
Going in for the kiss

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 10:25 AM
During a lapdance/VIP with a stripper you've never kissed before, you go in for a kiss. How often does she pull away? How often does she let you kiss her, but she doesn't reciprocate? How often does she reciprocate and it turns into a few brief kisses? How often does it turn into a makeout session?


  • K
    7 years ago
    I don't kiss dancers I don't know ITC. I don't have any idea who she kissed or blew before me.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Most dancers don't kiss customers on the lips....so the vast majority of the time they're gonna pull away The 2 strippers who kissed me initiated it The one and only time I went for it was with my fav and she pulled away :-(
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings- your fav doesn't kiss and she won't send you a pic? Time for a new fav! With me most of the time she lets me kiss her, but she doesn't reciprocate. A couple of times it has turned into makeout session. A few times she has pulled away.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    You're a newbie, man. You've still got a lot to learn. Strippers kissing customers on the lips is much more of the exception than the norm whether it's your fav or not
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I don't know where you club, but in LA a lot of strippers don't mind kissing you, they just want to be paid.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I mean. It she does all of these intimate things with you, "her John," then what intimacy is left for her SO? Or for YOUR SO for that matter. Most strippers at my home club will not kiss. Frankly I don't see a problem with it. Nor am I looking for kissing as part of my club outing for the evening.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I've had a few that want to make out over the years. But I have to agree with the others, it's the exception instead of the norm. But it has happened more than a few times, mostly with girls I have gotten to know over multiple visits. Rarely does it happen when I first meet a dancer. I don't expect it... or initiate it.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Perhaps it's a little different in my high mileage stomping grounds. @Dominic-a really good stripper makes you feel like you're her SO :)
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    No kissing unless she kisses you. Even in an extras club lots of dancers will call a bouncer if she says no and you persist. When I was a newbie I remember being shocked that a CF wouldn't kiss me. It was a lesson. My ex-ATF took a year before I could kiss her, but she was generous after that. This is rare as even my CF's who know me quite well won't kiss. That tells me something about not having unrealistic expectations about them. OTOH, I was hopelessly in love with the ATF and even though she'd let me kiss her, she never wanted a serious relationship with me. This was quite confusing to me at the time...and VERY painful. I'm a lot better now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    On the lips, 85% move their lips out the way - about 13% peck on the lips, and maybe 2% DFK
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I will agree that as far as *initating* kissing, dancers don't that too often. I think they don't initiate it too often because they don't know if the customer will like it. The customer might be married or has a girlfriend, or he just doesn't like kissing random strippers. The strippers don't want to lose business, and kissing a guy that didn't want to be kissed can lose her future business from that guy. If the customer initates it, and the stripper likes the customer, then I think a lot of times the stripper won't mind the kissing.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    The first time I kissed my ATF was ITC after a set of dances. She asked me if I would like to kiss her out of the blue. That was probably one of the most exciting things I've ever experienced in a club actually, but only because I was in love.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    " I will agree that as far as *initating* kissing, dancers don't that too often. I think they don't initiate it too often because they don't know if the customer will like it. The customer might be married or has a girlfriend, or he just doesn't like kissing random strippers. " or he doesn't want to taste her last john's cum. Larry, what rules do you play by? I thought she had to reciprocate if the bottle pointed at her.
  • Rod8432
    7 years ago
    Weird how a stripper can suck and fuck a PL, but refuse to kiss him. My experience is about the same - most don't kiss, but maybe 10% will do a peck, and 1 in 20 will do some kind of kissing with tongue/parted lips.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    My hit rate as framed by the original question -- when I originate -- is super high. But that's because I rarely kiss, and when I do, the girl is giving off signals that it's okay or has verbally said she's ok with it. If I went around willy nilly kissing strippers, I assume most would pull away. I don't kiss at extras clubs at all. At non-extras clubs, either the girl has already been giving off signals that it's okay, or -- my favorite -- we have an awesome dom/sub dynamic going, and I like to come out with "kiss me or get a pussy spanking, your choice"... lots of time, they choose kissing. 'course, lots of time, they choose the pussy spanking. Win-win!
