Computers in the work place

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Do you use computers in your work place? If so, so you have internet access? If so, is TUSCL blocked?

I'm retired but while I was still working, I did use computers and had internet access. One of the few departments to have internet. But TUSCL along with a ton of other stuff was blocked. The company made it well known that unauthorized uses of the internet would result in disciplinary action.

Only saw action taken once. 3 people including a supervisor were busted for passing a soft porn photograph (humorous actually) through the PM system. I saw it along with probably 100 others but 1 fat old bitch saw it and turned them in. The supervisor got demoted and the other 2 got time off.

Just call me happily retired...


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Yes. I have a computer and internet at work.

I would never try to access TUSCL from work. I assume that my internet use is logged, including attempts to access blocked sites.
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
I own my business which allows my computer access to be unrestricted.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
each of our trucks has a electronic log terminal. i was told that one guy figured out how to program the terminal to access internet porn. man. i am sooooo much ignorant.
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago
Yes, yes, and I have no idea. i would assume not, but I think they spot check usage. I've not tried to access the site from my work computer or company issued phone.
avatar for magicrat
7 years ago
I'm in the same boat Doces300 is.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I have a computer - and internet access - but I don't access any sites that might be questionable from my work computer. As said above, they monitor access, and I'd rather not give anyone more reason to fire me.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I have unrestricted internet access at work, but would never use it to look at TUSCL, or any other site that might remotely be considered risque. You have no right to privacy whatsoever while using company provided computer equipment or internet access and should assume someone is monitoring. As Shadow noted, some companies, probably most, take this kind of stuff pretty seriously because it exposes them to claims of creating or allowing a work environment hostile to women. If I check TUSCL at work, I turn off WiFi access on my phone and check using a cellular internet connection.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Owning my own business makes it possible if I wanted but I would never use my shared computers to check tuscl or any other of my personal things. There is too much of a downside to employees knowing too much about your private life, smarter just use my phone with wifi off at my laptop at home.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I use computers and have internet access, but I wouldn't even attempt to use the company's network to access TUSCL. To be fair though, I seldom log on to TUSCL from anywhere but my phone, though.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Thank goodness for Smartphones! Never on a work computer, traffic is monitored and no reason to give anyone who has a grudge reason to let you go.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
I don't, but I wouldn't look at it at work anyway. No one at work needs to know about this specific hobby. It causes more trouble than it's worth.

FWIW, I tried accessing it at the local public library once, and it was blocked there.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
In my experiences, companies use varying levels of blocking and monitoring software. Some outright block access to risque sites and others do not, largely for fear that legitimate sites might get caught up. But everyone should assume that their Internet access is monitored. Even the most basic firewalls have Internet access logs and it is Grade A stupid to access a site like tuscl from a work computer unless you own the company.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
20 years ago I had a temp job at IBM. Everybody had internet and yeah I had boring days with nothing to do... Was a moderator on an escort review site. I rationalized at the time the company was too huge to monitor everything. I would not risk that now... Monitoring is much more sophisticated.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
My abacus works just fine.

And get the fuck off my lawn.
avatar for Array
7 years ago
At the place I used to work the company made it very clear that logging in to such sites would not be tolerated at all. Once the rumor went around that about a half dozen people were fired for "improper internet usage." Several days later I had an IT guy in my office and I asked if the rumor was true. Indeed, it was. I said I thought the company blocked such sites. He said yes, but said the barriers were a piece of cake to get around. He asked if I wanted him to show me. Uh, no thanks, I'm ok without it!
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
We have computers at work, I have internet access, but like others I never have and wouldn't try to use my work computer to access TUSCL or the like. Hell, I don't even use the Wifi to check it with my personal laptop when on work trips.

