
Fair lap dance prices equals more business

Sunday, December 11, 2016 10:13 AM
I peruse TUSCL's daily reviews. It looks like in some places across the country lap dances start out at 40 bucks per song. Da fuck? Here in LA most of the clubs start out at 20 bucks a song. From what I've seen, the places that have the more expensive dances don't have a lot of customers buying dances, and the places with the less expensive dances have a lot more customers buying dances which equals better business for the club. Follies for example has 10 dollar dances, and business seems to be booming at that club with a lot of customers buying dances. I think for a lot of people they're a lot more hesitant to buy dances at a expensive dance club, if they do get dances, they might only get one or two. I think 20 bucks is a good fair price for both the customer and the dancer for a 3 or 4 minute song. What do lapdances cost in your area? What do you think is a fair lapdance price for both the customer and the stripper?


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I've read that in a couple clubs in Richmond, VA that the cheapest you can get is a 2 fer 50 or 60 bucks, and it's a pastie dance?! Say it ain't so Richmond residents.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    fair might be a 2fer20 nude as it is at synn coi on a thursday night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    $20 *is* a fair price but even then at that price I'm more hesitant than at $10, at $10 I say yes a lot easier and to more dancers and often may end up spending more - for me @ $10 gets me in the club more often and spending more
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Raising prices to an insane level is not how you make money in retail. How have strip club managers never heard of Walmart?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    $25 is the price in most Detroit clubs, but only $20 in some others. "Fair price," it seems to me, has little meaning. Sellers want the highest price, and we buyers want the lowest. The price/volume trade-off has already been taken into account. It is possible that dancers could increase their income at a lower price, but they (and the clubs) do not seem to agree.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Typical dance prices in LA for topless may be $20, but most clubs outside the COI start at $30 for nude dances.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I know a dancer that lives in Tampa. She dances at OZ in Clear Water where she gets $35/dance. She has relatives in Atlanta. So when she comes here to visit them, She works at Follies for $10/dance. She freely admits she makes more money at Follies because of the volume.
  • dustyshoes
    8 years ago
    The dance price where I go in Wi. are $25 and most of the time the dance booths are empty. years ago they were $5 and with double the number of booths, you had to wait for an opening .I don't know what the dance split between the club and the dancer was at $5, but now the club takes $8 of the $25. Probably, the club thinks that the amount they take from the dance could never be gotten from the $5 dance, so they raise the price to $25. Clearly, they don't see that with the lower number of dances that are had, both the club and the dancer are on a lower financial trajectory.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    The only place where continually raising the prices won't have a big effect on business is Vegas. They keep raising the prices at Sapphires and Rhino, but business is still booming there. Why? Because the vast majority of people that go to Vegas are just visiting Vegas, they're not regulars.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    $20 for just about all clubs here But, some of the local clubs have made the $20 lapdances air-dances only, and only at your table (the bouncers enforce that there's to be little to no touching). To get to the lapdance area, with at least some low-touch actions, these clubs charge 2/$60. As a general rule, the lapdances are not worth it at any price, at the alcohol clubs here, only the nude clubs. At the alcohol clubs, my general rule is, "if I don't like her enough to take her on a $100 VIP dance, just cut her loose"
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If a club has cheap dances and I'm on the fence about SCing much greater chance I'll stop-in, if the dances are more expensive and I'm on the fence about SCing greater chance I won't go in
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    justme62 They really have 2 NUDE dances on Thursdays at Synn for only 20 bucks?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @sclvr- you're right. I was talking about topless dances. @govikings- yes it is. It's also $75 for 15 min VIP on Thursdays. Not too many places with better value than that.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Yup. Synn is a jewel in the COI. But Thursday's can be a zoo and the wait for a VIP room can be a pain. I usually avoid Thursday's since their everyday dance prices are still really good.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    30 a dance at club lust with pasties on but they do two for ones every hour making the price 15 per if the dancer doesn't pull some crap over you like dancing another song past the two for one or not take her top off during the first dance. I spend a whole lot less on dances now than I did when platinum plus was open and I could buy dances at 15 or even 10 a dance buying two for ones and they had no pasties on before they got shut down. At the closed club the lap dance room was always busy due to the fact you could buy two for ones at any time. For the past 3 weeks I spent an average of 40 a week on dances. I splurged a bit last night. To save 20 bucks at best buy due to them not giving me a sales price and me having to go back, i'll probably spend another 30 to 60 bucks in dances.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Most of the clubs that I go to with any regularity charge $20 for topless lap dances, generally with two-way contact. Exceptions include: Silver Bullet, Urbana: $15 (but no titty-touching) Hip Hugger, Kokomo: $10 Several clubs in Indiana have 2-for-$20 dances at certain times or on certain days: 6th Avenue Dancers, Terre Haute: daily (Tue-Sat) from 9 to 10 Night Moves, Bloomington: 3-6pm on Mon-Fri and all evening on Sun Harem House, Babes, and Classy Chassy in Indy: all day Tue Also, lappers are $12 between noon and 2 at Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy. I absolutely agree with Papi that I buy a *lot* more dances at $10 than I do at $20. I think both dancers and customers benefit from a lower price per dance. I would *never* pay more than $30 for a lap dance, and I've seldom paid $30.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    $10 is a little low for me, if I did $10 dances, I would probably tip at least $5 per song.