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @Papi- Lol I didn't make myself clear enough, I don't go around initiating kissing with dancers I haven't danced with before. The girl has to be a fav or at least a semi fav for me to take that plunge. I would assume if you're doing dances with a stripper for the first time, and you tried that, 95% of them would pull away.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    the 2 strippers who kissed me both did DFK- and they did it passionately! man, i was surprised and it was fun. and as you can see by the responses larry......kissing on the lips is much more of the exception........like i said. in your last 2 posts in this thread you've brought up different scenarios..........but the reality is.......no matter the scenario..........it just doesn't happen that much
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    During a lap dance I would say something like: - pull away? 10% - doesn't reciprocate? 5% (meaning, she'll kiss me back when I kiss her but she won't initiate another kiss) - a few brief kisses? 65% - makeout session? 20% I've done exactly one VIP/Champagne room with a girl who didn't kiss a little. It was the first one I've ever done, and on subsequent visits she did. I'm not really into DFK/making out, so I've never tried to initiate that or let her waste our time in a room on that stuff. I don't know how many total I've done, so i can't figure a percentage but its pretty damn low. But I may be answering more literally than others. It's not that I'm so handsome and charming that all the strippers want to kiss me, its that I don't try to kiss every dancer I get a dance from, not even close. Some I don't want to kiss, some I can tell won't be in to it. I also tend to feel most girls out on the main floor before going in the back for a dance. In other words, it's only when I want to kiss them & I'm pretty sure I'll get kissed back that I try, so the numbers may be a bit higher. If you're really trying to ask how many dancers on average would kiss its a much harder question. As others have mentioned, kissing is much more personal/intimate to a lot of these girls. Many will only kiss regular customers or at the very least ones they've made some sort of connection with while chatting out front. The type of customer who doesn't spend any time buying drinks and chatting or ever becomes a regular customer is going to have drastically different perspective from the one who generally picks a girl and sticks with her. Not only will the girls behave differently with regular customers, but different customer styles attract different customers. The girl who likes to work a small group of regulars, and is likely to kiss them, is much less likely to approach the customer who's got dances from 3-4 girls. The inverse is also true, the dancers who like to do their thing and move on to the next customer, without kissing him, isn't likely to approach the guy who she's seen sitting with a girl for an hour drinking.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I always let them initiate it so I'm at 100%.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @Dolfan- thanks for the detailed insight @LDK- I do that too (not the hand), I also never get a push back
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    The only one I've actually initiated it with was my ATF, and she was restart at first. But I wore her down. :) The MILF kissed *me* first, right after the first time she came all over my face. Other than that, I don't make it a practice to kiss people make their living sucking dick.
  • topmandd
    7 years ago
    Never expected it - my original ATF in Vegas would only do what she called 'Eskimo kisses' just rubbed noses, that being said - biting the ears or nibbles happened. The first time i met a second ATF she really caught me off guard and went into a DFK almost immediately to the point that I'll admit that it's and enjoyable change of pace. Too many i think are the working girl movie type - just wearing them down..
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Again, front room. Just think about it. SJG
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    In my opinion custies who hope to kiss strippers are looking for a GF, not GFE.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    If I really like a girl that I'm in the VIP room with, I *love* doing some DFK with her. I guess I've been really lucky at my favorite day shift club: over the past 2.5 years I've done multiple VIPs with each of five girls there, and four of them have initiated DFK as soon as our half hour started. (The fifth one hasn't kissed me ITC yet but is spending tomorrow night in my hotel room and has promised both DFK and BBBJCIM!) So, flagooner: Does this mean I'm looking for 5 GFs rather than GFE with 5 strippers?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^Good point. Probably not. Just as I enjoy different things in my SC visits than most of you, I failed to recognize that y'all look for different things than I. Let me tweak my assertion. I think one should be conscious that they may be approaching that line if kissing is their goal with specific strippers.
  • jestrite50
    7 years ago
    DFK and foreplay are all front room activities. Larry if you handle this out front you won't have to guess what will happen in the back room. Always push the envelope out front for better results out back !
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    I might try a peck if her lips are one inch away from mine. This has always resulted in just a peck and nothing more. So usually I let them initiate it. The six strippers I've kissed all have initiated and five of those were always DFKs. Of those 6 I've been with four OTC. Two have always DFKs me whether I initiate or them. The third one I haven't OTCd/danced enough with to know what our norm is. The other one will peck here and there but specifically let me know she was just down for a peck, no tongue.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    DFK with a whore leaves a bad taste in your mouth I guess that it means whoever dick she sucked you sucked it too.
