
Basket of Deplorables

The elitist message now being sent is:
I guess tolerance is a one way street.
We MUST(under pain of prosecution) be tolerant of them but they don't need to be tolerant of us because they are above such things(such as their own spoken philosophy).

Looks like the real deplorables are the Hillary supporters. Wasn't it Bill Clinton that said when he kicked Bush 1's ass "Its The Economy Stupid". She forgot that!
The only areas of the country that voted for her were the big cities where the most government give ways are centered. The real reason for the protests is they are afraid their preferential treatment. Trump said the system was rigged by big media promoting her and said he would fight the results IN COURT if he thought the result was unfair, he never promoted violence. Hillary has the same LEGAL option(s) but since she lost big time there is no point. Hillary's staff was the one hiring people to start violence at Trump rallies. Never has Trump ever said anything against gays or gay rights, a businessman has to be "colorblind" or he will not thrive today. He has said NO group should have the right to infringe on the rights of another group. IE ALL LIVES MATTER! Trump's election offices were the ones that were smashed and burned while the worst that happened to a Hillary office was a load of manure was dumped in the parking lot and that happened 4 and 8 years ago too.
The electoral college is there to allow the vast rest of the country to have a voice that can't be dominated by a concentrated group.
That is the reason for the senate. The rest of the country is tired of paying for the cities that cannot support themselves. We work they sit.
The ones marching are incensed that the people they have been abusing for years have awakened and are pissed off enough to try and stop it.

I am now proud to be counted as a Trump Deplorable!


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    You...are...fucking....dumb. This has nothing to do with goverment giveaways. THINK FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF YOU FUCKING DUMMBASS.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    When Trump said the election may be rigged; libs were appalled; how dare he not respect the process - yet when they lose they protest in the streets; block traffic; and burn shit - yeah - way to "respect the process"
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "protest in the streets; block traffic; and burn shit"

    That's not me. I'm not doing any of those things. This accomplishes nothing and they should be ashamed. I am however humored by this revelation.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    What is done is done. America owes Trump an open mind and some wisdom, restraint and guidance.
    If you guys think the President has too much power for nukes and drones that don't affect real people. Policymaking is the forte of veterans. To create a bill and write is without leaks takes years of time and then they may be thrown out due to ambiguity in definition if some clause or contradiction with some existing laws in fringe cases. It's easy to say we will build a wall than to draft a bill and get it passed as a law.
    Presidents are known to make election promises that they are naive about. Obama promised pulling out troops in a year from Afghanistan and he tried very hard but couldn't keep his promise, even now there are a fraction of soldiers in Afghanistan.
    Sooner or later Trump will realize he cannot do anything like he speaks he will. Moreover he will be helplessly flailing.
    I think both parties would have withdrawn and allowed Obama a third term.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Tired, what would have have happened if HRC had won? The same thing. The bulk of voters, including this one, voted against the one they thought was less qualified, or scarier. For me, by a VERY narrow margin, that was Trump.

    Nevertheless, I have accepted the will of the voters, just like I accepted Bill Clinton's election over GHW Bush by a plurality of votes. How many Democrat votes do you suppose were sucked up by H Ross Perot's third party run? Damn few.

    The point is that the vast majority of the voters on both sides are ready to place support with Trump, whatever we think of him personally. Gloating isn't becoming. Being an asshole isn't becoming. It's time for healing so that we can all move forward.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Hillary lost because the despicable bigots called Progressives finally made normal people mad enough to vote. Hey Van Johnson: go fuck yourself racist. Cry more you little bitch and take your "whitelash" comments and shove em up your ass once your cell mates cock is flaccid.
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    now, now let’s be fair. think back to 2008 when obama won and all across the country mobs of millions of angry white males rioted in the streets, burned black churches and lynched random po’ black folk. and then remember what happened? the lord barry hussein ‘i ain’t no moozlim” obama said

    “the election is over, i won, get over it”

    and peace and prosperity swept over the land as dougster’s economic boom took off. scratch that part, peace did not return and dougster’s economic boom never happened just 8 years of a shitty economy.

    but out of the law offices of dewy cheetum & howe emerged johnsmith69 with exciting news on how to pay a teenaged hooker for sex. the angry white men stopped their rioting not because they didn’t already know how to pay a hooker for sex but because smith’s incessant nattering about his midlife crisis bored them all so much that they went home. and it was san_jose_guy who was the lone moron who listened to smith’s stories which saved the rest of the world from having to commit mass suicide. obama was so grateful that his first illegal executive order was that the SNAP program could be used to buy unlimited amounts of gravy. and with that our young “i dance for money but i is gonna be a lawyer, ninabambina went to have her new “hillary was robbed ‘08” tattoo removed from her left butt cheek.

