
Too many options

Say you brought $500 to the club and there’s a bunch of hotties at this club. You want to get a dance with at least 10 of the girls there.

How would you spread out your money? Would you try to get a few dances from all the girls you want to get dances from? Would you just spend money on the best of the best (top 3)?


  • 79terrier
    7 years ago
    I kind of go with the flow, and see what happens. No plan, maybe floor dances with the hotties, and VIP with whoever strikes (or strokes) my fancy.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I’d blow it all on the hottest one.

    Quality over quantity.

  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Good question. Generally, when I hit a club, I’m impressed with the level of hotness of several of the dancers. However, all of the dancers I find hot might not be available. A few might be busy with regulars. One or two might be heading to vip with customers. That will help to narrow my focus.

    Some of the hot dancers might not be offering what I want. Then I get down to a bit of chit-chat - and that can also kill the deal. If a dancer isn’t playful - or she can’t fake chemistry - then I might be down to 1 or 2 dancers who I want. At that point it’s like flipping a coin - as I’ll take one for dances - and see how the first two dances go.

    So - I wouldn’t spread my money over a wide playing field. I’d use various factors to narrow the field - and then I’d choose one or two top contenders. If one is a dud - I move to the other. If both are duds - I save some money and get home early.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I know that i have definitely been in this type of situation. $500 won't even get me two dances with each of them (the clubs i go to generally charge $30, although there is one that charges $20 on discount days so i can stretch out that $500 a bit more), and i don't like to get just one dance, which usually means the girl isn't worth dancing with. The solution is to bring even more money to the club the next time...

    Seriously, this use to happen more, a little earlier in my SCin career. I would develop several hottie regulars/favorites and there would be several more that intrigued me. I definitely wanted to try the new hotties and if they were also good, than they might become regulars which would just exacerbate the situation in the future. I knew i was in trouble if most of them or even all of them worked the same night. Eventually, i would just develop a pecking order and move from there, hopefully not blowing too much on just one girl giving me enough left to enjoy or sample (if they're completely new) the others. Then i had my "onegina" realization moment, where i discovered that it was more worthwhile to spend most or even all of my time and money on my very favorite of the group instead of spreading it all around with varying levels of enjoyment, which is pretty much where i am now.

    I guess the "good" news within bad news is that at most of the clubs i go to, there isn't much new hottie talent (and i mean 9+) coming in or at least staying in the business. Once in a while there will be a new face worth taking for a test run; but they usually are underwhelming. So it's mostly just the old favorites/regulars that i have to deal with. And now i just spend the vast majority of my kitty funds on the ATF.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I agree with quality over quantity. I’d find the best candidate to be my paid girlfriend and then spend most of it on her.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I have done the spending all the money on a couple of girls, and I left the club wishing I had tried out some of the other girls I wanted to get dances with.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    That's the other side of the coin. Yeah, definitely sample them if you're interested. The new hot dancer high is always worth spending some money on. My ATF and every former favorite was once one of those new dancers. Just understand with higher volume comes higher cost and only you can decide which is worth more to you.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I always search out girls who offer what I want. If she is the hottest then great, if she is not the hottest at least she is fun
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    I find one, two max. Period.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I would sample as many of the 7s and up as i could.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Airdancers would be one and done.
  • Eve
    7 years ago
    I would say first come first serve if they're all doing rounds around the room and actually talking to the custies, that way I could see which ones seem more sociable and which ones are just 'wanna dance', so then I may switch the order up and fetch some girls myself if I make a repeat visit to said club.

    But if they're not making rounds or are just ignoring me and my partner, I just do what I usually do and just pick a hottie at random to ask to entertain me when she appears available.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "However, all of the dancers I find hot might not be available. A few might be busy with regulars. One or two might be heading to vip with customers. That will help to narrow my focus."

    Excellent point. Im young and black. So im frequently ignored/blown off by some of the stripper hoes i want(hot white bitches), for old white guys and possible whales. So i may only end up sampling a few anyway. Rather give my money to a few, that are interested, than give money to strippers that are too good for me. But if every dancer i hit up is interested, then great. If not, i always get 1 or 2 satisfactory takers anyway.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Sampling 10 prospects in one club is a lot. If I'm past girl two and both were dry holes at the top of my draft board, I'm probably having an off visit. If I'm killing time with random dancers until a dancer I want frees up, that's different. That's just fostering goodwill.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    One or two test-drive lapdances, just as teasers to see who goes on my List to see next time, or possibly be promoted to the B team. Everything else gets spent on 1 girl
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^strange concept to me but "to each his own."
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Sampling is my PL M.O.

