Leaned up against the back wall and innocently put her finger in her mouth and expressed a very shy mannerism. Then used the wall to push the hat down over her eyes as she moved her back against the wall to unhook her bikini top and rolled it down to reveal a very nice, natural looking rack. All of this was in one continuous motion. One of the sexiest dances I have ever seen.
Some girls hats just work for baseball and especially like crazyjoe said straw cowgirl hats heck even some of my fav pics are with a cowgirl hat and i dont like many of my pics
She was onstage and wore a hat.
Leaned up against the back wall and innocently put her finger in her mouth and expressed a very shy mannerism. Then used the wall to push the hat down over her eyes as she moved her back against the wall to unhook her bikini top and rolled it down to reveal a very nice, natural looking rack. All of this was in one continuous motion. One of the sexiest dances I have ever seen.