
Nickled and Dimed

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, February 21, 2014 5:16 PM
I just got home from my favorite strip club, where I spend a lot of money 2 or 3 times a week. I arrived at the club later than usual, a little before 4pm, and stayed till after 7pm, which is after the 6pm shift change. I know the afternoon waitress Lana, and when she asked me to buy her a drink I was glad to do so. She requested I pay my bill at 6pm, when she was leaving, and told me she would bring me a free cup of black coffee for my drive home. She left before I got my coffee, and I asked the new waitress to bring me the coffee as well as a drink for a blonde dancer I was sitting with. When I got my second bill, it included the dancer's drink and also an $8.75 charge for the coffee. I said the coffee was supposed to be free. The new waitress went back to the bar, and returned to tell me nothing could be done. I had to pay for the coffee. I asked to see the manager. The manager came over and I told him that I spend a lot of money in the club and I did not expect to be charged for things that were supposed to be free. The manager said that the owner wanted all drinks to be billed but that he would remove the charge because he knew me. I did not have to pay, but I am still pissed off. I don't like to be nickled and dimed. This experience makes me want to go to the club less often and spend less money. Why do strip clubs treat their best customers so shabbily?


  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    Sounds like the Managers could use some customer service tips: [view link]
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Jackass,try living with one.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    A variation of this happened to me this week. I visited a local club on Tuesday night had a pretty good time and as always asked for a glass of water when I ordered a Bourbon. No problem and the waitress was very accommodating. The next day at 1:30 I end up back in the same club and in the same seat against the wall. I ordered the very same thing as the night before and the waitress says the manager has told her the club will no longer serve anyone a glass of water! I can buy a bottle if I want water but cannot have a glass of water! My argument that I sat in the same seat last night and had no trouble being served a glass of water along with my drink, fell on deaf ears. When she returned she had my drink and what looked like a glass of water. Well that turned out to be a mixed drink for someone else. When she came back by I flagged her down and tried once again to get a glass of water. When she said she feared for her job I requested she tell the manager this: "I am a regular customer here and walked in today planning on spending more than a few hours and up to $600 so I would like a glass of water. Otherwise, I will be leaving soon." You can guess how it ended, I was in my way as soon as I finished my drink. Dumb ass strip club managers are just fucking clueless.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Stupidity, business ignorance and misplaced arrogance are a way of life for many strip club managers.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    It' amazing how these strip clubs who are basically sitting on a gold mine go out of there way to make less money.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Total agreement with Sclvr & IME.
  • big_d_2011
    10 years ago
    Happened to me over the Summer. I've been back twice since the incident in June. Management is not customer friendly so I took my money elsewhere.
  • rh48hr
    10 years ago
    And these managers don't think they are losing money. Sometimes giving a glass of water free nets you hundreds in other income. Casinos do it right. They comp their best customers most everything because they know they will make it back in the money that person will spend at the tables.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Sclvr for the win! I still hold fast to the belief that if it weren't for nepotism, most strip club managers & GM's would be serving fries at MickeyD's.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    They charge $8.75 for a god damn coffee? That's more than Starbucks! I shudder to think what the price of the lap dances are at this club.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Spoils my mood to have to get into hassles. I'd save all my money for dances, get my drink and my coffee at home afterwards.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I was in a club one time and the guy next to me ordered a BLT. The waitress brought back the sandwich but there were no tomatoes on it. They were out of tomatoes. The guy being a man of principle asked if they would take $1 off the bill since they were out of tomatoes and a BLT without the T ain't a BLT. She refused the manager refused so they took the sandwich back and got nothing and the guy walked out mad. What did this guy miss out on in manager 101 ? Dumb Fuck ! Take the cash !
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    While my guitar gently weeps.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    It's like a club charging almost $4 for a tiny glass of coke which is mostly ice. a total rip off.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    Some clubs are true shit! I dislike the ones with a two drink minimum. I usually sip water and get dances.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "club will no longer serve anyone a glass of water! I can buy a bottle if I want water but cannot have a glass of water!" This was the case at my old fav club, some kind of health rule supposedly. The bartender could give dancers glasses of water, but customers had to buy bottled water. After I got to be a regular there tho my fav bartender would bring me a free glass of water. One day after she brought me a glass of water a guy at the bar asked for one too. She brought him a bottled water & charged him $4. The guy gave me a "wtf" look. I just shrugged, lol
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    The short answer is: "because they can"
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!
  • 623
    10 years ago
    It's not just a disease found in SC managers but in way to many businesses. Fight back w your wallet and your feet.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    $20 tip required to enter VIP. $20 tip required to sit in a booth. Detroit clubs imposed these charges a few years ago. Now it's standard. The owners and managers have agreements that, in another world, would amount to price fixing.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    It's too bad SC management tends to look at customers as the enemy. At the club I currently go to, whether it's the manager or the bouncer at the front door, they haven't charged me the cover fee in ages, and every now and then the manager sends a round to my table. It costs them almost nothing and buys a lot of loyalty from me. Just basic good management practices to keep good customers returning, but fairly unique by SC management standards.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    Subraman, what would that bar be?
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    "Why do strip clubs treat their best customers so shabbily?" Just plain old simple STUPIDITY.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    h4d: hustler club in SF
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    It's a bizarro world at strip clubs. Management seems to do exactly the opposite of what good business practices dictate in most places. Just because they can and we keep coming seems to be the correct answer.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @steve229: "This was the case at my old fav club, some kind of health rule supposedly." That actually makes some sense. Have you ever *seen* how strip clubs "wash" their glasses? I guess that works OK when serving alcohol, 'cause it kills the germs, but water? I order bottled water all the time anyway.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Moto-Great line from great movie.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Pretty much a toxic combination of shortsighted-greed; and stupidity. Where in most business; proprietors try to offer the most goods or service for the client’s money; in bizarro SC world it’s the opposite with SCs opting for offering the least amount of goods and services for a client’s money. But it is what it is – I would imagine that in SCs a H.S. diploma is considered an advanced degree.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “…That actually makes some sense. Have you ever *seen* how strip clubs "wash" their glasses? I guess that works OK when serving alcohol, 'cause it kills the germs, but water? I order bottled water all the time anyway …” I think that would be the case in most establishments even if they are not SCs – that is why I always ask for a straw when ordering water which is usually what I drink when I eat out.
  • knightwish
    10 years ago
    @rh48hr Casino pit bosses have years of experience as dealers and have support staff to show them the ropes. They are paid quite well. Casino managers you are looking at a often 2 decades and a very well trained employee. Strip club managers make little money and often are promoted from bouncer with almost no support. You get what you pay for when it comes to staff.
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