
Let it go - or piss you off ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of "35 Club" in NJ:

"... I know I know - why am I talking about the waitress instead of the strippers? A little bit of venting for sure but also to serve as fair warning. Read on my friends to avoid the pitfalls.

Bored on a Tuesday night and nothing much going so I decided to venture out here. $20 cover on a Tuesday after midnight is crazy, but I was already there so I paid and went in. It's BYOB but that was fine since I was okay sticking with water. Had a really cute stripper approach and help me track down *the waitress* so I could get a bottle of water. I give the waitress $5 for the water and a $1 tip. She extends her arm out and demands (seriously, she actually demanded) that I give her a bigger tip. I give her a look but give her the extra $1 because what the hell, maybe it's really really good water (only average).

Get back to talking with the cute stripper, grab a dance ($30 for 5 minutes) and hang out for a little bit. Couple of guys who had brought beer were nice enough to give me one and I'm having a decently good time until that point. I go up to *the waitress* and ask her for singles. I give her $20 and she counts out 16 dollar bills and hands them to me. Then looks me straight in the eye and says - the rest of the $4 is my tip. Dead ass fam. That is what she said. I'm at a loss for words at this point. I've gone to many strip clubs and gotten the hustle from many girls but this was just straight up robbery. Suffice it to say that soured my experience there.

The strippers were all pretty chill and nobody was super pushy. Not too many people so it was a pretty laid back vibe. I stuck around for a little bit longer and tipped at the stage but didn't get any more lap dances. So fair warning - if you go here don't get change from *the waitress* - go to the door lady or someone else. Otherwise risk that 20% tax ..."



  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Would've pissed me off - not b/c the $$$ involved, but b/c of the disrespectful attitude - I would have gotten my $$$ even if I had to snatch it from her
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Kick the bitch in the pussy, grab your money and talk to management. What a cunt that ROB waitress is. SHEESH !!
  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    I will dump a load on her fucking ass. I will feed it to her through a straw. I will use a blender to make the chunks go down too...
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    I would be curious if that is the way the other wattresses were treating patrons. Then I would probably find the manager and tell him what I thought about being treated that way. He may be totally unaware that his waitress is running off business. That waitress might get reassigned.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Unreal. I've put up with a lot of shit at clubs through the years myself, but I think I would draw the line with this nonsense, too. The problem with Club 35 is that the bitches run the place; management is nowhere to be found. It's still a decent place to have a good time, but I'm not at all surprised to hear that something like this happened.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    It's a problem to have a waitress think she can call her own shot, but the guy stood right there and let it happen. In that part of the country you need to remember your balls when you go to the club. Even another reviewer who'd just been to the same club told him to man up.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I am not surprised by this.

    On weekends or most any busy night they charge for parking, entrance, cell phone and have mandatory drinks. if you BYO they charge you for BYO and then for each one they fetch. They demand tips. They charge you more for where you sit. if you aren't tipping every dancer as much as they think you should you are told to move to other seats and then you have to pay more.

    They have a swingers club upstairs and I've have gone to club 35 with a female companion. She was into women but not into swinging. They suggested we pay more to get into the swingers club so we could get into the club for free. They suggested it several times to the point of being annoying I will say the swingers were always cool. Once they knew she was uninterested we left alone.

    So why do I put up with it? I don't any more. I only did because my favorite club doesn't permit women and I was with a lady that wanted to go to a strip club. I think if she had realized how they picked my pocket, she'd have stopped going.

  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Worth going to the manager. Some managers suck, but most don't stand for demanding tips.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    the first time she demanded it. The second time she decided to take her "tips".

    The club sounds like a $ pit, one to where if you arent spending big $$$ gtfo. The staff probably all has their hands out expecting to be greased for providing little to no service. I probably wouldve been pissed enough to call her out of her name and probably get a manager but the manager probably would not care to rectify the issue.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Seriously, is there even a manager on duty at 35? I don't think I've ever seen one. Just a bunch of bouncers who think they're in charge (but they really just work for the girls). It cuts both ways, there are pros and cons: on the one hand, yes, it's a money pit because the pussy demands to be paid and there's really no one to complain to. I've had dancers interrupt me to demand a tip even though I'm talking to another girl at that very moment. Girls seem to come and go as they please at Club 35, whenever they feel like showing up to work, and some of them literally never set foot on the stage. But on the other hand, this place is as close to an actual brothel as you can find within a 40 mile radius because no one is minding the store - in other words, all systems are go as long as you negotiate in advance. I guess you gotta take the good with the bad. Still, there's probably a reason why I haven't visited in a few months.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    That shit would have pissed me off and I would have gone to management.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    A dollar tip is plenty. 4 bucks if you get a beer with it.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    It would have pissed me off about the $4 charge for ones. I would have tipped a couple of bucks for the water anyway, though.

    Instead of going to a manager, the next time around I would have offered $2 to other staff if they would give me change for a 20 or whatever. If it's a club you ever plan to visit again, going confrontational with the staff generally isn't worth it.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    ^ What ppwh said. The water thing would've unnerved me a bit, but I wouldn't have been too mad. That singles thing wou've set me off. A twenty percent tip for changing singles? Hoo boy.

    There was a local spot where I lived several years ago that charged ten percent. It was a clear policy, though; and I probably could've talked the owner down from that. Ate it one time, though; and after that I never went to a club without change again. To this day, it's the only reason I set foot inside a bank.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    I've been meaning to try this club, but the wild wild west descriptions of it are not encouraging.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    The first extra dollar would have pissed me off a little. When the waitress took a $4 tip out of the change - that would have gotten me to have a chat with the manager.

    Usually club staff are helpful in making change - to assist in feeding the dollar parade. It’s smart - as it goes back to the club as they get a cut anyway.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I think I would have told her "I changed my mind, give me my $20 back"! Who knows. But that kind of rip off pisses me off. I certainly would never return to that place.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Well, look t it from her perspective. She already had to squeeze him for a whopping $2 tip on a bottled water. Knowing as she no doubt does that bottled water drinkers aren't likely to order more than a couple, he is more or less a dead table to her at this point. So when she gets the chance to shave a few more from his pocket, why not? It's not like she's going to lose out on serious tip money anyway.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ not surprising
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Hell, I might have even called the police on that one. The fact he states "...to venture out here..." tells me it wasn't a regular club for him. So what would he have to lose, assuming he wasn't a married guy or whatever. As others have said, it wasn't the amount at all. If she kept a damn penny she was robbing him!

    Or tell her just give me the $20 back. Which she wouldn't likely do. Worse case mess up something on the sly that will cost them a hell of lot more than $4 to fix!
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