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    DFK any woman for that matter is as twetyfive stated. I've heard of many non strippers being involved with multiple men and engaging in sexual activity with another after having been with someone previously that day. You never know. Might as well spray yourself with disinfectant, because a stripper may have rubbed a guys John or his cum on her and never washed off.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^^Yes that's true but when you are in a whorehouse its to be expected.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    A lot of it depends on how you talk to her. If you treat her just like you would any other woman, often, you can get her really softened up and into GF / GFE mode. But much easier to do this in the front room where there is less structure and not built in time limit. And if you don't like the girl, or look down on her. or look down on all the dancers in strip clubs, then just leave them alone, and stay away from strip clubs. Or go to the ones like we have here, strict no touching. Talking and looking only. SJG
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I do think some sex workers are so good that she could create chemistry with a bare wall (to borrow a phrase from the pink site). I appreciate the seduction that they do with me. And I like the sexual tension, flirty play, and to see them giggle, and me stuff their g-string with dollars. I'll borrow another phrase from the pink site: "rental trophy wife."
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    'rental trophy wife' :) SJG
  • sflguy123
    7 years ago
    I've been getting aggressive with this. I like touching a strippers face during lap dances(and I like my face being touched). Like kissing lots of strippers don't like their face touched. Some will turn their face away or up to discourage it. Then I'll stop for a little and try again, maybe I misread it. The last girl I was with I even asked her if she didn't like her face being touched and she said it was ok even though she wasn't reacting as such. Not sure it matters but I have real soft hands. I guess b/c I never really did any type of blue collar type work. Literally 75% of strippers remark on how soft my hands are. My hands are actually softer than 50% of their hands. So at times I will put my hands on her face and or neck area. The neck I will pretend to choke. But don't actually choke except a few times when we will both choked each other. Once I have her face in my hands I will sometimes pull her in for a kiss. I like to get the reaction. I've ended up kissing lots of chins. lol But about half the time they will let me kiss them and 25% of the time kiss a little back.
  • Phoenix133
    7 years ago
    I won't kiss a customer on the lips but I will give a peck on the cheek but that's all.
  • jestrite50
    7 years ago
    Phoenix133 Maybe that's because you are in a relationship. Many of these gals are baby mama's with no relationship and like to be loved. My GFE girl in Michigan loves DFK'ing with me and making love. Not just fucking but lots of foreplay, daty, kissing her all over her body. Then pounding her hard. She doesn't have a baby daddy to make love to her and she wants to feel sexy, desired, loved and satisfied.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Maybe it's because she just doesn't want to.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Or maybe it's just because she hasn't met you yet.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ :) SJG
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I'm telling you. Bryonic Hero. The bad boy archetype. It works. :) the man from la mancha
  • SteveSutton
    7 years ago
    If there is good chemistry, I'll try it. I'd say the success rate is about 50%. My last 2 adventures at Baby Dolls Dallas and Follies Atlanta (and hotel) included some unbelievable DFK. Problem is now it becomes the expectation every time which is not realistic!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Find good girls, and see them outside. SJG
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Steverox: "Chemistry"??? She wants your money. If she's willing to DFK to get it, she will.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Great insight fellas and Lopaw and Phoenix133.
