When a stripper calls or texts ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Piggybacking on tlk's “stripper in need†thread.
I will say that it's usually a shakedown for $$$ and this is what I would post – yet the few times I've gotten texted/called by a stripper; I almost always get excited for some PL reason.
How about you? Are you innocuous to their ploys or do you start panting like a good PL?
If it's my ATF, well, then I'll carry on like a school boy on his first "sure thing" date and fall all over myself answering it.
Two years ago, I had a fave who liked some of the same TV shows as me. I thought that might have just been her hustle to build something in common with me, but some nights, when we had two shows on TV back-to-back, we'd literally text back and forth for two hours straight commenting and making snarky remarks about the goings-on. Two or three nights a week, we'd be texting an hour or more about our shows. That was kinda fun
Most of the emails were me asking if she was working and her confirming. I didn't clog her inbox with non-scheduling randomness and she didn't clog mine with blatant "come see me ****day!" one-liner emails.
That being said, every month or so she'd send me an email saying hi, referencing something we'd talked about, and telling me about what was going on in her life. Maybe she'd include a link to something interesting/funny she read on the internet and thought I'd like.
I viewed it as customer service, marketing, keeping herself top of mind, maintaining the business relationship, etc. Still, I couldn't help feeling an uplift upon seeing an email from her in my inbox.
We're human and I think we fundamentally want to be liked, feel needed, and be thought of.
^^ you were probably texting back and forth with her much younger brother. "
Or her out-of-work boyfriend (I just assume she had one) ... now that I think about it, who else would have so much time to sit around texting about American Horror Story and Its Always Sunny in PHiladelphia?
I get excited.
Zero in on where she is.
Drive to that location.
Pick her up.
Take her out for a date.
I'm still on the high tho still enjoying her company.
That said my Clubbing time went from 100 to zero.