
Comments by CB42DDD

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Kentucky Derby
    Some girls hats just work for baseball and especially like crazyjoe said straw cowgirl hats heck even some of my fav pics are with a cowgirl hat and i dont like many of my pics
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Where Did It All Start?
    Like Slick .. I spent many sat afternoons hanging out at the shop with my dad and his motorhead friends .. There was always tons of posters and calendars up and they were not overly sensitive to me being there as they discussed one particular hottie or other or the rare times their wives or gfs would drop by .... It wasnt long before i was pointing out my own opinions of hawties to them .. Much to their amusement .. I miss the good ole days at car and bike shows when i was young enough to pass unnoticed while admiring the sceenery
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Little Things That Turn You On
    Well for some reason confident comfy casual gets me .. When they are dressed down but but still exude that confidence that they look good Jeans and mens football jersey The actual working cowgirl look (boots jeans flannel hat)functional not the cityfied versions for clubs and photo shoots And there is a garage near me with a young female mechanic that either wears dickies shop shirt half undone with a wife beater under it and shop pants that she oh so nicely fills out or coveralls open again with the wife beater the coveralls are always loose and you can usually glimpse a peek of booty shorts mmmmmm... Been a few times i been lost for words getting caught day dreaming
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Telling a dancer your not interested
    Well once i said very nicely "thank you for the offer but your just not my type" wow was that the wrong thing to say .. She freaked out spewed a long string of verbal abuse at me then attempted to take a swing at me.. Wrong move crazy girl the bouncer had her before she finished her swing .. Last time i saw her there funny thing is saw here a few weeks latter at a different sc and she had no memory of it at all .. Yikes! So moral of the story every girl takes regection differently but i still vote for be polite and direct
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ATF question.
    I agree no .. They are just that All Time Fav that dancer who set the mark to which all other dancers are measured by... Mine is no longer dancing and i still happily remember her and amongst those who know of my enjoyment of SC and strippers she still comes up in conversation .. There are certainly others who reside in my top five list in no particular order which will still beat out most on any given night but on those fun nights where one of them fall from the list you know your having a great time :-)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Stripper Cards
    Ps Ranukam so sorry for spelling your name wrong oopsie
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    If another dancer tells me not to call her babe!....
    Has someone forgotten dancers are no different than the rest of us in the world just with a different job .. People have aversions to all sorts of pet names so why not ask them what they would prefer since you do not mean it in a romantic context .. Personally i dont mind Babe i use it towards both guys n girls usually when i consider them someone i genuinely like and find fun to hang out with
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancers, we need your help on OTC dating
    I agree with some of the boys on this one do not pay her fir the OTC .. Visit here at the club and generously enjoy her company there dont monopolize her time but make it obvious and compliment her on how much you enjoy her and tip and spend freely there .. It will a. make her feel good in some small way atleast if not more that you accept her job and appreciate and enjoy her skills there and b. Its like advertising to the other customers that damn that girl is pretty popular she must be good and will attract her more club business But congrats and have fun
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    A Retirement Announcement From Toronto Sweetie
    Art .. I wish here all the best in her new adventure and i think its great your going to stay in touch .. When she gets the shop up and running let me know i would luv to check it out not in my 40's for awhile but fun fashion is well fun:-)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would you defend your fave?
    Nice to see so many of you guys just being good guys and standing up for someone especialy the girls .. It still amazes me their are guys who think that beating a woman is acceptable behavior .. Thankfully the only time it has happend to me one of you good guys was there to help out actually two and all worked out in the end so i offer a thank you to those that are willing to act when others just stand by idley
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are couples going to run us mongers out?
