Joined Feb, 2012
Last Seen Jul, 2020
Front Room
10 years ago
Post OTC etiquette
So you and a dancer have been meeting outside the club and it's not a business transaction. The two of you definitely aren't a couple but you're not just...
Front Room
12 years ago
Why the initials?
What is the purpose of using all the initials and abbreviations on this site? I know there's a glossary for people that don't know the meanings but it can...
Front Room
13 years ago
Paying for her time
I was bored last night so I went to my favorite club. I was just in the mood to have a few drinks and wasn't really in the mood...
Front Room
13 years ago
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
I was at a Kahoots in Columbus Ohio last night and after sitting for awhile minding my own business a bouncer comes up to me and tells me that several...