
Another ball-less PL allowing himself to be intimidatetd and ripped-off by a ROB

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Baby Dolls Dallas:

"... I usually go in during the day but decided to go at night. I went last night around 10:30 and paid the $7 and once inside there were a lot of clients and dancers talking. I was lucky to get a seat near one of the smaller stages. I was surprised that I sat down for less than 5 minutes and I was approached by a lovely women that asked me if I wanted a dance, I was about $200 in and thought one dance wouldn't hurt. I got 2 from her and it was pretty standard. She was a brunette with glasses but don't remember her name. After I got back to my seat I was approached by a Hispanic girl with black shoulder length hair. She was very pretty and asked me if I wanted a dance and I said sure. Well she started dancing during the middle of a song. Then she danced the next full song and I said that's all I wanted. She then said that'll be $80. I said you didn't give me 4 dances and that she gave me 1 and a half technically. She started getting snotty with me and threatened to get me kicked out. I didn't want to hassle with her and I just gave her the $80 and was on my way fast. I left the club feeling robbed so I think I might stick to the day shifts rather than the night. But beware of the thin Hispanic chick that usually gets the chair next to her friend while doing dances and they talk in Spanish while dancing for you. They rip people off and they admit it to each other while giving me a dance. I am Hispanic but do not talk it but do understand it. so she thought I could know what they were saying. They said that this guys looks like a easy one to get money from and she was right about that but just be ware of girls like that. Enjoy and hope to return soon ..."



  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    And the dude states he visits the club regularly - so he's not a newbie and should have known better and should know how to handle himself in a SC w.r.t. ROBs.

    I am as much pissed at him as the ROB - below is what I commented on his review - perhaps I worded it a bit too strongly but damn I was pissed - my Prop comment was:

    "... Fuck dude; don’t be such a FUCKING PUSSY; I can see if one is new to strip-clubs allowing oneself to be intimidated by a ROB bitch; but o/w be a FUCKING MAN and don’t let any hustler-bitch rip you off; if custies don’t stand-up to these bitches this just emboldens them to do it more and more and to other custies.

    Believe me, their bark is worse than their bite; that shit of getting a manager or bouncer is only to intimidate ball-less pussies into paying-up; 99% of the time these bitches back down if one stands up to them like a man; and even if they do get the manager or bouncer it’s your word against hers and all you gotta do is explain your side of the story accurately; believe; most managers know many of these bitches rip-off customers and they are not necessarily gonna take the dancer’s side unless you don’t explain yourself correctly and accurately.

    Don’t let no stripper-bitch intimidate you and steal your fucking $$$ ..."
  • maho
    8 years ago
    His review ends with "....enjoy and hope to return soon...." so doesn't sound like he was too traumatized by the experience.

    Dancers who resort to doing those things suck though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ he seems like a very passive guy
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Fortunately for him it was only $80. They probably could have taken him for way more.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    The title says it all.
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    A couple weeks ago I went to a club in Akron OH, that has nude VIPs but limited touching. As time is slipping away in the VIP area I thought to do a reality check. So I tell/ask the dancer "That was 4 songs?" She replies "oh no, I'd say 2, maybe 3. Let's go with 3." She was relaxed and enjoying the massaging I was giving her back, shoulders, and butt so much she lost count. Sometimes it's not evil intent, just inattention to detail. I try to not let 3 or 4 songs go by without checking the dancer's count. And sometimes I get the bonus!
  • mmdv26
    8 years ago
    Prostitution, drugs and stealing your money. That what strip clubs are all about. Never let a dancer intimidate you with inflated dance numbers. Be factual, and reinforce the truth. Indicate that you paid for what you got according to the known rates. Don't let the apprentice bad boy at the door give you shit either. He's dumber than the dancer. Leave the club quickly so you don't get into something that causes the goon to remember you "from the other nite". Stick with the day shift. Roaches come out after dark.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Dude must be a faggot
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    A girly man for sure
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    After reading the review - I'd say the reviewer is passive - and he also must look passive. The dancers picked up on his passive nature - and took advantage.

    I doubt this guy will change. He mentions that he heard the dancer chatting about robbing him - and he still got a dance? If he understood their conversation - why not speak up - and say "I would enjoy a few dances, but I know what you said (to your friend) - so no thanks."

    He knew this in advance - and he still let it happen!
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    mmdy26 writes, "Prostitution, drugs and stealing your money. That what strip clubs are all about."

