A long time favorite dancer was texting someone during one of the first songs that I was buying from her. I thought it was rude. But, I understand if the message is urgent. This young woman has always gone out her way to be friendly and honest with me. She never has tried to Rob me. But, it seemed a bit extreme to text at that moment. She actually asked me how to spell a word. I thought, well at least she is acknowledging that I am there. She seemed perfectly happy. So, it was hard to gauge who she was texting. I think she was arguing with her boyfriend. Fortunately, she did put the phone down after this. But, some girls need to put down their phones and actually interact with the customers.
I'll put up with a lot more from a "long time favorite". Hell, even if it's not a long time favorite, if it's urgent, I understand. It wouldn't take much more for me to forgive than her saying, "I'm sorry, this is really urgent, do you mind if I answer this? We'll start the dance when I"m done with this text." That's it, just a few simple words, makes the difference between me irritated over getting disrespected, and being perfectly happy to be gracious about her emergency.
Doesnt sound like a big deal to me. Never happened before, only for one song, she didn't totally ignore you, and she's a regular so she's more comfortable with you than other guys and figured it would be ok this one time.
Dont let it become a habit. If she texts before the LD, ask if we will wait till the next song. Strippers have little tricks to eat up the clock on you and not perform.
I've had a stripper sitting next to me (unpaid time) and she got a message asking when she will fuck this other guy and she realized I read everything on her phone due to the way she is sitting. She offered OTC sex to me 2 minutes later out.
I don't think it's ok for a dancer to be texting or doing anything else other than giving a custy a dance and focusing on that while she is being paid to do that - if she really really needs to do a text then she should not dance that song and take care of the text - but I get the feeling her text is not something that can't wait since people are addicted to their phones these days.
I once had a dancer dancing for me at a club with floor-dances - as we are starting the 3rd song her dancer buddy comes up to her and they proceed to talk (whispering in each other's ear) for pretty-much the entire 3rd song - next song starts and they are still at it so I tell my dancer that I'm done and pay her for two songs to which reply "we did 3" to which I replied "no you spent almost the entire 3rd song talking to your friend vs dancing for me (although she was kinda still seating on me but just sitting there and talking)" - to which she just simply replied "oh" - so she was oblivious to the fact she was tending to a paying customer and that should have been her focus and then she was still expecting to get paid for that song she spent talking to her friend - completely unacceptable in so many ways I don't have the energy to expand on it.
This would be analogous to a waitress coming to your table to take your order and then be texting on her phone and you having to wait till she's done - unacceptable in both cases.
I agree with Papi. Most custies allow it without speaking up. It just emboldens the stripper to continue with the practice, or at best she doesn't realize there is anything wrong with it. I used to be a meek Christie that got walked all over. I started to learn the error of my ways quite a few years ago. Reading the advice hear convinced me that my attitude adjustment was appropriate. I can also say my SC enjoyment has been consistently better since.
Totally unacceptable! Even worse , my ATF used to take phone calls from her BF while fucking me in a hotel. She'd motion me to be quiet and then talk with him about unimportant shit. After several instances I said it was a deal-breaker and if she did it again, I'd get dressed & leave. Talk about a mood destroyer!
I've had that happen with a dancer that had kids. She claimed it was an emergency, her kid was sick and she had to leave. She told me she would make it up to me on my next visit, and she kept her promise. Generally, though, I would consider it unacceptable if just common text/chat, and she would not get any more $$ from me.
put da phone down bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unless the dance is free put da phone down, i know my boss dont want me texting at work so why should these bitches do personal stuff on my dime, shyt pisses me off
unfortunately that's the society we live in nowadays. Me, me, me. If she is capable of multitasking and texting while grinding, I can overlook it as long as it's quick.
Sounds like a crappy club. All the clubs I've been to ban phones on the floor. The ladies can go to the backroom and text but at least that is not direct interference with dances etc... Sometimes I text one of my favs while she is at work and we chat....nice to know she is thinking about me when she is at work dancing.
last commentTell her you will text her the money
I've had a stripper sitting next to me (unpaid time) and she got a message asking when she will fuck this other guy and she realized I read everything on her phone due to the way she is sitting. She offered OTC sex to me 2 minutes later out.
I once had a dancer dancing for me at a club with floor-dances - as we are starting the 3rd song her dancer buddy comes up to her and they proceed to talk (whispering in each other's ear) for pretty-much the entire 3rd song - next song starts and they are still at it so I tell my dancer that I'm done and pay her for two songs to which reply "we did 3" to which I replied "no you spent almost the entire 3rd song talking to your friend vs dancing for me (although she was kinda still seating on me but just sitting there and talking)" - to which she just simply replied "oh" - so she was oblivious to the fact she was tending to a paying customer and that should have been her focus and then she was still expecting to get paid for that song she spent talking to her friend - completely unacceptable in so many ways I don't have the energy to expand on it.
This would be analogous to a waitress coming to your table to take your order and then be texting on her phone and you having to wait till she's done - unacceptable in both cases.
Generally, though, I would consider it unacceptable if just common text/chat, and she would not get any more $$ from me.
unless the dance is free put da phone down, i know my boss dont want me texting at work so why should these bitches do personal stuff on my dime, shyt pisses me off
If she is capable of multitasking and texting while grinding, I can overlook it as long as it's quick.