
Comments by IHearVoices (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How does a ppv event affect stripper availability?
    If I were going to Tootsies I'd have been there no later than 6.
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Ever been accused of being a racist based on what type of girl you prefer?
    I was at 2001 (Tampa) once and this black girl came up to me after I'd been in the club for about 5 minutes. I turned her down. About half an hour later, she asked me again and I turned her down again. She said "oh, you must like white girls" and left in a huff. I'm black. I will say that I feel bad sometimes for black girls in white/mixed clubs - I admit, if I'm in the mood for black women in particular I'll just go to a black club - but it is what it is. It also could just be that girl in particular. There's only one black girl at my now-local spot that I would even consider getting a dance from...but she might be my favorite dancer there. Girls have got to learn they can't take things personally...and then try to project...at the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How does a ppv event affect stripper availability?
    Paid the normal $10 at the local spot here (Savannah's, Harrisburg PA). The dancer/customer ratio was out of whack since there were so many people there for the fight - I've gone on UFC fight nights and it hasn't been anywhere close - but I don't know if it affected availability. One girl approached me at the very end of the night...last song, actually...and when she asked me how my night was, I told her about the lack of attention (including her, I've been approached twice in three four-hour visits). She said it was due to the fight. I didn't believe her due to my experiences, but she did say it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Looking Back at Your First Ever Strip Club Experience
    First visit 'ever' was to Rolexxx (now Climaxxx) in Miami in 1999. I wasn't into SCs, and only went because one of my friends wanted to check the place out. He'd heard so much about it from rap songs and wanted to see for himself. Saw Sam Cassell and Nick Van Exel. We also went to Coco's, where he nearly fell in love with a dancer. First time I ever got a dance was at Pleasers in Atlanta in 2001. My cousin, who I was staying with at the time while looking for a job, was seeing one of the dancers. He bought me two table dances. I was so out of my element I wanted the dances to end quickly because I was tired of looking interested. First time I really had fun in a SC was when I went to KOD for Fight Night during my birthday week in 2011. Got my first two LDs. Still the best I've ever had.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Pittsburgh or Harrisburg?
    I live in Harrisburg. Go to Pittsburgh.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $250 really is the magic number when clubbing
    I have to agree with this. I don't feel right entering a club with less than $250 in my pocket (I'll still go sometimes). I just like having enough for pretty much any situation I'm likely to come across - since I don't do extras, that amount should cover it. My visits are usually in the four-hour range (not including the time I spend watching fights if I'm there for that reason), but I like the 'club' aspect of SCs more than most TUSCLers probably do. I'll listen to the music, walk around, take in the scene...I don't know if I could "get in, get dances, get out" - even up here.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Longest road trip for a Strip Club
    About 80 miles. My friend and I alternated driving from Orlando to Tampa four consecutive nights in April. The problem wasn't driving out there, it was driving back at 5-6 AM.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Tipping the doorgirl
    Only at Follies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hot Dancers - but poor attitudes ?
    Some people like to watch shows as they air.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hot Dancers - but poor attitudes ?
    So, up here in the HBG there's this one girl who's a far better dancer than anyone I've encountered at AW. It's not even close. She's also #2 in attractiveness. I mean, she's "I only go to the club if she's there" level. Thing is, she only dances on Wednesday nights. Even though she only dances on Wednesdays, she always leaves the club from 6:30-7:30. I guess she gets away with this because she's the crown jewel of the club and everyone knows it. Problem is, two of my favorite shows air on Wednesdays: one at 8, one at 10 - so in order to have any real time to enjoy her company, I have to risk missing one of my two shows. She and I talked about it through one set of dances and she said I should skip the first show and stay to get dances from her. You want me to miss one of my favorite shows - which I can watch at home for free and be highly entertained - to be here and give you $20 every 3 minutes? That was two weeks ago. I haven't gone back to that club since.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer - "Is it OK for me to touch you?"
    The only times I reject touching advances are when I know they're to set up unsolicited extras.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You're making me wet"
    Once, at Follies (where else). Didn't do anything either: she just danced for me at a table. I didn't even believe her until she asked me to feel her leg.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    Solo, unless my friends plan a trip and invite me. I go everywhere solo, though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Explosion in my pants
    Multiple LDK session
    The only place I could see myself even trying this is Follies: it'd cost too much anywhere else. I'll have to try this the next time I go to Follies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you could have 3 mutant powers, what would they be?
    Regeneration, teleportation, and whatever it is that Jean Grey has.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I don't, but the only link between that and SCing is that Saturday nght clubbing doesn't work well with Sunday morning church services. I wouldn't go anyway, although I do believe in God and try to live accordingly (with a few obvious and common exceptions, of course).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Special Events
    I'll go for UFC events, mostly. Now, those are the main times I go (excluding my recent trips to AW as I get used to central PA). The events occur often enough that I can schedule my SC visits around them and sufficiently get my fix in. Tootsies has the sports bar section, so I watch the fights over there and then head back to the main club afterwards. Savannah's doesn't, so I just watch the fights in the club. Last time, though, the fights didn't end until 1:15 and the club closes at 2. Assuming it's the same and the club is as bad as it was last time, I may just leave when the fights end.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "Sorry, You're Not My Kind of Girl"
    I always was a fan, but my interest picked back up after the BET miniseries. Heart Break is such an amazing album, thanks in large part to this song. It's one of very few albums I can play straight through. I think the reference came up because I was considering hitting the club after work and then I loaded HB onto my playlist.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "Sorry, You're Not My Kind of Girl"
    I've heard that I can be a real jerk to girls I'm not attracted to in the SC (from friends, not from dancers themselves), which I believe because I know I'm that way in real life. I try to make an effort to not be a bad guy, and I think I succeed for the most part.
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    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "Sorry, You're Not My Kind of Girl"
    @jackslash: that is too funny. I wonder if that guy is related to Al. @Papi: I've done that before, but that reminds me: once I was in a SC with a friend and I was playing spades on my phone. This girl came up and apparently propositioned me for a dance, but I had no idea because I was into my game. I finished the game and looked up to see my friend laughing hysterically. Asked him why he was laughing and he told me what happened. I felt kind-of bad, and then - as luck would have it - the girl came back. I ended up shooing her away, and he really got a kick out of that.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    What's the first car you owed and the name of the first girl you boned?
    1994 Jeep, Linda. That was when I first found out about the caliber of women in Houston.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT does anyone care about Mayweather vs McGregor?
    ^ What houjack said. It'll give me a chance to SC (although Savannah's will only be a last resort), so I'll check it out for that reason.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Question for you boyz
    If we could post GIFs, this would be a quick one for that Randy Jackson... "That's gonna be a no from me, dawg."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Take a Lap !
    I'm going to say I've been around 30 probably five times. No special occasion on any of them. They all followed basically the same formula: cheap dances ($5 or $10), me spending a long time in the club (obviously), and getting a few dances from different girls before settling on one who was just 'right' for a long time. I got 16 from a girl at Follies once, 22 from a girl at Pinups, danced with the same girl for an hour and a half (lost count of songs) at a now-closed place in Tallahasee, and had two occasions at Mint in which I danced with a girl for about two hours (also lost count). The times at Mint were with different girls.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you're in Orlando proper, go to Cocoa. If you're around the Disney area, go to Tampa (it's about the same distance as Cocoa from that area, and you have more options).