    so now trump could repeat what obama said but no one would listen. but fear not for i have the answer to stop all the rioting. someone tell larryfisherman that all the skanky girls are out under the bleachers smoking cigarettes and that if he goes out there right now he can probably touch some boob and maybe even get some front room DFKing. then when he runs out to spread the word of his discovery the rioters will go home and lock their doors, well lock their parents’ doors that is, and hide from larry.

    so go larry, go. time is of the essence but under no circumstances let any of those skanky whores sell you any dances. that is a chumps game. just treat them like you would any civi girl and sock the bitch in the mouth

    sorry everyone but i overslept or i would have recommended this earlier. that would have saved our not young anymore, still dancing for money and still gonna be a lawyer some day ninabambina from having to get her new “hillary was robbed ‘16” tattoo removed from her right butt cheek.
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    I didn't know that anyone who voted for Trump could spell ,or pronounce, the word "deplorable". I guess spell check must have helped with this screed.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    @ Papi, I agree with your statement. We had/have the same thing over here with Brexit, the 'remainers' were saying before the referendum it was binding, no going back etc in the full expectation we'd vote to stay, well we didn't so now they are trying to stall it or even reverse the referendum. They are a bunch of fucking tossers and I wish they would just fuck off and live in mainland Europe and leave these islands to patriotic Brits.

    I don't know enough about your political process or the way things are in the U.S. to make a considered judgement on whether the outcome was right or wrong but I know her fate was partially sealed when Clinton used the term 'deplorables'. Just like Cameron when he said about UKIP supporters "Ukip is sort of a bunch of ... fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists mostly".

    By the way is Hilary still alternating between the shredder and the delete key?
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    BTW even President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have said yes he won now we need to work together.
    If President Obama helps with a smooth transition he will earn some respect.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    True ^^^
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago


    Does a good job of speaking to this Basket of Deplorables issue, she doesn't see it that way, and she regrets that Clinton had said that.

  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Let's look at the other side of the coin for a second:

    I know some won't even look at the article because its from Huffington (aka left of media center) but its interesting that a staffer basically said "Fuck Off" to Donna Brazile and blamed her and Wasserman-Schultz and the whole line of the Democratic establishment before them of losing the election by running "the wrong candidate at the wrong time". You might not agree with the young staffer on everything he said but I give him credit for sticking it to the DNC Politburo. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Trump did well with college educated men and did well with men in general and just as well with white women as with men getting 53% of the vote in these two groups.

    If Trump ever gets this information, he needs to make sure our GDP grows in the last year over the previous in an election year. I heard if not, the incumbent tends to lose.
  • Aaron_hip
    8 years ago
    Strippers will lose their Obamacare. Are they more or less likely to do OTC because of that?
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Most strippers were and are on medicaid(is and was free) because they have "no income", that won't change.
    I actually had one stripper tell me she supported Obama because of all the free stuff she was going to get: Phone, healthcare, college were her examples. I almost laughed but she was nice, very pretty but hopelessly nieve and uneducated. I did not have the heart to tell her that no one or very few would likely not be getting any of the "free" stuff because it was just political promises.
    I would say most strippers did not get obama care since it require income statements to get the subsidies and most girls don't declare their income and are part of the underground economy.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You guys are acting like this is a coronation, it's just an election Mr Trump needs to make good decisions and govern wisely or he will be out in 4 years even sooner if he engages in the behavior that he exhibited when he was campaigning.
    Then we will be right back where we began.
  • ime
    8 years ago
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Didn't he also hire the first female presidential campaign director?

    I'm not a fan but seems the media might have portayed a slightly slanted narrative pandering towards a certain crowd that called for democracy then whined and rioted after they got it.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    He is different from most of the Republicans that he beat in the primaries, in the fact that he didn't care which bathroom Kaitlyn Jenner used Cruz was going nuts on the subject but Trump when questioned, answered he didn't care which bathroom she used. I think his quote was "it's not an issue" or something like that.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    "it's just an election Mr Trump needs to make good decisions and govern wisely or he will be out in 4 years even sooner"
    That's incredibly naive, @25. Nobody has a fucking clue what Trump is going to do. Even Trump doesn't have a fucking clue what he's going to do. In the next 4 yrs he can reshape the Supreme Court, gut health benefits (both ObamaCare and Medicare) and privatize Social Security, etc... I could go on. The wreckage could last decades, if not generations. Expect this to unfold slowly as we learn that we actually *do* need a leader with some finite attention span and intelligence.

