
Older dude problems

You young whippersnappers who never have any trouble getting it up and getting off, with strippers or otherwise, can ignore this thread. It is directed at my fellow 60+-year-olds who might have such issues.

I am 62 and have been strip clubbing regularly since I was 40. Through my 40s and most of my 50s I could and did lapgasm on almost every visit, often twice in the same day. In fact, once when I was about 45 I came twice from lap dances within four hours at the same club! Even well into my 50s I could come at one club in the afternoon and another at night, maybe 8 hours later. In summer 2013, when I was 59, I discovered the joys of the ITC blowjob, adding OTC blowjobs to my repertoire about a year ago. In retrospect this discovery extended my strip clubbing life by a few years, since BBBJs *always* got me off. Just last year I enjoyed two VIP rooms with BBBJ in just two hours.

I have tended to resist pharmaceutical enhancement, but in recent years I have sometimes taken 250 mg of Vitamin V before a strip club visit or OTC date, especially if it's a second club in the same day or two or an overnight date with two shots on goal.

This year I've noticed that my potency has taken a nosedive. I have visited my favorite non-extras club *hundreds* of times over the past 20 years and have historically lapgasmed about 80% of the time. As a matter of fact, during a stretch of a few years ending in spring of last year, I came about 75 times in a row there from lap dances! Well, that percentage is down to maybe 50% this year. Also, on a number of occasions this year, both in the VIP room and in bed with a favorite OTC girl, I have failed to climax.

My last strip club visits were on 10/31 and 11/1, when I successfully got BBBJCIMs at two different dive bars in Washington Park. It was right after these visits that things took a turn for the worse. On 11/1 I had a severely enlarged and tender testicle, which my doctor diagnosed as epididymitis. A prescription of the antibiotic cipro cleared this up within a few days. However, around that same time a routine health screening at work revealed a PSA score of 13, where the normal range is 0 to 4 (and my own score has always been between 0.8 and 1.4). At my GP's urging, I made an appointment for 12/20 with a urologist to find out if I have prostatitis (or worse).

To add to my concerns, I've noticed that I haven't had an erection for many days if not weeks, which is unprecedented. I had a tentative date for a sleepover on 12/12 with my ATF (dinner, bedtime and morning BJs, and brunch -- a lovely combination!), but when I tried to masturbate this morning and couldn't finish the job, I canceled the date, telling her that I was taking another month off from strip clubs and strippers and would see her early in the new year.

Have any of you gentlemen of a certain age experienced anything like this? How worried should I be? Can prostatitis cause impotence? I know that we're not doctors here, but I also know that many of you are 60+ and might have some relevant experience to share. This will weigh heavily on my mind until I can see the urologist on 12/20. On the other hand, I'm saving a bundle on lap dances and OTC dates during November-December!

Thanks in advance for any serious feedback!


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hopefully it's just a minor issue that can easily be fixed.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Yes it can cause sexual dysfunction.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'll be turning 47 soon thus have not had these issues - as we get older the more health issues we tend to have to tend-to - your worry is understandable especially when one does not know what's going on - wish I could give you more solid info, all I can say is to keep a positive attitude and be grateful you have access to good health care - if you do not currently have a healthy lifestyle perhaps now it's a good time to start
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This is not a new subject:

    Though I cannot prove this, I feel that most of it is psychological. Though perfectly "normal", it still just amounts to bodily capability which is being interdicted.

    And then notice the link to Gawker's account of phenomenal age regression.

    Mostly, as I see it, young guys want to cum. Old guys want to use their sexual abilities to seduce women. So we save it until really needed.