  • s88
    7 years ago
    It used to seem impossible to make out. Basically if the stripper keeps her forehead pressed or almost pressed against yours, or nose bumps with you, just go for a lip to lip press, she her reaction (shock/pulls away or smiles and doesn't pull away). Then keep close lip kissing. After a couple closed lip smacks go for tongue. Some strippers will close lip kiss, but refuse to open their mouth. You could also ask "do you want to make out with me?" as a condition before starting a LD/VIP session. If you ask outright, remember any answer but a yes/okay/sure is a no. A small percent of strippers will say yes, then face dodge/neck park you during the LDs (ROB/thinks you will forget). Hence a $20/song VIP club, instead of a ~$100-$200 for 15 min club is better. If a stripper said yes to making out, then refuses during LDs, I'll make the experience for her as miserable as possible until time expires, including going for the pussy repeatedly and block her from moving around and try to force her to make out. It will teach her a lesson to say no next time even though she said no to $. Always pick strippers that are atleast 3 inches shorter than you (they have heels you dont). If standing with the stripper your eyes looking straight should align with the top of her head. You need her real height to be atleast 5 inches shorter than you, otherwise you will never be able to reach her lips when she sits on you because you are just staring at her tits or belly button. Percent wise, making out without asking before starting a dance, poledancing places, close to 5%, or like 1 out of 20. Tradition says not to do it. At NYC's lapdance parties (stageless strip clubs), it is about 25% to 30% make out if you just go for it. About 20% say yes at a lapdance party if you ask. At AMPs/brothels/house parties with hookers/fuck in main room infront of everyone extras clubs 40%-50% say yes if you ask. I am within civie dating range of all strippers, and I go GFE style talking with them for a while before getting dances, so my percentages might be higher than the average PL. At the AMP/brothel/house parties/extras clubs, I really recommend asking and it being unconditional. The wilder the place, the more the "but I just blew a guy" attitude circulates in the club so the girl wont do it unless you agree to it in advance. If the girl says no, say "it was nice talking to you , goodnight" and move on. If you sit by yourself in the club/house party all night and go home with a full wallet, all the better. Another tip, if you EVER see a stripper putting ON lipstick in the SC, she is your golden goose. She either DFKed or BJs a customer. One of my ex-favs always did that when walking out of VIP but she was a strictly ITC anything goes but I never OTC girl.
  • jestrite50
    7 years ago
    I have read through this previous post several times but have to say it's totally without merit and just the ramblings of a person without experience in the subject at hand. Some of the statements here are totally absurd. First of all you never ask a lady if you can kiss them. You can tell them you want to kiss them or make it obvious what you want but you don't ask them. The same with sex. You don't make out with a girl for 15 minutes and play with her pussy, fiv, daty, and then say "May I Fuck You ?" You can tell her you "want" to fuck her and by her reaction to that statement you will know if the answer is yes or no.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I sometimes get laps with slightly skanky looking strippers that I don't want to kiss anyway. They just have hot bodies, look very young, know how to move, etc.and I simply want them on me. There's only one dancer right now I see often enough to kiss. She allows me to kiss her face and neck. She has kissed me on the cheek a few times. I'm OK with giving her more time to relax this personal boundary, since she gives robust dances and she is pretty, and only half my age.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Just read all these responses. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but for me it's like 50% will let me DFK and will also kiss me back. I've never had a girl not reciprocate; either we're kissing or we're not. The other 50% turned me down. And the ratio has gotten much better as I've gotten older, probably closer to 60-40 in recent years. From what I'm reading, that's seems like a very high ratio. Either a) I have a lot more game than I thought (doubtful), b) I'm hotter than I thought (also doubtful), c) I'm younger than the average TUSCLer at 35, and the girls will only kiss younger guys (perhaps, but I'm skeptical), or d) some of you are not being 100% truthful. Also, some guys expressed disgust at kissing a girl who probably kisses and/or blows lots of other guys. I understand that. But how is this any different than kissing just a regular slutty girl? Let's say you are in town on business and a hot slut comes on to you at a bar? She's a slut, not a whore, so no money is exchanged. Do you fuck her? While you're fucking her, are you gonna tell me that you're not going to kiss her at all? And how many guys do you think she's blown in her time? The only thing standing between you and all those other guys is some mouthwash. And strippers use mouthwash too. Any thoughts?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^depends on the mouthwash. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Front room! Feed her money as appropriate, but the front room is the place to get to know her because there is no structure to it. Save booths and back rooms until you've got an intense makeout session going and it is time for your own pants to come down. And of course it all helps if you have selected the girl and approached her. And then after you should take her home with you to continue and then keep on seeing her regularly. SJG Pink Floyd - Dogs [view link]
