Maybe it's just be but the last year or two I have heard a lot more dancers talking bad about other dancers in the club, several of which are my favorites. A few years ago I rarely heard it, and when I did it was usually quite obvious the complaints I heard from the dancer were valid, often because I had problems with the same dancer she complained about myself.
However now it just seems to be more prevalent, and mostly from the recent dancers that have shown up. I am not talking about stuff like, "she gets off on her looks," or "she steels other dancers customers." I am talking about comments like:
"She's fucking the manager." "She's rats on other dancers to the manager." "She's dating the bouncer." "She got herpes from the bouncer, or DJ." "She can't go on stage unless she takes drugs." "She steals from other dancers." "She got kicked out of two clubs for robbing customers."
I have heard the herpes one several time in different clubs, sounds like a very common complaint recently. Almost to the point that it sounds like someone mentioned this to a few dancers and they spread it.
Until recently it's mostly happened when I am out of town, but the last few visits to my local clubs I have noticed a lot more cattiness among the dancers.
Until recently I rarely heard a dancer talk bad about a dancer,
Through the years I've heard lots and lots of stories about other dancers and they're usually BS growing out of jealousy or envy. Last weekend I saw just the opposite: I stopped in to see my ATF and after being there a half hour and not seeing her I asked another dancer who I've known for a long time. She said my ATF just wasn't herself that afternoon. Five minutes later the DJ called her out on stage and she didn't come out. Half way through the first song the other dancer came out and danced her set of 3 dances. The manager stormed off to the dressing room where several other girls told him my ATF was in the ladies room where her period just started with a real heavy flow. This mollified him and after the third dance #2 came out of the dressing room, told me my ATF was high as a kite, had had a fight with her BF, and wanted me to drive around to the side door and pick her up. Two girls half carried her to my car and totally covered for her with the manager. She was so obnoxiously stoned on crack which she'd been shooting, that I called her BF and offered him $20 to come get her. We met at a local mall and I kicked her out of my car and said good night. What amazed me was the way the others covered for her and helped her get her clothes on and out of the club without management knowing what was going on.
I've heard this type of thing for years and years, but then again, I encourage it. I love stripper gossip and cattiness, and always happy to lend a sympathetic ear to a stripper who wants to complain, "you see that bitch over there? Well..."
For as long as I've been clubbing dancers have been talking shit about each other. It may seem worse nowadays due to cut-throat tactics from some girls to diss others so that they won't make money. But it also depends on the clubs themselves. Usually the more upscale clubs really crack down on ghetto behavior. Some of the real down & dirty, nasty clubs that I occasionally frequent are the ones where bitter & angry dancers not making any money will badmouth their rivals as often as they can.
SlickSpic - ours is a strange relationship. My ATF and her BF have been together for 12 years. She's been stripping for 7 years and they both have had addiction problems for more than 10 years. When I met her (5 years ago) he was in state prison. When he first got out he was broke, unemployed and desperate for cash. She told him I was a customer at the club and that she trusted me. I paid him $100 to let me watch them fuck. I went to her apartment and cooked them a gourmet meal, we drank a couple of six packs, went to my hotel and I had a private porn show. He learned that we'd been meeting in hotels and he called and threatened me. He's a 28 year old roofer with muscles on his muscles and he's not stupid by any means. She tells him that when we meet in hotels it's just for a private "Champagne Room". He's no fool and must know what's going on, but when she got arrested on drug charges, he called me for her bail. My impression: he tolerates me because he knows that since I'm 40 years older I'm no threat and he benefits from the money she earns. Two nights ago I met her at a hotel after she finished an afternoon shift. After 40 minutes, she said," my BF wasn't happy about dropping me off here." She's lost her license so he drives her to work. The time he threatened me I simply reminded him that assaulting an elderly person is a felony. He's been to prison twice ( drugs, assault, stealing catalytic converters from trucks), is on probation and couldn't afford a felony. It's awkward at times and he's not a bad guy. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about fucking his GF, but it usually passes as soon as her undies come off. (And she's been going commando a lot lately).
They've been doing that forever. They will continue to do it forever. And yet, it don't work, if their goal is to get me to buy dances from them. Usually, the ones they talk bad about are the ones I get them from.
"I am a clean dancer. I've got two kids and I don't mess with any drugs like most of these girls." 5 minutes later she is giving a lap dance and talking to another fellow dancer about getting her "supply" and she will pay her when he comes in the club.
I like the sexy details though. It's nice hearing about them being with this dancer or that dancer.
Its even worse when they are totally disrespectfully putting you down but "pretending" to be your friend. Just yesterday I gave a lapdance to a guy only to have all the girls in the club laughing at me for doing it. "I can't believe YOU gave him a dance ... he's such a pervert!" One girl especially chastised me and other girls added "he is so nasty and always slaps my ass!" They didnt come out and blatantly call me a slut or whore but in a polite tease instead put me down for doing what strippers are supposed to do: make money selling lapdances.
Trixxi, that kind of evil bullying goes on in clubs across the country. Hell, it goes on in almost every kind of workplace. The details differ, and some places are better than others about suppressing it, but it IS always there! I think some SC managers intentionally let the stripper on stripper trash talk and bullying happen - as a way to limit the other obvious over the line behaviors without having to actually work.
Women condemn the sexuality of other women. Men attack the machismo of other men. Both attempt to take advantage of opportunities this battle creates, especially on the "other" side of the gender gap. It all has something to do with hormones and can be especially bad in the sexually charged environment of a strip club. Cat fights happen and Shadow often reports on the 2AMers around clubs.
