Memories vs $$$

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
For those that have SCed hard and long, and probably burned thru a shit-ton of $$$ - in looking back what would you rather have, all the $$$ you spent SCing, or the memories from all your SCing (you can only pick one).
I've spent a shit-ton of $$$ in my professional PL-career - def would be nice to have all that cash available to me - but I think I rather have the memories/fun-times from my SC career - what say you.
last commentI'm with you. I've spent a shit-ton but did not spend beyond my means, and because of that, I'll take the memories and experiences over the $$$ and it's not even close.
Money is meant to be spent on stuff you like right? I would assume most people rather have the memories as long as they ain't sleeping in a cardboard box in winter
If I hadn't spent it in SC I would have spent it on something else and wished I had spent it at the SC
I'd love to have the money back..i'd be very, very rich! But what I hell I do have many fond memories, so no regrets. It's been fun with a price.
For me personally - I've probably would have had most of that SC $$$ invested or saved (if I would have not spent it on SCs) - I'm not a big-spender/consumer o/w
I wonder how gawker would answer this
Definitely the memories.
Strip clubs are the ultimate impulse buying so your question is actually a tough one for me, if I’m being honest. There are certainly a lot of times I’ve thought it was money well spent, even though it was a lot of money. But I’ve also blown plenty of money foolishly at other times. I’m not one who regrets things generally so I’ll say I’d take the memories. But it’s a tough call for me. Still, I keep going back and no one forces me to do that.
For the times, I didn't get any memories worth remembering-I'd rather have the money. But on some great occasions, that shit was worth it.
Minimalists say you should be spending more money on experiences, and less on things, and I agree! :)
"... I see a girl that's completely my type, so I don't just buy a couple dances, but instead buy ten dances from her. But if I instead only bought 7 dances and saved the cost of three dances, would I remember her any less ..."
Yeah - strip-clubbing is def not an exact science - finding the perfect sweet-spot b/w not-enough, enough, and too-much, is kinda hit or miss.
I have a bit of an all-or-nothing personality - I'll tend to over do it rather than undershoot the experience - e.g. if I'm really feeling it (visit, etc) I don't stop b/c I reached my hard-limit for my visit and I don't wanna spend another 100 bucks.
Perhaps there isn't one right answer that works every time - in the past some have put it similar to what goosman posted - "I regret the $$$ spent on the bad/low-ROI experiences but don't regret the $$$ spent on the good/great experiences" - perhaps the best one can shoot for is thru experience minimize the crappy experiences and don't partake/settle
I have spent way too much money in SCs through the years and most of it on memories I'll never remember! But those I will remember forever were outstanding and well worth the cost. But all things considered of all the money I've wasted in my life very little of it has been in a SC.
Not even close, I wouldn't change a thing. In hindsight, I would have drank less though. No idea how much damage I've done to my liver, however, my cock has been thrilled with the ride! Lol
I've thought about this the past couple years as I've gotten back into mongering, on a limited basis, after my separation. I prefer quality over quantity. So my plan is to limit my debauchery to one or two trips a year to places like Tijuana, South Florida and Toronto. In a few years possibly branch out to Europe (would like to check out a German FKK) or the Red Light District in Amsterdam.
Hoping I have enough self-control to not over-indulge and make a big dent in my savings. I'm 53 and really have no plans to retire as long as I have my health, so that will help with the cash flow.
I definitely will not tamper with the money I set aside for my kids' college and the large inheritance I plan on leaving them.
It helps not having many interests other than exercise, beer, watching sports on TV, and Internet porn. Don't like golf or going to movies, shows, sporting events, etc. So that enables me to set aside more money for pussy.
I wish it didn't have to be like this. But I'm not getting involved with another woman. I just want to rent their services for brief periods of time.
Definitely the mammories! I'll still be leaving my kids some money.
The memories and experience hands down. It's something about an enriching experience that energizes me. Lately, now that I've been splurging on VIP dances, the cost and quality of the experience pays for itself. Even monetarily, this new found energy is helping me to find ways of hustling up cash on the side to put into my SC fund.
No Regerts...
But seriously, I really feel my life has been greatly enriched by those experiences and memories. Just maybe I should have been smarter in the beginning but we all go through that inexperienced phase. But it diddnt really cost me that much to have a negative effect my life. I also hope to have made some positive memories or at least real help for the girls in my life.
I have some fond memories from over the years. I've learned to be more of a quality over quantity guy. In my younger years I was breaking my neck over some tail. But now that I'm older I've realized I don't need to go as often because when I do go. I go full throttle
I didn't start clubbing until I was about a bit older, doing it for 7 years. Could afford it, kids through school etc. I've kept track on the $$$ spend the last 4 or so years...a bit scary. But there are the memories...
Memories, no doubt.
When it was Barbie's birthday and she asked me to LDK for her because I told her to stop before I would the time before. When Angelina got all goosebumpy after I breathed in her ear while she did the splits on me. The first girl to reach inside my pants. Each trip to Penthouse, including the two-girl night. The first OTC. And always with at least any 8 or 9.
You kidding me? Priceless. The way I see it, I'm the one using my money wisely. Forget saving it for when I'm to decrepit to enjoy it like this. I'm the one doing it right.