    OT: Does anyone know if @DoctorPhil is actually @Che's alter-ego? I see some similarities in the writing patterns.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @ RandomMember-I am far from naive, the problem is that he doesn't even know what he is going to do, I have said in the past that he got into this out of vanity, and like the dog chasing after a car he never expected to get elected, this is going to be difficult to say the least. If he doesn't get some good competent advice from some one that he actually listens to we are the ones in trouble. The biggest problem I see right now is he is being pulled into things that he does not have the slightest bit of interest in or understanding of, may god help us all, this is trouble with a capital "T"
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I think Trump should be more than commended. Who else would have stood strong with all of the criticism of a non-career politician looking to serve his country. That's how political service used to be viewed, as service to our country before the great power grab come to be over the last 50 years. Now there will be no lobbyists manipulating our executive branch of government. There used to be a day when your local councilman wouldn't have a salary, now they get stipends but more so they get preferential treatment on a local scene for their business interests. Trump doesn't need any of those special interests.

    We should be hopeful going forward that this sets precedents for others looking to progress American politicos through good service and not special interests. Thank God for strong men like this!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Fuck Trump and the illegal immigrant he rides on. At least he has a hot bitch to fuck at night. LOL
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @JimGassagain, ROFLMAO, Really, Trump is a strong man, why because he picks fights with minorities and women, please give me a break. All I see so far indicates he has no clue, no core values, and is going to be one of the most easily manipulated guys to ever be elected to the presidency. Basically at his core he is more and more appearing to be an empty suit. So far he has surrounded himself with a bunch of incompetents and hypocrites and disgraced, failed, old politicians from past administrations, think Newt Gingrich or Rudy Guliani, the people that he is using to staff his administration are coming mostly from K Street firms (lobbyists) all indications are that he is going to fall flat on his face and be exposed as the con man that he has always been. For all of his talk about investigations of his opponents he is himself, personally involved in numerous lawsuits, that are going to be if not a major problem at the very least a major distraction and threaten to tie him up in court for the next few years. Please man, get real and be honest about what is really going on.
    May god save America!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    This pretty much sums it up what happened perfectly.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    25, his core values he promotes are returning to the constitution, respecting public safety and our military, so we all as individuals can succeed in a capitalistic society. More or less back to the basics of what made this country great.

    I don't have a bad taste in my mouth about him like you do because I've never done business with him, and never have had him tell me I was to be looked down on just because of the path I have chosen in life. The other candidate consistently made me feel inadequate because I wasnt paying higher taxes, pandering to women, or catering to illegals migrating to this country. Because I opposed her campaign made me feel like I was a racist and a bigot, when in fact anyone of those insults could just as easily been made to 99% of the population including the ones who weren't categorized as "deplorables".

    Most of the country is not in high populous areas, and the electoral college made sure the abuse of high corrupt political machines don't maintain power for only specific areas of the US. "We" the United States of America involve hard working people in Indiana, Minnesota, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and throughout the middle of America. We don't want to live the ways of high population areas. The old saying goes if you pack too many people together, that start acting like pigs in a pen. If there are too many pigs packed in a pen they start turning on each other and will kill one until they have enough space. This election was about giving good hard working citizens their space, otherwise we will start killing each other at a faster pace evident to the liberal mantra the past 8 years.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Well said Jim! Especially the "pigs in a pen" reference about the populated areas and liberal mantras. So true, but those liberals are blindly bias and could never survive without government intervention.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I really enjoyed SJG's *always wrong* commentary before, during, and after the election
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I agree with RandomMember's view. I see this as a very dangerous time. While Trump probably will be out in 4 years, he and the Republican congress could still do a huge amount of damage.

    Trump is not someone who wants to "serve". He just thinks he should be made king. His patience for complex problems is just about zero.

    JimG, your foolishness continues to shock me. This country has always been run on myths and outright lies. That we have made moves to end racism and sexism, and get towards universal healthcare, are fantastic. We should not be moving backwards. Getting to the point where everyone can have living wage careers is still way out there. You still seem to think you can insult poor people and not be exposing your own stupidity.

    how to oust Trump in 4 years?

