
Which dancers handle rejection worse?

I don't think i've ever outright rejected a superhottie (9+ dancer to me) unless i had previous experiences with them that were unfavorable. When that happens, they usually know that i didn't care for it because it was one and done with no tip and general coldness between us afterwards. So they don't usually approach me again unless they forget about me later, but i don't forget them. It's still pretty rare. Contrary to what i read on TUSCL, the superhotties don't tend to be ROBs or even high GPS (for regular dances, not extras or OTC) IME, maybe a little higher than the average. I know this because this is generally the type of dancer that i seek out. So i don't spend a lot of time at all turning down those type of dancers on the very rare moments i do turn them down. Also they don't tend to be "wanna dance" types and usually wait for me to ask them to dance when they sit with me. This is usually after i have already approached them on stage to let them know my interest in them. So there isn't much "risk" for them regarding me. In general, they don't rely on high hustle, but there are a few of these types, the really clean ones, that don't really have many regulars at all, that do.

So i guess they're not really used to rejection or at least high rates of it and probably take it worse than say the true ROBs who have no choice but to try to hustle/ROB every single new customer/chump (or customer that isn't familiar with them) they see. Those girls are like the salesman that plays the numbers game until they get the hit. Then you have the likely self-aware "dogs" that probably know that most PLs aren't initially (if ever) attracted to them. But they still have a certain confidence to try to sell a dance anyway. These are the ones that are always approaching customers who are waiting for the hotties. Some of them might do the wanna dance, but usually they try to do the physical flirting or sitting on the lap or intimate handshake, generally pretty aggressive hustle tactics and don't take no for an answer right away, asking if you're sure, often trying to persuade or even "arguing" with you or asking reasons why. In mixed clubs, they have a higher tendency to be black from my experience. But i have also seen the less attractive girls that seem terribly shy like they know and expect to get rejected and i try to do my best to not engage them or create eye contact or smile at them. They often have the bad/sad body language and are usually just standing around or hiding in the back or on their phones. The few times i have rejected this type, they look almost destroyed. They don't usually last in the club.

Then you have everything in between from the girls that do the double team (stupid) but i guess the rejection is ameliorated and divided so it's not as bad for them, to the extras girls (with varying levels of attractiveness, but usually not superhot) that are willing to do the hard sell to make a sale. You also have the baby strippers who usually aren't that different from the superhotties in their approach although many of them if not most are not super hot so they usually have higher rejection or at least less closes and less customers approaching them. They also don't usually last long. Then you have the older milfs who are usually much more motivated, both in the their hustle and their dances as well as the addicts who are desperate in their own way. Still, regardless of how willing they are to put themselves out there, they are still human and even the most confident girls are affected as many of the girls tie their value or attractiveness as a dancer to how many dances they can sell along with how much they earn.

This entire dynamic does play differently on weekends vs weeknights and dayshift vs evening just because of the number of customers and dancers, so these shifts and dancers often tend to select each other based on their hustle. In a way i guess i have already answered my question(s), but i was wondering how the rest of you experienced it.


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    One would assume the fuglies that get turned down more often would have the worst attitudes w.r.t. being turned-down although some hot bitches with GPS can also cop an attitude.

    Have also read in the past custies having issues with black dancers in mixed clubs b/c they are often not the cup of tea of many of the predominantly white custies, and these black dancers at times pulling the race-card e.g. "why because I'm black?"
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Got double teamed at a club in SoFlo, I complained to the mgr, he agreed with me and bitched out the 2 dancers. I ended up only paying for one dance. Needless to say they had a bad attitude and moped afterwards. If they are going to have a bad attitude, tough titties, honey !!
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Seems kind if silly for a white guy who doesn't like black dancers to go to a mixed club. My issue with some black dancers is when they assume, that I am an elderly white guy, that I have a fetish for black women and want something "different". I like who I like and never know whom its going to be. One "type" its never going to be is a black dancer who says: "so i see you like chocolate". It is the proverbial knee to the groin for me.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "... at times pulling the race-card e.g. "why because I'm black?" "

    How do they react if you answer, "Yes."?
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    Sort-of piggybacking off Papi's comment, it's black dancers at mixed clubs for me. Some of them try to put on as if I'm selling out the black race by turning them down. If I have a particular interest in black women, I'll go to black clubs. That's their bad for working at clubs where they might not be as desired as other dancers.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Yes black girls at mixed clubs take it personal. They feel they look better than their white counterparts(may or may not be true), so the only reason to reject them is "because they're black"!
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    We're talking about the south side of Chicago, or south suburbs, but still, every club in that area is going to be "mixed" if not majority black. Even when i drove all the way to Iowa and went to a mostly white club with a couple black dancers, sure enough it was a black dancer that gave this type of hustle and attitude when rejected.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I get the same attitude from many black dancers that skibum mentioned. They are not my thing but neither are older dancers, dancers with fake anything, dancers who don't speak English, and thick girls. The others seem to usually take a polite no thanks and move on, but it’s fairly common that black dancers will challenge me when I try to politely decline a dance and move on. It has gotten to the point where I dread seeing a black dancer walking over over to my table.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    I tried to read the OP but couldn't get through it. Sensitive dancers handle rejection the worst. It doesn't matter what they look like. Some of the most beautiful women on earth (and some are strippers) have problems with their confidence.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    I get the issue with some dancers having the wrong look for a club. If there isn't a club that is a better match for their look, that sucks but there are other ways to draw business. Being good company helps.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Take several deep breaths, look her in the eye and say "No, thanks, I'm OK for now"

    If that doesn't work, just sniff around in the air and pretend that someone farted and you suspect it was her.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    You didn't fully read my post, yet you were still able to answer the question "better" than the others, not that the others were wrong at all. Most of them seem to be stuck on the black chicks not taking no for an answer or refusing to go away quietly when you reject them. Yet that doesn't seem to stop them that day or the next day. So i don't think they really take it that badly. They seem to have no problem trying to finagle a dance from a customer/PL that has no interest in them. So in that sense they're kind of like the ROBs. I'm more curious about the dancer that just feels like crap if a customer isn't interested in her and tends to just give up.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Agree that sometimes black dancers play the race card, but all's fair in a club as far as I'm concerned. If that's her game, then it will either pay her rent or not. I'm not up for a PC debate in a club; I'm looking for entertainment.

    I was looking for a regular last night but she texted me she wasn't working so I was a free agent. A black dancer seemed to like me so I took her for a spin, and wow...she ended up taking all my money. Which was well worth it...was it because she was black or because she was a hot dancer with game...?
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ In my experience, the black girls try a bit or a lot harder, both on the floor and in the back, maybe out of necessity. They seem to take this business more seriously.
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