avatar for big_d_2011
South Carolina

Comments by big_d_2011

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9 years ago
avatar for impala
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Reason NOT to call a backpage escort and have her come to your hotel
There are websites out there that review these girls. I would suggest doing your research. My first backpage experience I went to her. Very petite, my style etc... But not a pretty face. I did the deed but afterwards I found a website that would have given me even more info on her and I probably would have tried for someone else. In my area backpage is risky right now. The last thing you want is to have your mugshot all over town or have a bad experience with a pimp. If you've got the money, Eros, p411 etc... Is the way to go.
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9 years ago
avatar for brownguy
FIrst Extras Experience?
First time at PP Columbia. I go to the back for a lap dance and the guy beside me is getting a hand job with two girls. My dancer waits until they finish to start and she is giving me a handjob the first 30 seconds of the song. I didn't ask etc...she just went for it. I have never went further than that ITC.
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9 years ago
avatar for Damntrash
Ripped off by a stripper
It happens to all of us. The best revenge is ignoring her next time. I always try to get as much info up front about rules etc.. But I still think with the little head sometimes. Share her name and live and learn.
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9 years ago
avatar for big_d_2011
South Carolina
Columbia SC
Not really looking for extras, but mutual two way touching would be nice. In the past I've had great grinds at PP. Just wondering if anything has changed.
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10 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Judge orders Greenville Platinum Plus to temporarily close.
I recognize Micah. The mugshot does not do her justice. I always thought she was smoking. It just took me a few visits to get dances with her. Well worth it.
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10 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
PP Greenville,SC
http://www.wspa.com/story/28910437/affidavit-undercover-agents-spent-1k-2k-each-visit-to-strip-club?clienttype=generic&smartdevicecgbypass As a resident of this area, where did this money come from? $15-30 grand to investigate s strip club? Very fishy. I agree with some others that the someone stopped getting their cut and they are responding by this.
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10 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
2 drink minimum – can clubs legally enforce this shit ?
I was told about a two drink minimum at the Platinum Plus in Greenville last year. Never before or since has anyone made an issue of the fact that I may or may not drink. I am not sure if it came from the waitress trying to get a tip in an empty club or management, but when I was informed of this I got up and said I would be going to another local club. It was about 2 in the afternoon.
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11 years ago
avatar for Clackport
Oral Discussion: Escorts vs OTC P4P Strippers
I've got no problem with a CBJ and while condoms are not foolproof, it is much better than the possibility of getting something you cant get rid of... In my limited experience with escorts, I have chosen the CBJ route much as gawker noted. They see different people all the time so I would rather be safe than sorry. Best I ever had was from a provider named Ember Simmers. I will only do BBFS with my significant other.
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11 years ago
avatar for rl27
Dancers talking bad about other dancers to customers.
"I am a clean dancer. I've got two kids and I don't mess with any drugs like most of these girls." 5 minutes later she is giving a lap dance and talking to another fellow dancer about getting her "supply" and she will pay her when he comes in the club. I like the sexy details though. It's nice hearing about them being with this dancer or that dancer.
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11 years ago
avatar for LMN
otc threesome
No, but I hope to have a story very soon. Looking to set something up with a favorite at a local club.
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11 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
When a stripper calls or texts ?
I was given some info about a dancer at my favorite club who is up for extras OTC and given her number. Met her Thursday, got a dance and had introductions. Got messages last night and tonight to come visit. I'm out of town so I told her I couldn't. Tonight she responds saying she needs someone dependable and it's not going to work out. Haha. I just wished her luck in her search. Good thing I found out about this crazy one before I really spent any money.
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11 years ago
avatar for Caprisun69
Condom broke
Get tested. Not sure what can be done right now but getting tested at 3 weeks and then 3 months is where you start. A 6 month test will be conclusive for 99% of people.
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11 years ago
avatar for steve229
OT: Wrestlemania XXX
The only catch is that when you sign up, you have to make a 6 month commitment which turns into $60. I guess if you watch it enough then it is a good but they advertise it as $9.99 a month and you get Wrestlemania.