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    fuck. i'm 66. i don't like being old. i have been experiencing a failure rate of cumming of 75%. i usually have no problem of getting it up... but finish??? like a roll of the dice. prior to 60 there was never any problem with sex. (faithfully married at that point.) a 60 i started failing. but i still love the sensation of sex even if i don't finish.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Old age sucks, wish I was still 23
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Correction: I have a stash of Viagra, purchased from an online Indian source for about $1 per 250 mg pill. Most of the time I use a pill cutter to cut pills in half, so that my dosage is 125 mg. I do agree that one should take the minimum dosage to get the job done. I also agree that a Viagra-assisted erection doesn't feel quite natural and doesn't always end in ejaculation.

    justme62, I sympathize completely. Several times this year I have been blown by a gorgeous stripper, in the VIP room or in bed, and have not gotten off despite getting it up. On my last overnight date in October with my ATF, who is a very skilled and tireless fellatrix, the BJ at bedtime went fine but the morning one, 11-12 hours later, ended without orgasm despite her dedicated efforts. (I should clarify that our morning session ended without orgasm on *my* part, but as a result of our customary 69 position she had several!) I actually enjoyed the experience and thanked her profusely for giving it the old college try, but I would never have guessed a year ago that a BBBJ wouldn't get me off.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I feel your pain, MrD! I'm 65 and without chemical enhancement, getting hard is pretty darn sporadic. Sucks to get old........
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i cut my generic 100mg viagra in half. seems to work ok most times.
    i also forgot another problem i have now... prostate issues. damn getting old.
  • Array
    8 years ago
    I had an issue with BPH around 2013-2015. The biggest problem was inability to void the bladder and consequent recurring UTI 's. I also noted progressively increasing failure to orgasm. (BTW, I was 62-64 during that period.). Then a urologist prescribed Rapiflo, which I took for about 6 months. I could still get erections, but I lost the ability to ejaculate. In 2015 I then had an operation when basically shaved off prostate tissue from the inside (TURP). The result of that was that my bladder control is pretty much normal now, the sexual performance is about where it was before the prostate problem, but I still don't ejaculate. There was no cancer, so I'll live happily in my current state.

    I believe that the BPH had little to do with sexual performance issues. I think I'm just getting old. I've tried Viagra a few times and it seems helpful but not a miracle drug.

    I really didn't want to hear the urologist when he started talking about surgery. But I finally broke down and took his advice, and I'm now glad I did. Your problem, Deuce, sounds a little more concerning than mine. I can only advise to keep that appointment on the 20th and do what the guy tells you. My operation was quick and without complications. The worst was two weeks of wearing a catheter, but that was soon over.

    Good luck to you!
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I'll be 75 next month. I can't go back. So I just go forward as best as I can. I don't think that I have ever cum from just a lap dance in the last 10 years. I need at least a HJ. I can get off from a BBBJ 98% of the time. The 2% of the time that I can't I attribute it to being tired or having a sex provider that doesn't turn me on enough.

    I do use 100mg of generic Viagra from India every time I anticipate having sexual relations of any sort. I also have a stash of the real thing that I save for when intercourse is expected. Getting it up for FS is really a hit or miss thing for me but I can usually fall back on a BBBJ to get the job done.

    I did see a urologist for urination frequency getting me up too many times at night and he put me on .8mg of Flomax. My PSA was 4 but has since dropped to less than 3. The Flomax helped with the urination problem but had the side effect of retrograde ejaculations. That means my semen went into my bladder instead of blowing a load. The girls loved it.

    In May of this year I had cancer surgery. I was in ICU for 2 weeks and went through 3 months of rehabilitation. When I first came home from the hospital after 3 weeks I became incontinent. I was using Depends and went to see my regular M.D about it. He thought that I was having bladder spasms and prescribed Vasicare for it. The incontinence cleared up in about a week but I noticed that my night time urination problem was much better than when I was using Flomax. I just saw my doc this last week and I asked him about the Vasicare because a Google search did not show it as a drug for BPH. So my doc thinks that I don't have a BPH problem after all and just a weak bladder.

    So now I am back to normal ejaculations which feel much stronger that the retrograde ones. I'm staying on the Vasicare and using the generic Viagra on my twice a week trips to my favorite club. I'm saving the expensive real ones for my rare OTC experiences.

