
Regretting Money Spent

Just in general, have you guys ever regretted going out for the night and spending money at a club? I'm not rich, and even if I've had a good time with a friendly girl, I usually think, "Damn, I could have spent that money on a really nice dinner / some new books / clothes / guitar, etc.

If I've truly had a big night out and spent $300 or so, I'll think, "Man, I could have used that cash as a good start toward a mini-vacation somewhere cool.



  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    If you entertain such thoughts you must quit this hobby immediately and find somewhere else to spend your discretionary dollars with no regrets.

    For me, I have regretted nary a nickel that I have spent on this hobby.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Have I sometimes regretted $ I've spent at the club? Of course. But not very often. I just spend what I can afford and leave after that.

    There have been times when I thought "damn, for what I paid for those 3 lap dances, I could have gotten a new Vikings jersey instead."
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    One amendment to my statement of no regrets. Valet parking fees drive me crazy. Those fees represent a few nickels that I wish I hadn't spent.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Art- I love your post and usually agree with you, but this thread happens to be the exception.

    First of all, you're speaking from the perspective of someone with a lot more $$$ to spend than most.

    Secondly, everyone has had at least one lame, terrible lap dance. So I don't really see how one couldn't regret spending the $$$ after one of those terrible lappers
  • big_d_2011
    11 years ago
    On one of my first trips I had that feeling. I had not found TUSCL at the time and went and fell for the first dancer who came up to me. She was attractive and I ended up spending $200 on her very quickly. Thankfully when I reached my limit I left instead of getting out more money. On the drive back I did feel guilty about spending that much that quick. The next day I went to a different club and spent less money but had a much better time. The only other time I regretted spending the money is when I went on a day my favorite was not working and spent money on another girl who ended up being a ROB. It wasn't that I spent the money, it was that I should have waited until the next day when my favorite was working.

    I only carry a certain amount and I know what I can afford to spend. I don't feel guilty 99% of the time because I am using the money I have to make me feel good. For some it is a watch, clothes, shoes etc... For some it is T&A at the club.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    GoVikings...I see where your coming from, but I think Art has a point. Strip clubbing is a bit of a dice throw. My attitude is that I don't want to let little shit intrude on the fun and I'd rather take a loss than dwell on it an poison the rest of the night. If you're too focused on "oh shit, she hoovered X number of $ out of my wallet" it takes away the fun.

    Obviously, that depends upon how much money you have for the hobby. But I think you should be very circumspect about the hobby if you're limited enough on funds that you can't laugh off a loss of a few hundred at least.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I don't regret money spent. I regret lost opportunities that I should've taken advantage of.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    I've regretted spending money on some poor dances, but that's to be expected once in a while.

  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I have, but only when I let my hormones get the better of me and I blow more money than I'd like leaving me to really bust my ass to pay the month's rent. And then when you know you're saving for something else, like a new watch, instrument or needed wardrobe, then you will feel silly, because you put your necessities aside for luxury. Honestly bro it's all about willpower.

    For me these past few months have put my willpower on overdrive and though initially, when I denied myself the strip club, I was sad, in the long run I was very glad when i was able to get the stuff I want again. Here's an idea for ya. For every paycheck, take out $10-20 every week. You can do a little extra on those holiday pays or overtime pays if you really want to, but take out a small amount around that area every week (depending on your pay). Now it may take about 10-20 weeks, but by then you just saved up a decent chunk of change for a cute little outing at the strip club and you won't have to feel so bad because this is money you intentionally saved for the strip club. You can use the rest of that large chunk of change you been saving otherwise for all your other necessities and you'll be able to afford them because you are putting money away for every little thing.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Londonguy-I regret the days that I took off to watch Argentina play in the World Cup only to see Germany beat them. Again. What happened?
  • luvthepus
    11 years ago
    I just figure tomorrow I will go to work and make more money. Never look back at your past always look forward to your future.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I just figure tomorrow may never come. So no regrets.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I only regret it when I think about how inefficient the "stripping industry" is. It a stripper averaged 20 half-hours in VIP a week, that's 1000 per year. So the price of a half-hour could be $150, and the stripper would gross $150,000 a year.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I regret those strip club visits where I spend more than I want and don't get the enjoyment I anticipated. This does not happen often, because I usually go to my regular clubs and see dancers who always show me a good time

    Friday I texted my CF, met her in the club, drank a lot, and went upstairs for fun. Total cost about $500. I don't regret a dollar of it.

