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avatar for sclvr5005
11 yrs ago

Doubtful. Us mongerers will always outnumber curious couples. There will always be plenty of room and plwnty of dancers for everyone to enjoy. You worry to much shadow cat.

avatar for steve229
11 yrs ago

curious couples = casual fans

TUSCL Mongers = hard core season ticket holders

avatar for SuperDude
11 yrs ago

When club patrons start asking the civilian women for trips to VIP, the couples, the female groups and solo women cruisers may come to an end. Would a woman in a couple get offended if a customer asked her for a lap dance? Would her date/husband risk offending her by telling the customer that she could never be mistaken for a hot young dancer? Would a civilian woman, in a group, a couple or alone be offended by being mistaken for a dancer or would the request shoot her ego into the stratosphere?

I am too old school to accept the presence of women as customers in SCs. The SC may be the last preserve of heterosexual males. (Hell, the NFL is gone.) They have every legal right to be patrons in a SC, but I was grossed out last Saturday night, watching two women of mature years, both at least a size 16, dropping dollar bills on a dancer's ass. Yes, I know I overreacted, but seeing that made me face the fact that the SC world is changing.

We are heading towards co-ed clubs, male and female dancers, both genders giving extras. The SC becomes a sex emporium in 50 years--after my lifetime.

avatar for sclvr5005
11 yrs ago

"When club patrons start asking the civilian women for trips to VIP, the couples, the female groups and solo women cruisers may come to an end."

Your kidding with this, right? Getting hit on by a drunk male customer is going to drive out couples & women? What are you smoking?

Lol yeah you are an old school relic. Just curious - you gotta be at least over 70 yo, right?

avatar for jackslash
11 yrs ago

I think couples in strip clubs will have some good effects. When couples and women and rappers and celebrities hang out in strips clubs, it makes strip clubs more acceptable to the general public and less likely to to shut down. We need all the allies we can get to prevent strip clubs from being run out of business.

avatar for minnow
11 yrs ago

Although in the minority, I've seen more couples in several different clubs (see my most recent review of Mons Venus). Since 2010, I've seen more couples than I did in the 99-09 timeframe. They've been getting LD's as a couple, too. Witness the spate of threads on DB asking about the best club for couples. For the daytime mongers, couples have been extremely rare, mostly its crowded weekend nights they club. The camels nose is in the tent, how much of the rest of camel will enter ?

avatar for lopaw
11 yrs ago

I agree w/ jackslash. As more couples use clubs as foreplay they come out of the dark underground and are viewed as more acceptable since couples & women are willing to enter. That can only be a positive.

Superdude you are indeed a dying relic. I get hit on occasionally in clubs and it has not deterred me for one second. Are you that simple minded to think that a female would be sooooo offended by a man talking to her that she would run away screaming? I actually lol'd on that one. And those 2 women customers that you described were not there for your enjoyment or entertainment, just as you were not there for theirs. Next time try focusing on the dancers and not so much on the other patrons and you might have a better time of it.

avatar for SuperDude
11 yrs ago

One joke provkes personal attacks. Whew!

avatar for bang69
11 yrs ago

there is plenty to go around for all to enjoy

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

I've had female customers approach me. One wanted to have sex and just came right up to me to tell me she wanted to take me home. She looked in decent shape in her twenties too. That is the exception. So far I only had one female customer in a strip club try to have sex with me. I mean what is wrong with these visiting females? Only one out of hundreds even asked.

avatar for sexualchoc
11 yrs ago

I've always been against bringing women to OUR strip clubs. This is our getaway fellas. Why would you wanna bring sand to the beach anyways? Especially your girlfriend who's either gonna get super jealous in the long run or end up liking it so much that you can't stop her from going to strip clubs. And you know how the story is gonna end? It never ends good, never! If you a PL who needs a strip club to "spice things up", then that's your own personal problem and you need help! Thankfully there's not much couple action at all at the clubs I go to, THANK GOD!!!

avatar for tempest666
11 yrs ago

I don't know I've had a small change of heart since I posted my last rant. They're not all bad. If they're there willingly, are having fun and tipping then they're just another customer. I'm still leery of them (old habits die hard) but I met some cool ones this weekend.

avatar for CB42DDD
11 yrs ago

I wonder if you guys that dont like us girls being there enjoying ourselves having fun spending money tipping and having a great night out spend this much time watching what the other male custies are doing cuz really thats alotta wasted time where you should be admireing the entertainment Just another thought i have had a few of my friends who are not lez or bi come with me either pre bar or post bar for a quick visit and they have all commented that they were surprised at how much more fun and enjoyable going there was then male reviews they have been to that it is just a way better atmosphere

avatar for sclvr5005
11 yrs ago

@sexualchoc- the clubs don't belong to you. They are open to all. If you can't deal with the changes maybe this hobby isn't for you.

avatar for rockstar666
11 yrs ago

I'd only go to a club with my ATF, and only if she wanted to. She likes women so it would be fun for me to watch... But I've never even talked about it with her so I don't know if she'd even want to. Certainly she'd want me to pay for her dances though and I spend too much on her as it is!

avatar for skibum609
11 yrs ago

I bring my wife to clubs on vacation. She's more fun in strip clubs than my friends. Last trip the dancer asked her if she would like a dance? She said yes. The dancer then asked would you like your husband to join in? My wife responded: " why on God's green earth would I fucking want him there"? I was watching my topless wife and the topless dancers kissing and fondling as were 40 other patrons and all I could think of was wow God sure loves me.

avatar for rickdugan
11 yrs ago

It was not so long ago that female customers were a rare sight in a SC. In the last few years, however, it has become much more common.

My feelings on the subject are very mixed. I am generally accustomed to viewing clubs as the ultimate male retreat and am still adjusting to this new reality. However, I also agree with jacklash that anything that makes clubs more socially accepted in some areas is a good thing, especially with the negative regulatory attention that clubs have been receiving in a number of cities recently.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 yrs ago

Maybe if the ex had been a little more open minded (and she and her relatives were less focused on my wallet) we would still be together .

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

Well, I don't know about the rest of you pussies, but they're not going to run me out. :)

avatar for latinalover69
11 yrs ago

Gawd I hate seeing couples, groups of chicks, or single hetero chicks (not you lopaw) getting their jollies at the SC. Fortunately in LA it is pretty rare. Except Sams Hofbrau on Fri/Sat night. There are are a bunch of giggling chicks there that destroy the SC environment.

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