A Retirement Announcement From Toronto Sweetie

Toronto Sweetie texted me last night announcing that today (Feb 28) would be her last day of work at the club. She is going ahead with her dream idea of having her own shop selling 'sexy but restrained' fashions for women of a certain age (40s and 50s). Sweetie actually saved a big pot of money during her stripper years to finance this scheme but I fear she will be pissing away all those hard won savings. I had no luck dissuading her.
Well, she is a big girl, after all. She says we can still 'get together' whenever I am in Toronto for business. She is not so sure about more mini-vacations with me.
Crap! I loved those vacations with her.
last commentAt least she had the courtesy of telling you instead of just dropping out of site. There is a replacement in the making.
I second Shadow's sentiment. Although she says she's not so sure of anymore mini-vacations, we'll see. If her business doesn't do as well as she hopes, there'll be mini-vacations.
So, Art, how is your psyche?
There is a certain kind of woman (I'm married to one) that can never be happy working for someone else, they have to be their own boss. Stripping would actually be good training for a budding entrepreneur. Your sweetie's business idea (sexy clothes for MILFs) sounds like it could be a niche success. And if it turns out to be a "dry hole" she will probably just come up with some other ideas to try until she hits a gusher (sound familiar?)
What's the statistic? 90% of small businesses fail within their year. Still $400,000 would be alot to lose, might take a few years to burn through that much.
I'll toss a wreath in the harbor.
Art, let us know when you get carpal tunnel from writing her checks.
Art .. I wish here all the best in her new adventure and i think its great your going to stay in touch .. When she gets the shop up and running let me know i would luv to check it out not in my 40's for awhile but fun fashion is well fun:-)
Juice,she has nothing in your size.
My condolences, Art. While Sweetie may continue to be available, the experience is likely to change. I am saddened by your loss. I wish her well and I hope that you find solace inside the next dozen strippers.
How bout them Cowboys?
It sucks when a fun and talented favorite decides to hang up her heels. You'll just have to drown your sorrows in meaningless flings until another comes along. ;)
Sorry for your loss, Art. On the good side, it's because (a) she quit and (b) it's not because you suffered a fatal coronary or stroke. Who knows, if her business works out and she has trustworthy employees, you may yet have those mini vacations! Failing that, you can always spend an extra day or two in Toronto when you're there on business.
Wish her the best; but as was mentioned earlier; most small businesses have it rough especially in this era of stiff competition from online sites.
About a week ago I visited a SC I had not visited in about a year and I ran into a very good looking mid-30s dancer that I knew from that club – she mentioned how her and a friend had opened a ladies shoe store but it did not last too long and they had to close shop. But she seems to be an entrepreneur at heart b/c she is not dissuaded w.r.t. her business failure and is looking forward to trying something else.
I wish Sweetie well. But a retail business is a lot of work for usually small rewards. She may need to supplement her business income with some dancing on the side.
I'd say it's a reasonable bet that if you offer another Christmas vacation trip, she'll take you up on it.