In the end, what do you want money for? I don't care for stuff, expensive or whatever. I don't need a huge house or a 3-row SUV just for myself. More clothes than i will ever wear or toys and crap to worry about and waste time on. I am fairly confident in my abilities to make a living as well as my general management of what i have. Future security? All insecurity stems from within regardless of what you have.
All of man's endeavors and inventions are basically to get the bitches, in an oversimplified way. That's the power of the pussy and that is what really rules the world. Give a man means, influence and power and that is what he will go straight toward. If you can get that now (and it's surprisingly not so expensive to be unattainable), now is the time. Memories? The present is all there is. Sure memories of the past and anticipation of the future can affect your present choices, but now is all there really is and it is meant to be experienced.
Of course, the memories are great!
However, after a couple of dancers turned out to be ROB, I would like to have that money back and forget them!
I guess sometimes you got to learn lessons the hard way.
The memories are well worth the cash I spent to make them. One thing I’d change would be - I would have drunk less (a lot less). It’s not the money spent on drinking - but I’d rather have had a clear head when clubbing years ago.
I'm never going to stop working, cause there's no way I'm staying home every day, all day after my wife retires. Once I realized that, and my kids college was set (more than what my parents were able to do for me), I decided to start mongering again. I can't stop getting old, but figured I could at least be old and happy.
I like BJ99's thinking - spend on experience rather than stuff. I've had SB candidates question why I don't drive a nicer car. Cause I can have fun with the money I don't spend on the more expensive one! My more modest one still gets me to the SC and has enough room to have sex in the backseat! (Talk about an experience!)
I just say thanks for the mamaries ! (Intentionally misspelled)
the good memories are priceless. the only regret is the money i wasted with all the stuff i needlessly bought, the bad investments, and the ROB experiences. the good girls i spend money on are each unique and can be a special memory.
I'll take the happy memories so long as the end result isn't me living in a refrigerator box under a freeway overpass.
I choose the memories. Or as twentyfive said: Thanks for the mammaries !!
Don't guys spend a crap load of money on other pursuits? Deep sea fishing, trips to foreign countries to climb mountains, etc? All of that becomes memories too. Do what you want with your money!!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Definitely memories, although I should concern myself more with saving. I spend pretty responsibly, though. Living cheaply outside the club helps.
Our local clubs are cheaper than what most of you guys do. And AMPs, though more expensive than our local clubs, still not as bad as lots of clubs.
At one point, the middle of an intense GFE-FS AMP session in San Francisco, a young girl who was just 100% happy to pour it right on for me, no charming of her needed, I realized that I had a wife 50 miles away back in San Jose, and that I should be with her.
As for the money, at this point it doesn't matter.
But what would I want, not just want, but will be doing, is putting my time, money, and energy together in building an organization which makes possible a counter culture life style where people get radical off the hook sex and get to continue to develop and apply their abilities.
Strip Clubs and the entire P4P industry do not meet long term needs. But they show you that there is a potential for things to be different. To realize that though, you have to think more broadly and make something completely different and where women and men are working in partnership, not making sex something of a market place.
^^^So your version of men and women working in partnerships is the women servicing multiple men as needed sounds like pimping to me.
Often in counter culture milieu you will find women giving it up freely to all takers from within the group.
Swinger's Clubs, Musicians and Artists, to name but a few.
And women do lots and lots of things, where they never expect to be paid.
And besides, our women will be very well taken care of.
:) :) :)
Definitely, SJG is a jackass.
I dont fit the bill for SCing long and hard, but in the 3 to 4 years I have, the first two being the heaviest, I'd say I'd rather the experiences.
The lessons learned from dealing with strippers has been invaluable. And being OTC with women I consider sexier, more attractive than what I normally pull has been great to experience.
I wish my memory would serve me right so I knew how much I've spent in these four years!
Goosman gave the best answer so far. In the case of the few robs and sub-par performances, i want the money back. Not for myself, but to give it to the more deserving strippers instead!
I would rather have the money back instead of the memories. Just think about all the fun I could have making new memories at the clubs.
But seriously, i would rather have the money back from my first 10 or so years clubbing in place of those memories. Back then I only knew what the low mileage clubs around Cincinnati offered so I was content with air dances and low mileage vips. Then I found TUSCL and started to club while out of town and my world changed and I wouldn't trade those memories.
I’ll take the money back.
^^^^^^ Current and future ventures bring in more money. The past is valuable because of the experiences, no matter the money spent. And as others have said, marriage is more expensive than strip clubs.
ditto chessmaster.
Interesting discussion. Makes me think I need to be spending even more :)
But for sure the memories.
Memories, if for no other reason than my ATF.
Impala +1. As we go through life (at least a sizable plurality of Tusclers) with a "spend some, save some" approach, we develop a comfort zone on how much money to put in rainy day and retirement funds. If not clubbing, we'd find something else to spend it on.
Since this is a hypothetical thread, I'll expound on it some. I'll take most of the memories, but take the money I saved from bailing sooner from crappy club visits, and putting the dough I saved into Amazon, etal, stock on the early phases of their rocket ride. Then I'd spend it on more strip club visits.