I've let more than one employee go for what they do in the internet, but never for what they "tried" to do on the internet.
avatar for EastCoaster
7 years ago
I have full internet access to anything I want at work, and have never been blocked. In fact, I'm at work right n
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
The majority of the time, internet access is not needed at my place of employment, but it is available on all computers if it is needed. My employer has a strict policy about computer usage, and it is monitored whenever someone does use the internet. Not only would TUSCL be inappropriate, but anything that is not work related is off limits as well. That means no checking Facebook or watching videos on YouTube.
avatar for IHearVoices
7 years ago
I haven't heard of any policy where I am, but at the same time I just keep my TUSCL checking to my phone when I'm at work. Usually I'll go off the office wifi and use the 4G to access it, but there may have been a time or two when I didn't. Wouldn't ever check on a work computer. I hardly ever check TUSCL at work anyway, though: maybe the day of an out of town trip if I'm trying to plan what clubs to visiit in a new area.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I don't read Tuscl at my desk (that bobbing head cartoon is just "too much") but I check at lunch, and on the bus to and from work.
avatar for mjx01
7 years ago
it would be grounds for termination where I work
avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
What Dr Evil said.....
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
Back when the internet was new and wild, we had a gal fired when she took her computer to IT complaining it did not work. The hard drive was completely full...

... of porn.
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
Yes, 100% of my workplace has to use the computer daily. I work in the IT department and know for a fact our Internet browsing is monitored by two organizations. One, a parent company of us and the other a third party if you will.

I would never try to browse to TUSCL or even put it in a Google search. I'll admit I do my fair share of browsing that's not job related, but not to the extent of too much time doing so, or content deemed inappropriate. If something is categorized under one of the blocked categories, for example gambling, you'll get a blocked page when trying to go to the site. I've seen only a couple face disciplinary action due to there browsing, but it's usually been coupled with poor performance, not just inappropriate browsing. I think someone would have to be pretty "don't give a fuck" or just don't know any better to try and go to a porn site at work or something that would come under tough scrutiny.

When we cutover to the monitoring solution we have now the guy wanted to verify by me going to a porn site and I opted to try social media instead.

I just use my cell phone for all my TUSCL browsing while at work.

avatar for whodey
7 years ago
I use a computer all day long with internet access. I don't know if any sites like tuscl are blocked but I don't plan to test it to find out. Our computer logs are constently monitored by our IT department and even subject to review by federal regulators at random due to the sensitive nature of the data we work with.

Never known of anyone getting busted by any of the federal reviews, but about 3 years ago we had someone who worked remotely from home fired for using his work computer to hire escorts after his shift. The idiot tried to argue that he shouldn't be fired since he was off the clock at the time.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
I've had computers and some work access since I joined TUSCL 17 years ago this month.
I was basically at work when I discovered TUSCL. I was up in Ohio at the time. Now most of the time I didn't use my company access, but I did at times. Never had an issue.

Like sc, happily retired. The third time was the charm.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
My business doesn't exist without computers and I am posting from work now. My boss is like jesus to me.
avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago
If you're using your cell phone at work make sure you've shut off WIFI so you're browsing on the phone carrier network and not your work WIFI network!

Up until 3 months ago I worked for somebody else and didn't access TUSCL, Instagram, or my photography hobby website at work...nobody needs to know about my private life.

Now that I branched out on my own, I'm in charge of the internet! I set up two for work and one for personal.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
In my career, I was often the person who either set up the monitoring/blocking software, the person who did the monitoring, or both.

IME, the companies I worked for only used Internet history against you if your Internet use actually affected your productivity. If you were getting your job done, they mostly didn't care.

And, in reality, I saw more people get reprimanded or fired for their on-line shopping habits rather than porn.
avatar for mjx01
7 years ago
@wildburbon: true, assuming your work has wifi and allows you to connect to it, they can certainly check the network traffic.However, fwiw, if some virus/ransomware hit your personal phone, it's not IT's problem.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
2 years ago where I worked at, even YouTube was blocked without signing an online waiver saying you needed it for work. No way would I try to access this site. Almost everyone with a company office computer had internet access over a decade ago. Finding a work place with office computers not online would seem like a trip back to the 1980's. I remember I was frustrated several years ago when I had a couple of retirement accounts and every web site with the word trade in it was blocked for at least 2 years. I guess they didn't want people looking at a retirement account on their lunch break or any break. I didn't find out company policy changed until maybe 5 years later when my boss used my work pc to log into a scottrade account of his own.
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