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Some of the places here are doing $40 per song air dances, and guys are sometimes giving a $20 tip on top of that. Like Cheetahs in Sunnyvale. And then in San Francisco the pricing is comparable, though there is two way contact. This gets to my main point though, letting girls sell you dances is chump stuff. Lap dancing used to mean lap sitting. You would still be feeding her money, but as there was no fixed time / money relationship, and no real service she is expected to perform, you would get to lead it. How far she would let you go varied widely. And most of all, doing it that way there was no incremental house cut. So please, don't let girls sell you dances, front room friendliness. Don't go into the toll gates known as booths or backrooms until an intense makeout session is underway, and it is time for your pants to come down. If that can't happen, then try to arrange to see the girl outside. Just don't let her do services, extras, for you, in non-GFE mode. And also my views are shaped by our underground table dancing circuit, with the "Beloved Latina Escorts". The girls are constantly talking about OTC. ITC what they do is fun and playful and usually for $1 at a time. Lots of pawing, lots of nuzzling and talking over the music into each other's ears. I would always partake with each of the girls, just to show support for the spirit of the event. When a girl wants to line a guy up for OTC, although against the rules of those underground venues, she would usually be engaging in open tongue kissing or full DFK with me. And even in our advertised, clubs, though totally against the rules, to line of OTC, girls would often initiate intense DFKing. And then in the raunchier clubs across the country, front room DFKing is reported to be almost standard, before going into a the back room with a girl. As reported, girls are basically defying you to DFK them. So letting them sell you dances, non-GFE, 'extras', that is all chump stuff! And that is why at some local clubs I have even paid the full dance rate ( no house cut ) to have the girl sit and talk with me. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Many clubs these days are playing songs around 3-minutes in length, at $10 if I get 4 dances that's 12 minutes of entertainment and 40-bucks for just 12-minutes I feel is fair compensation - at $20 that would be 80-bucks for just 12-minutes and rlthat feels a bit too pricey to me - now, if you tell me I'm getting 5-minutes per dance then I feel I'm getting better value at $20/dance
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Jestrite50 explaining the importance of front room DFKing [view link] on champagne rooms [view link] front room [view link] 2x shot girls, front room [view link] No front room makeout = No back room [view link] Ample front room makeout [view link] SJG
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    With song lengths at 3 minutes each at $10 per song that comes out to $200. per hour,if they are $20. per song it comes out to $400. per hour, that is a crazy price and if you are paying that much plus room fees and buying drinks you will be going through $500. to $1000. per visit easily that is crazy to me.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    If a girl is giving me a $10 half assed dance, then yeah I don't feel guilty if I don't tip. But if she's busting her ass and letting me feel up all over her, then IMO that's worth more than $10. If a girl is doing a great job for 5 dances, then IMO she deserves 100 bucks ($20 a song). When I say great job you can see the girl is sweating, basically she's working hard for the money. Keep in mind at $20 a piece if the dance sucks I'll only get 1 or 2, so I'll be only out 20 or 40 bucks. Just my opinion though, people have told me I pay more than I need to, so I understand.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    still nothing compares with tj.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Check out larry the business guru
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    and it is so close. only hassle is the fuckin usa border patrol.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    But justme62, isn't part of the reason that TJ is so much better not just the economics or the legalities, but the attitudes. I mean if girls were just going around, "Wanna arriba?" Wouldn't that mean lots of non-GFE quickie dissociated sessions. Isn't a big part of the difference, besides the nice hotel rooms and FS, just the stage side and front room makeout sessions, and being able to initiate with a feel up / makeout session, and then also as a back up, the dance booth makeout sessions? Isn't it more the style of service and really the girls' attitudes, more than the costs or legalities? Larry want's lower dance prices. But isn't front room GFE more important than dances? SJG
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    the attitude in mexico is awesome.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I have spoken about this group that danced in our underground clubs. I call them, "The Beloved Latina Escorts". They make a guy feel like a king, and maybe for the first time in his life. All you need is for them to look into your eyes, and you feel it. And they are kept busy, home sessions day and night. Plus one club where they were doing front room FS, and then FS in a mini-van they brought. To me what made them so interesting was that they seemed to accept guys, all guys, no judgment. And so of course they have zero objection to DFKing, or to anything else either. They don't ration it. Whatever you do, they go for, and then up the ante with some escalation of their own. Whereas, my own experience with White and Asian girls is that they are always judging guys, who is and who is not of a type they find acceptable. So if they work in some corner of the sex biz, they can be extremely restrictive. Dissociated, judgmental service. So consider a hypothetical, our OP Larry walks into a club and hears that LD's are now $80. And a white girl comes up to him and asks. "Wanna dance?" Will, lowering the dance price solve the problem? But suppose in the same $80 a dance club, one of my Beloved Latina Escorts comes over and, without asking, sits on his lap. And then she gets an arm around him and starts nuzzling and talking and makes him feel wonderful. And then nibbling on his ear and licking his neck. And then every time she pulls back she is flashing her made up eyes at him. And then since he is slow to take the hint, she takes his face between both of her hands and starts ramming her tongue into his mouth. She still has not said one word about dances. But she is happy to talk about immediate OTC, about her mini-van in back. And she does not stop with the DFKing, and she guides his hands to her tits and pussy. Then after getting really hot and panting from DFK w/FIV, since our OP Is slow to take the hint, she mentions the VIP Room. Not free, as she and the club need to make money, but worth the cost. Woundn;t that kind of Latina-American with a completely different attitude solve a problem that lower cost dances never would? SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    These Beloved Latina Escorts, the core group being from the Mexican state of Durango, but spending most of their time in San Jose California, are the ones who opened my eyes and made me understand that my own life needed to change. Sex pros should be the ones who have that ability, to bring about life changes, not just short term sexual gratification. An earlier one was a black girl from New Century who I ended up in an intense DFKing session with, front room. SJG
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    What an excruciating bore you can be, SJG!
