
Comments by s88 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Sitting routine
    Most custies get planted by a waitress in a seat and stay there for the rest of their SC stay at my urban SC. I disagree. I move seats aggressively throughout my SC and take my drink with me everywhere (including the bathroom). I dont buy another drink until all the ice melted in my cup. I sit down at and leave front row all the time. Strippers are NOT interchangeable. If I wont fuck you for free, I refuse to sit in front row and give you any $. The waitresses have learned never to talk to me or approach me now because I do my own thing. I have 1 seat when I want to be on my phone, or watching all 3 stages at the same time (see what dancers are on it), or watching EVERYONE on the main floor (PLs getting table dances/whatever, which strippers are sitting in corner on their phones),. I have a seat for talking with girls. Many strippers will not sit on the fabric "club chairs" and only on the suade high back benches ringing the walls. I've never gotten answer out of them why. I know the 2 seats on the main floor with outlets so I can charge my phone but they are next to stages and the "ends" of pervert row, so I have to ignore the stripper on stage and she gets nothing and I'd rather not be in them unless I'm charging. If I want a back massage, there is a seat where there is a subwoofer under the stage and that does the trick. I turn my chair 180 to the stage and push the chair against the wall under the stage and the subwoofer goes through the chair and my back.
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    8 years ago
    How paranoid are you>
    I once got a glass bottle covered in black tar/mold/slime especially near the bottom of the bottle. Showed it to the SC manager who I "know" and told him to clean the fridge, he apologized and got me another bottle from the same dirty fridge but told the bartender to "make sure it is a good one" and she wiped it with napkins extensively before giving it to me *sigh*
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    a new one, ask about touching at an club, get cussed out by the stripper
    I am still high from the bus ride with the 3 strippers.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Those Text Messages
    Never text something to a stripper, which she will show her other regulars ITC how much of a needy looser you are. I've had ex-favs show me their phone convos with other customers sometimes for various reasons. It might not be a secret. Remember she could even show her phone to the SC manager to try to get you banned or something.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    a new one, ask about touching at an club, get cussed out by the stripper
    I suspect I know why I had bad reactions with "ageless skinny blonde thing with heavy tats" and the "latina/guyanese Miss Rules". They thought I was 18 years old and never been to a SC before. The reason 1, athletic dress (no suit/button shirt), reason 2, I brought my backpack with me to divey SC. Divey SC has no coat check. I carried my backpack to LD area as if it was my coat (I dump my coat on the seat next to me always in the past). The 2 dancers I LDed both commented on my backpack "oh whats that" in a playful voice, and points to the bag next to my seat, i said "just got off work", "how cute". They must have thought I was 15 or 16 and lied about my age to them and the doorman. Neither noticed the bag until I got up with them to goto LD area. I had to do some work on the bus to the SC on my laptop for work the next day. "The fat dancer didn't handle the situation well but you didn't either. She's probably already subconscious about her weight and you reminded her indirectly that she's fat. The only defense she knew to protect her pride was to storm off." I thought I did my best to NOT call her fat. I really didn't want to say she was so heavy my legs were going numb. I mis-judged her weight and her face was pretty and she had good body language with other customers. Her tone of voice went from sweet to monotone and her smile was gone once she was in LD area with me, and then she first asked me "do you know the rules?" and her barking the list like a army sergeant killed any feelings plus her "rules" list was said in such a nasty tone that I was afraid I was going to be slapped by her, or she will walk off in the middle of the dance, or get management to eject me (which I've seen happen here before, and I am NOT "friends" with the SC manager here, so I wouldn't win any argument with the manager). I ALSO REMEMBERED, "Miss Rules" instantly stuck both tits hard in my face once the LD started, yet 10 seconds ago she said no licking and no kissing. WTF is wrong with her. Are you trying to set me up to be kicked out of the SC? Then after the tits in face ended, she asked me why aren't you touching me, I stayed almost silent ("its nothing, keep going") since there was nothing positive to say to her, and I'm not going to tell her how to do her job. All I thought was she is a transplant from another SC with much stricter touching rules, and knows she works in an extras club. "It appears a lot of the problems come from how you talk to these strippers. Now matter how ratchet they are still pay them some respect. If they don't offer what you're looking for in a lapdance just say "no thank you, I'm a sensual guy and I'd like to run my hands over your thighs, butt and back, I don't want to molest you but I do want to touch you. Since you don't allow touching I will seek out another dancer."" That is alot of words to say. Yes it sounds better than my words. Can you (shailynn) say the same thing with less words? "Since you don't allow touching I will seek out another dancer." is still the same problem that triggered the "you are fucking evil" comment, because I compared a stripper to another stripper. I used to use "maybe later" as a way to turn down LDs, but that is passive and weak. The uglyiest strippers come back every couple songs with "wanna dance?" or "you ready?" but they dont get the message. I've started just saying "you aren't my type" instead of "maybe later". IDK what else to say to a dancer who will never get me hard.