    Even when I'm into a dancer (like the way she looks and dances), after a couple of songs I wanna sample something else - for me SCs are like a buffet, vs a restaurant where one sticks to a main-dish.

    IMO, at least for me, sampling gets more expensive than just spending/focusing on one-girl - when I hit $5 and $10 per dance black clubs in my area, I sample away - when I hit the $25 mixed-spots in my area I am much more selective and stick to much fewer girls

    In the $5 spots I usually get at most 6 dances from one girl then move-on (songs are usually played b/w 2 and 3 minutes) - at $10 spots I do about 4 songs b/f moving on - at the $25 places usually just two songs
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    $500? That’s a lot of lunch money at Midvale Middle School.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Papi why would you ever go to the $25 spots when you have the $5 spots? And I believe you’re much more attracted to the girls at the 5 dollar spots than the 25 dollar spots? And I believe you get more mileage in the 5 dollar spots than the 25 dollar spots. If I were in your situation I would never step foot in a 25 dollar dance club.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    First and second time at a club, I will usually sample 4-6 girls at 2 dances a piece, but I am selective in my choices; either they move good on stage or they drop my jaw while canvasing the floor. From there on out, I usually go specifically to see one or two girls with a large chunk of money meant for them with a bit left over to sample one new girl each trip.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Spread it out between as many 10s as possible. Why settle for one if you can afford 2.

    ....fuck you now I have to go to the club again. And I was doing so good for months lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Papi why would you ever go to the $25 spots when you have the $5 spots? And I believe you’re much more attracted to the girls at the 5 dollar spots than the 25 dollar spots? And I believe you get more mileage in the 5 dollar spots than the 25 dollar spots. If I were in your situation I would never step foot in a 25 dollar dance club ..."

    The short answer is obvious - I'm a hardcore PL.

    The bit-longer answer - again - the variety thing - once in a while I get a craving for white/Latina meat or I just get burned-out w/ the all-black clubs - but to your point I rarely do the $25 spots these days (probably 5% or less of my clubbing)
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    It all depends on the dancers and the clubs. Often when I visit a new club or one that has a lot of new dancers there will be at least a dozen strippers who interest me. When that occurs I usually start going through each as they become available. A few are so busy I never get time to ask. Oft the remaining who stop by while we sit and talk, usually at least half never make it past here. She either doesn't click with me, has a bad attitude or wants too much.

    By now there are maybe four I end up trying. And usually one or two ends up being good enough for multiple dances.

    Of course there are certain clubs where it doesn't matter. At those clubs I know that any dancer who interests me I'll have a good time with. In those types of clubs I go for the hottest dancer who is currently available.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    No such thing as too much of a good thing. What you are referring to is "opportunity cost" which is the lost option by selecting another option. Thats just life and I would simply narrow down my dream girl options till I had like one or two in the lineup for that night. I would probably hustle some schedules and/or phone numbers with that deep of a bench for future visits.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    There's only one spot where I could even think of finding 10 girls worth dancing with, and that's Tootsies. I'll answer with that in mind, and refer to some previous comments along the way. Like chessmaster, I'm young(-looking) and black. As he said, that combination tends to get you ignored by a lot of dancers. Let's say 5 of those 10 ignore me. I'm going to lose one in the crowd, because that's how Tootsies is. One is going to be locked down in VIP, because that's how Tootsies is. I'm now down to a much more manageable 3.

    That said, since Tootsies is one of the $25 spots Papi is probably referring to...that price point makes it almost impossible to sample girls. If I'm halfway interested in a girl (which is to be assumed, given the post), I'm banking on two dances. That wipes out the whole $500 right there if you try all 10. If she's awful and I only get one, that's $25 wasted anyway. Main point of all that: girls will eliminate themselves.

    I don't do the $5 black clubs in Miami because the mileage tends to be awful for me. I actually feel like I get a better value dance at a $25 spot. Between the $20 cover charges, the short songs, the nickel-and-dime stuff I often get (drink hustles, tip requests, etc.), and the relative lack of attractive girls; I'll head to Tootsies - although the highly underrated Deans and its $20 LDs should be a more worthy alternative than even I give it credit for.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @IHearVoices Man you need to step up your game, if you are letting these girls hustle you you haven’t been paying attention. You can say no to them any time you like, the buy the girl a drink hustle if that’s what you are getting tripped up with just tell them no, as far as tipping goes that’s only for good service, stop letting yourself be intimidated by 20 something girls in their underwear.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    It's not a matter of intimidation, I just don't want to deal with it. Can't remember a time I've ever said yes to any of those types of requests. Saying no just gets tiring.
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