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Shit, I review the past quite often. See where I went wrong so I can learn and get better. Here's an example.

    This one cat in Jiu Jitsu kept getting me in a triangle. I reviewed my movements and timing, adjusted, and now I don't get put in a triangle, as easily.

    By going over the past, my future improved.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Being the PL that I am; I’ve come to accept that nothing gives me more bang for my buck (in terms of entertainment) than SCing
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    My natural tendency is to be a saver – in the past I would regret spending a lot of $$$ in the SC b/c I thought I should put it away/save-it for a rainy day.

    I don’t regret my SC spending too much anymore b/c I’ve come to accept SCing is part of my life & fighting the desire to indulge has proven to be futile

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @PapiChulo-Very Zen of you.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    Like many, I have experienced buyers remorse from time to time. I don't dwell on it too much. When I do get introspective, I tend to think more in terms of "I could have spent time/$$ on dancer B or Club XX instead of the one that I spent time/$$ on.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    I don't regret spending $$ on clubbing; just as I don't regret spending money on my friends or money on books or music.

    The urge to go clubbing is specific; browsing Barnes & Noble or chatting with friends won't scratch that particular itch.

    Have I regretted $$ spent on particular strip club visits? Yes, but I've learned over the years to have a 'Plan B', another club to go to. And so, I rather quickly size up the dancer situation at a particular club, and if it looks unfavorable, I move on to another club.

    I don't worry that things might have improved if I had stayed and I don't regret paying cover at new club. I have certain goals for each visit and if the first club doesn't meet my expectations I move on.

    Looking at my bank balance, if I start to cringe over how much I recently spent on clubbing, I quickly remember all the pleasurable experiences I had while spending that money. No contest.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    If I feel like I'm not getting good value for my money, I might wish I hadn't spent it. There is an opportunity cost for just about everything. That is there are alternatives to what you could be doing with your time and money. If you'd rather do something else or would rather buy something else, then do it. I like getting immediate satisfaction seeing titties in the strip club and girls sitting on my lap trying to get dances.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Even though I know I've spent money on clubbing and OTC activities that I shouldn't have spent, I don't really regret it. I've never spent the mortgage money, but I have spent my kid's inheritance. So be it. I've had a fucking ball doing so and have memories up the ying-yang. I may even write a book about life with my ATF.
    Sometimes money is how we keep score. Winners have the money; losers have squat. Money can open doors or bite us in the ass. Money can be an end in itself or a means to an end. That's what I started to realize several years ago. If money was to be a means to an end, I wanted it to be a soft, pink, round end. Worth every penny.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    @ slick. The krauts beat most teams in the world cup, they rarely get knocked out before the semis.
  • BigCodyCooper
    11 years ago
    Occasionally a regret spent money. Usually when I try out a new dancer and she gives me a lame dance. But that's going to happen. You just have to shake it off and resolve not to get another dance with her. I am never disappointed with money I spend on my usuals. Occasionally I've probably spent too much on them, but at least a had a lot of fun doing it so I can't really say I regret it.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    The only regret I have is when I don't receive expected value for my money.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^ This. Perfectly said.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    If you regret for the sake of being broke, then you are not financially ready for the strip club. Make sure you got your higher wants first.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    My regrets are only with the ROB's, oh and air dances. When I think of those two, it makes me want to run a babe thru a check list before I let her sit down!
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