    I wonder if you guys that dont like us girls being there enjoying ourselves having fun spending money tipping and having a great night out spend this much time watching what the other male custies are doing cuz really thats alotta wasted time where you should be admireing the entertainment Just another thought i have had a few of my friends who are not lez or bi come with me either pre bar or post bar for a quick visit and they have all commented that they were surprised at how much more fun and enjoyable going there was then male reviews they have been to that it is just a way better atmosphere
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Stripper with a Double Double
    When two of my fav dancers worked at the same club they both had busy days outside the club and long nights in the club..i would regularly bring them and the dj coffee when i visited (the club didnt serve coffee) but no way would them having coffee negatively effect their performances even tired they still put on killer shows and from all reports i have heard great vip so dont let a coffee carrying stripper scare you off just cuz of the coffee
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Tesla Crowley
    Female customers: The good (VERY few) The bad (Overwhelming majority) The ugly (
    Well unfortunately i have seen the issues the OP speaks of but have seen the same shitty ass behavior from guys every person has the potential to be a dumbass .. But in my experience at the clubs i have been to if either a guy or girl acted out like that they would be leaving quickly and would not soon forget it. Personally i go to clubs to have a good time admire the sexy eye candy and the stage shows and just all around have fun i tip well and am respectful of both other customers and the strippers I really do enjoy it most when everyone at the club is having a blast and the atmosphere is really energized Wish you all the best out there in club land
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Bachelors on stage
    Lopaw.. Totally agree with you about the wedding cake thing .. As for the bach. Party thing a lil good natured fun and embareassment sure but one of my guy friends sported welts he had to hide in his honeymoon pics so not cool
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stage tipping
    Most i spent stage tipping in a night was $65 but that sure wasnt 8hours ... 8 hrs is a crazy long visit i think it would have to be someplace legendary and would be way expensive
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    10 years ago
    What's with celebs and strippers?
    Celebrities are just people like us just with a ton more cash to get silly with and really strip clubs are alotta fun so why shouldnt they go.. Its just the media sensationalizing everything and putting their spin on it ... But i can think of a few celebs i would luv to see do amature night:)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The Midwest ?
    Look forward to following this one Papi.. It sounds like a fantastic road trip i have been shopping in a few of those states but have yet to hit up an American strip club have the first time jitters they seem like they have a different atmosphere than Ontario
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    If you had $100,000
    1. Pay off my debt 2. Travel a bunch first stop Disney in Florida 3. 2nd stop extended vacation in Seatle few people i wanna spend time with Just enjoy life with out the stress of debt would be a biggie
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Age Old Debate
    Well i firmly believe in that everyone has different tastes whats hawt to one person is not always hawt to another .. As for who gets my money at a club it will be a mixture of how i see them eye candy wise and the show they put on and chemistry .. I do most of my tipping on stage or table side so i do not have the extra complications you guys do with the VIP
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just how wet was that pussy.
    Shadow .. Some Girls yes are naturally more lubricated than others but when it comes to your stripper interaction there are other factors .. Some girls actually get off on being exhibitionists and that adds to it.. Some girls think if you guys can tell they are a lil moist that it plays on the fantasy that they are getting off on dancing for you so they moisten up either a tiny bit of lube or stimulation .. Some girls feel more comfy doing this difficult job if they are excited/stimulated first cuz well arent we all a lil more willing when arroused .. Some girls dont like the feeling of being moist/wet when strutting around nakid in the club so keep themselves freshend up n dry ... I am sure there are as many reasons as strippers but those are just some i know of from my personal experiences
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ATF retiring
    On my ATF's last night we had a Fantastic time pretty much hung out and partied the whole night except for the stage shows she did which i got to pick the music for .. It was just a great time all around lots of flirting and dancing with some nawtiness thrown in it will be one of those nights that will always live fondley in my mind was also an epic night for her knowing damn well she caused me to have my own version of LDK twice while tipping her on stage
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Favorite Fantasy/Sci-Fi Artist
    SlickSpic Nice choices for 1. & 3. But i would have to add Easley to the list also.. PS sorry for the double post oops
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    If some random unknown girl in a strip club, not a dancer, suddenly came up to y
    Run far run fast.. No way that isnt a set up she is either a crook or a prostitute or its a sting by the cops I am not against chatting it up with fellow custies but really who just opens a conversation with wanna fuck
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stage show
    Okay see her show is totally the kinda stage show i love tipping i dont do VIP but if she did more than one set in a night i would probably leave broke i loved everything about her show moves music and over all look i will conceed she could make better eye contact but have a feeling at a club she would and i would be layin down happily emptying my wallet for her besides MM always makes me horny as hell
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Planner or Seat of the Pants ?
    Yes both forsure my fav club is a good drive from where i live so trips there usually take planning Sometimes its nice locally when the mood strikes to just pop in for a drink & some eye candy & good company So really either way can be fun