Condom broke

avatar for Caprisun69
Serious guys it broke and CIP!! What are the next steps I should take?


last comment
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Juice's 18th kid on the way? :-) Think you should know the drill by now.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Use your own condom, not the cheap one in the skank's purse
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
Never use a used condom. If you do don't forget to turn it inside out so it will be clean and ready to go again ;)
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Ask farmerart for a job and flee to the north woods where they don't have phones
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
There's always The Nightswatch.
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
Please help guys I am nervous. The drugs and alcohol are wearing off. I find her too bee hot though. What should I do?
avatar for carl95
11 years ago
Are you worried about babies or bugs?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
You have to learn how to say "congratulations" not "are you gong to keep it"
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Since you're father seemed to be absent in your life, I shall be your guiding light.

1. Stop worrying. What's done is done.

2. Wrap up your a Whopper the next time before he leaves the drive thru.

3. Kids are great.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
If a father is created, and assuming she was a dancer and not, say your wife, then a visit to Jerry Springer and a DNA test might be the next step.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
Get a lawyer
avatar for ime
11 years ago
@slick The North Remembers
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
I am more worried about stds I think we would make a beautiful kid together
avatar for JacksonEsskay
11 years ago
Get tested immediately and also again regularly for at least 1 year. Certain diseases can take time to detect (especially HIV). Do not have unprotected sex until you are certain you are disease free. Use two condoms when having sex to lessen the chance of transmission to your partner.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@IME-I agree. That's why The North doesn't mess with Essos. The Dothrakai would eat the White Walkers for linchar.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
The Dothrakai Laugh!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
The Dothrakai Laugh!
avatar for SketchinGuy
11 years ago
Caprisun69 - If it isn't already obvious, you need to GO GET CHECKED OUT. There has to be a clinic somewhere in your area. Also I'd pay for those morning-after pills for her if I were you, unless you want to pay child support for the next 18 years or so....
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Hire Alucard as a nanny.
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
@Sippy_Cup I don't poke holes in condom's. I never have & never will. That post about poking holes in condom's was just for fun
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Don't worry about it. If your dick hasn't fallen of by now, you're ok. Trust me. I'm a doctor.
avatar for big_d_2011
11 years ago
Get tested. Not sure what can be done right now but getting tested at 3 weeks and then 3 months is where you start. A 6 month test will be conclusive for 99% of people.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Mo' a doctor you're ALSO supposed to ask if his dick has turned purple or bright green. Either of those is ALMOST as bad as having it fall off.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
Can I just go too the health dept for free and get them too check me out? Can I use an alias when I check in like juicebox69?
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Get ready for paternity payments! The upside is that dieting on your net income will be easy.
avatar for jabthehut
11 years ago
Stop using a rubber when you jack off.
avatar for elemental23
11 years ago
Was she on her cycle? Is it likely she's infected ie uses drugs, especially ones done by injection? If both those answers are no, chances are very slim for HIV. But go to docs and get the panel done and repeat two more times over the next year or so to be safe.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Get snipped for next time. This time just get the standard STD test and don't worry about it. I would have asked her right away if she's on any other birth control; most pros don't rely just on condoms for that. Condoms are for disease prevention more than pregnancy protection for them.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
If you did not give her any personal info then catching something is you biggest worry.
Tip her extra and bail.
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