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    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    I've been to a SC, in the ghetto, dopemen on the corners 1 block away, with atleast one arsoned building per block. A burned car in the driveway of an abandoned house 2 blocks away. This SC had no security but 90% white dancers, and 95% white customers, all in collared shirts and middle to old aged. The DJ playing Taylor Swift must have been the reason the SC had no bouncers, no metal detector, no ID scanning. It did have bouncers kindda, but they were actually twink looking male waiters, not ex-football players. No female waitresses either. I had the impression the owner of the SC must be gay and fucking the waiters. Drinks and tabs were all done by the male waiters/faux-bouncers, no female waiters. Bartender was female tho.
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    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    @Subraman I agree. The music determines the clientele, and therefore the security policies of the SC. Play POD, System of a Down, and Metallica, or Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and you dont need metal detectors or DL ID scanning. Play Fetty Wap and Rihanna, now you need metal detectors, DL ID scanning, and making customers pose for mugshots on entry.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    "one night stand" VHM/DFK strippers, can never repeat 1st visit experience
    @gammanu95 give? No, we only DFK and FOV. My dick never came out in VIP room. @a21985 I think I am a decent kisser. I throw in sucking on, gently pulling her lip until it slides out of my lips. Circle tongues for DFK (one of them wants to just spear, not circle). Match her lip movements. Kiss slightly more her upper lip, then her lower lip. Do a kiss starting at her right mouth corner, sweep her 2 lips with my lower lip, and close the kiss over her left mouth corner. Neck and ear kissing too. The breath part I worry over, I've asked before if my breath is okay, all of them said it was okay, but it might be SS, who knows. I dont smoke and eat neutral (no protein, no spicy) sweet pastry type foods before going to the SC. I brush and mouthwash and wash out my mouth and teeth with the hand shower before going to the SC. I carry mouthwash on me into the SC if I know that SC has no attendant. Except for DFK #2, all others DFKed till VIP time ended, I would assume if it was a breath problem they would've pushed me off or turned their heads, or gone into a position that I can't kiss them anymore, but except for #2 none of them took steps to stop the kissing once it started. Am I supposed to tell these girls "I love you baby, when you gonna be here again?" or that is too PLish? I just say "thanks", or "that was amazing babe", "you are a great kisser", give $20 tip, get her number, get/give a hug, and walk out of VIP. I think I am saying something wrong, or doing something wrong body language wise in the last couple seconds of our interaction, from the moment the VIP time expires to her walking to the DR and me back onto the main floor. I dont know what it is. Or was it the girl was desperate for $ that day, and on later days realized "he isn't worth my time for what he wants for small tips, ill wait for bigger fish in the corner on my phone, $50 to $150 is nothing to me". Or is it drugs/alcohol in her system that day (that I didn't realize) that caused the DFK and she regretted doing it when I approach her the 2nd visit?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Always have 2 dancers lines up. CF #1 and CF #2. When #1 ends, #2 will keep you happy till your find #3 (really #2 now that #1 left).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    @Timex345 What were your classic rookie mistakes?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    "one night stand" VHM/DFK strippers, can never repeat 1st visit experience
    @mrrock The 6 strippers are from 2 different SCs. 4 from one SC, 2 from another. I dont get it, is it because I cut the strippers off after 1 song/15/30 minutes without LDKing? Are these bitches really expecting I'll spend 1 whole hour, or hours in VIP for DFK alone (not FS) and when I cut them off, they take it personally and blacklist me because I didn't spend $500 on DFK on 1 stripper, and they thought I would the first time they met me when they decided to allow DFK and FIV with no negotiation?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Why is it?
