Planner or Seat of the Pants ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Do you plan your SC visits; i.e. determine when and where you are going to go and stick to that for the most part – or do you just go when and where you are in the mood?
I like to go when I feel like it/I'm-in-the-mood. It is more satisfying/fun that way rather than waiting ‘till a predetermined day/time when I may not be in the same mood.
How about you?
last commentWell, I don't ALWAYS have the loot to go, therefore I can't just get up and go anytime I want to/in the mood
So, my visits are planned
I can go whenever I want. I am retired and have the finances. But I almost always plan ahead. I'm going tomorrow.
I go once a week (usually), always late afternoon, but the schedule changes with my band's practice/gigs. It's like a superstition with me: I never go if it's not before music.
Seat of my pants goer..and dependent of fluid funds im willing to lose ha. The only time I have planned a trip is when ive been in withdrawal and set an actual date to finally go back
I am a definite planner & list maker.
Both, of course.
Living in a rural suburb mandates some planning. It's not like there are any strip clubs in sight on my daily commute.
There are strip clubs in my town, but they're pretty low mileage (and too much chance of running into a student.)
The nearest strip club of any quality is just a bit over 100 miles away.
So yeah, got to plan it in advance.
Yes both forsure my fav club is a good drive from where i live so trips there usually take planning Sometimes its nice locally when the mood strikes to just pop in for a drink & some eye candy & good company So really either way can be fun
Some of both. I pass 3 clubs between work and home. 3 more are within a 10 minute detour. A little too long at a stoplight and I'm stopping for a little scotch and snatch. Most of my "planned" visits are are just adjustments to other trips that just get a titty bar thrown in for good measure. Hitting Tootsies after a Fins game, taking a flight in the morning to make time for club visit out of town, etc.
I'm growing less fond of the out of town strip club visits though, although I'll admit to checking out the proximity of Follies to the Atlanta airport with the thinking that if I had to deal with a layover I might as well get something out of the deal - but it didn't work out.
Has to be planned because of the commute involved
"scotch and snatch"
LOL, that was great! I love how you worded that.
Good stuff man.
When I am out and about and have the time. Rarely planned. The last planned, well Papi, you were there! :)
Given that the vast majority of my clubbing is done on business travel during my leisure time there is a certain degree of planning required, but usually it's simply a matter of deciding to do it the next evening.
I plan my weekly visits to my favorite club, but frequently have spur of the moment visits to other clubs for variety.
I have to plan any visits due to lack of proximity and schedule.
A studious person never just up and goes. I like to look my Sunday best. And just going after work is never good. So I plan
Kindof a moot point, I always seem to be in the mood.
Besides I work in NYC and all the "good" clubs are an hour away from my job. I lose the momentum to enjoy of its an hour aeay from my end of the night job and then I'm just too tired.
It's a little of both. Most of the time, I go when I feel like going, but once I decided to go, then I go into planning mode.
I plan in advance which club to visit. If I am oncall at work during the weekend then I visit one of the closer clubs. When not oncall I visit one of the farther clubs that offer better dances. I also check this site and other sites to see if there are any changes such as one of my favorites quit or went on vacation, or if there has been raids in the area.
Once in the club I often plan who I am going to see, by checking who is working and deciding who I am going to see and for how many songs.
Both. Sometimes after work if I'm just gonna visit, chat and grope. Other times a plan on going and have time to primp and preen.