Comments by Estafador (page 210)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you I.D. these strip club thugs?
    For starters, general ny law states all guns carried on person must be concealed (not noticable). Remember reading up on gun laws when I had a serious interst in guns. Anyway, wow what a drag and I so wanted to go to the woodside club since I live in NY (sorry no specifics for you guys lol)
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Work history of strippers. Valuable or not?
    never really had a new girl (I don't think so anyway) so can't really say whther had good or bad experiences withthem. But despite my assholish attitude I can't help but show on this site, I'm a pretty nkce guy and if I get a newbie, even if I expect it to be bad, ill let her get it on. Everyone needs experience and it doesn't help that noone gives the new chick a try. Gonna ask for a newbie nezt time I go to a strip club (probably during december)
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    12 years ago
    Pros and Cons of dating a stripper
    Man I want to date a stripper for pro no. 1 & 2. To me, I don't expect it to last, but I don't have a family so there's noboy to hide it from. Bragging rightz within your friend circles and hot trophy girl. That's all you need broski. Only thing a pornstar
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    12 years ago
    How Good is your ITC/OTC Intuition?
    Oh my god, do you know how much it sucks to get through your pointless flamewars on a cell phone just to answer a question? Shit (not near a computer atm so don't suggest it). Anyway, I have no intuition. I'm still a fresh club goer and do more talking with chicks in non club areas than within clubs (especially sc). I don't go to a club to bang a bitch's brain out but to get a dance or so. That's it. For me, getting afuck from a prostitute isn't pleasurable to me because, no matter what she says, I will no doubt believe that she's fucking me for the money and not because she likes ME (whether sexual attraction or romantic). Yeah I'm weird lime that. Besides, why pay for sex when I can get it for free (I do want to kiss the girl damnit)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    funny observation
    Its the same as a college brains chick dating a college basketball player. She's going for the ride so she can be shared the money with when he gets in the big leagues. So pathetic. Personally, in my neck of the concrete woods, strippers generally date big hot shot gentlemen.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    whats your strip clubbing goals for 2012 ?
    oh wait a minute. My goal. Well, I guess my goal would be to be the FLYEST guy in a high nosed strip club. and that means NO SUITS, don't like em. And yes, even more fly than those snooty business bastards that I have never seen a club yet. Also, to be looking bigger and tougher than those annoying ass russian bodyguards who think they're the shit
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    whats your strip clubbing goals for 2012 ?
    DATY is DEFINETELY not my goal. You need papers that was just updated yesterday saying that your vulva is clean before I go down. I would make my girlfriend get papers before we do any skin to skin sexual contact
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Public Amusement
    Its so hard to tell who's a dude and who's a chick with everyone using chick pics. Alucard, are you a chick? This seems to be a very sensitive subject to you
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    12 years ago
    The Deja Vu Chain
    LMFAO, man that sounds fucking hilarious. I were you bro, instead of bitching down and buying the drink, I would have deliberately yelled at her saying "Get the fuck out of here!". If I was pissed enough I would have paid and dipped right after. What's the point of a VIP if someone could just WALTZ right in in the middle of your session. What if you were doing the dirty (I'm sure you can't with cameras but just imagine it), maybe getting wacked off or fucking her brains out (doubt your that good for a loosey goosy) and the chick just pops up and says "would you like to buy the lady a drink?" Completlely pointless of being a VIP. Sounds like your club must suck, I've been to clubs where even waitress come but immedietly leave once they set a person's drink down when they see a stripper. As for the Blue light thing. That shit's fucking hilarious. Lazy bitches, though I understand. They'd make less money and get 10 instead of 20 each. Wish I had a Deja Vu in NY (wonder why we don't). I'd abuse that shit to the fullest. Anyone know a club in NYC/Metro area with 2 for 1 specials. I won't be cheap I promise lol
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Peep Shows; Is it worth it?
    thank you alucard for your support. You don't know how much of a rarity it is to be believe and you have my sincere appreciation. Though I'm wondering if being an amazing "Extreme Rarity" is a good thing. I hate the look of my own cum (don't care if its mine), and the feel of it on my hands (legs too, yeah I do once in a while have a wet dream.....why am I telling you all this lol). And now that you said that, hmm, I better start bringing a throw away towel every time I go to the strip club (didn't know strip clubs can get so raw, you'd have bjs on the public seats). EWWWWWWWWWW
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why the initials?
    So where's this glossary at, so I can have the tab permanantly open?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why the initials?