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11 years ago
avatar for big_d_2011
South Carolina
Dress Code
That could very well be true. I am sure dancers have different preferences. In the past.Dancers have thanked me for wearing under armor pants without me even bringing it up. I just thought it was odd he told me this time when it was not a problem in the past. Really not a big issue, just letting some of my fellow Tuscl members know.
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11 years ago
avatar for BigTuna1
Just a Few Drinks
Not very often. If no one catches my eye then I may have a drink and just head out. If I go, I plan on getting dances.
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11 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Nickled and Dimed
Happened to me over the Summer. I've been back twice since the incident in June. Management is not customer friendly so I took my money elsewhere.
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11 years ago
avatar for princess_skye
How much is a good lapdance worth?
$20 usually but I also tip so $25 a dance. If it is a favorite then $30.
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11 years ago
avatar for S.C.Couple
Day time strip club ??
Daytime is more relaxing, more private and more mileage IMO. Night shift tends to have more attractive girls but at certain clubs you will also find a few gems that make it worth it. Weekend day times are not good at all from my experiences but weekdays can be fun. You may run to the problem of someone sitting with a regular but I do enjoy day visits and I am in my early 30's. Doubt you find many 18--20yo dancers if that is your thing though.
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11 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Has TUSCL made you more of a hobbyist ?
No change in frequency of visits, but TUSCL has a lot of great advice. Before TUSCL I was a rookie and made some mistakes. When I found this site in late 2011 it really helped me to get the most out of my experience. The PM's with other members is a great feature and I use it to check out dancers at clubs in my area. I still club the same amount but it has made me a better hobbyist.
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11 years ago
avatar for IronFox22
Regretting Money Spent
On one of my first trips I had that feeling. I had not found TUSCL at the time and went and fell for the first dancer who came up to me. She was attractive and I ended up spending $200 on her very quickly. Thankfully when I reached my limit I left instead of getting out more money. On the drive back I did feel guilty about spending that much that quick. The next day I went to a different club and spent less money but had a much better time. The only other time I regretted spending the money is when I went on a day my favorite was not working and spent money on another girl who ended up being a ROB. It wasn't that I spent the money, it was that I should have waited until the next day when my favorite was working. I only carry a certain amount and I know what I can afford to spend. I don't feel guilty 99% of the time because I am using the money I have to make me feel good. For some it is a watch, clothes, shoes etc... For some it is T&A at the club.
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11 years ago
avatar for S.C.Couple
I do agree with you on that jack. If they ask for a tip, they do not get it. The worst dance I ever had was at Platinum in Columbia and after an air dance she asked me for a tip. I shook my head and laughed and gave her the agreed upon amount. Only one dancer in my 4 years of clubbing has asked for a tip.
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11 years ago
avatar for S.C.Couple
Most of the dancers I have met do not expect a tip but I tip almost every time unless I feel it is a very mechanical dance or I feel she is trying to cheat me. I usually tip about $10 if I enjoyed the dance. I tip more if I really like the dancer and want to get her attention. I have a couple of dancers that I tend to spend my time with and I always tip them about $20 after the dances. I always tip them on stage as well, even if it is just a few dollars. I am in my early 30's and a lot of dancers would pass me by at first because I look even younger. It was frustrating for me starting out because I would always get passed over. I am not a bad looking guy at all, but these girls are there to make money and will flock to those who they feel have it. I am not the whale that some others in the club are but I do spend a car payment when I come in and $10 or $20 is not going to break me. I am not a sucker and know they are after my money, just like I am after a good time, but the dancers who are my regulars do appreciate the tip. I am sure others have a difference of opinion, but this has worked well for me.
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11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
Favorite Sports Gal
I agree Motörhead. Rachel Nichols gives off that flirty and dirty vibe. Not the most attractive but just seems like a freak! As far as looks, I like Jenn Brown.
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11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
College Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders are Amazing but I have found dance team girls to be even hotter! Whether it is tight spandex pants or skirts, they seem to do a few more moves than the cheerleaders.