    "Because you have no intellectual or emotional attachment to her." Yep. I've never cummed in a club. I dont think I ever will. I've made mistakes before, where I picked hooker/strippers, brought them back to my hotel, and I lost my hard on because they don't kiss and only do CBJ. If I want an orgasm I have 2 working hands and it is free. I want more than an orgasm. If it isn't GFE, I wont pay for it. Im not sure what I want can even be found on planet earth. Civie/TER/SCs/BP, doesn't matter it cant be found except in a xxx or not xxx movie. You have to touch noses, touch foreheads, and look me in the eyes. You have to DFK. You have to put your hand on my face or around my neck or put your hand up or down my shirt or your hand on my back. You have to press your tits against my chest with me having both arms around you, and your both arms around me. If you are doing cowgirl, with both hands on my chest, like you dont want to me ever get close to your face, go and die. You need to smile and giggle and laugh occasionally while we are in bed. You have to cuddle in bed before during and after sex/oral. You have to MSOG. You have to allow DATY with your hands touching my head or you occasionally squeezing my head with your legs. Optional, you have to allow me to talk to you (door open) while your in the bathroom doing makeup or #1. We just fucked, why the fuck did you close the door and make a fuss about keeping it closed unless you had beans in your last meal. You have to be open to passion. Neck and ear kissing, hickies, etc. You have to take off my clothes, I have to take yours off. If you take too long in the bathroom, I'll come in and start rubbing my dick in your ass crack while you do your makeup, you better not be upset. Optional, whore/dick bath are done together in the shower. She has to wash my dick and I wash her pussy. If you and me fall off the bed onto the hotel room's carpet, we will continue to fuck on the ground, nothing matters except you and me right now. BBFS CIP Not sure where I stand on this. Yeah there is a STD risk, but me and her better be covered in each others sweat and saliva anyway when we are done. Throw in body oil, chocolate syrup, and astroglide and it is a mess. Exchanging recent STD tests and a frank discussion sounds like the only way to go forward with the escort/stripper. Is cum that far from sweat and saliva STD wise? My cum dripping out of her pussy onto me, or it being on her tits, then going for round 2, with the cum will be smeared all over her and me. I dont give an opportunity for her to wipe it off herself.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Feelings for a dancer.
    "I've had a favorite for several months. She's been very kind and supportive to me. She talked me into seeing my doc about a lump on my head that turned out to be cancer." Egh, generic stripper persona. "She staryed in touch while I was going through treatment. She drove me to the hospital when I broke my leg." How much did she charge? "I recently called bs on some SS but she was cool about it and invited my over for dinner at her apt." Did you actually have dinner at her apt? I look at it this way, can she detangle herself from you and how easily? How much are you involved in her private life outside of work? Do her kids know your name? Do her parents know your name? Do you know her male friends and talked with them? Actions speak louder than words, especially with strippers. I can imagine a situation where a stripper wishes you would put a ring on her finger, but knows you wont and she settled for that. Some strippers just open up, they have nothing to hide about their private life from customers and who is a customer and who is a real friend, even they dont know.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now that's dedication.
    Is this some new birth control idea?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The most annoying thing
    I did that today. 8 PLs watching for 3 songs. Zero dollars. I gave her 2 $1s, which is all she got for 3 songs. She remembered me by face, I mentioned her name and age, she was shocked I remembered from 2 weeks ago (it is quite simple, her stage name is her tramp stamp tat, when I asked her name 2 weeks ago, she turned around, and stuck her ass really close to my face, and "waved" her name infront of my face), she thanked me, and left to go sit in the corner on her phone. I only got 1 dance from her 2 weeks ago. Not my type of dancer.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I would rather go into the club and get paid to drink and dance than go out and
    " They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these 25 year old strippers always treat me like properly." ^^^^ I shouldn't post to TUSCL from the SC while drunk corrected: They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these young strippers. The >25 year old strippers always treat me like properly. I'll add now to that post. Treat me propertly with GFE, "friendship", asking about life advice, talking about their kids and showing me photos of them, giving me their real names. Young strippers can't admit to themselves their are prostitutes. Old strippers do, and they understand they have to respect PLs, not bulldoze them. Young strippers do SS, they restrict mileage, they create stripper personas, they think they can "retire" one day from stripping after marrying a whale, they pick customers on visual attractiveness. Old strippers realize, yeah they get a one time laugh after they rip off a PL or SS him, "what a fucking looser", but when you are sitting alone on your phone in the corner, who is the looser now. When a stripper uses friday night money, to pay for her Wednesday night shift, it is a pathetic stripper. Today a stripper told me, "I come here, because I never know when that one guy comes in, that will make the week [all the slow days] worth it". PLs play the lottery, so do strippers. They key is, pick old strippers, that look young :-)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I would rather go into the club and get paid to drink and dance than go out and
    The "paid to party" strippers are the worst. They will pick customers only based on race, age, and clothing. All the strippers are 21 or younger. They aren't there to earn $, but to party. I've been refused VIP and LDs by these <21 strippers. >25 year old strippers always treat me like properly.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    SC instagrams, websites with full galleries and calendars...