Some clubs ARE better about controlling this than others. A few dancers have mentioned that they left clubs because the bitchy attacks were just too bothersome. And while I often experience dancers pointing out the "failings" of other dancers, I seldom pay much attention - unless they are pointing out a hot dancer as a "slut." Then I AM paying attention and looking for ways to get the "slut's" attention!
At one club this kind of talk has always gone on every since I started going there years ago.
Sometimes it was stripper-stripper conflict, sometimes stripper-DJ conflict, sometimes stripper-manager-on-duty conflict. In any case when it was really bad you could feel the tension, like before a severe thunderstorm broke. I learned that was the cue to leave and go elsewhere.
At second club it was rare. Stable dancer group; new dancers always a minority. When the state law became more restrictive many vets quit.
Now the club has a majority of newbies who've been there less than six months. Veterans [worked there at least one year!] are a minority; many work very irregularly.
As a result there are now lots of cliques and ensuing trash talk: accusations about drug use, OTC P4P or P4drugs during scheduled work hours, and stripper-stripper dressing room drama.
Much of it due to increased competition over fewer patron $$.
Not a serious problem unless it spills out onto the floor.
Yes, there has been a lot of trash talk over the years about strippers, but until about two or three years ago, it's basically minor stuff, basically talking about how the other dancer isn't that good of a dancer, or she does extras, that kind of stuff. In fact I don't mind when they point out the sluts. That's how I met several of my favorites over the years.
However I have noticed a lot more Cattiness among the dancers. For instance a few weeks ago one of the newer dancers, who I have been getting dances from recently got a bit ticked while I waited until after one of my favorites who just stepped on stage to approach me so I could give her a tip and ask for her to stop by after my dance was over with the one I was sitting with.
While I waited in the back for the next song to start, the first dancer gave quite a bit of negative remarks about my favorite, and why I shouldn't get dances from her. If it wasn't for the fact this dancer was both extremely hot and gave pretty incredible lap dances, I would doubt I would ever get another dance from her.
Maybe it's just that the sheer amount of venom I have been hearing from the dancers, hasn't happened that often in Columbus, Ohio, which is why I have been noticing it a lot more.
I'm OK with the trash talk up to a point. But it's a bit much when I buy a dancer a drink and all she does for 20 minutes is bitch about other dancers or the club.
A variation on the theme is trash-talking other clubs. It seems a lot of dancers consider any club they're not working at to be trashy.
last commentShe was so obnoxiously stoned on crack which she'd been shooting, that I called her BF and offered him $20 to come get her. We met at a local mall and I kicked her out of my car and said good night.
What amazed me was the way the others covered for her and helped her get her clothes on and out of the club without management knowing what was going on.
The time he threatened me I simply reminded him that assaulting an elderly person is a felony. He's been to prison twice ( drugs, assault, stealing catalytic converters from trucks), is on probation and couldn't afford a felony.
It's awkward at times and he's not a bad guy. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about fucking his GF, but it usually passes as soon as her undies come off. (And she's been going commando a lot lately).
I like the sexy details though. It's nice hearing about them being with this dancer or that dancer.
Women condemn the sexuality of other women. Men attack the machismo of other men. Both attempt to take advantage of opportunities this battle creates, especially on the "other" side of the gender gap. It all has something to do with hormones and can be especially bad in the sexually charged environment of a strip club. Cat fights happen and Shadow often reports on the 2AMers around clubs.
Some clubs ARE better about controlling this than others. A few dancers have mentioned that they left clubs because the bitchy attacks were just too bothersome. And while I often experience dancers pointing out the "failings" of other dancers, I seldom pay much attention - unless they are pointing out a hot dancer as a "slut." Then I AM paying attention and looking for ways to get the "slut's" attention!
The Strong live off of the Weak. But the Clever, they exploit the Strong.
I think that's how it goes.
At one club this kind of talk has always gone on every since I started going there years ago.
Sometimes it was stripper-stripper conflict, sometimes stripper-DJ conflict, sometimes stripper-manager-on-duty conflict. In any case when it was really bad you could feel the tension, like before a severe thunderstorm broke. I learned that was the cue to leave and go elsewhere.
At second club it was rare. Stable dancer group; new dancers always a minority. When the state law became more restrictive many vets quit.
Now the club has a majority of newbies who've been there less than six months. Veterans [worked there at least one year!] are a minority; many work very irregularly.
As a result there are now lots of cliques and ensuing trash talk: accusations about drug use, OTC P4P or P4drugs during scheduled work hours, and stripper-stripper dressing room drama.
Much of it due to increased competition over fewer patron $$.
Not a serious problem unless it spills out onto the floor.
However I have noticed a lot more Cattiness among the dancers. For instance a few weeks ago one of the newer dancers, who I have been getting dances from recently got a bit ticked while I waited until after one of my favorites who just stepped on stage to approach me so I could give her a tip and ask for her to stop by after my dance was over with the one I was sitting with.
While I waited in the back for the next song to start, the first dancer gave quite a bit of negative remarks about my favorite, and why I shouldn't get dances from her. If it wasn't for the fact this dancer was both extremely hot and gave pretty incredible lap dances, I would doubt I would ever get another dance from her.
Maybe it's just that the sheer amount of venom I have been hearing from the dancers, hasn't happened that often in Columbus, Ohio, which is why I have been noticing it a lot more.
A variation on the theme is trash-talking other clubs. It seems a lot of dancers consider any club they're not working at to be trashy.