Since my thread yesterday about making it with a "10", I have received 3 PMs from guys wanting her name, so that they can avoid her. All 3 had done substancial reviews, so I gave them her name.
What surprised me was that none of them post on the discussion board but they and apparently many others are reading it.
Some people like to read discussions but don't like to post their own thoughts. I have seen this on other discussion boards as well. "Lurkers" are seen as offensive by some, but I don't see the harm.
I read the discussions and post occasionally, but not often. I'm entertained by what goes on here, but want to avoid flame wars as many members are very opinionated.
I'm with Boogie. I hardly ever post, mostly 'cause I don't have anything unique to bring to the whole group that wouldn't be handled easier with a PM. I do find the "my opinion is better than your opinion" stuff very amusing though.
IMO contributing to the reviews is more important than helping fill the discussion boards.. so as long as a user is providing accurate reviews then to each their own
Im with mjx01 with his statement. I really don't care about lurkers on this forum compare to the other forums I go to but my guess would probably be around 500 members are lurking but who knows. Would admin have a figure on how many active members there are and non active members as well.
most of the time, by the time I read a thread, someone else has already stated the same opinion I have so instead of clogging the board with a bunch of 'yeah, I agree' or 'what he/she/they said' I just read & follow the thread. when I have replied here, I hope it is seen as a differing point of view and taken as such.
other than that, sometimes I feel like I 'lurk' here because I don't contribute to most of the threads.
@ boogieknight369. I wouldn't say that's entirely true. Most of us here are tolerant of each others opinion. Some may disagree with a point made and say why but there's not as much malice as you think. It's true that there are a minority that aren't so understanding but that's human nature I guess. The best way to deal with being flamed is a short rebuttal or totally ignore them.
I check out most of the threads but most of them aren't very interesting and the ones that are usually already have comments that reflect what I would say.
last commentYou're BACK!!!!!!!!!
I loved the way you put that about the opinionated posters.
But I probably wouldn't answer a PM from someone I don't know via a name on this board.
Curious - do you responses?
other than that, sometimes I feel like I 'lurk' here because I don't contribute to most of the threads.
@ clubber. Nice to see you are back.
Me neither. It's one happy family. It's almost like we're of one mind on everything.