2 drink minimum – can clubs legally enforce this shit ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Legally speaking; can a club force a patron to buy a drink – or any business force a customer to buy any product – or deny them entry to their establishment if they don’t do so?
Could cost more than the 2-drink minimum. Just like the dancers wanting to be paid minimum wage -- be careful what you wish for.
Before you time Papi, Follies used to have big sign out front saying "2 drink minimum"; but that was to keep the riff raff out.
BTW, the 2 drink min would be hard to enforce. If you only are gonna have one drink you can just carry the empty beer bottle around with you. Wrap a napkin around the bottom and even if it is clear you can't tell if it is empty. If you're really desparate you can probably find an empty in a trash can.
Problem solving that's what I do! lol
It might be interesting if they attempted to require you to consume a particular product like alcohol. I've never heard of a place requiring alcohol purchase, much less consumption of whatever you purchase though. I can't see it being worth arguing in any case, if they lost its quite simple to charge a larger cover and include drink vouchers to essentially accommodate the same thing. I've been to clubs that do that.
I've never seen it enforced, was there someplace in S FL that pushed it?
“…Arrived around noon and 3 girls were working. Very dark and was waiting for night vision to kick in. Approached immediately for a drink and declined stating I was waiting for a friend. Really I was waiting for my eyes to adjust from the blinding sun to the unusual even for a strip club low lights inside. Not 2 minutes went by and I was again asked to buy a drink. I could see that 2 of the girls were 2's at best and the 3rd girl was chatting up a customer in the back, she may hav been better looking but I couldn't tell. I declined the drink stating I'd order in a few minutes. Immediately the manager approached and told me to buy a drink or leave with considerable attitude. I told him I'd gladly leave due to his rudeness and lack of female talent. Headed down the road to the Porthole. I might've stayed and bought a drink had I been given a few minutes...seriously WTF …”
In general, private establishments can do what they like.
The other thing I hear about or see in reviews is when the waitress insists you buy both drinks at the same time. Fuck that. One drink at a time is enough.
Clubs that pull this shit never see me again.
Many years ago the wife and I had dinner at a nice restaurant in Griffin GA and on the menu was a note that there was a maximum of 2 alcoholic drinks allowed.
The club was pretty empty and I was drinking most of the time. If you tick off a regular customer, it could cause a loss in income or business. She didn't work there longer than a month or two. I was wondering if she ticked off others as well.
Big D, I've been to PP Greenville many times in the afternoon and always only buy one drink. Never been an issue. I think you just encountered somebody having a shitty day, although that's no excuse.
All I will say about it is to add one of my favorite quotes -"better to keep quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it"
It’s not about the cost – everyone should have the right to spend their money the way *they* want-to/see-fit and not how others want you to.
I see strip clubs similar to shopping – a PL goes to a strip club to spend $$$ on what he wants and on whom he wants – not on subsidizing every single dancer just b/c she is there (i.e. having to tip *every* dancer); not on subsidizing the bouncers; floor hosts; etc; not on having to pay a forced valet charge; have to tip a bathroom attendant that often times just sits there and just hands you a piece of paper to dry your hands; etc.
I’m not a drinker so why pay for something I don’t want – and sure – I can drink water but I was at 2 clubs this past Friday where they were charging $10 for a freaking bottle of water – wtf – I know clubs need to make $$$ but it feelss like borderline extortion many a time.
And of course – “obviously* one can choose not to go – no need to state the obvious.
I would be put off by any club that made you buy two drinks up front. I'd be okay if you bought vouchers as part of admission to redeem as you saw fit. Juggling two drink glasses just seems like unnecessary annoyance to me at a place I want to go to relax.
I don't drink, so best of luck to any person or place who wants me to buy alcohol. I don't make the requisite 350K, but I spend enough in clubs if the talent's alright. I bet if you ask an owner whether they'd rather have the amount I spend or the cash from two drinks, their bottles would stay unopened.
If they tack on to the cover, that's fine: I'm used to high cover charges at 'regular' clubs anyway. As others have said above, it's the idea of forcing me to pay for something I have no interest in. Shoot, "make" me buy a lap dance...or give customers the option: say, $30 to get in and you have your choice of two drinks or a lap included.
Last time I saw two drink min, it was at a largely black place, and I questioned the door man about it and he pretty much said they don't try to enforce it.
I don't drink any alcohol myself, and I would never run a biz which serves alcohol to people likely to be driving a motor vehicle myself.
My experience too. Depending on how's business that night they may forget about the second drink, or even the first drink. Or may not care how long you nurse your first drink as long as you are tipping generously and getting dances. Others however do make you purchase one or two drink tickets as you pay the cover.
As has been said, all fair game under the law as long as nobody's forced to ingest alcohol.