help her finish but she wouldn't hear of it. I never saw her again.
avatar for s88
8 years ago
Bad breath, BO, saw a skin problem (infection or trackmarks) on you. Aunt flow problems. Pooped her pants/needs to take a dump. She redecided that she doesn't wanna be a sex worker anymore.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
reign: I think I would have not been able to stop myself from laughing right there. "I'm going to get wet so I have to leave", I guess teeters on the brink of something I can suspend disbelief for, but "I have to masturbate before I start a shift" is downright comical!
avatar for Sleepwalking
8 years ago
@s88: I'm going to go out on a limb and venture to guess that IHearVoices doesn't have trackmarks. Lol.
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