Limp Dick

I'm mid thirties and shouldn't be having problems with erectile dysfunction but I am.
I hardly get morning wood and no longer get aroused from porn or strip clubs.
During a lap dance, I might get a weak erection but it does not last long and being grinded on can be painful when limp.
I scheduled an appointment with an urologist and hope to find out if its physical or mental.
Has anybody popped viagra to get lap dances? I don't seek extras in the club.
last commentSucks to be you. I ldk every time I hit the club.
LDK82 busts a nut when a swift breeze hits him right.
Hopefully you just have an enlarged prostrate which is usually an easy fix.
Also, regular exercise for 30 minutes or more a day helps a lot.
Could be many things including your testosterone being unusually low for someone your age - or certain meds you may be taking.
Could also me mental as in having too much stress or worries.
Could also be too much masturbation then not having enough bullets when it comes to the showdown.
Yeah, it's not going to be easy to pinpoint.
My testosterone test came out within the normal range. I took a test for depression (survey given by doctor) and it said I am not depressed I don't take any meds I don't masturbate often (max 4 times a month) Ejaculation feels more like taking a piss than an orgasm.
I want to feel strong desire for once. Right now it's just blah.
Dont masturbate for a few days before the SC.
Assuming you aren't circumcised put Astroglide or KY on your dick before you leave the house, or if your SC has no patdown, carry it into the SC and put it on in the bathroom.
Don't go to the SC that day if you can't get an erection easily from watching porn and a little bit of spanking the monkey.
It is easier for me to get hard in the 2-4 hours after I wake up in the morning than at night. Change your sleep patterns before the SC, or change your SC visit times.
Wear a condom to the SC. Goto the bathroom, get hard in a stall, put the rubber on, go back out. The plastic keeps the roughness (pain) of your pants from making you loose the erection.
Change your underwear type to something tighter so your dick is more "in position" when she starts, or really move your dick to the right position when she turns around for the first time during the LD.
"During a lap dance, I might get a weak erection but it does not last long and being grinded on can be painful when limp."
Might be psychological. I get hard and then usually loose it in 5 minutes when my head realizes there wont be any extras or fucking in VIP and in the the first 5 minutes, I've seen all that I will see for the rest of the 10-25 minutes. Rubbing her pussy and FIV (mini-extras/free extras) keep me hard to the end of the time, but those strippers are very rare to find.
"pain" during a LD means your stripper is TOO FUCKING FAT. Get a spinner stripper.
"Has anybody popped viagra to get lap dances? I don't seek extras in the club."
Yes. It works but I need 50-100 mg. Viagra doesn't work if your brain decides the dancer is "ugly". Viagra keeps it up, but it can't get you up if you dont like her looks, or there is something mental in your mind or you have a grudge or silent anger against the stripper. It is a reverse Pinocchio. If she turned you down for extras, or spent too much time with her regular instead of you and your mind is jealous. Those thoughts are poison to an erection.
Based on some of your previous posts, I get the vibe you're a "romance" kinda guy. Nothing wrong with that. It's probably fair to say that feeling a connection with a girl makes you more into her sexually.
You need to find a dancer who satisfies you but can also give you the emotional connection you crave.
Start fucking these bitches.
You'll have to experiment like everyone else as they get older, altho you're pretty young. Check your meds, test your testosterone,and if you don't want to get a urologist involved, start with Viagra (I liked Cialis). They're costly, but there are "some" overseas pharmacies cheaper and good quality. After about 11-12 yrs I needed more. Got the Trimix injections. Super good. It does NOT hurt...much. Great sex for 2 yrs. Finally got an implant. Awesome! It's rock hard for as long as you want. When in a club, I inflate in the men's room. I'm 73, and sex is better than ever, even lap dances. Most insurance plans cover it 100%. Feeling is totally natural.
Does the implant make the dick any bigger?
(I'm asking for a friend)
Are you overweight? Sedentary? Try something aerobic like cycling, running, or swimming. Stay away from high-fat foods. Lots and lots of aerobic exercise will do the trick.
Haha--right. Possible, but rare. The bigger (longer) the implant, the more chance of complications/pain. Altho with the right model, expansion (girth) can be had. But the reality is that over 50% LOSE length, sometimes over 2 inches. I'm serious. Choose your surgeon wisely. Research. Get an assurance from him.
Mostlly Psychological?
Do you wake up with a hard on? If so, on board systems must be functioning correctly.
Get opinions from more than one doc in more than one field. Any ailment potentially having physical and psychological causes can be difficult to pin down.
Also, consider the following (on the psychological spectrum):
Supposedly watching porn regularly over a long period of time can cause ED, and the free availability of porn is making ED a much bigger problem for young guys who used to have no issues.
^^^Good to know, I'll cut down on my porn watching.
Bavarian maybe strip clubs are a bad place for you. You paid your favorite stripper thousands of dollars and never got even a glimpse of her pussy and you can't get it up, you are like a unicorn customer for the cunts over on stripperweb. Get out man just try something else like collecting stamps.
Another tip, lay off the caffeine, nicotine, red bull, and weed. All of those can stop a hard on.
s88, actually weed makes me extremely hard. The little head can open my zipper and pop out on his own initiative if I'm high and looking at an 18 yer old naked redhead.
This is a serious suggestion. If you have trouble getting it up, smoke weed and go to a strip club. You can thank me later.
Lots of people have said that marijuana helps them. But others will long experience refute that. Again, psychological. Over all I am sure that marijuana does not help, but a good diet and exercise do help.
As far as porn, lots of people say that it interferes, but I don't agree. I think that is just a reworking of the standard anti-porn arguments against having what you like. So instead of watching porn, find a girl you like and get her dolled up the way you like and with her make some porn of your own.
And IME, please chill out. Just because someone posts a little bit differently than you do does not mean you should dump all over them. Every troll on TUSCL just encourages more trolls.
Hey Sanjoseguy go fuck yourself.
@JohnSmith69 Weed is like lidocaine. It makes it hard for me to take a piss, and I dont feel anything in my dick when she touches it with her hands or grinds on it so it makes getting hard impossible.
Papi , You have a friend ?
Weed impacts everyone differently. For me it makes me hard as a rock, even if theres no naked woman around. But weed does also make it hard for me to piss so I do acknowledge that it has some impact in that regard. And it also makes it harder for me to cum but mostly that's a good thing.
SJGuy, you can't express a rational opinion on something that you have never tried and have no e obedience with.
e obedience = experience.
I don't need to use marijuana to know that it does nothing. I don't live like that and I don't want to either.
Actually, coming to think about this more, alcohol effects me, or I should say it did. If I drank it today I don't think it would. Marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, they would have very little effect on me because I would not allow them to.
So long as I could snap the neck of the person who gave it to me, I'd be happy to just go and sleep it off.
The Ultimate Buzzkill SJG