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    The lap dance prices in LA run a huge range from $10 nudes (Bliss) to $51 (BE-LAX) and beyond. The good thing about that is that most everybody can find a price that they are comfortable with.
  • K
    8 years ago
    More business does not always mean more profit. Twice as many dances at $10 than at $20 means twice the work for the same revenue. During this time you tie up the lap dance area. Most dancers have a price below which they will not dance. Go below this and demand may skyrocket but supply dwindles and quality suffers. I trust that the clubs that have stayed open have figured out the price that works for them. The clubs I visit have $20 for a full five minutes in a common area or 100 for 15 minutes in a private area. No song count needed.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I would think that free lappers dances would lead to even more business.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    It's $20 per song at my fav PA club. It's $25 per song at Stateline, but they hit you with a $10 dancer drink when you start out, so the first is really $35 and $25 for each additional. At least Stateline give you the occasional 2-for-1 deal where you can get 2 for the $35.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    If it's over $20 a song it better be fully nude, 2 way contact. More than $10 for a bikini dance isn't worth it.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "I peruse TUSCL's daily reviews" the only reason you do that is so you'll have ammo to write another fake review lil fishstick
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    Dance prices normally and I say normally are set by the club. At some clubs they let the girl set the prices. At the Harem in Dayton I have seen anywhere from $10-$30 per dance.
  • gunrack
    8 years ago
    Like someone said the club set the prices for everything, including LDs. In the club I go to in RI the LD price is $25 per song. I believe $5 goes to the house and $20 goes to the girl. So charging $25 makes sense...the girl gets to keep a whole $20 bill which looks better. But I think $20 to $25 for a lab dance is a fair price.
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    I used to club in central Illinois where LDs were routinely 30 per, but 15 min vips were a good deal at $75. But now I'm in Austin tx and most clubs here have LDs at 10 per song and occasionally $5 a song. I've never been to a club charging 40 or more and I hope to never see one.
  • Shadilay
    8 years ago
    Overpriced lap dances are usually the result of overpriced VIPs. Why spend $250 in the VIP if dances a $20 a pop (about $200 with songs around 3 minutes)? Also, if they have limited lap dance booths, if priced too low customers have to wait and dancers end up fighting for the stalls.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    My fav went from a $20/song SC to a $20/10 mins SC and said she doubled her $ per night because PLs dragged her to LD area the moment she left the DR. The whole night. While at the $20/song place, she talks for 30 mins, and half of them refuse to buy dances saying they came just to drink.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Lopaw- yeah at Bare Elegance I think the 51 bucks is for a nude dance at night correct? There are a lot better deals at the daytime. Bare Elegance and a club I went to in Portland charged 50 bucks for a single dance, that's definitely the most I've ever seen. I've never been to Bliss, are the girls hot? Is it mainly Latina? Going off Shadilay's point, I've seen lots of reviews where the customer paid 200+ for a 30 min VIP, and he got to touch everywhere but the coochie and he said he had a good time?? So basically a 2 way contact dance in VIP. You should be able to do that for a lot less money with the regular lapdances.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    at bare elegance usually ask the girl for a 2fer1. $41 day. $51 nite.
  • LecherousMonk
    8 years ago
    $30-40 for a pastie dance at the mid-level clubs I frequent.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Front room friendliness, treat her like you just met her at a party, feed her money, and get friendly with her. Save booths and back rooms until really needed, like when your pants are to come down. SJG
  • K
    8 years ago
    I sometimes forget how good we have it here. No room fees. Full 5 minute top less dance is $20 in a common area with full contact Nude private dance is $100 for 15 minutes.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    K, of course I don't know where you are or about the club you are referring to, but wouldn't front room friendliness be better. Even if there is no house cut, in the front room you can feed her money and it is unstructured. Ideally an intense DFK / FOV / FIV / Tittie Sucking session can ensure, plus time to talk and get to know her, so that whatever can't be done ITC can be finished up OTC. Make sense? SJG
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