
drugs? alcohol? rape? psych meds? arrests? tats? lesbian? chance of being a stri

New York
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 12:42 PM
A female best friend of mine since I was 15 has been a train wreck over many years, especially when she went to college out of state. Her problems started when she was 14 dating a 28 year old BF who took her virginity. So after they break up when she goes to college, she tries to numb pain with drugs, alcohol, and legit psych drugs. Gets arrested for shoplifting and discon and psych evals multiple times. Since her dad is a cop he fixes her legal problems. Eventually she comes back from college with many tats and dresses like a man with a lesbian partner (6 years steady so far). Since the day I met her when I was 15 and she was 11, she was a sex negative person. Always upset and nagging about sluts and whores in the world. I was shocked she would ever date a man with her attitude when she hooked up with the 28 year old. Fast forward 20 years, she one day tells me, lets goto a strip club. She has no idea about my hobby. I probe her as if she is crazy but she is dead serious. I ask her if she has ever been to a strip club, she tells me she accidentally walked into one when she was applying for waitress jobs in college but she wasnt hired. I tell her about my hobby and she can't believe it ("I didnt know this about you"), but accepts it. I then tell her my opinions about all the SCs in my area and my adventures. A few days later, she admits to me she "worked" at the SC, and wouldn't say what she did there but says in her college years she had "I hooked up with more people than I can remember" ;)


  • metaldude
    8 years ago
    When you probed her, did you use one finger or two? Sorry couldn't resist. Not much of a surprise ending all things considered.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    So did you fuck her ?
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @JS69 No, weighs 100 lbs more than me, face tats, dresses like a man, and shaved head. I am not gay nor a woman.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    28 year old dating a 14 year old? Damn I didn't know JS69 started on them that young.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Lol !!!
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I'd be careful about going to a club with her. I'm not sure if she might attract drama or some unwanted interest. Sorry for being harsh - but I'd pass. She might be fine in the club - but it could be very uncomfortable.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @Cashman1234 I agree it is trouble. Taking an ex-stripper to a SC, who might be PTSD over being a stripper years ago, who ISNT comfortable with human sexuality or men, enough so that she is a butch lesbian that probably wants a sex change, is asking for drama. I told her my goal is to interact with strippers, talk to them, and VIP room them, she said her goal was being furniture, no dollars, no interaction, just watching stage dancing. I asked her if she would ever get a LD, she said "I dont want a dirty stripper touching me". I told her something like "You know Ive have no success with finding regular girls for years, you only live once, I am not going to die regretting that I wasted my time on earth. The strippers are just as dirty, as the girls in a regular nightclub, no different. If you say every woman is dirty, how many partners did you have in your life? If everyone is dirty, then you are saying nobody can have sex or make out. People mess around we are fucking human. I need my fun before I am dead. You have a better solution than SCs?" her response was "IDK s88, I worry about you". My ex-stripper friend seems like one of the strippers that couldn't handle it, regretted it forever, and did drugs before and after to numb herself for being a stripper. She probably quit after a couple shifts as a stripper. Unless she asks to join me to be my winggirl, I am never suggesting it to her again.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    My advice is leave her ass home. Bringing someone as jaded and bitter as she seems to be (who also has no intention of spending any money) is a nightmare waiting to happen.
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    I feel bad for your friend, she sounds like a deeply unhappy person. I don't know what the "worry" is with sc's. Your reasoning seems sound to me.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    S88 I wish you the best. If you go with her - I hope she acts as she has described - no ld's and no drama - just furniture. That's the best situation -
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