  • ime
    8 years ago
    You sjg are a fucking idiot
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Really @txtitty this is a guy who said he was going to drain the swamp, and the old farts that had lived in Washington D.C. for the past two or three decades are whom he is turning to for his transition and assistance, If you think this is the end of business as usual, you are delusional.
    This is looking like more, of the same old, same old.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    There are more idiots in the world than intelligent people. If there weren't, there would be no need for a central leader. This whole thread is trolltastic
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    You guys are missing the point. The protests are because DONALD FUCKING TRUMP is the president elect of the United States. There have been plenty of republicans who have been elected president, I don't remember protesting like this for them. It has nothing to do about which party won. There are plenty of Republicans that really didn't want him as president. As far as the protests, I'm sure it's not just democratics, I'm sure there independents and republicans are protesting too.

    America has never seen a candidate like this become president. It would be like Kim Kardashian running for president and winning. The closest thing I've seen to this is Arnold Schwartzeenger and Jesse Ventura winning goevernor in their respective states, but they were just governor in their states, not the president of the United States.

    So Americans are in shock, and they are asking how the hell did we let this happen. The problem was 47% of eligible voters didn't vote. The other problem was that the opposing candidate was Hillary Clinton who has her own documented problems, and has been in the politics spotlight for a long time, and America is just tired of seeing her. And also no one has mentioned this, but there were definitely people that didn't vote for her because they didn't want to see a female president in office.

    America deserved better final candidates than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. When someone says I'm just gonna pick the candidate that is less evil, you know something is wrong.

    The rioting and protesting is obviously wrong, in the end I say he's gonna be our president, so get used to it. All this protesting ain't gonna change shit. If you wanted a different result you should have voted, or there should have been better candidates.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Also, when Clinton said Basket of Deplorables, I think now that she was not referring to these large numbers of working class whites who voted for Trump. Those are the people who's support she has always tried to court.

    I think rather than she meant the much smaller number of right wing wall street types, Republicans, who supported Trump. There are the people who have their offices right next to Dougster, even though he claims that he is not really just like them. Don't believe him.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    SJG why do u have such a hard on for Dougster? Is it because he and others have called correctly how the stool market was going to hit new highs?

    All the while you have constantly been rooting for the market to collapse. The democrats care nothing about stock ownership compared to conservatives so maybe that's why you are so angry?
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Stock market ^^^, not "stool market".

    Fucking fat fingers!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    The stool market also gets up there ; )
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “I think rather than she meant the much smaller number of right wing wall street types, Republicans, who supported Trump.”

    hey dumbass wrong again. there were only 2 billionaires in the US who did not support clinton. they were trump and thiel and nobody knows for sure if trump is a billionaire or not.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Democrats want to promote bubbles, just like the Republicans do.

    I say that as soon as the last bubble bursts we can get down to the much harder work of building a sustainable and just economy.

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    is that going to be an economy based on aluminum cans? shut the fuck up and go to TJ already you stupid coward
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    All it would take is the President, the Democrats, and just a bit more than 1/3 of the Republicans and the Constitution could be amended right now to eliminate the electoral college, effective for this election.

    We could ask those most qualified, the 8 sitting justices of the Supreme Court, to write the amendment.

    Sometimes it is strange crises which force progress. Bring the United States forward out of the 19th Century.

    Otherwise with this claim of weekly contact with Russians and the FBI announcements, it's "What did Trump know and when did he know it?" As it will be necessary to impeach him and require the same congressional 2/3rds.

    Obama missed his FDR moment when he failed to nationalize or even re-regulate the banks. Well now on his way out he can have an even greater moment by finally fixing our system so that every vote counts, and averting a disaster of epic proportions.

    Governing the most powerful nation in the world is nothing like a sporting match, as the stakes are so much higher. We all need therefore to think very hard about what is needed, and then do it.

  • ime
    8 years ago
    Llloyd schoene the spambot
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Supposedly Trump won 3,084 out of 3,141 total US counties - is America that red?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    won means one more vote than 50%. It is always this way because both candidates are competing with each other. Most elections are close.

    But what is surprising is that Trump got almost as may votes as Clinton, with his extreme message and extreme persona.

    And also there is a huge rural versus urban split, and this does also have to do with income and race.

    Amend the Constitution Right Now!


    on Steven Bannon and popular vote versus electoral vote
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    And there you go dummy, read and learn. Not one word about being a woman.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Papi dude, America will be red with five gold stars!

    Welcome to the PLA! Save America!

    Xie xie President Xi!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    " Not one word about being a woman."

    Well they have their theory. But it is also true that most of the negative sentiment about Clinton is just people being influenced by Right Wing Media, and accepting the non-sense they put out. And most of that is just playing to stereotypes about ambitious women.


    still more Tijuana
  • ime
    8 years ago
    Wrong again Schoene, don't you get tired of always being wrong Lloydo.
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