
Comments by s88 (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Do bouncers serve any useful purpose? If not, why do so many PLs grease them?
    The one and only time a bouncer asked to be greased for VIP room at my regular SC, I asked him what did he do earn it? he stared at me with pleading eyes, I told him, I only tip strippers, he turned around and left. He disappeared after a month. Good riddance.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A good lapdance without extras
    @snakeguy "I always am hesitant to kiss or suck breasts unless it is early and I am the first one to get a dance, I always wonder how many other guys has she been kissing and let suck her nipples. " That is what strippers (especially SWers) want you to think so you dont do it. Dont play into their psychology. Whether its 7 PM or 2 AM, treat them all the same. Dont look at the clock and say "how many men has my whore been with tonight?", you wont enjoy yourself and its a boner killer with that going through your head. Either you suck tits and DFK, or you dont. End of story. Dont pay attention to the time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    drugs? alcohol? rape? psych meds? arrests? tats? lesbian? chance of being a stri
    @Cashman1234 I agree it is trouble. Taking an ex-stripper to a SC, who might be PTSD over being a stripper years ago, who ISNT comfortable with human sexuality or men, enough so that she is a butch lesbian that probably wants a sex change, is asking for drama. I told her my goal is to interact with strippers, talk to them, and VIP room them, she said her goal was being furniture, no dollars, no interaction, just watching stage dancing. I asked her if she would ever get a LD, she said "I dont want a dirty stripper touching me". I told her something like "You know Ive have no success with finding regular girls for years, you only live once, I am not going to die regretting that I wasted my time on earth. The strippers are just as dirty, as the girls in a regular nightclub, no different. If you say every woman is dirty, how many partners did you have in your life? If everyone is dirty, then you are saying nobody can have sex or make out. People mess around we are fucking human. I need my fun before I am dead. You have a better solution than SCs?" her response was "IDK s88, I worry about you". My ex-stripper friend seems like one of the strippers that couldn't handle it, regretted it forever, and did drugs before and after to numb herself for being a stripper. She probably quit after a couple shifts as a stripper. Unless she asks to join me to be my winggirl, I am never suggesting it to her again.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    drugs? alcohol? rape? psych meds? arrests? tats? lesbian? chance of being a stri
    @JS69 No, weighs 100 lbs more than me, face tats, dresses like a man, and shaved head. I am not gay nor a woman.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    135 pounds lighter and just joined a gym
    Learn to purge (unless you are infantry, you can't work off chicken fingers). Replace a meal with a 7-11 Double Gulp of diet soda. Buy a 3 lb bag of lettuce instead of a burger. If you want savory and salty (replace potato chips), drink down a bottle of broth http://swanson.campbellskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2015/06/02_Beef_Broth_48oz_Carton_Large.png . Learn to smoke, or do caffeine pills.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    "Take a bunch of $20s & start fanning yourself w/ them as if it's too hot in da club" A couple strippers fan themselves alot after stage dancing or even after getting up from sitting with a customer. I think either its being hot from drugs or they are convinced movement gives them a one up over other strippers to catch a customers eye.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Avoiding dancers with problems
    @TaraChristine The 10 out of 10 dancer is usually the "I am a stripper because I refuse to be an escort". Looks aren't everything in a strip club. Personality is too ;-)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Poor timing
    Being friends with your girl's mom is better than being the BF of your girl. I impress the mom, and mom pressures the girl to be with me even when the girl gets moody and pissed off because Im not a jailbird looser and mom sees a decent son-in-law. Perhaps mom even thinks that I am hot even if she doesnt want to admit it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Need Advice on Getting Strippers to Approach Me More Often
    As shitty as it sounds, dress like you have money. Rapper with big gold chains and diamond studs, or wall street suit. I've gotten a bad reputation at my SC because I buy exactly 1 song from most strippers instead of straight to VIP. They dont realize 1 song is a preview for VIP from me. They tell each other I am cheap or "he never buys dances". 3 out of 4 strippers I wouldn't fuck for free (can't get hard) so I reject them if they approach me. The 3 then go tell the 4th I am cheap and worthless. 4th hottie never approaches me. Strippers are not interchangeable. I never drink so there are no beer goggles on me. Remember some strippers can use psychology, and lie and say a regular customer is cheap so other strippers dont try to land him. One stripper told me she went on SCL back in the day, posed as a customer, and said the biggest hoes (extras girls) in her club were ROBs that didn't allow contact LDs to level the playing field for herself. SHOWER right before the SC. WASH YOUR CLOTHES/FRESH CLOTHES EVERY TIME. MOUTHWASH+shave.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC Offer -- stripper calls over a manager
    @sharkhunter Assume every strippers has atleast 2 kids by different daddys and does some kind of intoxicant on a regular basis. My ATF has 3 kids. I still like her. Actually every stripper that ever DFKed or gave free mini-extras with me has atleast 1 kid. Momma strippers are the sweetest, warmest strippers you can find. Kidless strippers are "paid to party" strippers that are bitchy, greedy, and pick customers based on how "hot" they look. Momma strippers pick customers on how close they are to a BF, or a man to take care of them. There is a drop of looking for a husband in how they talk to me, look at me, and act in VIP. I dont get that drop with childfree strippers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Seeing a stripper at the gym
    Had it happen to me but I bought a LD from her 2 days before+long chat. ITC she asked me how the LD was because she was new, I said terrible and gave her a couple tips on what all the other strippers do at the SC LD wise (I didnt mention extras, just grinding tips). She thanked me for the advice. 2 days later OTC I was waiting for the city bus to go home from the SC, she walked up to the bus stop alone with her stripper bag and I just looked at her and said "hi". We had a short friendly conversation and parted ways on good terms when she got off the bus before me. There was an understanding from 2 days earlier that I would never buy a dance from her again because she doesnt offer what I want. I'd say atleast or about 50% of strippers are open to everyone that they are strippers. They have nothing to hide. Just walk up and say hi if you think they know you by face. Or be "hi stranger" and go from there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm in love with a stripper
    Is she a varnish or a polyurethane?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Raw video of a dream stripper breaking up with a TUSCL member.