    As for generic Viagra, I know 3 other guys using it from the same Indian pharmacy. We've never had any side effects from using them but I don't think that they are as potent as the real thing.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    For clarification my cancer surgery was for gum cancer and had nothing to do with my prostate or bladder.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I have no problem getting it up, but like some other oldsters said, it has become difficult to come. It takes a long time, and LDK and HJ don't do it. I need a BBBJ followed by sex.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I'm 71 and began serious strip clubbing about 10 years ago. I had one lapgasm but usually was doing Champagne Rooms and usually had my dick out and either got HJ or simulated sex ( rubbing my dick back & forth outside her pussy. This always got me off. Eight years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and am on 3 mess all of which can interfere with sexual functioning. Then I started getting bbbjcim from my ATF and the first one I lasted about 30 seconds. Around this time I started using 100 mg. Of Viagra ( my health insurance paid for 12 pills per month) and it worked marvelously. My ATF compared my erections to a steel pole. About 3 years ago I had quadruple bypass surgery ( CABG - Coranary artery bypass graft) and didn't have sex or masturbate for a month. My first adventure after this I had a semi-hard erection, but did nut. My insurance stopped paying so I switched to pills from India and I too, feel the potency is less. I now take 200 mg. Pills ( sometimes 400 mg. and have little if any difficulty getting erect, but about 1/2 the time can't finish. My ATF has been wonderful about helping me when I can't get off, sometimes by making up stories ( based in truth?) of great sex escapades she's had, while stroking and nibbling my dick and balls; once trying a prostrate massage which neither of us enjoyed. Sometimes I'll finish myself by masturbating while she whispers sexy activities in my ear about how her mouth is dry and needs me to cum so she can lick it up, etc.
    The volume of my ejaculate has diminished appreciably, also. Up until a couple of years ago I'd have 3 or 4 good spurts. Now I'm happy with a dribble. Some of this is directly attributable to the cardiac meds and some is old age, I'm sure.
    I'm not giving credence to SJG but familiarity and new partner can affect my performance. About 6 months ago I ended up in the CR with a 23 year old mixed race dancer ( a true 9) who had captivated my attention and she uncharacteristically initiated intimacy. Kissing, feeling, removing our clothing and after blowing me asked me to fuck hrr hard. I was sitting while she reverse cowboyed me and she was wild and before I knew it I came inside her. She came about the same time and it was memorable sex. This wouldn't have happened with my ATF who I honestly have fucked about 1000 times over 8 years. So "something strange" can be a motivator, too.
    Thanks for raising this topic, because as we age, it's a factor for most everyone.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    At 67, I don't give a shit! What happens happens. Nothing I've not already known is likely to happen. I still enjoy excellent sight and the rest works when needed. Just no longer a major concern.
  • kenleyva
    8 years ago
    There are many men out there in the world that are over the age of 60 and have no problems getting erections. Mostly because they don't live indulgent/sedentary lifestyles that we do here in the west. You are lacking blood circulation, plain and simple. Your heart is not healthy, you probably smoke and drink, eat too much, worry too much, don't exercise, ect. All of this creates a perfect storm for not having an erection. Start living a healthy life and I promise you that your erection will come back without medical intervention.

    A side note: 100% pure pomegranate juice works wonders ;)
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    OMG see a urologist. If you have low T, even with V you're going to have issues. I had ED issues and started on V which helped, but then when I started testosterone treatment, I no longer needed the V. I still use it for clubbing though, because I want to be rock hard without worrying about it.
  • Rod8432
    8 years ago
    I think Nature is basically telling us older types it's time to stop spreading our seed. But I'm not going out gracefully. Agree with kenlevya that circulation underlies most of this. I too use pills from India (Levitra substitute) that seems to work okay. Damn American prices of nearly $40/pill make the real deal laughably out of reach.

    I also have more of a numb dick than when I was younger. Almost like I'm wearing a thin condom all the time - harder to determine where I'm at and when I'm in. And then there's less control of the orgasm. I used to could time it, holding myself at the precipice for extended stroking action before finally releasing my load when I was ready. Now, it's more of a crapshoot - sometimes I cum way too early and other times labor like a motherfuck before finally spraying my decidedly less voluminous jizz.