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    man. i'm gonna kiss a pretty girl if she's willing.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @justme62, see, at least someone can be honest. Believe me, these other guys are trying to kiss their strippers, too. I mean, some of these girls are smoking hot. I just don't see any red-blooded man turning that down.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Well said BurlingtonHF. I've had hot dancers jump on me - and start kissing me - and I didn't stop them. I've had a few dancers who seemed a bit inhibited on stage - get very wet while kissing in VIP. I think sometimes it can lead to other experiences - once the dancer gets more aroused.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Front room makeout sessions, before even considering booths or backrooms. SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Good Lord @BurlingtonHoFactory so if we say we're not trying to kiss strippers then we're lying? I thought we already discussed this. It's cool that you're so attracted to these women that you feel the need to kiss them. Sounds pretty normal to me, there's nothing wrong with that. But for those of us who don't have any urge to kiss them, that's ok also. Why must we be liars if we say we're not trying to kiss them? Once again man, don't be like SJG. Understand that what you enjoy might not be what other men enjoy and let it go.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    BHF said: "Believe me, these other guys are trying to kiss their strippers, too. I mean, some of these girls are smoking hot. I just don't see any red-blooded man turning that down." ^^^Some of us PLs have self control. Do you? I do.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Lmfao! This is Larry FisherPriceless!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @TFP, you're absolutely right. I stand corrected.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Kissing whores is for chumps!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    $Dominic77 said: "Some of us PLs have self control. Do you?" Honesty... No, I don't. But I do understand that other people may be able to control themselves better than I can.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    chessmaster, if you look down on the women in strip clubs, then don't go there. SJG
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I've cooled off on kissing since I saw a stripper(I had DFKed many times with) DFKing a customer in the lapdance area. WTF I thought I was the only one!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Larry, why don't you just find a girl you like and start kissing her and fucking her regularly, and likely doing over nighters with her? SJG Yardbirds [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Cashman wrote, " I've had hot dancers jump on me - and start kissing me - and I didn't stop them. I've had a few dancers who seemed a bit inhibited on stage - get very wet while kissing in VIP. I think sometimes it can lead to other experiences - once the dancer gets more aroused." He's got the right idea. Of course if you like a girl, you want to her to get really heated up. But the front room makeout should be the minimum, required for proceeding to any booths or back rooms. If you don't like the girl, or see her as just a source of LDK's or dissociated FS, then keep your money and go home. SJG
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Stfu SJG. You know nothing and everyone on tuscl tells you that.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    STFU Gaffigan SJG
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Damn, he's back.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Kissing a girl is just a real basic way of showing her that I like her. Don't have a discussion about it, just set the mood right, and then do it. SJG
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    "Don't have a discussion about it, just set the mood right, and then do it." I agree SJG but the strip club isn't the place for that.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Consider another example, say you meet a girl and she is a waitress in Denny's. So you talk and all, but she being on duty at Denny's, that is not a place to kiss her. So look at a strip club, our local ones are no touching, but sometimes kissing does still occur. Mostly when the girl wants to line up same night OTC. Say it is a mileage strip club. So the girl is getting in your face stage side. And then she is sitting on your lap. And she is trying to sell dances. So do you comply? Well if you do, you will get a dissociated performance where she is leading it. Pretty much has to be that way, that is why they invented dance booths. Lap dancing used to mean lap sitting. As such, kissing was not universal, but it was common. So say she is on your lap in this mileage club, trying to sell you a dance. How do you make it work with her, but avoid this dance buying? Well first you start feeding her money. You make excuses, like you like her costume and you know she needs money for that. So you are getting her used to the idea of getting money from you, but without that being your purchasing anything. You talk about wanting to spend time getting to know her. You talk about wanting to take care of her. You want to know about her, and like her living circumstances, and you know she needs money. So eventually she should get the idea that dances are out, but she is still getting money, and you generally do like her. As you talk to her enough and she sees that you like her, or maybe she is trying to sell FS in the VIP room, you can see how she relaxes, and so it likely will become possible to kiss her. If she really is not going to cooperate, or if she promises kissing in the dance booth only, no good. Talking about kissing is not kissing. If she really won't loosen up, send her on her way. But assume it goes well and a makeout session developes, then from there you continue and eventually it will be time for your own pants to come down. Then you invite her to the back room, and do the most which can be done. Then you invite her to come home with you and you keep on seeing her regularly. And it helps if you make all the first moves. She will remember this. You selected her. And with everything you do you do it with the idea that you will be waking up with her in the morning. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Its because the girl in the strip club is trying to escalate by trying to sell dances, maybe even FS dances, that you have to move to DFKing and a makeout session, instead of just saving that for later. She is trying to escalate, but in a bad way. So to change this, you have to reclaim the lead, by making it totally GFE, and with an intense makeout session, and all the verbal softening up which is required to get her to soften up. You have to civilianize it, rather than letting her keep in all on her service script. First thing you always want to do is to get your girl off of her service script. SJG
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