    Wouldn't that be more like 1 bruiser on each arm and leg carrying the PL out?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    strange dancer story
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How did you first learn that strippers offer extras?
    "How did you first learn that strippers offer extras?" TUSCL
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    When a dancer starts complaining.
    "A dancer whom I'm not really that attracted to but just feels good while sitting on my lap was complaining about me not buying dances from her the other night. I heard her say I was cheating." Cheating? lol ask, "So you are my girlfriend now?" or "When are we going out?"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another ball-less PL allowing himself to be intimidatetd and ripped-off by a ROB
    You have 2 choices, (Ive never done this) get the manager and review the tape how many minutes passed. Because in SCs where strippers keep 100% of the LD $, management couldn't care less about non-paying customers, they tell the stripper they should've asked for the $ upfront. In some SCs, all LDs are prepayment with tickets/funny money/cash register at LD area. Or always tell each dancer to say when the next song starts before you start. Hell, also ask where you can touch before agreeing to a LD, even if you know the club rules/club standard already, that way she knows she is on watch and its over in 1 song if she performs below typical levels.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sex Trafficking.
    LA/Hollywood is human trafficing, and Christian Church marriage is sex slavery and selling of women.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What are they compensating for?
    You need to be heard before you are seen/turn the corner. Whores want their pussy wet from the loudness of your car from the sidewalk.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Texting and dancing
    Dont let it become a habit. If she texts before the LD, ask if we will wait till the next song. Strippers have little tricks to eat up the clock on you and not perform. I've had a stripper sitting next to me (unpaid time) and she got a message asking when she will fuck this other guy and she realized I read everything on her phone due to the way she is sitting. She offered OTC sex to me 2 minutes later out.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you have a problem with strippers?
    @Subraman My ATF does what you said is terrible behavior, but I dont pay her to sit with me, I only tip her for VIP and stage. My ATF is usually back in 5-20 minutes anyway. It is better that I get 4 hours with her out of 5, than 30 minutes (small chat+VIP+goodbye/hide in DR) out of 5 hours.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper high heels
    Heels and stilettos, couldn't care less. Colors is more important than type of shoe. For me, if a stripper is "too tall" she is rejected because DFK is impossible if she is too tall because I'd be staring at her tits or belly button and not her face.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you have a problem with strippers?
    "Do you guys have any pet peeves regarding strippers?" Dont sit with your regular all night unless he is paying $300 per hr to you. Get up from your regular every 15-30 minutes and say hi to every new customer you see and see if they want LDs. Never assume because a customer said no to you once, he will say no forever to you. On a sat night you can be #6 in a customer's eyes, but on a monday you can be #1 in his eyes but if you act like a stone cold bitch then it is your loss as he moves on. "What was your worst encounter with a stripper?" Overcounting songs. New strippers at my regular SC that dont know I am a regular. They try to charge nude/touching fees which are technically "fees" which I know dont exist, or give me fake song prices ($30 a song instead of $20 a song). "What was your best encounter and what made you tip more?" Breaking the rules (above minimum service level at the SC). Being a fake GF/wifey/intimacy/sitting on lap. "Im a new dancer who wants to learn from other ladies mistakes. " https://www.stripperweb.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?163-Dancer-s-Discussion
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Limp Dick
    @JohnSmith69 Weed is like lidocaine. It makes it hard for me to take a piss, and I dont feel anything in my dick when she touches it with her hands or grinds on it so it makes getting hard impossible.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Limp Dick
    Another tip, lay off the caffeine, nicotine, red bull, and weed. All of those can stop a hard on.