
Comments by IHearVoices (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Let it go - or piss you off ?
    ^ What ppwh said. The water thing would've unnerved me a bit, but I wouldn't have been too mad. That singles thing wou've set me off. A twenty percent tip for changing singles? Hoo boy. There was a local spot where I lived several years ago that charged ten percent. It was a clear policy, though; and I probably could've talked the owner down from that. Ate it one time, though; and after that I never went to a club without change again. To this day, it's the only reason I set foot inside a bank.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has a Rob or potential Rob pissed you off
    I was at Trap once and waited a whle for this chick. She became available and I went for it. Should've known something was wrong when she asked for a drink, but eagerly awaiting will make you do stupid things sometimes. Got two songs. Chick said it was three. It wasn't that she overcounted: we've all dealt with that. This silly ----- tried to tell me that they played one of the songs twice in a row. I put $30 on the bar and left.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers That Don't Hustle
    There's logic on both sides of the "should I aproach" question. Yes: I get what I want. I'm in control of the situation. Girls see what I want and can accordingly make their decisions on whether to approach me...and thus, I get attention. No: if she can't even approach, that tells me she's uninterested and may give an uninspired dance. If no one approaches, I can keep my money for next time. If I want to chase women, I can just date civilians. Every club is different, and most every shift in those clubs is different. There are clubs in which every girl will approach me. There are clubs where I could have $100 bills taped on me and 75% of dancers would stay away. I've been told that three non-physical things stop dancers from approaching me: I look standoffish (shrug), I stand instead of sit, and I don't have a glass or bottle in hand (I don't drink). It is what it is. I probably have to approach more in certain situations, although I tend to forget this...like Saturday night, when I walked out with over half the cash I walked in with. Is dancer hustle terrible sometimes? Absolutely. What we do about that depends on us as PLs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Which dancers handle rejection worse?
    Sort-of piggybacking off Papi's comment, it's black dancers at mixed clubs for me. Some of them try to put on as if I'm selling out the black race by turning them down. If I have a particular interest in black women, I'll go to black clubs. That's their bad for working at clubs where they might not be as desired as other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you went to the sc with unlimited funds?
    B, especially in a place with a lot of dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too many options
    It's not a matter of intimidation, I just don't want to deal with it. Can't remember a time I've ever said yes to any of those types of requests. Saying no just gets tiring.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Memories vs $$$
    Definitely memories, although I should concern myself more with saving. I spend pretty responsibly, though. Living cheaply outside the club helps.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too many options
    There's only one spot where I could even think of finding 10 girls worth dancing with, and that's Tootsies. I'll answer with that in mind, and refer to some previous comments along the way. Like chessmaster, I'm young(-looking) and black. As he said, that combination tends to get you ignored by a lot of dancers. Let's say 5 of those 10 ignore me. I'm going to lose one in the crowd, because that's how Tootsies is. One is going to be locked down in VIP, because that's how Tootsies is. I'm now down to a much more manageable 3. That said, since Tootsies is one of the $25 spots Papi is probably referring to...that price point makes it almost impossible to sample girls. If I'm halfway interested in a girl (which is to be assumed, given the post), I'm banking on two dances. That wipes out the whole $500 right there if you try all 10. If she's awful and I only get one, that's $25 wasted anyway. Main point of all that: girls will eliminate themselves. I don't do the $5 black clubs in Miami because the mileage tends to be awful for me. I actually feel like I get a better value dance at a $25 spot. Between the $20 cover charges, the short songs, the nickel-and-dime stuff I often get (drink hustles, tip requests, etc.), and the relative lack of attractive girls; I'll head to Tootsies - although the highly underrated Deans and its $20 LDs should be a more worthy alternative than even I give it credit for.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things I Hate
    One I haven't seen mentioned yet: gowns. When you go to SCs with a lot of female customers, it's somewhat of a pain to have to guess whether a girl is at work or at play. Drink minimums: mainly because I don't drink...although IME only smaller black clubs really try to enforce them. Happened at Follies once, though: should've laughed the guy off since I'd bought 15 dances at that point, but discretion was the better part of valor and the $4.25 wasn't worth the potential situation. If you need the drink profit that much, just put it in the cover and give coupons. Dancers who want to talk during dances: most girls I've experienced aren't smart enough to talk and dance at the same time, and too often they try to talk instead of dance. As long as I'm on the subject of dancers...tipmongers: the ones who don't do anything but ask for tips. Before, during, after dances: doesn't matter. I can even deal with a parade better than I can deal with a girl asking forever - especially since they almost never do anything to receive a tip - for five or ten extra bucks. I have too good a memory for girls to take that risk.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Would you ever consider going to the strip club while you're in a dating relatio
    I agree with just about everything that Futuretrackstar said, especially the money part. Maybe not what the club money is spent on, but alas. Relationships and clubs both cost money and you pretty much get the same thing. I haven't been in a relationship since I started SCing, but I was in relationships while I was still into dance clubs. Still went out to those. Between me being older and the difference between dance clubs and SCs, though, I doubt I'd feel the same way about continuing to SC if I found someone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Keeping your mouth shut!