    @Daybreaker I think Southern Exposure, if that is who you are writing about, their marketing of their dancers is excellent. They ask you if you want a particular dancer when you walk in the door. No time wasting going through 5-7s and rejecting them for the 8-10s. No problems with 8-10s hiding in the DR waiting for their regs and whales and refusing to interact with random PLs. German FKKs also list their prostitutes on their websites, so again, you know who to ask for before you show up and you can do your own research at home, rather than wait around ITC for Miss Perfect. Some SCs rely on the fact that a PL will pay the door fee and drinks, not knowing if there are quality strippers on shift or not inside. Those SCs for a PL are like buying the woot mystery box. A SC that lists their "catalog" and "inventory" online, saves the PL's time and $, which is good for the PL.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Do most people eventually cheat on their spouse or girlfriend?
    You have to be best friends with your wife/GF before you fuck her. If you are best friends before BF/GF, then even if the sex stops (and it will), you will stick together. If you get married super young, 17 or before, and she was your first fuck or first GF, even when you are 70 years old, if you close your eyes, you will remember fucking the 16 year old version of your wife from decades before and your dick will stay hard. Every partner you add to your belt, numbs you further and further, to where all your female partners are interchangeable. Every break up makes you trust women less and less, and makes it more difficult to keep any of them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Make out session
    At 1 SC in my city that targets rich white business men, I get DFK no worse ratio than 1 out of 2 strippers. Its has been as good at 5 out of 6 DFKed in 1 night. DFK is basically minimum service level. I doubled the amount of women I made out with in my life in 1 night. But this SC has no VIP room, so its high DFK rate is pointless. At my urban ratchet SC, DFK is rare. AA customers don't want or expect intimacy from "hoes" see https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=31814 . VIP rooms are dirt cheap so I put up with all of the things I hate about my urban SC. Kissing/making out is like finding unicorns. Took 7 months of weekly visits to find the first stripper to make out. I sometimes suspect if the SC manager, who treats me like I am a high roller (Im not, $100 a week, but I wear fine suits), told all the strippers to "treat me good" at some point, which means the rules don't apply for ME, and I can treat the place like a brothel, but the strippers can't do what they do with ME, with random PLs or they will be fired. One week after I first kissed a stripper, the SC manager gave me a VIP entry card to the SC. I wonder if he reviewed the tape and made that decision. There seems to be a formula for making out at my SC. All strippers say you can't touch their pussy if you ask them. I've stopped asking anymore where I can touch them. My system now is, I get a semi private LD, then when her position is correct, I slowly move my hand up her thigh to her kitty, or down her stomach to her kitty and *over* her bottoms lightly touch her kitty. I dont surprise her, she has a chance to move my hand or grab it and reposition it or block my hand. If she lets me touch her covered pussy, VIP room is a go. If kitty touching doesn't work in semi-private, I'll try to bring my face close to theirs. If we touch noses 2 or more times, I'll try a lip kiss. A "no" kissing answer is, either the stripper will immediately lean back, and put her finger on my lips, and shake her head and continue to grind, or she will turn her head and make me stare at her cheek or ear or rest her head on my shoulder so I can only kiss her hair behind her ear. If she "stores" my face on her neck, I'll try a neck kiss in a few seconds, and go upto her ear and back to her lips. If wetness on her neck or ear makes her lean away from me, or switch to air dance, the answer is "no kissing". Sometimes the body language is confusing, she wants your kiss, but is afraid of anyone seeing it in semi-private LD, so she lifts her face away and smiles at you, but doesn't take any steps to really block you from trying to kiss her again (store your face on her neck, goto reverse cowgirl, lean back 2 feet from your face). Going to VIP is the only way to find out. YOU (or I) have to make the first move to get a kiss. In my urban SC, it will surprise the stripper. There is nothing that you can do about it. Dont ever ask a