    And lastly, at nearly 60, women my age mostly don't float my boat. So, young strip club flesh of my ideal type (tall, willowy, and naturally breasted) is what I need to really rise to the occasion, and damn if they're not hard to find!
  • Rod8432
    8 years ago
    rockstar666 - I'm leery of T Replacement, due to the heart attack risk. Or at least my perception of that risk. Did you do the underarm application or something different?
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Viagra doesn't come in doses over 100 mg unless its fake. Buying something on-line is a guaranteed fake. At age 59 my sole use for Viagra is swinging. No way am I going to get it up, stay hard and blow a load 2-4 times in a night without it. Other than that the simple fact is that lifestyle = dick. I eat right and work out. My blood pressure is normal and My cholesterol is controlled by lipotur. The thinner and more active I am the better the hard on and orgasm. Yesterday I did t he CR totally nude- standing behind the spinner and she grabbed my cock between her legs and stroked it as she rubbed it on her pussy. I took 6 napkins with my drink, but she needed to go get more from the bouncer. Looked like a pint.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Do you take blood pressure meds? Some of those can cause problems.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    skibum: I buy on line and it's 100% real.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Rod: I use the gel now; I've used the underarm liquid too. It's made a huge positive difference in my life so I'll risk the heart attack thing. Like they say, you live to be 100 if you don't eat bacon, but why?
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Mt T is on the low end of normal and my urologist said NO unless it is absolutely necessary. I don't have a problem with desire. So I'm passing on any T treatment.

    I dob't think condoms have been mentioned yet. If she tries to put a condom on my dick, she might as well stick it in a bowl of ice water. FS other than bare back is NOT going to work. It's a risk I'm willing to take but I am some what selective in who I do it with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    This must be s really depressing thread for all the young folks to be reading

  • s88
    8 years ago
    I do 2x 20 mg Revatio pills on an empty stomach (no food 12-18 hours/that day) 30 mins before I enter the SC works for me, but I am young. The effect peaks 30-1hr after I take them, ears and face gets hot. Peak hardness is 1-2 hours after I took the pills. The total erection effect (MSOG capable) lasts 24-36 hours for me.

    Dont drink any caffeine (I suspect my ED is caused by coffee addiction). Dont jerk off for a few days before SCing. Condoms are ice water for me. If you can't get hard watching porn, you wont get hard ITC, so always test johnny but dont cum, before going to the SC.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Revatio is sildenafil, the same ingredient in Viagara. My dose is between 25-50 mg (I buy 100 mg pills and cut them). your 40 mg dose is spot on. I hope it's not too expensive!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Getting old sucks!
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    "I just need a hug. "
    I have heard the studies about ED at an early age being related to health issues. One suggested that you could expect a cardio event within the first 3 years of experiencing ED. Like above comments, we eat shit, sit on our asses all day. Personally, I hate my late 40's, I miss being able to get 2 off in the morning and then 2 off in the evening. Sometimes, now days she needs to be a really freaky woman to get me going.

    So what I am trying to say, Try to eat better, no processed foods and take a fucking walk. Try and see a doctor and get to know your body.

    Personally, Right now.. Before I go back on a stain, I would rather take a bullet.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    "Getting old sucks!"

    Beats the alternative!

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I really appreciate all the comments so far. My story seems to have hit a nerve with many of you. I am already starting to lose weight (down about 15 lb in the last few weeks) and will start a walking regimen during my Christmas break. I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure, and my parents both lived to be 90+, but I'm sure my cardiac health isn't what it should be. I'm hoping to avoid prostate surgery and testosterone replacement and treat this as naturally as possible.

    If SJG is to be believed, my erectile issues are solely attributable to my not being a social justice warrior and to being stuck in fuddy-duddy ways of thinking. Should I send money to Jill Stein's pointless recount efforts and join in the anti-Trump riots? Fuck that!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think there may be some specific medical issues. And then I am also inclined to agree that chemical addictions like caffeine are problems.

