ATF question.

avatar for Clubber

This may have been asked and answered, but I don't recall.

Does an ATF have to be an active dancer? Why did you say "yes" or "no"?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

In my opinion an ATF does not have to be currently dancing. Mine quit the business 2+ years ago.

avatar for ReadyPayerOne
10 yrs ago

No. My take on this is that your ATF is your favorite dancer of all time. You can't have more than one ATF, everyone else is a CF. If your ATF is no longer dancing, but she was better than anyone you interact with now, she is still the ATF. An ATF only loses that title if someone comes along that is better than she was. Or I guess if in hindsight decide that another dancer from your past was better than her and you just didn't realize it at the time.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

To me, an "all-time favorite" simply means the dancer you liked the most in your club-going career. If she's no longer dancing, she could still be known as your ATF. Any dancers that you like now, but less than your ATF would be current favorites (CF).

I have a similar situation. My ATF is still dancing, but we're in different cities, and I haven't seen her in five years. But, I still liked her better than any dancer I've known since her.

avatar for Subraman
10 yrs ago

it's clear a lot of guys use the term ATF when they're really talking about a CF. I've actually that usage myself, because the irony amuses me. It kind of highlights how flaky we are (or at least I am) as customers, as far as I'm concerned, my current favorite is is my ATF. at least that's what I tell her lol

avatar for BigTuna1
10 yrs ago


avatar for BigTuna1
10 yrs ago

ATF no

CF yes

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

Nope. Does your all-time favorite athlete have to still be active? Nope.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"An ATF only loses that title if someone comes along that is better than she was"

Yep. To be the woman, you got to beat the woman! Woooo!!

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago

Wow, unanimous so far.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

Or just beat the woman up a la Tonya Harding.

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago


avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

I agree with Mr Cat. Mine retired more than a year ago

avatar for CB42DDD
10 yrs ago

I agree no .. They are just that All Time Fav that dancer who set the mark to which all other dancers are measured by... Mine is no longer dancing and i still happily remember her and amongst those who know of my enjoyment of SC and strippers she still comes up in conversation .. There are certainly others who reside in my top five list in no particular order which will still beat out most on any given night but on those fun nights where one of them fall from the list you know your having a great time :-)

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

My ATF showed up many years ago. We had good chemistry but her BF pulled her out the stripper world. Sad to see her get dragged by her russian BF.

She was my ATF until I met the blond gal a few nights ago. Feels like she is going to be the CF and ATF.

avatar for mjx01
10 yrs ago

no, she does not have to be active to be your ATF. (Personally, I like to use xATF to denote it's no longer active.)

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

There can be only one ....

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


I've said many times, only one. Some disagree. Can't figure that.

avatar for lopaw
10 yrs ago


avatar for DandyDan
10 yrs ago

Currently, I have doubts that the term ATF means anything. I've had favorites from the past who I haven't seen in months, if not years, but if they haven't actually danced for you in any given length of time, what does that mean for right now? Not only that, it cheapens the value that current favorites give you. And as for current favorites, how in the world would you know it really was for all time? You can really only in the moment. As far as I'm concerned, this is ultimately a meaningless question.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


Seems to me you've just not found the dancer to be your ATF, but I bet you have or had one that was the best, aka, your favorite ever. That would be your ATF, at least till one comes along and takes her spot. My ATF hasn't danced for me for nearly 15 years. And she quit dancing well over 10 years ago. I met her when she was 19 and still see her once in awhile, as she sort of became part of my family. Nothing official.

Since her, there have been many favorites for a time, but no one has supplanted her. She was and is very special.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago

@Clubber and ATACdawg: Agreed. "ATF" is singular.

At this point, I can't see anyone supplanting my ATF. Possible, but it's a high, high bar.

avatar for steve3000
10 yrs ago

No, she does not need to be currently dancing. My ATF has been retired for many years. She just had that "it-factor". A friendly, interesting person, who had a lot of fans at the club. Also of note, was that there were no lap dances at the club. It was all about her stage moves and personality. She (appeared to) genuinely care about each customer. If your ATF is your CF, enjoy it while you can.

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

If you think of it in relationship to sports, it easy to understand.

MJ is my all-time favorite basketball player. Paul George is my current favorite.

Just because Jordan is retired, he is still my ATF. Very unlikely Paul George will ever be my ATF.

avatar for Clubber
10 yrs ago


Sounds like someone is opening the proverbial closet door. A male ATF??? :)

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