stripper if she will kiss, the answer is always NO. If you need to ask, you are a creep (made this mistake myself once). Women/strippers think "real men" are "so seducted" by the stripper/herself, they can't help but be animals on her. Real men dont ask if they can kiss, they just go for it like in a non-XXX movie. Not every stripper is a SW stripper. Some strippers did/do backpage, some strippers did paid OTC at one point, some strippers are or did or were escorts or pornstars. They DID make out with random men. If you put a escort or pornstar in a "clean" SC, they will forget the rules of the clean SC and DFK you or let you DATY them, since they do that with other "customers" and random men in their past and they have no moral problems doing it with you. Dressing very good, shaving, mouthwash/brush teeth is also part of the equation. DO NOT reveal too much about yourself before asking for LDs or VIP, or her getting to the point that she offers you LDs. You do NOT want her to judge you as "poor" before the LD. Some strippers make a "mistake" and make out with me, thinking I am a financial trader, and will offer $100s per hour for OTC afterwards or a sugar baby thing. I never do. Once they VHM made out with me, the physical rules of the ITC relationship is set up. They know if they offer less on a VIP trip than on the 1st ever VIP, I will drop them. After the 1st VHM VIP trip, I can reveal more about myself and ask more about them and see if OTC is possible.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Largest City/Metro Area Without a Strip Club
    @sinclair Provo, UT is a suburb of SLC. SLC has strip clubs. I reviewed 2 of them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Liars get defensive when called out on their lies
    You can't win with a stripper, you are in her house, she isn't in yours.* Say your disagreement once very calmly, and never repeat it. You will never win. She is always right, you are always wrong. If it is 1 or 2 ITC interactions/visits, I walk away. If it is 5 or more visits, I confront her once, she rants to me I am wrong, and I walk away. "Anyway, she got so defensive about me confronting her on her SS that she asked me to stop contacting her, which I will." You didn't say if this was F2F, or by text. Even if you know you were screwed/stood up OTC, in a friendly way say it. Dont let her think you will beat her/rape/murder/turn her our for lying, then she will really be afraid of you. If you scared her enough that she said to stop contacting, it is over. She doesn't feel safe with you, or thinks you want revenge. $$$ isnt worth her life unless she is an IV drug user or something. The best revenge is you being in her SC with another stripper sitting on your lap with her looking on from another seat silently regretting standing you up. *I've had atleast 2 strippers ask me if I know a place they can move into in the last 2 months, I've considered for 15 seconds getting a stripper to move into my house, my dead grandpa's room is empty, then walked around the house and started thinking how much each thing not screwed down is at a pawn shop, then decided against letting a stripper move into my house
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another day, Another stripper-hustle
    "A girl at Follies today asked if she could dance. I said sure, let's wait for the next song. She got an attitude and said "this song just started." I gave her a look and she immediately bolted. Never had that happen before." She would probably try to charge a touching fee on you too. Some strippers don't want to do anything with a TUSCLer. An average TUSCLer is as hard to hustle as another stripper. The best custies are the bachelor party and once a year business men who have no idea how a strip club works. Always look at the time on your phone before she starts, she will see this and know she is on watch. Always tell her to say when the next song starts, dont ever tell her you want X songs ahead of time if it is pay per song to the stripper and not prepay per song to staff at a POS. The stripper can not know how many songs you will go with her, or how much $ you have on you before she starts, otherwise she will try to do 75 minutes of LDs in 60 minutes of wall time creating a time wormhole ;-)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Calling a Hustler's Bluff
    Remember, with CR/VIP room time, you can get a theft of services arrest, but you can't get a theft of services arrest for no tips for extras.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Calling a Hustler's Bluff
    I'll pay you $100 today, and $100 tomorrow for FS ITC.