    But consider this, most guys wake up with a hard on. So long as that is there, and one does not ejaculate, then that should be there and available at anytime from then on, unless perhaps one gets too fatigued or intoxicated.

    But what seems to actually happen is that one's daily concerns get in the way.

    Once one stripper at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail was really showering me with attention, mostly close views of her ass. So I told her the truth. "This is just like jr high school all over again." She thought that was funny.

    Young guys get hard ons all the time, when they are not needed.

    Older guys seem to only get hard when it is needed, as when it is to be used.

    Thing is though, there are more complex psychological issues in play. As I see it, the prospect of possessing the woman is a huge part of it. He might be paying her. This is not really important. But he has to feel that she is really offering herself to him and wants to be possessed. This matters for the older guy, much more so than for the younger guy. For an older guy, hard ons are there when they are needed, when they will be put to effective use.

    Now I am not an anti-feminist. But rather life is much more complex under the surface than it may look.

    Suffice to say, time and energy spent regularly getting in touch with one's feelings. Healthy habits, exercise and bodily awareness, and then just clarity of your intentions when going after a prospect, this should do it.

    If it is there when you wake up, but not there after you are out and about and tending to your affairs, to me it seems like the issue is psychological and highly related to what is going on in your life. Yes, of course this is 'normal'. Older guys are more responsible in what they do, they look at a bigger picture. So the seeming loss will usually not be easily reversed. But I believe that with the above items I have listed, it can be reversed.

    Sexual Performance Anxiety

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    And notice that all this material is focusing on the psychological dimensions.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Lots of good videos about this, lots of them:

    Psychological issues, just life distress, is a big factor. But then it also comes down to circulation issues. And this is highly effected by diet, exercise, and smoking.

    And then diabetes is a huge issue. Most people who have diabetes do not know it.

    What I am reading is that it makes it feel like you don't have good circulation in your extremities. But in fact, it sounds like the real issue is that you blood does not work well anymore, because it is so high sugar.

    And then caffeine causes high blood sugar, even above and beyond what additional sugar the caffeinated beverage might be introducing. Very easy to become addicted to a caffeine and sugar diet.

    And then of course these chemical enhancers solve nothing, they just make you dependent on them.


    High heels, tacones, always make the girl, TJ Street Girlhttp://i466.photobucket.com/albums/rr23/archie6…
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ED and diabetes:

    Most people with diabetes do not even know it. Or maybe they are just pre-diabetes.


    Capability declines with age?
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ or maybe you are a moron
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Wife cures husband's ED

    Again suggesting that declining capability is not irreversible.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Using watermelon to make natural Viagra.

    I think we all need a better diet. This is how I feel, at least for myself.

    Viet Coffee shops, no good!

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    SJG, we don't always see eye to eye, but I want to thank you for bringing my attention to these issues. I will watch the YouTube videos that you posted and investigate the connections between ED, psychological stress, sugar, and caffeine. I certainly consume too much sugar and caffeine but am able and willing to cut way back. I'm also frequently under stress, but this is harder for me to fix. Thanks again!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I've been effected by stress and bad diet, and just by what I call, "Looking evil straight in the eyes."

    I want back now the sexual functionality I used to have. I believe this can be obtained, diet, exercise, and mostly meditation exercises ( sexual yoga ), getting more clear on what I am doing.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    No more toda la noche for me!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ I suffer from multiple types of high stress and related bad diet. For one thing they closed my favorite supermarket. What I had substituted was no good. I've been involved in some nasty things, like helping to put a Pentecostal Daughter Molester into San Quentin, and more. That and things like it effect one. I want back the sexual functionality of my younger days. I do want to be toda la nocheing young hotties and pumping them full of my jism.

    My wife was never sexualized enough to be able to satisfy me. She just didn't really understand it.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I'm not the only pervert her. Others have posted that just seeing a girl in these types of shoes, tacones, already makes them half hard.

    High heels, tacones, always make the girl, 19yo TJ Street Girl


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