Where Did It All Start?

avatar for ididthisonce
Where did it all start? Well, besides sucking on your mama's boob at feeding time?

I remember being in grade school and finding a magazine that had nude photos of Ursula Andress while a couple of us playing (building forts) in the woods and coming across a secluded lover's lane. Was very thankful the pictorial didn't have sticky spots on any of the pages. Took the mag back and stored it in my treehouse for quite a long time.


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avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
All started when I met txtittyfan's daughter. She told me How she lost all her money following her father's financial advice and now had to work the brass pole and take guys' poles more generally...
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
All My Children. Erica Kane.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
3rd Grade.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Would be difficult to say without a somewhat definitive definition of "it".
avatar for ididthisonce
11 years ago

"It" was meant to be open ended to let you take anyway you wished.

Thought the responses from this crowd might be diverse and possibly interesting.

"It" for me was the first time that potential lust after a goodlookingnakedwomanwithbigtitsshowinghersnatch took place. LOL

Go for it buddy.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
"It" was so many years ago, and likely, by this time, has become in insignificant event in my life. What I do renumber, "it" was when I found out that there really weren't cooties.
avatar for AnonymousJim
11 years ago
If I have to point to any particular moment, it was the second or third time I saw "The Bikini Carwash Company" on Skinemax at the age of nine, which became the first time something happened that has probably happened thousands of times since then.

All I knew was that it felt really good and Mom would kill me if she knew what I was watching, or what happened. From that point forward, pleasure, kept secret from most but enjoyed with a scantily clad, well-built woman, would be something I'd want to get for years to come.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
It was probably after receiving the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue one year in my youth, but I don't remember anything more specific than that. I later discovered the various department store catalogs my mom would get and seeing the various women in bras and swimsuits. Even later, I remember going to my uncles farm and discovering a deck of cards with nude ladies in a cabinet (or more likely, my cousin showed me the deck of cards).
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
All my life I've been a horn dog. I clearly remember a cute girl in first grade who got my attention. It was still a few years before I started reacting physically but I've always looked at cute girls with lust. Even before I understood why.

And that cute girl from first grade was still cute twelve years later when we graduated high school. But she had been surpassed in hotness by many other classmates.

First true lust was a Jr. High school teacher that was hot, hot, hot. An auburn haired English teacher with a great rack and a great ass. I still think of her sometimes.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
As a sperm I stuck inside balls
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Hanging out in garages that were plastered with beer & bikini posters, calendars, and memorabilia.

Finding porn at the residential construction site down the way from our home in the Styx.

Catching our neighbor and his girlfriend fucking in their pool next door when I was 9.

Listening to older cousins, friends, and neighbors describe women and sex.

The "We Want Bush" scene from Revenge Of The Nerds.

avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
National Geographic.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Lingerie catalogs
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Swimsuit magazines at the store
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I spent the night at a cousins house when I was about 13 or so. His sister had her friend there also at the same time. My cousin climbed on top of his clotheset where you could see between the pipe and the drywall into the shower while his sisters friend was in the shower. He saw her pussy and he looked like he had seen a ghost. That was his first time seeing one lol
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
"Revenge of the Nerds" was probably the first movie I ever saw with nudity. I'd sleep over at my best friends house as a kid and his parents had cable and his dad would record everything, and if his dad worked the overnight shift, we'd watch everything on his TV in his bedroom downstairs, especially if we knew it had nudity.

The funny thing is nowadays, nudity is about the last thing I want to see in movies (or at least non-porn movies).
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Billions of years ago there was a huge explosion. After a bit of time some of this energy starting looping around in tiny orbits moving so fast, you couldn't even tell it was just energy caught in an endless orbit. These became particles. Before you know it, all the particles got together and partied shining brightly across the night sky. A few parties got out of control and things just blew up. Before you knew it, the pieces got picked up and here we are.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Steve: Do you suppose that's the kid's momma in the background giving him the old stink eye?
avatar for ididthisonce
11 years ago

That explanation is very close to my spore theory. LOL
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
Anyone here from central Ohio have Qube back in the day? You could trick it into descrambling the signal for the pay stations with a few magnets.

P10 was the adult channel. Giggity!
avatar for CB42DDD
11 years ago
Like Slick .. I spent many sat afternoons hanging out at the shop with my dad and his motorhead friends .. There was always tons of posters and calendars up and they were not overly sensitive to me being there as they discussed one particular hottie or other or the rare times their wives or gfs would drop by .... It wasnt long before i was pointing out my own opinions of hawties to them .. Much to their amusement .. I miss the good ole days at car and bike shows when i was young enough to pass unnoticed while admiring the sceenery
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