
Would you ever consider going to the strip club while you're in a dating relatio

Monday, October 23, 2017 10:41 AM
Me having a girlfriend is pretty much why I have not been on this website for a while. I am getting tired of her being so clingy, but I like her a lot. So I'm thinking of going to the club to see different women just to play with different woman. But do you think that is wrong since I do like her a lot but we are not married?


  • FTS
    7 years ago
    This is something that I have thought about. As a single guy, I started going to strip clubs because it was so easy to get a little action that way. But I can’t really relate to guys who have girlfriends and go to the strip club too. In my mind, if I had a girlfriend that I really liked, then one of the things I would like about her is the great sex that we have. But then, if i’m getting great sex in the regular, then why the fuck would I need to go to the strip club and PAY MONEY? My only explanation is that man may be inherently non-monogamous, so it doesn’t matter if you have 1 girlfriend, no girlfriend, or 3 girlfriends, guys might just always want somebody new.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    I only club when I travel for work or pleasure. Single or dating or in a relationship, doesn't matter. It's how I relax and kill time when I travel. My attitude is if I'm hundreds or thousands of miles away and she doesn't know about it, then what's it matter. Particularly since it's not emotional.
  • judyjudy
    7 years ago
    Invite her to go with you.....
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Ask Juice how that worked out for him with Jackie...
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    As a divorced guy, my recommendation is to be open about your desire to go to a club. I doubt that most girlfriends would be ok with that. However, this might be a very useful test, as it will give you an understanding of her feelings about your future club visits. If you end up dating this girl in the long term - this could become more of an issue, as over the long term - it’s more likely that you will club. If she’s not ok now - she most likely won’t be ok in the future. I’d not recommend trying to secretly club in a long term committed relationship.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    You mean if i was dating a girl that i was having a sexual relationship with? In that case, no because the whole point of going to the SC was to get an approximate GFE, although overpriced. Now that girl might not be as hot as the strippers, but still no stripper relationship will compare to the real thing.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Keep going to the clubs. Your girlfriend's not as hot as a stripper.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Depends if you like/want monogamy.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I have been married over 30 yrs and I strip club as often as I have opportunity. She is in the dark to this part of my life as living as a monk is not something I aspire to.
  • beekers
    7 years ago
    When you get older and your spouse/SO looks terrible and the box is like cardboard, you might get a different point of view.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    When I was younger, the only time I ever went to the strip club was when I was either dating or in a relationship. If I had no prospects for free sex, 100% of the time I'd rather go to a dance club or bar and find myself a girl. By contrast, if I was dating someone, then I'd go to the strip club for some strange. It wasn't uncommon I'd get extras at the club during dayshift, go home, shower, have sex with the GF at night. Now that I'm older, I go to the club regardless of whether I'm dating someone. If I'm not dating someone, well, not interested in going to a dance club, so might as well see a stripper. And if I AM dating someone, well that someone is going to be 40+ years old, and touch a 22-year-old hottie is a whole 'nother experience
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Only you know how it will make you feel. We all have a different moral compass and we would all be hypocritical in one way or another if we were judgemental.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    I agree with just about everything that Futuretrackstar said, especially the money part. Maybe not what the club money is spent on, but alas. Relationships and clubs both cost money and you pretty much get the same thing. I haven't been in a relationship since I started SCing, but I was in relationships while I was still into dance clubs. Still went out to those. Between me being older and the difference between dance clubs and SCs, though, I doubt I'd feel the same way about continuing to SC if I found someone.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I don't go to clubs when I'm in a relationship. The reason I go to the club is bc I'm not in a relationship and I enjoy looking at naked women. I would not ask about going to the club. This early in a relationship, asking about strip clubs will send warning bells to the girl that she's not good enough. That's a hassle you don't need. You need to foster a situation where strip clubs can come up in the conversation organically. She'll then give you an idea of her feelings about it and you'll know how to proceed.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Before we get to the dating phase, I let her know I'm the type of guy who goes to strip clubs. Put it on her to see if she can handle it or not. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling her I have free reign to do what I want, but opens the discussion to where each other's comfort level are... that is if you do it right.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Would you ever consider going to the strip club while you're in a dating relationship?" Yes, I believe I would.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I've been married 30 years, I sugar date girls from SA, and I _still_ go to strip clubs. Actually, my latest SB likes going to the strip club with me, so maybe that doesn't count. Or, does it count double?
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    It will be considered rong if she doesn't think it's OK, but women don't always understand a man's perspective. Do what you gotta do before you wish you would've done it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    If you are a young guy with no women at all in your life currently, why in the world would you go to the strip club instead of out to a club or bar with your buddies to meet women? I still don't understand why a young guy would be in the strip club unless he had some sort of relationship, even if it's just casual dating (unless he's just there with his buddies as male bonding)
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Subraman, people's life situations and experiences are unique. In the same way that you don't understand why some single guys go to strip clubs, I don't understand how the "naturals" pick up women as easily as they do (by "natural" I mean a guy who, because of his innate nature, fucks women within hours or minutes of meeting them and gets 5, 10, maybe 15 "girlfriends" simultaneously). Personally, I go to strip clubs because I like beautiful women, particularly those that take their clothes off in my presence. I often choose to go to a SC instead of a dance club or bar because I don't really enjoy dancing, I don't drink a lot, I'm a shy person, and my standards are high. I go to strip clubs because I've touched more naked women in strip clubs than I have anywhere else.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Not regularly, but maybe once in a while
    7 years ago
    I've been married for 10 years. My wife looks good but doesnt have nearly the sex drive that i do. We have sex an appropriate amount of time, but i can tell she is doing it to go through the motions because she knows how much i need it. I feel guilty as all hell that i hit up SC's but i am not able to control the desire of extras with a hot little spinner with a gfe experience which is something i cant get at home. This is probably a unique perspective because i figure married guys either arent into their wives anymore, or dont feel guilty. But the short answer in why i go if im married to an attractive woman is i miss the gf experience and want me some strange.
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