
I found the IRL FB of a 10 escort, now what?

New York
Friday, September 9, 2016 11:13 AM
At my regular SC, I routinely go through the FB friends list of them. The wifi at the SC REQUIRES that you FB friend them to get through the paywall. I'll never do that and my 4G is fine. So the SC's friends list is either everyone who parked or walked outside the SC, or works there, or was a custie. Nice intel leak. Well, on the left side for mini "friends" box I saw a chick's profile, and had a heart attack. Since FB lists friends in add order, she was probably at my SC in the last 2 weeks I think. The pic was the same one as on an TER recognized incall escort site I've been eying for a year but never bite. The escort site does NOT censor pics (faces always visible), and they are all amateur selfies, no photoshop. 2 of the photos on the escort site were on her FB. Her name on escort site and FB is the same. She has a civie job. On the escort site her price is listed as 350/1hr, 250/30min. What would you do? call the escort agency or FB contact her for P4P or that will never work/stalker freak out? FB contact her and ask if she is an exotic dancer somewhere in my area, then go see her IRL?


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Well she could have been there as a customer or as a dancer, that's the biggest question that needs answered. If you can determine that she works there (and keep in mind maybe she works there only once or twice a month) then I would look her up there, and arrange OTC with her personally. If you can't do that, then I would contact her through the agency (aka) the traditional route. Hopefully there's someone at the club you can talk to - bouncer, dancer, bartender where you could say "hey I saw this girl in here once (show photo) but you weren't sure if she worked there or was just a customer. Keep in mind, let's say she does work there and you meet her inside the club, just because she escorts doesn't mean she will setup OTC with you. She may only do that through the agency (maybe they have a screening process that makes her feel safe) or she may not want it to get out inside the club she works at that she does OTC - which may jepordize her stripping job if she indeed is a stripper in addition to escorting. Many dancers have been fired at clubs over the years when it comes out that they escort for an agency.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I agree with shailynn; I'd go from the OTC point of view. Get to know ITC and then make your pitch. She may do it for less money since she can keep it all. I post a while back the a similar thing: I'm FB friend with an escort and I'm not supposed to know she is. Funny thing is she stopped posting adds a month ago, and I think she quit doing it. I haven't arranged a date yet but it's coming along.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Huh? Just friend her. It's perfectly safe. I often will unless they make it too obvious that they are strippers (won't want my colleagues at work noticing that). Remember alot of these girls aren't the most stable of characters and have trouble maintaining the same phone number for long. So it's a good way to keep in touch.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Play it safe and hit up her agency. You'll pay more the first interaction but afterwards can be all off the books. Plus if you ask her any questions"randomly inquiring about her working elsewhere, she'll be quick to get suspicious and might want to ostracize you. You don't want that do you?
  • Aaron_hip
    8 years ago
    Are you trying to bypass the agency to save a bit of money? Otherwise, I really don't understand the question.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I say that f2f first meetings are best. So that will mean your local strip clubs. SJG
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Why bother with any of it? Unless $350 per hour is a bargain where you are.
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