    If I say anything, it's only in reference to the time I had. He can make his own decision from that point.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    I used to give my real first name when I started, but then (for whatever reason) girls couldn't hear it when I said it so I went with another name. One girl at a local club who I've developed a rapport with told me her real name...or at least one that was different than her dancer name...so I told her my real name.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much you spend in a strip club every time ?
    Depends on where I am: my current average is around 150 (less talent, lower dance prices), but at home in South Florida it's double that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Computers in the work place
    I haven't heard of any policy where I am, but at the same time I just keep my TUSCL checking to my phone when I'm at work. Usually I'll go off the office wifi and use the 4G to access it, but there may have been a time or two when I didn't. Wouldn't ever check on a work computer. I hardly ever check TUSCL at work anyway, though: maybe the day of an out of town trip if I'm trying to plan what clubs to visiit in a new area.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    I used to wonder this and subscribe to the Chris Rock thing about going in the daytime...and then I went to Follies. Follies daytime is the greatest thing ever...okay, it's second to Follies daytime on NFL Sundays since they have RedZone. It depends on the club and what you're looking for. I'd never go to Follies at night, but I can't see myself going to any South Florida clubs during the day. In what has pretty much become my home club up here, the rosters are completely different between day and night so if I have a chance I'll go on dayshift because it's almost like being in a different club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Top 40 rated clubs, how many have you been to?
    I've gone to six of them, but five are in the top 16. Like JS said, the ratings don't really tell/show what the top clubs are. There are other ways to find out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    U.S. Open Women's Final: Who are you getting dances with?
    Madison. Sloane seems too much like a little sister to me (even though she's older than Madison), probably because she's from Lauderdale.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    I agree with the commenters who said A isn't a PAWG. B has more hips than anything. C qualifies, but she's probably a 5. D is probably a 6-7. I'd say A is a 7 and B is an 8. There's a girl at Savannah's here in Harrisburg: name is Trinity. She puts all these girls to shame in the PAWG category, and she's got a pretty face too. Adult World has a couple who are more in line with the girls in the pictures, and Club 22 has one...but she's terribly money-hungry, and you don't want to go to 22 anyway.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many sex partners have you had?
    Somewhere in the low-mid 40s, with maybe 8 of them being 'professionals'.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Turning down lapdances and getting lapdances from multiple girls
    The only time I ever feel bad about it is if I notice something that makes me reconsider later. Then I go look for her and make it happen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    MWM threeways
    I've done it several times, thanks to CL. Never done anything with a guy (never will), but if guys are willing to share their girls I'm always down for attachment-free action. You either take turns or take opposite ends...and never look down unless she's right in front of you. As far as ground rules, I don't even entertain anything stating that m/m is desired and I tell them straight from the beginning that I don't do m/m. One guy asked when they got to my place and I repeated my refusal. Definitely set your rules beforehand, and remind them every time it comes up until it's crystal clear.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Celebrities You Think Are Hot (But Others Might Not)
    Tina Fey tends to top most of these lists, with good reason. Given the seeming consensus of what most on here like, I'll say Elle Duncan (SportsCenter anchor, usually does the weekend shows starting at 10).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    Man, take care of yourself. It rakes those doctors down there a little while to figure things out, but eventually they tend to get it right (I know this all too well from another situation with someone down there).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Pittsburgh or Harrisburg?
    ^ I have to disagree. Adult World is the best club in HBG and it's not close. If Savannah's didn't show UFC (and boxing) PPVs, I'd never set foot in there again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips at rail or bar. Where do you like to sit?
    I stand most of the time (which dancers seemingly can't stand), but if I sit down somewhere it's a place pretty far from the stage - stage does nothing for me - and I never sit at the bar because I rarely get water.