    HOLY SHIT BISCUIT!!! THERE'S A GLOSSARY!!!!???? And here I have been using google search for every time I come across a long ass acronym (and I still never get all my answers for all these acryonms)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers aren't all prostitutes
    Jeez you guys have some strange fetishes to be with some 18 year old dancers. I for one have NEVER been with a dancer my own age (the dancers I've been with are usually around 27-35 so guess my age), all older than me, so I think I'm the only one here who doesn't have to think on that situation. And dougster, just because someone has a GED doesn't make them any less intelligible than the other guy. Hell, my cousin got a GED and now she's 21 working as some form of doctor's assistant and she makes a good 900 a week (though I never understood why she's always broke even with still living with her mom). And no, I have a Regents diploma and currently am working on my bachelors, so don't try to downgrade me either
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    12 years ago
    LD Privacy
    alucard, you need to stop speed typing. Anyway, i never had that happen and if I did, I never bothered to notice. Why? Because I always got a BAD BITCH that's doing her job just right where all I pay attention to is her and I know she's paying attention to me, since I am always giving them a glare (or just staring in their eyes, then their bodies lol). In any case,I wouldn't let it bother me. If it bothers you, then you're not getting your money's worth since you decide your view would be better checked elsewhere. And if you really want to get privacy while in the public, either go when its very busy, or very quiet, that way, nobody's paying attention to you (unless your super peacocking). And what private booths are there that aren't VIP?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Ass lovers
    I'm with Papi_Chulo on this one. None of them has an ass, but I like the sultry look on #7's face. Blew through all the pics too fast. A highly disappoint slideshow. We need ASS not butt/bottom
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Peep Shows; Is it worth it?
    I'm a young buck so I'm still learning as I go along. But it seems its definetely not worth the money to go to a peep show. Plus I realized something. How well do they clean those booths? If people are allowed to masturbate and get their jizz all over the seats, I'm sitting on dried cum EWWWWWWWWWW. Guess I'll stick to free internet porn then. Doesn't cost me a dime and I know my sheets are clean. (I don't wack off).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    If all the girls had flat chests and shaved their heads so they looked like boys
    HELL NO. I go to see girls because they look like...well girls. I don't see girls because they look like boys. Damn, that's pretty much asking if the only available thing was a gay bar, would you go? FUCK NO, I'd find something else to bid my time with.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many lurkers are there out there?
    I have never seen any opinionated posters here yet. Did i miss the good stuff?
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    12 years ago
    Ever feel dirty?
    Jerikson40: dude, sounds like you had an awesome night. You should have felt more naughty in a good way than dirty. Where is this flamingo club at? I wanna meet this stunner. Lenerd313: Bro, you call them cheap, I call them resourceful...although they should have went to their local hooker and got a bj instead of paying dancer AND door fee. Crazy. And 250 for a blowjob? Yeah I'd feel buyers remorse too. Should have went for the escorts again. Much cheaper my friend
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    12 years ago
    Ever feel dirty?
    I used to feel like that when I first started going to clubs, sometimes I still do honestly, since I'm working a minimum wage job (I only been to the club around 6 or 8 times to be totally honest). For me it was the feeling of throwing money to a chick that isn't gonna suck my dick. I kind of stopped feeling that way after the second visit. Though on my last trip I did feel that way. I blame it on the fact that the girls provided didn't meet my standards of satisfaction, and the only girl that even met them was not coming anywhere near me (being hogged by a bachelor party, so I wasn't too miffed since I understood). Plus the one girl I let get me a lapdance (the first one that came to me pretty much even though not in my standards), she wasn't super hot, though I bloated her image in my mind but she smelled too much like fish for me to fully enjoy it (manhattan club, so yeah it was "ritzy" if you wanna call it that). I think it's more in the club appearance that may have turned a person off and the type of girls available. Especially if NONE of them are your preference
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    12 years ago
    Tesla Crowley
    Fake or Natural?
    Honestly bros and chicas, I'd honestly prefer some big natural titties over fake ones any day. If they're big and they're natural, its a win win situation. But if i see a bunch of natural, not big and sagging titties (those types usually have their breasts spread in a reverse v which is weird to look at), then I'm giving my attention the the lady with the fake perky tits, Cs and up. BUT if a women with a NATURAL phat ass comes along, everything else doesn't matter but all dat ass GURL (yeah you can tell I'm black lol)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Does having a small dick and a wad of cash help with mileage?
    Hmm, well my last club I went to, I had a girl comment on the fact that my dick was big and wanted to see it in person, in the back (VIP of course). BUUUUUTTT, she was aggressive and no doubt just wanted me to roll out the green carpet (money). I doubt these girls care about your dick size whether its just for dance or you want sexual pleasure, its all about the size of your bank account.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Clubs or Private Lap Dance Club
    Well if you are in New York (most likely you're in NYC because you're bland and don't like to get out much), then one spot I know is in the Bronx called Seven. It's also located in Bayshore, NY. Here's a website
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I am clean. Are you?"
    Though I have never fucked a stripper before (oh dear god, how I want to), if approached with it, my two statemens would be the following: How much does it cost (if she doesn't show romantic attraction) And did you bring a condom. I'm pretty sure I would never let something just "slip" though because I don't drink at the club. I only ask for juice and water. Why? Because beer is gross and since I'm a young guy, I've been taught the trick of the trades when it comes to social life. Never let go of your drink, and I've created a saying off of that rule. "I don't drink what I don't pour." Don't care how gay it is, I didn't come to the strip club to get tipsy or beyond. I came to enjoy those titties and ass
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Clubs or Private Lap Dance Club
    who the hell cums in the strip club over a lap dance (unless she's just grinding too hard)