Comments by Aaron_hip
discussion comment
8 years ago
Solo PL
Strippers will lose their Obamacare. Are they more or less likely to do OTC because of that?
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8 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
After Cleveland spent the whole summer crapping on Golden State losing a 3-1 lead, it is only fitting that the Indians lost a 3-1 lead to another tortured franchise. Karma.
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8 years ago
I use iphone6 and I have the same complaints. For me, the worst is that the messages from different apps are showing up bright and large on the locked screen! People should not be able to see my messages unless I unlock it. WTF. I had to go into each app's setting to disable the notification.
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8 years ago
Somewhere in the club
A serious answer is that you watch too much porn.
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8 years ago
I only seek snapchat username now.
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8 years ago
Sorry to hear. Even if you really want to go to the VIP room, just pay for 30 mins first. You can always extend it if things are going well.
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8 years ago
New York
Are you trying to bypass the agency to save a bit of money? Otherwise, I really don't understand the question.
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8 years ago
Do you need to speak Spanish? Also, how diverse are the customers? Only white guys? [I am Asian so I am curious.]
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8 years ago
You have bought her dances so she knows you like her. A pretty girl is always aware that a guy likes her, let alone a stripper. So unless you can impress the hell out of her, telling her is not going to make a difference. But if you can do that, you wouldn't be here writing this long post.
She is a stripper who asks for dances all the time. She is not shy about letting you know if she really likes you. She also knows you like her because of what you have done already.
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8 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
We can use math to figure this out. Let's say VIP cost $300 an hour, that's what you pay the club. The club takes a cut so that girls probably get only $200. In a normal circumstance, you definitely can't get the girl to a hotel for just $200. Because the hotel is a bit out of her way and she can't get right back to work like she does in a club. So you probably need to compensate her just that bit of trouble. You also need to cover the cost of the hotel room.
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8 years ago
I thought hot girls would just flash their boobs to get into clubs for free...But I guess too many people have seen their boobs.
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8 years ago
Face. But I would reject a good face if the girl has nipple piercing.
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8 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Lochte is forever beta.
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8 years ago
I say "no thank you" and then just give a dollar.
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8 years ago
Yes. She said she was from Czech republic and spoke broken English. She was only in the States for a few months to make money. She looked like a supermodel with the face and body. However, she did not give high mileage in the VIP. But I do not regret a thing.
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8 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
They were just surprised that they had to pay. Remember, they get free pussies in America.
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8 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Have you seen her extremely graphic (I mean, EXTREMELY graphic) fappening pics from a few years ago?
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8 years ago
It's his money.
I have read stories on Stripperweb where the dancers say some men buy VIP without getting all handsy. I guess you have confirmed some of them are real.
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8 years ago
Did she introduce herself as a pornstar? Otherwise, you have really good eyes to recognize her. She looks incredibly average.
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8 years ago
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
To Dominic77: Your question about 401k tells me you don't understand it. Its annual contribution limit is a fixed amount, depending on your age and martial status. I am in my 30s and single. My annual limit is $17500. It is not a percentage of my salary.
Many people, including my friends, just contribute 3-6% to get the employer's match. This is usually NOT close enough to hit the annual limit.
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8 years ago
Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
This is my simple rule of thumb of living. My saving goal is around $23000, since I am single. That is $17500 for my 401k contribution (which is pre-tax) and then $5500 for my Roth IRA contribution (which is post-tax). So it is not really $23000 because of the tax difference. Once I set that aside, I just need an emergency fund in my saving account. Then I can spend everything else on entertainment.
discussion comment
9 years ago
She is not cheating if she is getting paid. Don't be jealous.
discussion comment
9 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
Look. Some people want to play together. Get over it.
But you know what the league did? The NBA gave the CAVS three #1 seeds at the draft in 4 years! Then the NBA gave LeBron a technical for sitting on Draymond, who got a flagrant 1 from getting the dude off him!
If anything, there is no point of playing when the NBA is making sure the CAVS get the best chance year after year. I wonder what will happen next year. Maybe the league will just declare any team from the West is not eligible to win the championship.
NBA is rigged.