    I disagree. Strip clubs have always been local businesses operating somewhere on the edge of local moral, values offering sexually vague fantasies and occasionally more explicit sensual or (more recently) sexual entertainment. Strip clubs are a natural (if still "underage") descendant of the immoral cohabitation of a bar and a brothel.

    Any patron of these establishments is subject to abuse by employees and independent contractors (strippers) if they are not careful, observant and assertive. Papi correctly identified the "victim" of this recent trip to Baby Dolls, Dallas. It kind of reads like a Boston greenhorn getting propositioned and rolled in a Dodge City saloon.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Oh well, he got the shaft. One learns in time how to spot ROBS. I have sympathy for the dude, but my solution is simple and effective. When they try to rip me off, I ask to speak to the manager immediately. Often, they solve the problem.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    She knows she's in the wrong and she definitely doesn't want to involve management. Guaranteed.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    So, he understands Hispanic, but doesn't talk it, eh?
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    He should have posted the name of the ROB. I could not figure it out with the physical description. Must have been one of the Cuban contingent.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Some never learn
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Johnny keeps spanking the monkey
  • s88
    8 years ago
    You have 2 choices, (Ive never done this) get the manager and review the tape how many minutes passed. Because in SCs where strippers keep 100% of the LD $, management couldn't care less about non-paying customers, they tell the stripper they should've asked for the $ upfront. In some SCs, all LDs are prepayment with tickets/funny money/cash register at LD area.

    Or always tell each dancer to say when the next song starts before you start. Hell, also ask where you can touch before agreeing to a LD, even if you know the club rules/club standard already, that way she knows she is on watch and its over in 1 song if she performs below typical levels.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... Must have been one of the Cuban contingent ..."

    That crossed my mind also since I'm used to dealing with Cubans down here in Miami many of whom try to be slick - and the fact she was talking to her dancer-buddy in Spanish also makes her look like one of the Cubanas since they often tend to stick together in packs - but at the same time most of them try to ROB you with a smile and try to convince you did do 4 dances when you really did 2 and most don't threaten customers since that is usually not their style but some will.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    From a dancer's perspective - A passive, easy-money guy should be a keeper. Hence dancer should be extra nice while taking money from him.

    So these ROBs are really dumb who make $500 a given night and a year later can't figure out why nobody wants them. Over the years I've had few dancers (usually the tag-team ones) hang out with me - and scope out other customers. A gem " I'll be back after I dance for that mexican dude and charge him $30 a dance and if he wants nude I'll ask $40". Don't know if she was stoking my ego or just amatuer.
    The positive - I've not see them last long.

    So the reviewer has the courage to post his experience. And post it honestly.
    And the king of TUSCL (the great papi) blasts him. And other knights of TUSCL pile on !
    You think the reviewer or anyone else will post anything again where we got conned?
    Rip offs happen - especially when the heart and dick are not cooperating with the brain.
    And in a strip-club state of mind - not everyone is looking for a confrontation every time.
    Report it here - with names and acts of shame. I'd be looking out for the ROB duo at Baby Dolls and avoiding them.

    Aren't we here on TUSCL to turbo charge our "one single life" we are living and get hooked up with 12 gorgeous, beautiful, sexy women each year. I enjoy it more when I see a helpful tone on TUSCL that fulfills this love mission. But to get to a rose you must get past the thorns.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    This is the king here ;)

    Some shit needs to be called out - If I get called out like that then I explain my side of it as to why I acted the way I did or push back - additionally - my comment was meant as a PL PSA since so many custies seem to be often taken by shark-dancers that are in the game day-in day-out week-in week-out at times for years and have honed their shark skills to where the avg SCer often has no chance - I rarely go after people and my post was not really meant to go after him but more like a "hey watch out" general announcement to the broader PL community many of which read reviews from time to time but are not TUSCLarly educated by participating on the discussion board.

    If he genuinely took offense to my post I def would have apologized to him b/c my main intention was to sound the alarm bell and not belittle him - we often bust each other's balls around here and most of us take it in stride.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    After I wrote here I read your comment to his review - Good advice papi.
    I agree stay calm and firm and ask for the manager.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I simple and more effective solution is a back hand across her face
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    juice, you da man!! Of course if I did that, she'd get the bouncer who'd slap me around as he tosses my ass out of the club. :)
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